Top 20 Apps Similar to Gestplus POS

POS Simple Bar Free & Shops 9.0.8
Jaime Tortosa
Manual: Stores is an application for Android devices thatlets youmanage any small business, whether a Bar, an ice creamshop, a shoestore, a store, etc. If you're opening a smallbusiness or need asoftware to help you track sales, opening andclosing cash,inventory control, ability to receive online ordersfrom othermobile POS, managing families and products, create andprinttickets, manage clients and many other investment optionswithmímima, TPVSimple is what you are looking for. Its use is veryeasy,simple and intuitive, it is not necessary to be an expert topointan order, collect it, print it or send an email with theticket tothe customer. It has two types of business: Bar or OtherShops. -Bar Mode: The products can be classified if they will orwillKitchen Bar, ideal for restoration. - Trade Mode: Users cannot sendorders to the kitchen or bar is a little simpler. It letstwo typesof functionality: - Control Mode box: has control ofcash, card, etc.. there. At the end of the day you can close thebox and see thedetails of all movements of the day. And stores thedaily sales. -Tickets Mode: VTV stores sales (IVAs, discounts,etc), but has nocontrol over the box. POS configuration: - (1)Central Server: youonly have a device that controls salesbusiness, create tickets, etc... - (2) Central Server with MobilePOS: the program reads Internetorders that have been sent by otherterminals, the load on theprogram. This device is responsible forcreating and controllingtickets sales. - (3) Mobile POS: when youstart the mobile POS issynchronized with the configuration offamilies and central serverproducts (2). The server can createorders, send them to kitchen orbar, and collect the ticket sendsto a central server (2) which willbe responsible for managing thesales box and global. You can sharea ticket directly: WhatsApp,Bluetooth, Email, etc ... You can printa ticket in different ways:- Directly to a Bluetooth printer,sharing the image of the ticketand sending it via Bluetooth to yourBT printer linked. - Anyprinter connected to a PC with GoogleChrome installed, the systemGoogle Cloud Print, which lets you sendthe image to the cloud andprint directly to the selected printer isused. - Printers ePrintHP or Epson, you can attach the ticket andsend it to the printeremail. Or, saves paper by sending the ticketto the email client.Characteristics: - Product management (photo,taxes, price, etc...) and categories. - Control of inventory orstock. - Managementcustomers, lets you create custom orders tocustomers. - Iva byproduct name Iva User (IVA, TVA, TAX, ...)defined. - Management ofpayments to suppliers (mode only controlbox). - Supports 3languages: Spanish, English and French. -Supports differentcurrencies (defined by the user, and if you areahead or behind theprice). - Sales reports, tickets and others. -Marketing, sendingnews to your customers. - Calculator function. -Send comments tokitchen, for example "underdone steak ....". (Barmode only) -Saves statistics in an image. - Indicates the amount byproduct youwant, hold down the button a second on the product, youcan writenumbers with decimals. - Print anywhere, anytime withCloud Print.- Share the Ticket by: Whatsapp, email, Bluetooth, etc.... -Access to configuration POS password - Create / RestoreBackup fromthe phone or Google Drive - Discount percentage or fixedon the taxbase. - Daily Sales And many more options !! If you arenotconvinced you try the free version !! !
Aumente a mobilidade e produtividade dos seus comerciaiscomaaplicação ARTSOFT Auto Sales. A aplicação ARTSOFTAutoSalespermite: • Criar todos os documentos disponíveis noERP(Vendas,Entradas, Saídas e Encomendas a Clientes) •Criardocumentos deconta corrente (ex.: Recibos) • Inserir despesasemserviço* •Inserir diretamente fotos de clientes e artigosnasrespetivasfichas • Consultar, criar e remover Clientes •Validaçãodo NIFpelo portal da UE • Catálogo de produtos (imagens,preços devendae informação adicional) • Consultar artigos •Consultarcontascorrentes • Consultar stocks • Consultar históricode comprasevendas • Consultar o resumo de documentos efetuados •Pesquisadeartigo facilitada • Contactar diretamente clientes viae-mailetelefone • Criar e otimizar itinerários de visita aclientes•Criar relatórios de visita • Consultar Notificaçõesgeradas noERPARTSOFT • Adicionar informação em campos extra •GerarPDFspersonalizados • Configurar descontos por cliente eartigo•Integrar os dados gerados com o ERP ARTSOFTEntreoutrasfuncionalidades. Esta aplicação está disponívelparaPortugal,Angola e Moçambique, alguns dos países onde aARTSOFT,empresaespecializada no desenvolvimento e produção desoftware degestão,está presente. *A partir da versão 8.00. Nota:Asfuncionalidadesque implicam sincronização com o ARTSOFT Desktopsóestãodisponíveis a partir a versão 7.80 rev.7 ou superiores.
Mira PDV LIGHT 1.56
O Mira PDV faz uma gestão mais eficaz e inteligente daequipedetrade e do merchandising no PDV. Veja algunsrecursosdele.Acompanhamento da frequência da equipe na loja eMaterialdeMerchandising, Prática de preço, Pontos extras,Exposiçãoadequada.
POS Print 1.0.35
Planet Coops
POS Print is a Bluetooth point-of-sale printing solutionfortheAndroid™ platform. ⚠ PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE THIS APPUNLESS ⚠1.You have an app that you know supports POS Print, e.g.TaximeterbyPlanet Coops. or 2. You are a developer adding supportforPOSPrint to yourownapplication.------------------------------------------------Whytie yourprojects to one printer? The goal of POS Print istoprovide a WOPA(Write Once Print Anywhere) mobile,point-of-saleprintingsolution. POS Print prints documents, writtenin a simple‘HTMLlike’ language, to a variety of popular Bluetoothmobileprinters.The language supports images, bar codes andformattedtext, e.g.bold, underline, rotated. The aim is to expandthe listofsupported printers and features as time and printertechnologymoveforward. POS Print currently supports WesternEuropean/USLatinalphabets for the following printers: •  CitizenCMP-10 • CitizenCMP-20 •  Citizen CMP-30 •  Intermec PR2 • Intermec PR3 • ZebraMZ220 •  Zebra MZ320 •  Star SM-L200 •  StarSM-L300 • StarSM-S220i (in StarPRNT emulation mode) •  StarSM-S230i (inStarPRNTemulation mode) •  Epson Mobilink TM-P60 • SPRT SP-RMT9BT• ZJiang ZJ-5802LD/DD, ZJ-5805LD/DD and POS-5802/5805variants• ZJiang ZJ-8001LD/DD and POS-8001 variant •  HTMLe-mailprinter(Email) •  Generic line printer (Text - limitedsupport seeguide)See the userguide,Link:,formoreinformation and FAQs.,Link:,foranexample project.
W&O Restaurant POS Pro 12.10.2
Over 500k users, easy to use, save time and money, no monthlyfee,must try.
PreSales 3.1.0
Facilite e diminua o tempo despendidopelosseus comerciais no processo de pré-venda ao cliente com aaplicaçãoARTSOFT PreSales.Esta aplicação pré-venda ARTSOFT permite:• Criar encomendas• Consultar, criar e remover Clientes• Consultar artigos• Consultar contas correntes• Consultar stocks• Consultar histórico de compras e vendas• Contactar directamente clientes via e-mail e telefone• Criar e optimizar itinerários de visita a clientes• Criar relatórios de visita• Consultar Notificações geradas no ERP ARTSOFT*• Adicionar informação em campos extra• Gerar PDFs personalizados• Configurar descontos por cliente e artigo• Integrar os dados gerados com o ERP ARTSOFT*Entre outras funcionalidades.Esta aplicação está disponível para Portugal, AngolaeMoçambique, alguns dos países onde a ARTSOFT, empresaespecializadano desenvolvimento e produção de software de gestão,estápresente.*A partir da versão 7.72.Facilitate and reducethetime spent by their business in the pre-sale to the customerwiththe application ARTSOFT presales.This pre-sales application allows ARTSOFT:• Create orders• Consult, create and remove Clients• Consult articles• Consult current accounts• Consult stocks• Consult history of purchases and sales• Contact customers directly via email and phone• Create and optimize business itineraries to customers• Create business reports• See notifications generated in ERP ARTSOFT *• Add information in extra fields• Generate custom PDFs• Set up discounts per customer and article• To integrate the data generated with ERP ARTSOFT *Among other features.This application is available for Portugal, AngolaandMozambique, some of the countries where ARTSOFT, acompanyspecializing in the development and production managementsoftware,is present.* From version 7.72.
POS Android Inventory Utility for 4EPOS and 4-Shop 1.0
Bibase Software
POS Utility is an inventory viewer for the 4EPOS, 4-Shop and4POSpoint of sale applications. Features: Import inventory from4EPOS,4-Shop or 4POS files (Just copy the inventory file to thedeviceand import from the app). Search and display inventoryfacilitiesOut of stock report Reorder stock report Editinventorydescription, quantity and price Export option to 4EPOSXMLinventory file (not 4-Shop or 4POS).
Enterprise Pro Manager 2.22
EnterpriseProManager is the most complete and themostintuitivesolution to manage your company. It offers you asimplemanagementof the customers, the suppliers, the quotes,theinvoices, theorders, the stock and the products/articles.Thisapplication isgoing to facilitate your life by offering youdiversefeatures ofmanagement, generation PDF, monitoring, exportandstatistics ofyour quotes, invoices and order. You areanentrepreneur, anindependent, small or medium-sized company,liberalprofession...EnterpriseProManager was designed for you inacustomizable way togive yourselves the possibility ofmanagingeasily your productsand of adding in your invoices, quotesandorders, the usefulinformation of your company which changeacountry in an other one,such as: N VAT, TAX, VAT, Code APE,SIRET,… To save time,EnterpriseProManager allows you to export andtoimport easily yourproducts and customers/suppliers from anExcelfile by basing on amodel file. Besides the basicfeatures,EnterpriseProManager allowsto generate easily yourinvoice, quoteand order in a PDF file andto send it by email toyour customer orsupplier with a simpleclick. You want to exportyour invoices,quotes or orders validatedor not? WithEnterpriseProManager you canfilter yourquotes/invoices/orders andexport them towards an Excelfile or CSVto integrate them intoanother external tool. With thefeature ofstatistics, you can trackyour sales dayly, monthly oryearly andcompare it with previousyears. EnterpriseProManager is acompletetool that will simplifyyour financial management andaccounting ofyour business. Features:- Customer management -Suppliersmanagement - Quote management -Invoice management -Stockmanagement - Movements management(inputs/outputs) - Alerts oroverof stock management - Orderssuppliers (purchase orders)management- Orders customers (saleorders) management - Managementof payingbills/invoices - Transformquote to invoice - Transformorder toinvoice - Generation ofinvoice, quote or orders to PDF -Sendingof quotes, invoices andorders by email - Export details ofquotes,invoices and orders to anExcel or CSV file - Sending ofexports byemail - Management Setup:logo, company stamp, currency,tax, dateformat... - Statistics ofsales per day, month, year andcustomer -Ability to add acustomer/Supplier from a contact.-Product/articles Management -Management category of products-Import/Export products - Export ofmovements - Ability toaddinvoice/quote/order lines from theproducts - Ability to changethenumber of the invoice/quote/order -Import/Export customersorsuppliers - Ability to add discount byinvoice and by details-Generation catalogs of product in PDF -Generation inventoryofproduct in PDF - Attaching a document PDF(data sheet) withtheproduct - Scan bar code of products - Save andrestore Database-Possibility of signing a quote or order -Accounting: thefeatureis paying (in-app). - Accounts management -Transactionsmanagement improvethisapplication, please send me your requests toaddfeatures,feedback, comments or bugs/problems([email protected]).
POS Simple Bar & Shops 6.4
Jaime Tortosa
Manual: & Shops is an application for Androiddevicesthat allows you to manage any small business , be it a bar ,an icecream shop , a shoe shop a shop , etc.If you're opening a small business and want to tracksales,create and print tickets, manage customers and manyotherinvestment options with mímima, POSSimpleBar is what youarelooking for.Its use is very easy , simple and intuitive , it is notnecessaryto be an expert to point an order, cash it , print it orsend anemail with a ticket to the client.It has two types of business: Bar or Other Companies .- Bar Mode : The products can be classified whether they willorwill Cuisines Barra.- Trade Mode: Ignores if the product is a kitchen or bar , it isalittle simpler .You are allowed two types of functionality :- Cash Control Mode: have control of cash, card, etc. .. there .Atthe end of the day you can close the box and see the details ofallmovements of the day . And stores the daily sales .- Tickets Mode: VTV stores sales ( ivas , discounts, etc. ), buthasno control over the box.You can share a ticket directly : WhatsApp , Bluetooth,Email,etc ...You can print a ticket in different ways:- Go directly to a Bluetooth printer , image sharing and sendingtheticket to your BT Bluetooth printer linked .- Any printer connected to a PC installed with Google Chrome ,theGoogle Cloud Print system , which allows you to send the imagetothe cloud and print directly to the printer used .- Printers HP ePrint , you can attach and send the emailticketprinter .Or, save paper by sending the ticket to the email client .features:- Product Management ( photo , taxes , price, etc ... )andcategories.- Client Management, enables you to create custom orderstocustomers.- Iva by product name Iva user (VAT, TVA , TAX , ...)defined.- Managing vendor payments ( single mode control box) .- Supports 3 languages: Spanish , English and French .- Supports different currencies ( defined by the user , and ifyouare ahead or behind the price).- Reports :   - Annual report in CSV format by month andday,with their respective ivas , discounts, payments ...   - Report all monthly tickets, each dayindicatingthe total , taxes and discounts applied .   - Report of all closings monthly cash .- Marketing, shipping information and updates toyourcustomers.- Calculator to calculate the amount per person change andfunction.- Post comments to kitchen, for example " underdone steak .... " .(Bar mode only )- Indicates backorders (Mark the table with a *)- Save statistics in an image.- Indicates the quantity per product you want , hold down thebuttona second on the product, you can write numbers withdecimals.- Print anywhere, anytime with Cloud Print.- Share the Ticket by: Whatsapp , email, Bluetooth, etc ....- Adaptive HORIZONTAL .- Display List of active compounds , to send to customers.- Access to the configuration of POS password- Create / Restore Backups from Mobile or Google Drive- Management of customer emails : add, delete , share .- Discount rate , or fixed on the tax base .- Sales JournalAnd many more options !If you are not convinced try the free version !
TabShop: POS & Point of Sales 212
Efficiently manage sales & invoicing with TabShop's POS app.
POS Point of Sale - Cash Regis 1.10.48
POS Point of Sale - Cash Register
Restaurant Point of Sale | Cash Register - W&O POS 11.12.10
W&O POS - Restaurant Point of Sale is a phone/tablet POSbuiltfor restaurant to allow you easily use pos system.W&ORestaurant POS - Point of Sale is perfect for diningrestaurant,quick service restaurant, bar/nightclub, pizzeria andcoffee shops,food trucks and food events. No monthly or annualfees. No needInternet connection. Key Features ★ Support dinner in,takeout, taband delivery ordering ★ Print receipt, kitchen, bar,order, report★ Various discount, gratuity, surcharge and tax ★Flexiblepermissions ★ Sales reports ★ Table reservations ★ Pay in& payout ★ Expense management ★ Customer membership ★Inventorymanagement ★ Kitchen display ★ Delivery management How tosetupprinters Printer setupguide: Supportfollowingprinters: 1. W&O POS Printer Adapter (Support all kindofprinters) Download PC-PrinterAdapter 2.Wi-Fi/Lan orUSB (Support most thermal printers with ESC/POSCommand) Bestsupport printer:TSP143LAN( printer (Support specific printers with ESC/POSCommand)Best support printer: StarSM-L200( supports FireTablets about thehardware How to use withW&OKitchen DisplaySystem full version Tosupportmultiple phones/tablets taking order at same time, you willneedserver version, you can download the trial version fromourwebsite. To get userguide To report bugsorrequest features P.S.If you like theapp,we will love it if you could give us a good rating. It reallydoeshelp on our mission to making small business Point of Sale asfastand hassle-free as possible. Thank you for choosing our W&OPOSsystem!
Retail POS 2.3.0
Let’s make Point of Sale mobile and fun! Run your POSoperationsonyour tablet from any location with the easy to usemobile POSappby ERPLY. Are you a store owner that wants the powerof POSwithoutthe high cost of purchasing POS hardware or a clunkyoldcashregister? Have an tablet at home? Here is yoursolution!Imaginegaining the power and flexibility of mobilitythroughoutyourselling operations from mobile cashiers all the waytoinventorymanagement in one convenient easy to useapplication.Focused onsmall/medium size business, this softwarebrings thepower andfunctionality of a traditional POS system to ahand helddevice,giving your business that professional feelwithouttheprofessional cost. This app is the perfect Mobile POSsolutionfor:* Reducing long sales lines at your register * Outdoorsales,tensales * Trade shows * Sending invoices tocustomeremailswirelessly * Service business management * Or justplainsavingmoney on expensive cash register systems! What sets thisappapartfrom others lies in web- based back end storeoperationsmanagerinterface, including: * Multi-store operations*Inventorymanagement * Customer Database * Detailed ReportingAllPOStransaction data entered into the App willautomaticallybesynchronized in real time with your ERPLY account,leaving allofyour books and reports completely accurate, 100% ofthe time.
Point of Sale - Restaurant POS 2.0.2
This Point of Sales app is forrestaurantowners or managers who want to automate the ordering andpaymentprocesses in their business. This POS Software is themostcost-efficient and easiest solution for small business(quickservice restaurants) to take full control of everytransaction.Install this on your Android device, pair it with acash drawer,receipt printer, and credit card scanner, then you areready toentertain your customers. This is the updated version ofthe KroidRestaurant Point of Sale Systems. This is the best andupdated POSSoftware for your restaurant. You can check out websiteto learnmore: We made this Point ofsalesystem much easier, much faster, more additional features, andmoreoptions to personalize. This means you don't need much effortandmoney to run a powerful Point of Sale for your small business.Why is this POS Software the best fit for your business?-After years of thorough study, we improved Kroid CloudPOSSoftware for Restaurant into a more powerful Point of Salecomparedto its first version. By several real-life testing, we comeup tothis latest version.-We look into the real-life needs and common problems ofsmallrestaurants today. As a company that worked with thehospitalitysector for many years, we know the needs of ourclients.-This Android POS Software - Point of Sale app compared toothersis by far the easiest to learn and teach, fastest toprocesstransactions, friendliest to average users, and for surewill makeyour small business great.FEATURES:- 100% working on Android- Cloud-based POS- Cost-efficient- 24/7 Reliable Chat and Call Support- Easily access reports online- Easily personalize/modify Backoffice- Credit Card Processing- Fully compatible with lots of hardware- and other exciting featuresTOPICS:Restaurant POS SystemRestaurant POS FreeRestaurant SoftwareQuick Service POSFast Service POSFast Food POSShop POSShop Point of SalePOS SoftwarePOS System
Restaurant SMART POS 5.10809
Must have system for those who run restaurant, cafe,bar,coffeeshop. FoodZaps is an integrated QR/Web Ordering,POS,eWaiter,eKitchen, TV Menu Board and Queue that allow yourstaffsandcustomers view and place order any time any where. TheQR/WebMenuOrdering can be easily setup within 5 mins. FoodZapsalsoprovideintegrated customer loyalty program which requirenophysical cardand easy to signup.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FoodZapsis aone-stopsolution used by waiters, to key in orders, ordoubleconfirmSelf-Ordering from customers, on the spot real-timeandon-premise,with your choice of Android operating devices,tablet,hand-heldmobile and terminals. The orders will be sentimmediatelyto theKitchen Printer and Kitchen Display Unit. There isno needfor staffto memorise the menu, as the menu is displayed onthehandhelddevice, a great opportunity for the staff to upsell,focusonhospitality and level up the customer experience.AbsoluteBenefits:• Let your customer self-order using their ownmobile(Apple andAndroid) • Use Pineapple Loyalty to reward yourcustomer• Let yourwaiter up-sell and suggest popular dishrecommendations• Orderaccuracy eliminates writing errors andmissing papersorders • Startor Continue to order at any time, forany table •Order are sentimmediately from the eWaiter to theKitchen • Easyconfiguration •Increase in labour efficiency •Flexible HardwareFoodZaps has afull suite of solutions that allowyou to choose therighttechnology that fits into your business modeland budget toachievethe ultimate business goals with greatercustomerexperience.Customer Self-Order - Using Customer’s OwnMobile -Scan QR &Self-Order - Pineapple Loyalty (auto sign upwithFacebook andGoogle) Dine-In Restaurant - SMART POS -MobileeWaiter Grab &Go - SMART POS - Customer Display -QueueDisplay Kitchen - KitchenDisplay Unit - Inventory Staff-Attendance (Clock In/Out) - OrderHistory - Access Control-Performance Report - Auto Email - AutoBackup - OnlinePortalFoodZaps POS help to save money, savemanpower, bettercustomerexperience and increase sales! FoodZaps isalso the GrandWinner ofSingapore’s IT Federation, Best InnovativeInfocomm Product-Digital Services (Gold) Award 2017. If you needmore support,pleaseclick on the followinglink:
SmartTouch POS - restaurant 1.0.621
SmartLab LLC
SmartTouch POS turns your tablet into an effective salessystem.Youwill find all needed functions for automation ofrestaurant,streetfoods or shop. It replaces regular cash registerOn tableyou willbe able to make sales, work in waiters mode withtables,analyzereports. Inventory, references, users list,accesspermissions,consolidating reports are accessible in a webadminpanel Testaccess login:demoenpassword: 123 Mainfunctionality: Goods and orders •Weightpositions • Search by name,code, barcode • Print on USB,Bluetoothor LAN printer • Refunds •Cashier reports, Х-report •Discounts,loyalty, bonus program • Workwith several open orders •Positionnames on different languagesInventory Shop mode • Barcodescannersupport Restaurant mode •Restaurant tables, map of tables•Flexible division of rights foraccess of waiter and administrator•A workplace for kitchen(production on-line) • AutomaticgratuitiesData exchange • Webadmin panel for viewing and editingdata •Analytical reports •Online update for price list • Theability towork offline • OpenAPI Management of the franchisechain SmartTouchPOS is the bestsolution for automation ofrestaurant, coffee shop,streetfood,fastfood, shops
POS (Point of Sale) IREAP LITE 2.94
Are you having a hard time with manual invoice andtrackinginventoryof your shop? IREAP LITE POS (Point of Sale) is aFREEstore cashierapplication for Shops, FREE without DataandTransaction Limitation,and NO ADS. Runs OFFLINE noInternetconnection except for backupsales data. Suitable for foodstalls,coffee shops, cafes,restaurants, salon, barbershop,workshops,mini market, grocerystores, fashion shops, clothesshops, shoeshops, eyewear shops,clinics, spas, and services suchas carservices. This IREAP LITEcashier application is VERY EASY touse.So you DO NOT NEED to readthe instructions / manual to useitbecause it is VERY EASY. MoreInfo please visitwww.ireappos.comHelp pleasevisit StoresandMulti Users Feature can use iREAP PRO PointofSale/cashierversion POINT OF SALE - Fast and accurate Point ofSaletransaction byscanning a barcode using a camera orbarcodescanner. - Customerrecording and customer-basedtransactionreporting - AutomaticallyCalculate Sales Profit -Printingreceipts, with wifi and bluetoothprinters, 30+modelavailable,list of printersarehere MANAGEMENT - Inventory Control: Goods Receipt,GoodIssue,Stock balance - Automatic Inventory Costing:MovingAverageCalculation Method or Standard Cost MANAGEMENT&REPORTING -Sales Reports: profit by product, TOPselling,inventory audit -Graphics reporting - Email/Share Reportusing anychat, social mediaapps - Design for tablet on cashiermodule -Backup & Restore DBto Google Drive or Local Drive
Rista POS - Point of Sale
Point-of-sale POS with customer ordering / reservation app.
POS-Point of Sale With Barcode 5.41
USB barcode reader, Design receipt, Use USB, Bluetooth, IPprinter(2 or 3 inch)
Dotypos PoS system 1.236.26
The Dotypos app, used with a high-quality touch cashregisterandother accessories, presents an affordablepoint-of-salebusinesssolution for gastronomy, accommodationservices, shops orprovidersof various services. Dotypos offers manyuseful featuresthat helpyou manage your business with ease and keepattractingnewcustomers. It means you are not getting just a PoSsystem, butalsoa reliable helping hand for your operation. Try thefullversion ofthe Dotypos app FOR FREE FOR 30 DAYS • The Dotyposapp issuitablefor small and medium-sized shops, restaurantsandcafés,accommodation services, stand sales, craftsmen andsoletraders andall other types of services and business • Fivesystemsin one –PoS, stock, reservation, attendance and ordering •Alsooffers adetailed overview of your operation, stock andemployees •Runs onthe Android platform • Includes an easy-to-enableEETfeature •Works offline; no internet connection required •Automateddatabasebackups in case the internet connection or EETserver goesdownMain benefits: • 24/7 technical and customer support•Unlimitednumber of items, categories and receipts •Stockmanagement –Stocktaking, warehouse management,operations,ingredients • Cloud– detailed overviews, reports andcharts •Detailed text and videoguides • Regular updates includingchangesin legislation Featuresfor restaurants and cafés: • MobileWaiter –ordering right at thetable • Warehouses – stocktaking,batch stockin, ingredients,warehouse operations… • Cloud – fullcontrol overyour business atany time and anywhere • Free ordersystem – • Loyaltyprogrammes, happy hours, sales andpromos •Connecting othersystems – Order, accounting or camerasystems andPoS terminalsFeatures for shops and services: • Connectyour PoS toan e-shop •Stock system – ingredients, batch stock in,stocktaking,supplieroverview • Detailed reports, overviews andcharts in aCloud •Support for connecting certified scales, barcodereadersandoptional accessories • Accepting bonus, customer anddiscountcards• Making reservations via a reservation system •Option ofusingmultiple reg. numbers at one PoS Integrations andconnections:•Order system – Vyzvednisi, Adaptee Gastro • Shoptet –connectyourPoS to an e-shop • Connecting PoS terminals, theNetrexcamerasystem or to Qerko • Using an API, the PoS can beconnectedtoother accounting, reservation, information or ERPsystems. APoSsystem for small and medium-sized shops, restaurantsandcafés,accommodation services, craftsmen and soletraders,hairdressers,cosmeticians and various other types ofbusiness…