Top 6 Apps Similar to VITAttiva

Fisioterapia Respiratória 1.0.21
Application to assist in Respiratory Therapy.
aiRPGPhysio 1.0
aiRPGPhysio is the essential applicationforthe physiotherapist specialised in Global PosturalRe-education(GPR).Using aiRPGPhysio you can record all patient information andmanagethe assessment process according to GPR in a simple,important andfast manner.At the end of each session, you can automatically quantifychangesobtained with your work and view the percentage ofimprovement oraggravation through comparison:-between the rebalancing test results performed before thesessionand after the session;-between the results of pain recorded using the painmeasurementscale "numerical rating scale” (NRS) before the sessionand afterthe session.-between the results of the angular value of the articularROMrecorded before the session and after the session.Application contents• Patient list with photos• Card where medical history data can be entered• List of the body areas• Addition of patients, addition of therapeutic cycles,ofsessions• Multiple therapy cycles can be entered for every patient• Details of the cycle with display of all the imagesassociatedwith the cycle• Multiple sessions can be entered for each cycle• For each session there is a GPR assessment overviewand/orscoliosis assessment overview, Table of the 6 areas, CervicalTableand shoulder Table• Rebalancing card with the list of incorrect postural positionstoselect• Rebalancing card of "Pre", "Post" and "Compare Pre/Post".• Specific section for each patient in which images from thegalleryand/or taken with the device can be entered, for eachsession• By clicking on the images you can see them in full screen andzoomthem with the zoom effect• Possibility to send an e-mail directly from the applicationthatgenerates a pdf file as an attachment, containing allpatientinformation, including stored images.• Settings:- list of positions with the possibility of adding,deletingpositions and changing the names of existing ones, thepossibilityof modifying their display order;- list of postures with the possibility of adding,deletingpostures, changing existing ones, possibility of modifyingtheirdisplay order;- list of areas of the body with the possibility of adding,deletingbody areas, changing the name of existing ones,possibility ofmodifying their display orderFunctionalityBy adding a new patient a card appears in which thepatient'spersonal details and picture can be entered.Once a new patient is created, you can add a new cycle where youcanspecify the area of the body that will be object of treatmentandthe medical history.Once a new cycle is created you can add a new session.Once the new session is created the assessment overview appearstobe completed by clicking on it.By clicking on the column retractions local Exam, the tables ofthe6 areas, the cervical Table and the shoulder table becomeavailablefor their assessment; after highlighting the area ofinterest, thecorresponding result will automatically appear in theretractionslocal Exam column.Selecting the Rebalancing column the card named "Pre" openswherethe balancing test results can be entered, along with thepainvalues to be set with the pain scale NRS (numerical ratingscale)and the value of the articular angle of compensation.At the end of the session, after running the rebalancing teststoverify the effect of treatment, you can open the card named"Post"and enter the corresponding values.After selecting the card named "Compare Pre/Post" a screen shotwillbe displayed where you can automatically view the comparisonofresults and the percentage of change both of the result oftherebalancing tests and the NRS pain scale value.It also has a button to automatically generate an emailcontainingan attachment with all information stored in the app andrelatingto the patient, including pictures.
PT-Measures 1.0.1
O PT-Measures é uma aplicação gratuita quetemcomo objectivo avaliar o estado cognitivo e funcionaldosindivíduos e é direccionado para profissionais defisioterapia,reabilitação física e geriatria.O PT-Measures contém os seguintes testes:>Avaliação Cognitiva:- Mini Mental State Examination>Avaliação Estado Funcional:- FIM (Functional Independent Measures)- Barthel Index- Velocidade de Marcha- Timed Up and Go- Step TestFuncionalidades principais do PT-Measures:* Instruções e informações para cada avaliação* Questionário contínuo* Possibilidade de gravar e aceder a resultados (nome, idade,géneroe resultado)* Escalas traduzidas para versão PortuguesaO PT-Measures está preparado para ser utilizado em 96%dosdispositivos android acessível em qualquer lugar.Usufrua do PT-Measures e saiba sobre nós ememwww.sensingfuture.ptContacto: [email protected] PT-Measures is afreeapplication that aims to assess cognitive and functional statusofindividuals and is directed to physical therapyprofessionals,physical rehabilitation and geriatrics.The PT-Measures contains the following tests:> Cognitive Assessment:- Mini Mental State Examination> Functional Status Assessment:- FIM (Functional Independent Measures)- Barthel Index- Marching Speed- Timed Up and Go- Step TestKey features of the PT-Measures:* Instructions and information for each evaluation* Continuous Quiz* Ability to save and access results (name, age, genderandincome)* Scales translated into Portuguese versionThe PT-Measures are prepared to be used in 96% of androiddevicesavailable anywhere.Enjoy the PT-Measures and learn about us inonwww.sensingfuture.ptContact: [email protected]
JWN PT 7.73.0
Leading app for fitness professionals.
SlicePT 7.62.0
Leading app for fitness professionals.
bobo index 1.2
Bo & Bo ltd
BOBO is moving allrehabilitationbalanceexercise into a game, to make it moreengaging, addictingandfun.BOBO came up with the idea of linking the unstable platformsusedinthe clinics into your smartphone by connecting theplatformsintothe BOBO board using a simple and patented connector.TheBOBOapplication uses an advanced learning algorithm whichmeasuresthepatients' progress along the treatment and automaticallyoffersatailored program for the user. BOBO is encouraging the userforabetter results and more fun this app you can find a list of all bobo’s gamesandmorecompatible games.