Top 6 Apps Similar to World Dogs Quiz

Dog Breeds PRO 3.0
Dog Breeds PRO offers all dog breeds intheworld.Over 400 dog breeds from around the world with picturesandinformation at your fingertips!¡The best app for dog lovers!Includes the following information:-Dog Photo-Alternative and original name-Country of origin-Lifespan-Size, weight and height-Energy-level-Length and hair loss-Behavior with children and other pets-Self-monitoring and protection-Climate and work-Group-section belongs the dog breed in the FCI(FédérationCynologique Internationale), AKC (American Kennel Club),UKC(United Kennel Club), KC (Kennel Club), UKC(United KennelClub),ANKC (Australian national Kennel Council), NZKC (New ZealandKennelClub), CKC (Canadian Kennel Club).Features of the application:-Dog breeds qiz game-Finder-perfect / best dog breed according to needs and lifestyleofthe user-Finder-breeds-Photos of dogs at high resolution. (To see the picture in HDhighdefinition click on the dog's face)-Filter search-breeds by country, size and group.-Commenting system. Contribute what you know about each breed.Include small dog breeds, medium dog breeds, big dog breedsandgiant dog breeds.Some of the dog breeds included:- Beagle- Maltes- Golden retriever- Pastor aleman- Labrador- Pastor belga- Pitbull- Husky- Yorkshire- Boxer- Mastin- Bulldog- Bullterrier- Bichon- Teckel- Shar Pei- Setter- Schnauzer- Rotweiller- Pointer- Podenco- Jack Rusell- Dogo- Golden retriver- Labrador retriever- Chihuahua- And much more!Developed by WAP | Where Are Pets ®, "We improved the welfareandsafety of pets"oxer- Mastin- Bulldog- Bullterrier- Bichon- Teckel- Shar Pei- Setter- Schnauzer- Rotweiller- Pointer- Podenco- Jack Rusell- Dogo- Golden retriver- Labrador retriever- Chihuahua- And much more!Follow us:- Facebook : Twitter : Linkedin : by WAP | Where Are Pets ®, "We improved the welfareandsafety of pets"
Talking dogs.
Cosmic Mobile
Talking dogs, funny app with option oflivewallpaper. The dogs repeat everything you say in a funny voice.Thedogs are very talented. The talking dogs plays beautiful musiconthe instruments and funny sing!. Dogs play fantasticdrums,keyboard, guitar, bass and bongos. They play the pianoexcellently.If you like the dogs, you can set them as awallpaper.How to play with talking dogs:- Start speaking and dogs repeat everything you say.- Stroke the dog's head, and they funny start to pant.- Inside the application you can find puzzle andbubblesmasher.In case of any problems with the effect of talking dogs, insteadofgiving us the negative opinion, please send us an e-mail andreviewbriefly the problem. It will help us to solve it in thenextupdates of application with talking dogs.Talking dogs is free but contains ads inside application.Revenuefrom advertising will help us to create new attractivewallpapersand applications. All permissions are required only foradvertisingand are supported by trusted vendors.
Dog Wallpapers!
Awesome dog photos!
Perros y sus Razas 8.0.0
Perros y sus Razas es una aplicacióndiseñadapara aficionados al mundo canino. Incluye más de 200 razasde perrocon información detallada sobre la historia de las razas,cuidadospara sus mascotas, características de los perros, datossobre sualzada, peso, pelaje y un largo listado de información queharánlas delicias de cualquier aficionado a los perros y susrazas.Además cuenta con una sección dedicada única y exclusivamentea losperros toy.Las categorías de perros por tamaño están divididas por:perrosgigantes, grandes, medianos, perros pequeños y toy.Ademásencontrarás una clasificación por razas-tipo: perros terrier,decompañía, lebreles, pastor, perros de muestra, perrostipo-spitz,mestizos, primitivos y perros de rastreo para lacaza.Algunas de estas son:Perros Terrier: Skye Terrier, Plumer Terrier, PatterdaleTerrier,Border Terrier, Pinscher Terrier, Schnauzer Mediano,YorkshireTerrier o American Staffordshire Terrier. Sólo en estacategoríacontamos con más de 25 razas diferentes de perro.Perros de compañia: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,CrestadoChino, Thai Ridgeback, Bichón Maltés, Granjero Danés,Chihuahua,Pug o Carlino, Bulldog Francés o Caniche Toy entre otrasmuchasrazas.Perros Lebreles: Galgos españoles, italianos y húngaros.RamperGreyhound, Lurcher, Whippet, American Staghound, Azawakh,Saluki oBorzoi, el perro ruso.Perros Pastor: Bobtail, Pastor Belga, Pastor Ruso,Landseer,Perro de los Pirineos, Mastín Napolitano, Mastín Español,DogoArgentino, Schapendoes, Presa Canario, Komondor o BorderCollie, lacategoría de perros pastor alcanza más de una treintenade tiposdiferentes de perro.Perros de Muestra: Setter Irlandés, Sussex Spaniel,LabradorRetriever, Perdiguero de Burgos, Suomenajokoira, SpanielBretón,Pointer Inglés, Braco Alemán, Puli Húngaro, Perro de AguaEspañol oPlott Hound, un extraordinario sabueso americano 100%local.Perros Tipo-Spitz: Chinook, Samoyedo, Shiba Inu Dog,Pomerania,Norsk Elghund, Pastor Finlandés, Wolf Spitz o elAkita.Perros Primitivos: Podenco sin pelo Peruano, DingoAmericano,Basenji, Perro de los Faraones, Podenco de Ibiza o CanaanDog.Perros de Rastreo: Sabueso de Posavaz, Poteivin,SabuesoEslovaco, Black and Tan Coonhound, Sabueso de Istria, OgarPolski,Grifon Fauve de Bretagne, Petit Bleu, Sabueso de la SangreBavierao el magnífico perro de caza Bruno del Jura.Además, esta es una aplicación viva. Seguiremosintroduciendonuevas razas y todo tipo de contenidos para ofrecer lamejor appcanina del market.¡Gracias!Dogs and Breeds isanapplication designed for fans of the canine world. Includesover200 dog breeds with detailed information on the history ofbreeds,care for their pets, dogs features, information about yourheight,weight, fur and a long list of information that will delightanylover dogs and their breeds. It also has a section dedicatedonlyand exclusively to the toy dogs.The categories of dogs are divided by size: giant dogs,large,medium, small and toy dogs. Also find a classification makeuptype:terrier dogs, pet, greyhounds, pastor, show dogs, spitz-typedogs,mestizos, primitive and tracking dogs for hunting.Some of these are:Terrier Dogs: Skye Terrier, Plumer Terrier, PatterdaleTerrier,Border Terrier, Pinscher Terrier, medium Schnauzer,YorkshireTerrier or American Staffordshire Terrier. Only in thiscategory wehave over 25 different breeds of dog.Companion dogs: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, ChineseCrested,Thai Ridgeback, Maltese, Danish Farmer, Chihuahua, Pug orPug,French Bulldog and Toy Poodle among other races.Dogs Hounds: Spanish, Italian and Hungarian Greyhound.RamperGreyhound, Lurcher, Whippet, American Staghound, Azawakh,Saluki orBorzoi, Russian dog.Dogs Pastor: Bobtail, Belgian Shepherd, Russian Pastor,Landseer,Dog Pyrenees, Neapolitan Mastiff, Spanish Mastiff, DogoArgentino,Schapendoes, Presa Canario, Komondor or Border CollieSheepdogscategory reaches over thirty different types dog.Pointing Dogs: Irish Setter, Sussex Spaniel, LabradorRetriever,Burgos Pointer, Suomenajokoira, Brittany Spaniel, EnglishPointer,German Shorthaired Pointer, Puli Hungarian Water DogSpanish orPlott Hound, an extraordinary American Bloodhound 100%locally.Spitz-type dogs: Chinook, Samoyed, Shiba Inu Dog,Pomerania,Norsk Elghund, Pastor Finnish Spitz Wolf or Akita.Primitive dogs: Hound without Peruvian hair, AmericanDingo,Basenji, Dog of the Pharaohs, Hound of Ibiza or CanaanDog.Tracking dogs: Hound Posavaz, Poteivin, Bloodhound Slovak,Blackand Tan Coonhound, Bloodhound Istria, Ogar Polski, GrifonFauve deBretagne, Petit Bleu, Blood Hound of Bavaria or themagnificenthunting dog Bruno Jura.Also, this is a live application. We will continueintroducingnew races and all types of content to provide the bestcanine appmarket.Thank you!
Dog Breeds 4.3
Browse up to 200 dog breeds and test your knowledge by takingthequiz.
Pup Quiz: Dog Quiz Dog Test 1.6
Fun, entertaining dog quiz app totestyourknowledge of dogs. Check out these fun dog quiztriviaquestionsand see how many you can guess correctly.This app is a dog quiz that includes dog triviaquestions.Testyour knowledge with this engaging dog quiz andcompete againstyourfriends and family. Makes family gatheringsgreat fun asyoucompete to see who can get the highest score.This unique dog quiz trivia app can provide hoursofentertainmentas you use it time after time.Take this entertaining dog quiz IQ test and see howyourscoreranks.Think you know a lot about dogs? Test your dog knowledgewiththisdog quiz and see your score at the conclusion ofthetest.This fun dog quiz is a great learning tool for kidsandpeopleinterested in our canine friends. Build up your knowledgeofdogtrivia and compete to see who can get the highest score.Tags used to identify this app:dog quizpup quizdog testpup testdoggie quizdoggie testdog quizzesdog testsquiz about dogstest about dogsdog knowledge testdog knowledge quizquiz on dogsdog IQ testdog IQ quiztest on dogspuppy quizpuppy testcanine quizcanine testdog gamedog quiz gamedog test gametest your dog knowledgetest of dog knowledge