Top 12 Apps Similar to らくらく連絡網-無料メーリングリスト!日程調整が簡単便利に!

freeml byGMO
freeml byGMO is a well-established mailinglistservice which has been operating for more than 10 years.A mailing list is a useful service which allows you to reachallyour friends by sending a single mail.Through the application, you can of course send mails tothemailing list you've joined but you can also check sentmails.Besides, you can also check how many mails are still unreadat aglance.【Main functions】●Push notifications for new mail.●Managing account.●View the mailing list you're a member of.●View older ML mails / View details.●ML mails chat display / Emoji & Stamp.●Attendance, yeas and nays decision ,questionnaires functionareavailable.●ML mail management.●Post/Reply to mailing list.●ML mail Search.●photo-sharing service.●View list of members.●Invite friends from Android address book.
Free Mirror App+Selfie Camera 0.16
Mirror No more carrying a mirror around when you go out! Yourphonehas got you covered! Download it for free now, so you cancheckyourself out anytime, anywhere! 【Complete Features】 -CompletelyFree Download now, and it’s free forever - Simple andeasy to useDownload and start using it now! - Zoom Function Zoom inwhereveryou want - Image Freezing Freeze the image so you canexamine yourreflection - Image Flipping Flip your reflection to seehow otherssee you Can’t find a good mirror app, or if you’relooking for onenow, we recommend you to try Mirror outnow!----------------------------------------------------------【COPYRIGHTINFORMATION】 Any individuals present in screenshots,have previouslyauthorised their appearance. If you have anyquestions or comments,please contact us at:[email protected]
Yahoo!音声アシスト - 声でスマホをかんたん便利に 3.20.0
“What is the weather tomorrow?” “Check the last train toYokohama”“Wake up at 6 o'clock” “Remind me at 18:30”
Life360: Live Location Sharing 23.43.0
Comprehensive family safety membership plans for busy, modern life.
ニトリアプリ 家具インテリアが見つかる!コーディネートも解決 9.2.1
More convenient shopping for furniture and interiors You candisplaythe member's membership card that can be used at Nitorinationwide,and you can check the points you have accumulated.Coordination offurniture and interior is also solved
全家便利商店 FamilyMart Version:9.109.599
※ Version limitation: Download and use the [New Revision XNewOnline] for Android 5.0 and above. Life is always in thewholefamily screen, which provides a more enjoyable andconvenientservice process.
平和堂スマートフォンアプリ〜お買物をおトクに便利に!〜 2.15.2
There are lots of useful information and useful and funcontentssuch as discount coupons that change every week, thelatestleaflets of each Heiwado store, and "Delicious Food Aya" fullofrecipes that are useful for daily menus!
JAFスマートフォンアプリ-デジタル会員証- 3.20.0
You can use JAF membership card, preferential search, androadservice with one app! Please send a safe car life with the appthatJAF members must have
スマート幹事くん 1.3.13
UDTalk - for UD Communication 175
This app is used for supporting our universal communication.
はこBOON 便利でおトクな配送サービス 7.2
「はこBOON」は、Yahoo!JAPANが運営する日本最大級のインターネットオークションサイト「ヤフオク!」等で落札された商品を、出品者が落札者宛に宅配する際に便利なサービスです。出品者は、インターネット上で発送手続きを行った後、ファミリーマート店頭に設置されたマルチメディア端末「Famiポート」を操作し、レジで手続き後、お届け先が印刷された送り状を荷物に貼り、店舗スタッフに荷物をあずけていただきます。本サービスの特長は、重量制の料金設定を採用しているため、「ヤフオク!」等で多くの需要がある“サイズが大きめで重量が軽い商品(衣料品など)”を、一般的な宅配サービスよりも安価に発送できる点にあります。送料も、インターネット上でのYahoo!ウォレット(クレジットカード)決済・ネットバンク決済・Tポイントを利用した決済・ファミリーマート店頭での現金決済の4つの決済方法を用意しております。【お得な価格】−荷物の重さで料金が決定はこBOONなら重さで料金が決定するので、箱が大きくなっても低価格で安心です。−発送してTポイントを獲得はこBOONで荷物を発送すると、送料(税抜)につき1%のTポイントが獲得できます。※Yahoo!ウォレット(クレジットカード)または全額Tポイントで決済をすると、Tポイントが通常時の2倍獲得できます。※小数点以下のポイントは切り捨てとなります。−送料にTポイントを利用送料のお支払いにTポイントが利用できます。料金全額、送料の一部のどちらにもご利用いただけます。【ここが便利!】・お近くのファミリーマートで24時間365日いつでも受付できます※ファミリーマートの各店舗の営業時間に準じます。・Yahoo! JAPAN IDで利用できますかんたんなお客様情報を入力するだけで取得できます。・面倒な送り状の手書きは不要パソコン、もしくは携帯電話で配送情報を入力するだけで、送り状が自動印刷され、めんどうな送り状の手書きは不要です。・営業所止めができます不在がちでなかなか荷物が受け取れない場合でも、提携配送会社の営業所で荷物を受け取ることができます。・支払い方法が選べますYahoo!ウォレット(クレジットカード)(一部ポイント利用可能)、店頭での現金支払い(一部ポイント利用可能)、ネットバンク支払い、全額Tポイント支払いから選べます。さらにスマートフォンでのご利用により、外出先でも近くのファミリーマートの検索をいつでも行うことができます。
Time stamp 1.36
Do not have me when you want to record instantaneously thedateandtime right now? The time stamp app that at the momentwhenIthought when you leave the house, when he witnessedtheincident,such as when the overtime is over, I want to recordthetimesimply, can leave a record of date and time as soon asasinglebutton. And when something happened, for example, whenyouwant tocalculate the time later, and if I took the time stampinthis app,it is very convenient to be able to grasp the exacttimelater.It's easy to use. Just press the "STAMP" button when youwanttokeep the record. I apps anyone can use easilywithoutthinkinganyway. Time stamp will be saved much as long asthey aredisplayedin a list, you do not want to delete. You can alsoYou canalsoleave a note later to stamp each, clarity of what stamp.Toleave anote, and long tap the date and time of the stamp.EditingscreenNote also auto, it is OK So if you edit a note. NoteSomeonlyappear in the list, but when you tap the date and timestamp,thecontents of the memo is displayed. It can be performedeasilyinall Delete button or DeleteAll button of each or deleted.Notalsobe a very simple app, and they can be applied to manythings,andit lost the use and operation. When you have a lostarticle,whenit was a crime, when you run into a case, such as whenanemergencyoccurs at work, such as when you want to know theexacttime later,to help in the case of emergency After you'veinstalled.Of course,I can be useful, such as observations and petrecord ofworkinghours, also recorded daily. People who can not useit istoocomplex high-performance apps other, so can beusedwithouthesitation anything if this app, please try thisapp.Because it isthe app snappy very light, can be installed inthosewho care aboutthe capacity of the terminal in peace. Pleasetrywith a variety ofrecording every day to put on the home screen.Ithink that yousurely help a lot later. (How to recordseconds)Record only hoursand minutes by default, but by checkingthe"Record seconds" in thebottom of the screen from the"Config"button, you can set it torecord seconds. ( For widgets ) Byaddinga widget to the homescreen , recording time can now beimmediatelywithout having tolaunch the app . Record of time can bewhen youtap the " TIMESTAMP " button , the widget , you can startthe appwhen you tapthe display unit of the time . The time displayof thewidget ,several cases only the most recent will be displayedwhenyou pressthe " TIME STAMP " button . Note does not appear inthewidget , ifyou want to edit a note or if you want to look atthenote , pleasestart the app by tapping the time display. Displayofthe widget isnot updated in real time to avoid draining thebattery. It becomesthe specifications that display is updated whenyoupress the stamp. ※ There seems to be a case where a partforcedtermination occurswhen using the widget. When you can informus thesituation waskilled when an error report, because it willhelp usimprove, sorryto trouble you, but thank you for yourcooperation. (For CSV fileoutput ) When you press the button"Export to CSV file" , all datawill be exported all to the SD cardor Internal storage(dependingon the device) in the"Android/data/gj.timestamp/" folder. Thefile name is " (date andtime). csv " . That after writing it, todelete all the data as itis , or you can leave as they are youcan. CSV files that wereexported , you can see by the list byreadingsuch as Excel . added afixed sentence stamp. (ver.1.2)fixedsentence stamps are under the"STAMP" button. You can registerthefixed sentence to the buttonwith long press. When you registerafixed sentence, you canrecording fixed sentence with the dateandtime automatically. Fixedsentence stamp does not show onlythefirst three on the screen, butyou scroll up button,you canuseanother fixed sentence stamp.