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Celtx Script
With Script you can write formatted scriptsonyour mobile device, collaborate with partners, and get freebackupsof all your writing.Plus…Script syncs with all-in-one online Celtx studios, so youcantake your finished script into production and collaborate withyourteam on breakdown, storyboarding, scheduling, budgeting, andcallsheet generation and distribution.Visit to learn more.Script features...* Screenplay, AV, Stageplay, Audio Play, and Comic formats.* Free online backups - protecting your writing from damage orlossof your device.* Add comments to make script notes to yourself or discussscriptswith partners.* New to Celtx? Sign up for an account and get a 15-day freetrialof a full-featured online Celtx studio - all the tools youneed tobring your scripts to camera: scriptwriting,breakdown,storyboarding, scheduling, budgeting, and cast and crewreports.Post trial you can continue using your studio forfreescriptwriting.