Top 13 Apps Similar to Smart Stretching

Stretching training 1.1.8
Stretching training for whole body
Stretching Express 1.0
Body Program
Easy and quick regular stretching routine for all.
10 Min Stretch Workout 1.0.3
Stretching can be done both in apre-workout(warm-up) and post-workout (cool down) fashion. Whichyou do isreally up to you. Some athletes swear by the results theyget intheir performance and the lack of injury if they stretchbeforetheir workout. Others only stretch afterwards and, as youmightexpect, there are also those who stretch both before and aftertheywork out. Research on what exactly you should be doing isprettythin so here we are in the practical experienceterritory.Basically stretching should be part of your training. Howyouperform it however will depend on when you actually stretch:Pre-workout: If you're stretching before your workoutbeginsremember that your muscles are not warmed up yet. Yourstretchingroutine is designed to help them warm up so, no sharp,suddenmoves. No forcing muscles to stretch beyond comfortablepoints. Donot use "bouncy" motion to force a stretch, that's howyou normallyget injuries. Do not manually manipulate your muscles(beat themwith your fists, massage them or otherwise pull them) asyoustretch. That will definitely lead to injuries so care andbeingsensible are both key here.Post-workout: If you're stretching after a workout yourmusclesare already warmed up. Stretching now actually uses theplasticityof the muscles to help you achieve flexibility gains. Thetrickhere is to start slowly and build up. If you're stretchingyourhamstrings or your adductors (the inside of your thighs) now'sthetime to actually go a little bit further than before. Doitgradually but do push against your normal stretching limits.Gainsyou make here will stay with you after the session is overwhichmeans you will have increased your flexibility. The same wordsofcaution that apply in the pre=workout stretch, also applyhere.Always listen to your body and don't overstretch anymusclegroup.Tips: Stretching can increase the explosive power of yourmusclesbecause it increases their range of motion. It can alsohelp preventinjuries by allowing muscles to warm up gradually whenpractised aspart of the warm-up. Always exhale slowly when youstretch a musclegroup and inhale when you release it.6 REASONS to start training:1. Build yourself a smashing fit body - because there is nogreaterfeeling than looking in the mirror and simply just love whatyousee.2. Brag around about your toned muscles - low body fatlevel,noticeable muscle definition and shape, but not significantmusclesize3. Keep your heart strong and healthy - because your heart isamuscle also and it gets stronger and healthier if you liveanactive life.4. A clear and beautiful glowing skin - you don't have toworryanymore about celulite when you're half naked on the beach. Nomoredimply skin coming out of your swimsuit.5. Reduce stress, anxiety and fight depression - regular trainingisthe key for your head just as it is for your heart and willrelaxyou, making you calmer, fighting depression anddissipatestress.6. A happier soul and a bigger smile - you will feel that youarefinally doing something for yourself.BONUS: Improve your live life! you know exercise is good foryou,but do you know how goof? It boots your energy and improvesyourmood and exercising regularly puts the spark back into yourlovelife.
12 Min Stretch Workout 1.0.2
Stretching can be done both in apre-workout(warm-up) and post-workout (cool down) fashion. Whichyou do isreally up to you. Some athletes swear by the results theyget intheir performance and the lack of injury if they stretchbeforetheir workout. Others only stretch afterwards and, as youmightexpect, there are also those who stretch both before and aftertheywork out. Research on what exactly you should be doing isprettythin so here we are in the practical experienceterritory.Basically stretching should be part of your training. Howyouperform it however will depend on when you actually stretch:Pre-workout: If you're stretching before your workoutbeginsremember that your muscles are not warmed up yet. Yourstretchingroutine is designed to help them warm up so, no sharp,suddenmoves. No forcing muscles to stretch beyond comfortablepoints. Donot use "bouncy" motion to force a stretch, that's howyou normallyget injuries. Do not manually manipulate your muscles(beat themwith your fists, massage them or otherwise pull them) asyoustretch. That will definitely lead to injuries so care andbeingsensible are both key here.Post-workout: If you're stretching after a workout yourmusclesare already warmed up. Stretching now actually uses theplasticityof the muscles to help you achieve flexibility gains. Thetrickhere is to start slowly and build up. If you're stretchingyourhamstrings or your adductors (the inside of your thighs) now'sthetime to actually go a little bit further than before. Doitgradually but do push against your normal stretching limits.Gainsyou make here will stay with you after the session is overwhichmeans you will have increased your flexibility. The same wordsofcaution that apply in the pre=workout stretch, also applyhere.Always listen to your body and don't overstretch anymusclegroup.Tips: Stretching can increase the explosive power of yourmusclesbecause it increases their range of motion. It can alsohelp preventinjuries by allowing muscles to warm up gradually whenpractised aspart of the warm-up. Always exhale slowly when youstretch a musclegroup and inhale when you release it.6 REASONS to start training:1. Build yourself a smashing fit body - because there is nogreaterfeeling than looking in the mirror and simply just love whatyousee.2. Brag around about your toned muscles - low body fatlevel,noticeable muscle definition and shape, but not significantmusclesize3. Keep your heart strong and healthy - because your heart isamuscle also and it gets stronger and healthier if you liveanactive life.4. A clear and beautiful glowing skin - you don't have toworryanymore about celulite when you're half naked on the beach. Nomoredimply skin coming out of your swimsuit.5. Reduce stress, anxiety and fight depression - regular trainingisthe key for your head just as it is for your heart and willrelaxyou, making you calmer, fighting depression anddissipatestress.6. A happier soul and a bigger smile - you will feel that youarefinally doing something for yourself.BONUS: Improve your live life! you know exercise is good foryou,but do you know how goof? It boots your energy and improvesyourmood and exercising regularly puts the spark back into yourlovelife.
Stretch Fitness Training: Uppe Stretch
Stretch Fitness, a new app for stretching your body in all areas!
Stretching Flexibility Stretch 1.2
Fitness Apps
Top 10 Stretching and Flexibility Exercisesforthe BodyMany people do not realize the value of stretching to thebodyand the entire health condition in general. Some individualshavethe wrong notion that stretching does not improve muscles butarejust preparatory activities prior to performing rigid strengthandphysical exercises. This is not the case. Several studieshaveshown that stretching can improve athletic activities,improveflexibility and range of movements to body joints, increasebloodflow to the muscle, relieves stress and pressure from thebody, andminimize the risk of injuries. All it takes to gain thesebenefitsis to have a regular stretching and flexibilityexercisesprogramWhat is it All About?A stretching and flexibility exercises application providesthemost convenient way to perform different stretchingexerciseswithout going to the gym or buying expensive stretchingequipmentsand machines. This kind of app has exercises which weredesigned byprofessionals and is based on simplified various Yogastances sothat it can be performed by everyone regardless if theyareexperienced with Yoga or not or whether they need it forrelaxationor as part of their daily routine to stay physicallyactive everyday. The app involves different parts of the body suchas thefollowing:Neck and Waist – to relieve body pressure, stiff neck, andbodyjoints pain. The exercises include neck massage, half-moonposeroutine, body twist pose, and triangle pose.Shoulder and Back – to relieve back ache and pain, alleviatebodyjoint movement, and prevent arching of the back. Exampleofstretching exercise in this aspect is hand pullingbendsideways.Body and Limbs – to burn extra fat, add energy to themuscles,and boost immunity.Features That Provide ResultsA good stretching and flexibility exercises application embedsaprofessional yoga teacher tool to help correct poses and offeradetailed instruction on how to perform stretching properly.Thestretching exercises should only need a simple support systemsuchas a chair so that it is easier for the individual to performthestretching activities and achieve better results. The programisnot rigid as one can choose which among the yoga stances canformpart of your daily routine. The application should have aslideshowpresentation and an instruction window to make it moreconvenientfor the individual to study and imitate themovements.Install a stretching and flexibility exercises applicationforfree now and make stretching a daily habit. Rememberthatstretching offers head to toe benefits and even intrinsic oneslikerelaxation and a stable mind. Why enroll in a Yoga class whenyoucan have simplified Yoga lessons for free through thisstretchingapplication for mobile devices? Join the multitudes ofpeople nowwho discovered this amazing mobile application and how itmadewonders to their life from top to bottom.So why go for more difficult stances when you can havemodifiedYoga stances in this stretching and flexibilityexercisesapplication? Since it is compatible with all Androidoperateddevices, you can have these at your fingertips rightaway.
Stretching Exercises for Split 0.0.3
This stretching exercises (übungen) are perfect for Back SplitsandFlexibility. Splits is a position that is highly regarded asanindicator of flexibility. Splits can not only be used in thegymbut also dance, joy, leader, martial arts, synchronizedswimmingand more. This tutorial shows dancers stretching to helpmanage thedivisions and improve back flexibility. It’s look likegymnastics,gymnast, gymnastic. Stretches body, ligament. Do it forbackexercises.Splits are one of the first things new dancers want to achieve.Onceyou have their divisions, new doors seem to open ... obviouslyaflexible body gives a ballerina in a real advantage. We thinkthisnot for only women. Its exercises for men also, gabby.The flexibility is determined by several factors: the structureofthe joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, skin, tissue injury,bodyfat, body temperature, age and sex. You can quickly improveyourflexibility by stretching. Before stretching exercises, makesureyour muscles are warm and body temperature rises. Youcanaccomplish this by jogging in place, doing some deep kneebends,rotating your body at the waist, and make some changes giantarm.Hope you happy with stretching exercises for splits guideapp:)
Easy Flexibility Improvement 2.6
This is a FREE plugin of Daily Yoga anddoesnot open on its own.Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Store link: Loosens muscles & relieves the fatigue.- Gives joints a greater range of motion.- Efficiently burns fat.This session consists of a series of yoga postures thatcanenable you to be more flexible. At first, you may feel alittlerigid but gradually you will experience the changes onyourbody.Remember, it is a step-by-step process. Do not push yourselftoohard. People with injuries are not suggested to practice.
Stretches for Flexibility 1.5
CrisOleo Apps
Stretches to improve flexibility Stretching, thoughoftenoverlooked, plays a vital role in keeping muscles and jointsstrongand pliable so they are less susceptible to injury. That'swhy it’ssuch an important part of warming up before physicalactivity andcooling down after. Spending a few minutes a day doingslow,deliberate stretches can also help you manage stressmoreeffectively giving you a chance to momentarily shut offoutsidestress, and focus, physically and mentally, on youractivity. Agood stretching routine should work each of the majormusclegroups, and needn't take long. Five to 10 minutes is all youneed.In this video, we share the basic stretches to increaseflexibilityin the legs, hips and back. This is great to help withthe splitsand is perfect for dancers.
Hip Opener 1.0
This is a FREE plugin of Daily Yoga anddoesnot open on its own.Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Store link: Increases your flexibility & strength.- Nourishes the pelvis & reproductive organs.- Stretches your hips & legs.- Gives you an agile gait.Hip Opener Yoga stretches your legs, inner thighs, groins,hipsand back muscles. With regular practice, you can solve yourhipissues to a great extent and soften overall tightness in thehipsand legs. Moreover, this is a great stretching sequence thatyoucan associate with other daily workouts as a supplement.Not only physical changes will surprise you, but also youwitnessthe nourishment of your spirit and soul. It clears outnegativeemotions and refreshes you from inside out.
Stretching Alarm 1.11
For those who have made bonaesineun thefrontdesk most of the day.Good luck excused without sleeping, tired ofcontinuousdaily!If you're going to take the time to stretch back well anhage.I do not know if you try to film some action must not cool.For such people!1. my commute time and if you set the alarm interval2. YouTube videos are shown in random stretch atregularhours.3. Simply sit along the end!If you only invest happened just five minutes studying thehealthchaenggimyeonseo!In the office loosen the stiff body through stretching!Republic of Korea becomes the good luck to them all day -stretchingupdate will continue.# Errors occur, requirements, etc.Equipment type, please note the details when an error occurs thatwewill respond quickly and accurately.# Since watching movies Carrier charges may be billed,pleasewatch this possible through Wi-Fi.
5 Min Stretch Runners Workout 1.0.2
Stretching can be done both in apre-workout(warm-up) and post-workout (cool down) fashion. Whichyou do isreally up to you. Some athletes swear by the results theyget intheir performance and the lack of injury if they stretchbeforetheir workout. Others only stretch afterwards and, as youmightexpect, there are also those who stretch both before and aftertheywork out. Research on what exactly you should be doing isprettythin so here we are in the practical experienceterritory.Basically stretching should be part of your training. Howyouperform it however will depend on when you actually stretch:Pre-workout: If you're stretching before your workoutbeginsremember that your muscles are not warmed up yet. Yourstretchingroutine is designed to help them warm up so, no sharp,suddenmoves. No forcing muscles to stretch beyond comfortablepoints. Donot use "bouncy" motion to force a stretch, that's howyou normallyget injuries. Do not manually manipulate your muscles(beat themwith your fists, massage them or otherwise pull them) asyoustretch. That will definitely lead to injuries so care andbeingsensible are both key here.Post-workout: If you're stretching after a workout yourmusclesare already warmed up. Stretching now actually uses theplasticityof the muscles to help you achieve flexibility gains. Thetrickhere is to start slowly and build up. If you're stretchingyourhamstrings or your adductors (the inside of your thighs) now'sthetime to actually go a little bit further than before. Doitgradually but do push against your normal stretching limits.Gainsyou make here will stay with you after the session is overwhichmeans you will have increased your flexibility. The same wordsofcaution that apply in the pre=workout stretch, also applyhere.Always listen to your body and don't overstretch anymusclegroup.Tips: Stretching can increase the explosive power of yourmusclesbecause it increases their range of motion. It can alsohelp preventinjuries by allowing muscles to warm up gradually whenpractised aspart of the warm-up. Always exhale slowly when youstretch a musclegroup and inhale when you release it.6 REASONS to start training:1. Build yourself a smashing fit body - because there is nogreaterfeeling than looking in the mirror and simply just love whatyousee.2. Brag around about your toned muscles - low body fatlevel,noticeable muscle definition and shape, but not significantmusclesize3. Keep your heart strong and healthy - because your heart isamuscle also and it gets stronger and healthier if you liveanactive life.4. A clear and beautiful glowing skin - you don't have toworryanymore about celulite when you're half naked on the beach. Nomoredimply skin coming out of your swimsuit.5. Reduce stress, anxiety and fight depression - regular trainingisthe key for your head just as it is for your heart and willrelaxyou, making you calmer, fighting depression anddissipatestress.6. A happier soul and a bigger smile - you will feel that youarefinally doing something for yourself.BONUS: Improve your live life! you know exercise is good foryou,but do you know how goof? It boots your energy and improvesyourmood and exercising regularly puts the spark back into yourlovelife.
Ab & Core Sworkit 1.3.1
Free Ab, Back & Core workouts that fityourschedule and take you through great workouts without the needtothink about what to do.This highly focused app aims to deliver quick andeffectiveworkouts that fit YOUR life.Abs & Core Sworkit provides 3 unique workouts:Absolutely AwesomeBack StrengthComplete Core StrengthOther workout apps and workout videos are like playingrecords.Core Sworkit is like an iPod or the evolution of digitalmusic withplaylists and personalization at the core.Sworkit routines guide you through video exercisesdemonstratedby professional personal trainers.For even more great workouts and features, try our FREE,fullversion of SWORKIT. Create custom workouts from 4differentcategories; Strength, Cardio, Yoga, and Stretching for afull bodyand holistic approach to quick workouts you can doanywhere.Join the 17 million users who have downloaded Sworkit appstohelp achieve your own fitness goals. Sworkit has been featuredbyLifehacker, Women's Running, Gizmodo, Mashable, ArmyTimes,Brit+Co, Elle Magazine, TechCrunch and many others.DON'T limit yourself to the 7 Minute Workout's same 12BORINGexercises...DON'T feel guilty...DO Sworkit and see results in as little as 5 minutes a day!If you want even more from your workouts, check out orpremierproduct, SWORKIT.