Top 12 Apps Similar to Virgen de la Medalla Milagrosa

Devocionário de Nossa Senhora 1.1
Renan Willamy
Pray the Our Lady Oficio with audio, pray and share novenasandprayers
Hi Mary 聖母媽媽 妳好 1.0.3
此 Apps由天主教香港教區製作及設計,以聖母為主題,包括HiMary、玫瑰經、聖母敬禮禱文、心頌恩四部份。透過玫瑰經、文章分享、祈禱、純音樂及歌曲,讓我們向天上的慈母表達敬意,效法她的德行。Apps by theCatholicDiocese of Hong Kong for this production and design, to OurLady oftopics, including Hi Mary, Rosary, Our Lady salute Prayer,Graceheart four parts. Through the Rosary, article sharing, prayer,puremusic and songs, let us pay tribute to the mother ofheaven,imitate her virtues.
Faces de Maria 2.0
O aplicativo “Faces de Maria” traz para você:- A história;- Os milagres;- As orações das mais famosas aparições de Nossa Senhora, a mãedeCristo;Ele proporcionará momentos de meditação e conforto.São 9 representações:- Nossa Senhora Aparecida;- Nossa Senhora Desatadora dos Nós;- Nossa Senhora dos Aflitos;- Nossa Senhora da Conceição;- Nossa Senhora das Graças;- Nossa Senhora de Fátima;- Nossa Senhora das Dores;- Nossa Senhora da Saúde;- Sagrado Coração de Maria;Através dos belíssimos textos, você entenderá como suas oraçõesemilagres transformaram a vida de muitos devotos. Poderátambémrealizar as novenas das Santas, as quais você pode programare oaplicativo te lembrará todos os dias o horário para rezar.The "Faces ofMary"application brings you:- History;- Miracles;- Prayers of the most famous apparitions of Our Lady, the motherofChrist;It will provide moments of meditation and comfort.9 are representations:- Our Lady Aparecida;- Our Lady of Knots Desatadora;- Our Lady of the Afflicted;- Our Lady of Conception;- Our Lady of Grace;- Our Lady of Fatima;- Our Lady of Sorrows;- Our Lady of Health;- Sacred Heart of Mary;Through the magnificent texts, you will understand howyourprayers and miracles transformed the lives of many devotees.Youcan also perform the novenas of Santas, which you can programandthe application will remind you everyday the time to pray.
Virgen Milagrosa 1.1
La Oración a la Virgen Milagrosa disponibleconAudio para poder llevarla en cualquier momento que la necesitessinnecesidad de tener una conexión a InternetPrayer to theVirginMilagrosa Audio available to take at any time you need itwithouthaving an Internet connection
Novenas Orações Católicas 2.2
Have your novenas on your phone so you can pray them at any time.
Virgin Mary Wallpaper 2.5
bluewater dev
Virgin Mary Wallpaper new HD is Saint Mary, Mother Mary,theVirginMary wallpaper,the Blessed Virgin Mary pictBeautifulpictures ofOur Holy Mother Mary, it is a FREE App forMother MaryWallpapersFor Android Phone , you can share any imagewith yourfriends oryou can set it as wallpaper for your phone.Maryvariously calledSaint Mary, Mother Mary, the Virgin Mary,theTheotokos, theBlessed Virgin Mary, Mary, Mother of God, and,inIslam, as Maryam,mother of Isa', was an Israelite Jewish womanofNazareth inGalilee who lived in the late 1st century BC andearly1st centuryAD, and is considered by Christians to be thefirstproselyte toChristianity. She is identified in the NewTestamentand in theQur'an as the mother of Jesus throughdivineintervention.Christians hold her son Jesus to be "Christ" andGodthe SonIncarnate , whereas Muslims regard Jesus as the messiahandthemost important prophet of God sent to the people of Israel(andthesecond-most-important prophet of all, afterMuhammad).Thecanonical gospels of Matthew and Luke describe Mary asavirgin.Traditionally, Christians believe that she conceivedhersonmiraculously by the agency of the Holy Spirit. Muslimsbelievethatshe conceived by the command of God. This took placewhen shewasalready betrothed to Saint Joseph and was awaitingtheconcludingrite of marriage, the formal home-taking ceremony.ShemarriedJoseph and accompanied him to Bethlehem, where Jesuswasborn. Inkeeping with Jewish custom, the betrothal would havetakenplacewhen she was around 12, and the birth of Jesus about ayearlaterThe Mother, of God, Mother of Jesus, wife of St. Joseph,andthegreatest of all Christian saints. The Virgin Mother was,afterherSon, exalted by divine grace above all angels andmen,andvenerated as the highest of God’s creatures. She wasdeclaredthedaughter of St. Joachim and St. Anne. Born in Jerusalem,Marywaspresented in the Temple and took a vow of virginity.LivinginNazareth, Mary was visited by the archangel Gabriel,whoannouncedto her that she would become the Mother of Jesus, bytheHolySpirit. When Emperor Augustus declared a census throughoutthevastRoman Empire, Mary and St. Joseph went to Bethlehem, hiscityoflineage, as he belonged to the House of David. ThereMarygavebirth to Jesus and was visited by the Three Kings. MaryandJosephpresented Jesus in the Temple, where St. Simeonrejoiced.Nothingis known of Mary’s life during the next yearsexcept for avisit tothe Temple of Jerusalem, at which time Mary andJosephsought theyoung Jesus, who was in the Temple with thelearnedelders. Thefirst recorded miracle of Jesus was performed atawedding in Cana,and Mary was instrumental in callingChrist’sattention to theneed. Mary was present at the CrucifixioninJerusalem. She wasalso with the disciples in the days beforethePentecost, and it isbelieved that she was present attheresurrection and AscensionMother Mary Phone Wallpapersinclude*Virgin Mary HD graphics alikethe live wallpaper forAndroid.*Mother Mary wallpapers iscompatible with most of mobilephonedevices. *Beautiful images ofVirgin Mary.
Novena Prayers Devotion
Prayer Devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help is a root intheCatholic faith.
FloApps Inc
Let us pray the Novena Prayers. This application is acompleteselection of Novena Prayers with more than 100 prayers foryou topray. Easy to use. You can bring it along in your smart phoneortab, anyway, anytime. Novena Prayers consists of manyprayers:NOVENA PRAYERS TO JESUS Novena To The Holy Face Of JesusNovena InExaltation Of The Holy Cross Novena In Honour Of The NameOf JesusNovena To The Infant Jesus Of Prague Novena To The InfantJesusNovena In Honour Of Jesus As True King Novena Prayer ToJesusNovena To Most Precious Blood Novena To The Precious BloodNovenaTo The Risen Jesus NOVENA PRAYERS TO MARY Novena To Our LadyOf TheBlessed Sacrament Novena To Our Lady Of The Rosary Novena ToOurLady Of Lourdes The Mary, Undoer Of Knots Novena Prayers NovenaToThe Mother Of God For The Nation Novena To The BlessedVirginImmaculate Heart Of Mary Novena Prayers Novena ForImpossibleRequests Novena To Our Lady Of Fatima Novena To Our LadyOf HopeNovena To Our Lady Of Peace Our Lady Of Good Remedy NovenaTo OurLady Of Good Success Our Lady Of Lourdes Novena PrayersNovena ToOur Lady Of Lourdes Novena Of The Miraculous MedalMiraculousRosary Novena Novena To Our Lady Of Mount Carmel NovenaIn Honor OfOur Lady Of Guadalupe Novena Prayer For Our Lady OfSorrows NovenaTo Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Efficacious Novena OfThe Three HailMarys LITURGICAL NOVENA The Divine Mercy ChapletNovena To The HolySpirit Advent Novena All Souls NovenaAnnunciation NovenaAnnunciation Novena #2 Novena Of The AscensionAssumption NovenaChrist The King Novena Novena Before ChristmasChristmas Novena St.Andrew Christmas Novena Corpus Christi NovenaNovena For TheEpiphany Novena To The Holy Family The ImmaculateConception NovenaThe Nativity Of Our Lady Novena Pentecost NovenaSacred Heart OfJesus Novena Novena To The Sacred Heart NOVENA TOSAINTS St. AnneSt. Pancratius St. Philip St. Andrew St. Anthony St.Augustine St.Benedict St. Benedicta St. Blaise St. Catherine St.Clare St.Dominic St. Dymphna St. Elizabeth St. Erasmus St. FaustinaSt.Francis St. Fulton St. George St. Gerard St. Gianna St. HildaSt.Joan St. John St. Joseph St. Jude St. Lucy St. Martha St.MartinSt. Maximilian St. Michael St. Monica St. Nicholas St. PadrePioSt. Patrick St. Peregrine St. Peter St. Philomena St. RaphaelSt.Rita St. Roque St. Theresa St. Thomas St. Vincent St.WalburgaOTHER NOVENA PRAYERS Novena For The Holy Souls In PurgatoryNovenaFor The Dead Novena For The Protection Of The Unborn NovenaForChurch Unity Novena To The Divine Mercy Novena Of Grace NovenaToOur Guardian Angel Novena To The Holy Angels Novena To TheHolyGhost Novena To The Holy Spirit Novena To The Holy Spirit #2NovenaFor Impossible Requests Lenten Novena Novena To The MostHolyTrinity Mother Teresa Express Novena Novena For The Needs OfPopeFrancis I Novena For Priests Novena For The Anniversary OfPriestlyOrdination A novena is a series of prayers that are saidfor ninestraight days, usually as a prayer of petition butsometimes as aprayer of thanksgiving. Novenas are most often prayedby members ofthe Roman Catholic Church, as well as Lutheran,Orthodox andAnglican, who hold close or similar beliefs regardingits piouspractice. By standard liturgical norms, novenas areperformed inchurch, at home, or anywhere where solemn prayers areappropriate,though some indulgenced novenas require churchattendance.Sometimes, a special candle or incense is lit at thebeginning ofthe novena which burns during the nine days of prayer.DownloadNovena Prayers and let us pray for to ourselves, forfamilies,friends or for the world peace. Lets pray without ceasing(1Thessalonians 5:17). Laudate Dominum. #Download Novena PrayersFreeNow.
Mother's Day Special Greeting 1.12
Happy Mother’s Day! Mothers are superb creature.
Happy Mother Day Wishes 1.4
Happy Mother Day Wishes can help you share beautiful andfunnygreeting cards by downloading Happy Mother Day Wishes nowavailableon android store Send Mother's Day Wishes to your friendsandfamily. Happy Mother Day features are: • Choose card fromvariousHD quality mother's day greeting cards • Choose lovely quotefromHappy Mother Day Wishes quote gallery • Wish them with yourowntext, • You can Save and Share greetings with your mobile'ssocialnetworking apps Mother's Day is a celebration honoring themotherof the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, andtheinfluence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on variousdaysin many parts of the world, most commonly in the months ofMarch orMay. It complements similar celebrations honoring familymembers,such as Father's Day and Siblings Day. The celebration ofMother'sDay began in the United States in the early 20th century;it is notrelated to the many celebrations of mothers and motherhoodthathave occurred throughout the world over thousands of years,such asthe Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, ortheChristian Mothering Sunday celebration (originally acommemorationof the mother church, not motherhood). Despite this,in somecountries, Mother's Day has become synonymous with theseoldertraditions. Send The best Happy Mother Day cards to your MOMon hisspecial day using : Facebook, Email, Whats App, Telegram,SMS,Twitter
Happy women's day wishes 2.2
International Women’s Day,initiallycalledInternational Working Women’s Day, is celebratedevery yearonMarch 8. In 1908 in New York 15,000 women marchedthrough thecitydemanding shorter work hours, better pay, votingrights and anendto child labour. The owner of the factory wherethese womenwereworking, trying to avoid publicity of their action,closed theminthe factory. Unfortunately, fire broke up and 129women died.Tocommemorate this day, in 1910 Socialist InternationalinCopenhagenestablished International Woman’s Day. CelebrateWomen’sDay bywishing her, greeting her, and making her feel howimportantandspecial she is. Send her your warmest greetings andwishes andmakeher Women’s Day bright. Read on and choose yourwishes forthisWomen’s Day.- Happy Women’s Day! means more than flowers and gifts.Itmeanssaying thank you for everything. Happy Women’s Day!- I just want you to know how special and fortunate I findmyselftobe blessed with a woman as loving, caring and wonderfulasyou.Happy Women’s Day!- You are like spring: beautiful, tender and inspiring. Andjustasthe first flowers are in bloom, may your life becolourfulandsweet too! Happy Women’s Day!- Women are the most wonderful and mysterious creaturesonEarth.They are able to be so different and so similar at thesametime.They are able to be strong and weak simultaneously. Andthat’swhywe love them so much. Happy Women’s Day- I want to present a very unusual bouquet of flowers toyoutoday…May you always stay sophisticated and feminine justlikelily, mayyour life be sunny and bright just like sunflower andmayyour lovebe as passionate as wild rose is! Happy women’sday.-If life is art, then a woman is masterpiece. She’s anembodimentofbeauty, kindness, pride, tenderness, self-sacrificeanddignity.She’s a real masterpiece that we all admire.HappyWomen’sDay!-Spring and women have much in common. They both areaboutflowering,revival, inspiration and beauty. Wish you to stayyoung,fresh andfeminine 24/7. Happy Women’s Day!-We know from history lessons that International Women’sDaywasinitially established as a sign of women’s equalityandstrength.Nowadays women are really strong and independent,buttoday is theday when you should let yourself be weak, cuteandadorable. Happywomen’s day!-Woman herself is a holiday. Sometimes she’s like acrazyparty,sometimes she’s like a calm and innocent celebrationwithinthefamily. All the women in the world have an incredibleabilitytoadd colours in our life. Happy Women’s Day!- Among all the holidays of the year, today is myfavouriteone,because I’m strongly convinced that a woman is thegreatestreasonto be happy, joyful and grateful. Happy Women’sDay!I’ve seen many beautiful things. I’ve seen oceansandmountains,great architecture and masterpieces. But for mewomanwas, is andforever will be the most magnificent and charmingthingin theworld. Happy Women’s Day!"-Throughout history women were the greatest source ofinspiration.Somany poems, books and paintings were devoted tothem. And it wasnotwithout a reason, because all women hold anenchanting mysterywithinthem that captures men’s hearts. Happyholiday!The world without women is like a blank canvas without anypaint.Itwould be dull and grey without you, our dear women.Neverstopbringing happiness, joy and beauty to us! HappyWomen’sDay!
Mothers Day Wishes 1.6
Amity Apps
Send Beautiful Mother's Day Wishes!