Top 15 Games Similar to Sangoku Tenka Trigger

三国天武~本格戦略バトル~ 三国志ストラテジー 1.6.7
Worldwide 30 million download breakthrough! Even if you do notknowthe Three Kingdoms hooked! Full-scale strategy / strategybattlegame!
三国志-英雄的黎明 1.4.6
Three Kingdoms: Overlord 2.16.15
Relive the history of the Three Kingdoms Period with hundredsofcities.
ThreeKingdoms Conqueror 2.0.12
New masterpiece of EasyTech! Best strategy game of Three Kindoms!
Enjoy 24-hour real-time battles! Experience stories from thethreekingdoms! Create your own elite troops and conquer thethreekingdoms!
Three Kingdoms Global 2.02.06
◆ The best turn-based massive user strategy game, GlobalMobileThreeKingdoms ◆ Mobile Three Kingdoms is an online strategygamewhere youbuild your own country and control it. Based on thestoryof ThreeKingdoms, an ancient Chinese legend, you need to knowhowto be aleader. You will start out as a king and will bechallengedto becomethe best strategist for survival andprosperity. ◆Thefeatures ofGlobal Mobile Three Kingdoms◆ - NowInternational! Wenow provideglobal multi-language support! Usersall around theworld can nowplay with each other. - Your land willnever stopgrowing! Looting ofyour property is now limited! It’s afun gamewhere you start fromthe bottom and try to get to the top.Only fewplayers will succeedand go down in history. - GuildSystems! Weprovide various Guildcontents like Guild store, unitedbattle,Guild storage, and so on. -War cinema system More graphicbattlescenes. - New Emperor system.New Ranking Point System BecomeanEmperor when you have the top rankfor 3 days. Newdynamicchallenging emperor system, out now! 3k game
さんごくしっ! 1.0.1
超簡単!戦略対戦ゲーム「さんごくしっ!」が登場!二等身にデフォルメ化された可愛い三国武将を使い、気軽に戦略ゲームを楽しもう。可愛くお手軽なプレイスタイルで今までとは違った三国世界を作り出そう。「さんごくしっ!」では自身の領地を拡大したり、軍隊の育成、兵種の相性などのやりこみ要素盛りだくさん。可愛い三国武将や軽快なBGMに癒やされながら、楽しんでゲームをプレイしよう。==ゲーム紹介==<可愛い三国>ゲーム中のキャラクターは三国の武将たちを二等身でデフォルメ化。お気に入りの武将を使って貴方の三国志の世界を作ろう。<愉快な三国>戦闘中や街の中ではポップでキュートな音楽機能搭載。電車の中、休憩中などリラックスしながら気軽に楽しめる。<繋がる三国>無数のプレイヤーたちと繋がりを持てる豊富なソーシャル機能搭載。ゼロから始まる国起こしの楽しさをプレイヤー同士で共有しよう!<策略の三国>4つの兵種には相性があり、兵の種類、配置などで勝敗は変化する。軍隊を率いる武将たちにより、逆転の可能性も?!相手の情報をどれだけ多く集められるかが勝利へのカギ!Super easy!Itappearedstrategy fighting game "Romance of the ThreeKingdomsTsu!"!Use the cute Mikuni warlords that has been deformedintotwolife-size, feel free to enjoy a strategy game. LetTsukuridasoadifferent three countries the world and until now inprettyhandyplay style.Or to expand the territory of the "Romance of theThreeKingdomsTsu!" Itself, training of troops, crowded elementslotssuch as thecompatibility of the branch of an army. Whilebeinghealed in cuteMikuni warlords and nimble BGM, trying to playthegame and enjoy.== Game introduction ==Character deformation of the warlords of the three countriesinadouble life in the game. Use your favorite warlords tryingtomakeyour world of Romance of the Three Kingdoms.Cute music featured in pop in the fighting in and the city.Inthetrain, enjoy the feel free to relax, such as duringbreaks.Rich social featured-held a myriad of players and ties.Tryingtoshare the joy of causing the country starting from zeroattheother players!The four of the branch of an army there is compatibility, thekindofsoldier, victory or defeat in such arrangement to change.Bywarlordsled by the army, the possibility of reversal? ! The keytohow muchor collectible win your opponent's information!
帝王争霸-全球版.魏蜀吴三国千人国战王者荣耀掠夺开启 2.6.5
☆☆免费游戏:多人策略战争活跃的国家系统, 加入国家,可以给保护发展你的军队,大家一起征战天下。这里才是你真正的选择!游戏中的战争策略均是实时的,这是一款充满了兄弟情谊游戏, 在这里你可以与来自世界各地的玩家战斗。努力成为最强大的国王!☆☆建设和捍卫你的帝国你不能只是进攻,《帝王争霸》让你建立庞大帝国,升级各种建筑,训练军队,建造陷阱。你的敌人还敢向你宣战吗?君将之魂神将出战王者荣耀.魏蜀吴吞食天地☆☆生动的战争画面美丽生动的场景与画面,让你在《帝王争霸》中领略奇幻史诗的战争!东汉末年分三国:曹魏、蜀汉、孙吴,战火纷飞,英豪迭起,无数英雄叱咤风云,文如诸葛司马郭嘉贾诩,猛似吕布关羽赵云典韦。三国志三国无双群雄霸业王者争霸雄霸天地横扫天下进击吧大王终极之战六龙御天吞食天地英杰传三国志刘备赵云吕布孔明曹操群英无双传奇一骑当千OL三国群英万人国战.魏蜀吴横扫千军吞食天地★★《帝王争霸》特色★★✔实时战争!与你的敌人在一个自由奇幻的世界中战斗!✔收集资源,建设帝国。防御和进攻一样的重要!✔《 建立强大的防御来捍卫你的帝国!训练军队来使你的帝国更加强大!✔《帝王争霸》中有很多国王,但是只有一个可以成为真正的国王,他会是你吗?东汉末年分三国:曹魏、蜀汉、孙吴,战火纷飞,英豪迭起,无数英雄叱咤风云,文如诸葛司马郭嘉贾诩,猛似吕布关羽赵云典韦。三国志三国无双群雄霸业王者争霸雄霸天地横扫天下进击吧大王终极之战六龙御天君将之魂神将出战英杰传三国志刘备赵云吕布孔明曹操群英无双传奇一骑当千OL三国群英万人国战王者荣耀.魏蜀吴横扫千军〓〓〓游戏介绍〓〓〓● 《帝王争霸》是智能手机上首款“国战”题材游戏,带你进入真正的三国世界!群英争霸●● 全景即时国战24小时开放,名城关隘逐个攻破,三国名臣武将为你鞍前马后,百万热血将士助你圆梦三国!●●经典版本玩法的手游神作,熟悉的感觉,不一样的完美体验!乱世三国谁主沉浮?豪情壮志何处挥洒?风起云涌,跟着《帝王争霸——攻城掠地》穿越成为一方霸主!现在起,叱咤风云,独霸三国王者荣耀!●东汉末年分三国:曹魏、蜀汉、孙吴,战火纷飞,英豪迭起,无数英雄叱咤风云,文如诸葛司马郭嘉贾诩,猛似吕布关羽赵云典韦。三国志三国无双群雄霸业王者争霸雄霸天地横扫天下进击吧大王终极之战六龙御天吞食天地● 创新的玩法,经典的战役,万人国战,一统天下,坐拥宫嫔妃佳丽三千的帝王生活,成为拯救苍生于水火的大英雄!●●「平原」、「山地」、「水域」和「城池」的四大地形战役,因地制宜!「突袭」、「攻击」与「防守」策略,知能善用,一统江山!●帝王争霸——攻城掠地!无双战将联盟千人斩风云九州战君将之魂神将出战英杰传三国志刘备赵云吕布孔明曹操群英无双传奇一骑当千OL三国群英万人国战王者荣耀.魏蜀吴横扫千军吞食天地〓〓〓五大特色〓〓〓◇三国风云,霸者无双——战吕布,收关羽,拥貂蝉,与诸葛亮共谋天下,让你进入真正的三国世界,君临天下!◇24小时语音国战——三国势力,真实还原地形版图,烽火狼烟,战火连天,让您身临其境,杀敌百万,做真正的无双上将!◇战斗,挥兵千万——突破传统战斗模式,推出递进式攻破战斗系统,独特的战法攻克,让你挥兵千万,大军压境,无可匹敌!◇实景还原三国战图,包含多达300个关隘城池,开创全天候全景实时国战!◇全程语音聊天配合。文臣武将齐数登场,打破“重武轻文”的游戏桎梏,内政事务、军师上阵、计策绝技演绎文官真本色!英杰传三国志刘备赵云吕布孔明曹操群英无双传奇一骑当千OL三国群英万人国战◇四大资源、战术、兵器、科技、皇城官职战等丰富的特色玩法,让妳充分自由的享受鼎足争雄的热血,圆满开疆扩土、统一天下的宏梦!东汉末年分三国:曹魏、蜀汉、孙吴,战火纷飞,英豪迭起,无数英雄叱咤风云,文如诸葛司马郭嘉贾诩,猛似吕布关羽赵云典韦。三国志三国无双群雄霸业王者争霸雄霸天地横扫天下进击吧大王终极之战六龙御天出战君将之魂神将王者荣耀横扫千军吞食天地Facebook粉丝团:※本游戏为免费使用,游戏内另提供购买虚拟游戏币、物品等付费服务。※☆☆ Free Games:Multiplayerstrategy warActive national systems, join the national, can give protectiontodevelop your army, everyone campaign world. Here is yourtruechoice! Game are real-time war strategy, this is a game fullofbrotherhood, where you can fight with players from aroundtheworld. Strive to become the most powerful king!☆☆ build and defend your empireYou can not just attack, "imperial hegemony" allows you to buildahuge empire, upgrade various buildings, train troops, buildtraps.Your enemies dare to do you declare war? Jun soul will gloryof Godwill play the king. Wei, Shu and Wu devour the world☆☆ vivid images of warBeautiful vivid scenes and pictures, let you enjoy the fantasyepicwar in the "imperial hegemony" in!Eastern Han Dynasty Three points: Wei, Shu Han and Sun Wu,war-torn,hero after another, countless heroes powerful, such asZhuge SimaWen Guo Jia Jia Xu, Meng Guan Yu, Zhao Yundian like LuBu Wei. ThreeKingdoms Dynasty Warriors warlords dominated theworld dominance ofthe King swept the world hegemony attack it sixdragon king ultimatebattle royal day devour the worldYingjie Chuan Three Kingdoms Liu Bei, Cao Cao Ming ZhaoRiboudlegendary Beat Warriors Ikki Tousen OL Three million peoplein thecountry battle heroes. Wei, Shu and Wu Annihilation devourtheworld★★ "imperial hegemony" Features ★★✔ Real-time war! And your enemies in a fantasy world infightingfree!✔ Gather resources, build empires. Defensive and offensive justasimportant!✔ "to build a strong defense to defend your empire! Trainingtroopsto make your empire more powerful!✔ "imperial hegemony" There are many kings, but only one can beareal king, he would be you?Eastern Han Dynasty Three points: Wei, Shu Han and Sun Wu,war-torn,hero after another, countless heroes powerful, such asZhuge SimaWen Guo Jia Jia Xu, Meng Guan Yu, Zhao Yundian like LuBu Wei. ThreeKingdoms Dynasty Warriors dominated the worldhegemony warlordsdominance king swept the world bar the kingonslaught ultimatebattle six Royal Dragon Soul Heaven's Soldierswill of God will playYingjie Chuan Three Kingdoms Liu Bei, Cao CaoMing Zhao Riboudlegendary Beat Warriors Ikki Tousen million peoplein the countrybattle the three heroes OL king of glory. Wei, Shuand WuAnnihilation〓〓〓 Game description 〓〓〓● "imperial hegemony" are the smart phone's first "nationalwar"theme game, take you into the real world of the ThreeKingdoms!Beat hegemony ●● Panorama immediate war the country is open 24 hourspass-by-citybreak, the three generals after MingChen you saddlebefore thehorse, the blood of millions of soldiers to help yourealize theirdreams of the Three! ●● classic version of hand tour play God for, familiar feeling,notthe same perfect experience! Who Controls the three troubledtimes?Where to sway grand ambitions? Surging, with the "imperialhegemony- encroaching" through to become the dominant party! Fornow,all-powerful, dominating the Three king of glory! ●Eastern Han Dynasty Three points: Wei, Shu Han and Sun Wu,war-torn,hero after another, countless heroes powerful, such asZhuge SimaWen Guo Jia Jia Xu, Meng Guan Yu, Zhao Yundian like LuBu Wei. ThreeKingdoms Dynasty Warriors warlords dominated theworld dominance ofthe King swept the world hegemony attack it sixdragon king ultimatebattle royal day devour the world● Innovative gameplay, classic battle, and thousands Stateswar,dominate the world, sitting Pageant imperial palaceconcubinesthree thousand lives, save the common people untoldmiseries becomea big hero! ●● "plain", "mountain", four terrain battle "waters" and "city",thelocal conditions! "Raid", "attack" and "defense"strategy,knowledge and ability to good use, dominate the landscape!●Imperial hegemony - to conquer new territories! WarriorsStormTroopers alliance thousands of people cut Kyushu war soul kingwillplay GodYingjie Chuan Three Kingdoms Liu Bei, Cao Cao Ming ZhaoRiboudlegendary Beat Warriors Ikki Tousen OL Three million nationalwarheroes king of glory. Wei, Shu and Wu Annihilation devourtheworld〓〓〓 five characteristics 〓〓〓◇ three Fengyun, Bazhe unparalleled - war Riboud, closing GuanYu,Yong Diao Chan, Zhuge Liang complicity with the world, letyouenter the real world of the Three Kingdoms, monarchs oftheworld!◇ 24 小时 voice national war - three forces, true terrain map,flamessmoke signals, war-torn, allowing you to the ground, killsmillionswill do the real Warriors!◇ fighting, Huibing ten million - break the traditional battlemode,the introduction of progressive break combat system, uniquetacticsto overcome, so you Huibing millions, army arrives,unmatched!◇ real battle to restore the three maps, contain up to 300passcity, creating a real-time clock panoramic countrybattle!◇ full voice chat with. Qi number Wenchen debut, breaking the"heavypaper light weapons," the game shackles, internal affairs,militaryadviser to battle, the interpretation of civilian stunttrick truecharacter!Yingjie Chuan Three Kingdoms Liu Bei, Cao Cao Ming ZhaoRiboudlegendary Beat Warriors Ikki Tousen OL Three million peoplein thecountry battle heroes◇ four resources, tactics, weapons, technology, Imperialofficialwar and other rich characteristics of play, putting youenjoy fullfreedom of rival powers hegemony of blood, the successfulexpansionof soil to break, unified world of macro dream!Eastern Han Dynasty Three points: Wei, Shu Han and Sun Wu,war-torn,hero after another, countless heroes powerful, such asZhuge SimaWen Guo Jia Jia Xu, Meng Guan Yu, Zhao Yundian like LuBu Wei. ThreeKingdoms Dynasty Warriors dominated the worldhegemony warlordsdominance king swept the world bar the kingultimate battle attacksix days Royal Dragon Soul played the kingwill be king of the gloryof God of heaven and earth devourAnnihilationFacebook fans: https: //※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as payment services within the game. ※
醉萌三國 6.4
歷史上的三國時代,英雄輩出,豪氣幹雲,留下無數戰役傳奇——現全新策略手遊《醉萌三國》帶著豪情俠義與至尊寶座強勢來襲;繽紛多樣的策略對抗,一起勇闖別樣另類的三國世界吧。====遊戲特色====★顛覆傳統SLG:顛覆傳統策略遊戲的套路,排兵佈陣,武將組合,引領智勇拼搏的全新時代!★豐富玩法:匹配模式戰、PVP競技場、跨服約戰、過關斬將、群雄割據、…數不清的戰役等你參加!★輕鬆戰鬥指尖微操:操作前置的回合戰鬥,降低玩家操作頻率,輕輕點擊,排兵佈陣,即可進入戰鬥!★創新玩法:獨特的九宮格戰鬥模式、搭配170多名角色300多種風格各異的華麗技能,挑戰極限!====特色系統====【一人多職】顛覆傳統,趣鬥三國-體驗變革全新的人物成長方式:建立角色的時候選擇戰士、劍士、道士、術士、醫師、蠱師;-玩家還能通過修煉其他職業的技能實現一人多職,增加了戰場上的種種變數,遊戲策略性進一步提高。【萌寵守護】拉風雙寵,全方位提升主人屬性-守護獸分為10個檔次,通過對應內丹進階。-守護獸等級為1~100級,通過消耗銀兩和食物升級。-守護裝備分為四種,爪加攻擊、鎧加防禦、配飾加生命、項圈加速度。【陣法系統】策略佈陣,玩轉馬上三國-陣法合成:陣法殘卷只能用來合成,陣法殘卷通過匹配戰掉落;-陣法升級:陣法可以通過消耗其他陣法進行升級;-陣法作用:配置陣法可以提高所有參戰單位戰鬥數值。====【聯繫我們】====※遊戲內容涉及輕微暴力,部分角色着裝暴露。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內部分道具收費。※依遊戲分級管理辦法, 此遊戲為輔12級:12歲以上使用。
顛覆三國 1.5.8
【顛覆三國,不一樣的熱血群P】全民策略手游《顛覆三國》強勢來襲!全球同服,等你來戰!戰出你的功名利祿,戰出你的江山美人!就是要開戰!★ 開新人禮包——材料體力天天領,元寶銅錢送不停;★ 集三國名將——46位英雄豪傑,裝備熔煉,寶石鑲嵌,進階覺醒,供您全方位養成;★ 拼競技排名——巧用排兵佈陣,拒絕無腦卡牌,策略為王,盡顯謀略;★ 享精彩活動——暴擊搖錢樹,領爵位俸祿,勇征戰天下,選美人寵幸;【遊戲特色】1、精美畫面大製作,場景氣勢恢宏,特效絢麗多姿;2、精彩副本等你闯,對戰身臨其境,推崇策略至上;3、精魂战技齐发力,名将升星升級,神器洗練合成;【温馨提示】※ 請使用谷歌賬號、蘋果賬號登陸遊戲,包體更新后仍然可以找回歷史記錄;※ 本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供偷賣虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷;【客服通道】Facebook Page: Support: [email protected]
Large Three Kingdoms battle that you can experience in real timeof24 hours! The draw player and hand of the same country, Aimtheworld unification!
烽火三國 1.4.2010
iyoyo Studio
採用最經典的多人策略類戰爭玩法,龐大複雜的戰略系統和無與倫比的遊戲可玩性,萬人城戰,立不世偉業!是戰略類手遊的巔峰之作!==遊戲特色==【萬人城戰 號令天下】依照真實歷史,三國時期百座城池穿越歷史來到您的眼前,各方霸主,誰能君臨天下,您的目標是奪取城池,達成統一。當您奪取城池之後,可以對轄下城池進行建設與升級。列土封侯,一統天下,您需要做的就是再努力一點!【武將招募 鎮軍治戎】戰火紛飛、忠肝義膽、俠骨柔情、絕色美女;各路三國歷史名將悉數登場。他們將成為您南征北戰、橫掃千裏的絕佳良將跟伴侶。努力培養他們,提升等級和星級,解鎖成名技能,陷陣衝鋒,溫酒殺敵!【內政科技 運籌帷幄】內修身:軍政科技,外治國:策略進攻。勵精圖治,軍事與內政科技完美結合;偏軍倚農,由您決定;是成為名震天下的亂世諸侯,還是偏安一隅的世外高人,您說了算!真人對手!鬥智、鬥勇!成就霸業!【戰格佈局 謀略當先】盾牌兵、鐵騎兵、連弩兵、遼兵盡握掌中;進攻防守,隊形相互克制、任何細節都將扭轉戰局!趕緊加入我們一起戰鬥吧!==聯繫我們==歡迎到官方粉絲團分享您的想法~※《烽火三國》Fb官方粉絲團※《烽火三國》Fb官方※服務時間:24小時全年無休※※請注意※※本遊戲需要網路連線。本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
Card Three Kingdoms 1.02.11
A really interesting strategy card game
手機三國2:諸侯 25.0
Something Big
小小主公 1.5.0
※Q版三國策略戰爭手遊※最休閒的Q版三國策略戰爭手遊《小小主公-小小三國豪華版》重磅來襲!最萌的Q版武將,最休閒的策略戰爭玩法,最歡快的遊戲節奏,打造最與眾不同的亂世三國。《小小主公-小小三國豪華版》獨創休閒策略玩法,一邊是培養軍隊,保衛家園的三國群英戰;一邊是兵種相克,智計無雙的三國策略戰爭;轉瞬卻是激萌畫風,歡快音樂的趣味萌三國!讓您在歡樂的遊戲節奏下輕鬆實現攻城掠地、稱霸天下的三國夢。史上最新穎的三國之戰已正式開啟,全球華裔邀您共聚小小主公-小小三國豪華版成就無雙霸業!==遊戲特色==【萌三國 激萌畫風打造別樣三國】遊戲採用Q版萌系畫風,呆萌可愛的三國武將,清新動人的亂世紅顏,共同打造一個別具風格的夢三國!【戰三國 新增陣營戰役邀您來戰!】攻城、掠地、平匪、陣營戰四大征戰體系完美交互呈現,以戰養戰,帶給您最與眾不同的征戰體驗。陣營戰役是全平臺玩家共同參與的多人交互玩法,將“休閒”與“戰略”進行不可思議的結合!【趣三國 歡快節奏助力趣味玩法】歡快的背景音樂,可愛的角色配音,營造了一個輕鬆愉悅的遊戲節奏,加上遊戲內豐富的趣味玩法,足以讓您有一場與眾不同的Q版三國之行!【聚三國 全球華裔共建家園領地】千萬玩家共聚三國時代,白手起家創建家園,通過自己的努力建設家園設施,壯大實力,為征戰三國奏響號角!【智三國 智謀無雙掌控亂世戰局】盾克弓,弓克槍,槍克騎,騎克盾,不同兵種相互克制,行軍作戰謀算天下,於亂世三國戰爭之中展現雄才偉略!【統三國 征戰天下實現王者霸業】三國大軍縱橫賓士,英雄猛將橫刀立馬,保衛家園,征戰三國,一將功成,三國霸業唯您而已!