Top 15 Apps Similar to Mobilità Skoda

ŠKODA Interactive Catalogue 1.0.0
Explore fantastically real 3D models of ŠKODA Cars, includingbrandnew ŠKODA Rapid Spaceback, wherever you are. With thisapplicationyou can simply tailor any chosen car according to yourdreams andshare your vision with your family or friends. Togetheryou candiscover and enjoy all details of exterior and interior in360view.Application includes:3D models – Explore ŠKODA models and their interiors in 3DSimply Clever videos – learn about Simply Clever features ofŠKODAcarsInteractive features – try out technical assistants andfeaturesyourselfSpecifications – you can find out all important informationaboutyour car
ŠKODA Drive 1.9.7
Using ŠKODA Drive, you will have acompleteoverview of your driving right in your mobile. Once youconnect thecar equipped with SmartGate™, routes are recorded andyou can watchhow efficiently you drive and how much money you cansave.- Do you think you drive efficiently? Watch your efficiency scoreinevery moment of your driving! ŠKODA Drive offers yourecommendationhow you can improve.- Do you want to compete and save money? Add defaultconsumption,and anytime you drive better, you save money. Createthe savinggoal and watch the progress composed from routesavings.- Do you want to remember the place that you pass during theroute?Pause the route and add a picture or like to the route.- If you have a compatible smartphone andInfotainmentRadio/Navigation system supporting MirrorLink™connection in yourcar – you can view the app on the display ofInfotainmentsystem.ROUTE STATISTICS- When you finish driving, the app shows you the map withefficiencytrack and route summary: route efficiency, averagespeed, routedistance, saved money and others.- Using the list of all routes, you can view the summary for anyofyour previous routes.DRIVER STATISTICS- In Profile Section, you can find basic statistic for all yourcars(if you drive with more than one): number of routes,overallsavings, overall average speed, overall mileage, efficiencyandtime of your drive, and lots of others.WEB PORTAL- App is tailored to in-car usage, but it is only first partofwhole ŠKODA Drive solution. At you find allyourroutes and data in more detailed maps and charts withinfographics,monthly records and earned trophies.ANOTHER FEATURES- Right after refueling, you are offered by the App a possibilityofediting how much fuel you refueled and for how much money.- You can personalize app via goal and user pictures, andusernickname- Eco-Tips cover parameters from driver's behavior:Shifting,Acceleration, Deceleration, Speed and Pedal Force- For first users, there is help guide prepared- Select one from 4 basic languages: English, German, FrenchandCzech- Day and Night mode automatically controlled according to thecar’slightsNOTE:- When ŠKODA Drive app is connected to the SmartGate™, thenAndroidOS is not allowing Wi-Fi and internet dataconnectionsimultaneously. This is due to the standard behavior ofAndroid OSand it causes following limitation in the app:- It is not possible to log-in into the app when it is connectedtothe SmartGate™- Synchronization with the portal is not possible when itisconnected to the SmartGate™- Map with the track is not shown when it is connected totheSmartGate™These 3 functions are available when the smartphoneisdisconnected from the SmartGate™ .
ŠKODA Media Room 6.0.0
The application presents news and information about theŠKODA’sactivities.
ŠKODA MotorSound 1.6
***********************MotorSound - SmartGate App***********************This application from ŠKODA AUTO requires to have a carequipedwith SmartGate*.Use the Škoda MotorSound application to reproduce sportengineinto your car speakers.Select between 3 racing engines and enjoy the drive withyourŠKODA.*Real-time data*Connected to the SmartGate, the MotorSound applicationusesreal-time data to reproduce sport engine sound based onyourdriving behavior.*Sound reproduction*To increase your immersion connect your smartphone to your carviabluetooth or auxiliary input and hear the sound directly fromyourspeakers.-----------------------For your security, watch the current traffic situation and donotoperate the device while driving.NOTICE: To connect the App with SmartGate device downloadtheSmartGate App that will automatically connects your SmartGateAppswith your car.*To learn more about SmartGate
Fahrenheit Skoda 2.0.0
Fahrenheit Skoda App is another initiativebyFahrenheit Automobiles to provide all possible facilities toitscustomers through mobile application. You can always be intouchwith Fahrenheit Skoda through this mobile app, it providemanyunique features to enhance your car owning experience.This App gives all the users an unique opportunity to get alltherequired information for maintaining their Skoda Cars.Top features of this app are1. Customer Profile2. All New car information3. Easy service booking4. Insurance renewal request5. Find used cars6. Find current offers7. Find car accessories8. Tips and Notifications and many more.Just download this app on your android phone to experiencethetop qaulity service we provide.
myŠKODA + 1.0.2
myŠKODA + und myŠKODA. Zwei starke Partner.myŠKODA + erweitert die Funktionalitäten der Webapp myŠKODAderVolkswagen Gruppe.Verkehrsmeldungen, Parkgaragen und Pannenhilfekönnen nachdemDownload der Erweiterung direkt aus myŠKODA kostenlosgenutztwerden.Sollten Sie myŠKODA noch nicht nutzen, erkundigen Sie oder einem Autohaus der Volkswagen Gruppe.PannenhilfeSie haben eine Fahrzeugpanne? Über die myŠKODA+ -App könnenSievollelektronisch eine Pannenhilfe-Anfrage direkt indieNotrufzentrale über ein online Formular absetzen.Sollten Sie Ihr letztes fälliges Service bei einem unsererŠKODAService-Vertragspartner durchgeführt haben, ist dieserServicekostenlos.Sicher und günstig parken
Mit der myŠKODA+ -App können aktuelle Daten von mehr als600Parkeinrichtungen in ganz Österreich abgerufen werden.Geliefertwerden Informationen über Tarife, Öffnungszeiten,Stellplatzanzahlund vieles mehr. Die übersichtliche Darstellungermöglicht eineinfaches und rasches Vergleichen von Preisen undexakter Lage derGaragen am gewünschten Zielort. Für die Städte Wienund Salzburgstehen – sofern vorhanden – auch Belegungszahlen inEchtzeit zurVerfügung, die auf der Karte farblich gekennzeichnetsind.Verkehrslagebild des gesamten Straßennetzes aufIhremSmartphoneDie myŠKODA+ - App bringt Ihnen Informationen über Staus,Baustellenund andere Verkehrsbehinderungen aus ganz Österreichdirekt auf IhrHandy. Damit sind Sie auch unterwegs immer gutinformiert. Auf derKarte sehen Sie sofort, wo Sie gut vorankommenund welche StellenSie besser meiden sollten.Infos über Autobahnen in Kooperation mit der ASFINAGFür das Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Netz können wirinKooperation mit der ASFINAG zusätzlich VerkehrsflussdatenzurVerfügung stellen. Durch Einfärbung dereinzelnenStreckenabschnitte (rot, gelb, grün) sehen Sie auf einenBlick, womit Verzögerungen oder Staus zu rechnen ist.Selbst zum Staumelder werdenSie haben selbst einen Stau, Straßenschäden, falscheBeschilderungenoder andere Verkehrsprobleme entdeckt? Tippen Sieeinfach auf dasRufzeichen-Symbol in der Verkehrs-App und meldenSie uns dasProblem. Die Experten der Informationszentrale werdensich umgehendum Ihr Anliegen bemühen.Rechtliche Hinweise:Für die technische Verfügbarkeit, inhaltliche RichtigkeitundZuverlässigkeit der verschiedenen Services kannkeinerleiZusicherung oder Garantie abgegeben werden. Die Serviceskönnenjederzeit und ohne vorherige Benachrichtigung der Benutzergeändertoder eingestellt werden. Es wird keine Haftung fürSchädenjeglicher Art, die aus der Benutzung der Servicesentstehenübernommen.myŠKODA myŠKODA + and.Twostrong partners.myŠKODA + extends the functionality of the webapp myŠKODAtheVolkswagen Group.Traffic reports, parking garages and roadside assistance canbeafter downloading the extension used for free directlyfrommyŠKODA.If you do not use myŠKODA, check on or a cardealershipin the Volkswagen Group.BreakdownThey have a car accident? About the myŠKODA + app, you can issueafully electronic road service request directly to the PSAP viaanonline form.If you have completed your last overdue service at one of ourŠKODAservice contractors, this service is free.Safe and inexpensive parkingWith the myŠKODA + App, current data from more than 600parkingfacilities in Austria are retrieved. Provided, informationontariffs, opening times, number of parking spaces, and more.Theclear display provides a simple and speedy compare prices andexactlocation of the garages at the desired destination. For thecitiesof Vienna and Salzburg are - if any - even occupancy levelsin realtime, which are color coded on the map.Traffic situation of the entire road network onyoursmartphoneThe myŠKODA + - app brings you information about traffic jams,roadand other obstacles throughout Austria directly to your phone.Sothat you are always well informed on the go. On the map youseewhere you are progressing well and what sites are bestavoided.Information about highways in cooperation with ASFINAGFor motorways and expressways network we can provide incooperationwith ASFINAG additional traffic flow data. By coloringtheindividual sections (red, yellow, green) you can see at aglancewhere to expect delays and traffic jams.Even the barrier detectorsThey have even discovered a traffic jam, road damage,impropersignage or other traffic problems? Simply tap theexclamation iconin the traffic app and log the problem to us. Theexperts from theInformation Center will endeavor to you about yourrequest.Legal Disclaimer:For the technical availability, accuracy and reliability ofthedifferent services can be no assurance or guarantee can begiven.The Services are subject to change at any time and withoutnoticeto users or set. We assume no liability for damages of anykindarising from use of the Services.
DTC Fault Memory erase for VAG 4.4.2
Erase/Read fault memory for Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, Skoda usingOBDELM327.
The compressed natural gas, or CNG, isanature-friendly and economical way to travel. The onlydrawbackused to be the limited number of fuelling stations.With the new CNG app from ŠKODA, all CNG car owners can plantheirroute in advance according to their refuelling needs andtravelwithout worries and unnecessary delays.The app always shows the nearest CNG station. It helps you toplanthe whole route in advance according to station locationsandexports the plan to your navigation. It also gives youdetailsabout every station on your route. As an extra, you will gettoknow more about the ŠKODA CNG model line.Drive economically and help the nature with the new ŠKODACNGapp!
Volkswagen Service Germany 4.2.2(1)
Volkswagen AG
Die ganze Welt von Volkswagen Service -ineiner AppDie Volkswagen Service App unterstützt Sie unterwegs zuverlässiginden verschiedensten Situationen. Schnell und unkompliziertwerdenSie mit nützlichen Informationen rund um Ihren Volkswagenversorgt,erfahren mehr über die Volkswagen Service Leistungen underhaltenhilfreiche Tipps sowie aktuelle Angebote.Im Pannenfall wird Ihnen umgehend geholfen, da beieinerautomatischen Übermittlung Ihrer Fahrzeug- und StandortdatendasVolkswagen Service Mobil noch schneller bei Ihnen vor Ortseinkann! Darüber hinaus stehen Ihnen weitere nützliche FunktionenzurVerfügung, z. B. welche Bedeutung die Warnleuchten inIhremFahrzeug haben und Sie können Ihren Parkplatz speichern sowiedieParkzeit einstellen.Mit Hilfe der Diesel-Info können Sie anhandIhrerFahrzeug-Identifizierungsnummer (FIN) überprüfen, ob IhrFahrzeugvon der Rückrufaktion zwecks Software-Update betroffen istundggfs. eine Terminanfrage stellen.Darüber hinaus finden Sie an dieser StelleweitereKontaktmöglichkeiten zu Volkswagen sowie hilfreiche undaktuelleInformationen zum Sachverhalt.Nach Eingabe bzw. Überprüfung der FIN können dieangezeigtenFahrzeugdaten außerdem direkt unter „Meine Garage“gespeichertwerden.Die kontinuierliche Nutzung von GPS kann denBatterieverbrauchdramatisch erhöhen.The whole worldofVolkswagen Service - in an appThe Volkswagen Service App supports the move reliably in avarietyof situations. Quick and easy you are provided withusefulinformation about your Volkswagen, learn more about theVolkswagenservice performance and receive helpful tips andcurrentoffers.In case of a breakdown will help you immediately, as in anautomatictransmission of your vehicle and location data, theVolkswagenService Mobile can be at your place even faster! You canalsobenefit other useful functions, such. As the significance ofthewarning lights in your vehicle and you can save your car parkandset the parking time.With the diesel-Info you can make an appointment request tocheckwhether your vehicle is affected by the recall ordersoftwareupdate and possibly based on your vehicle identificationnumber(VIN)..Furthermore you can find at this point more contact optionsforVolkswagen and useful and current information about the stateofaffairs.After entering or checking the VIN displayed vehicle data canalsobe stored directly in "My Garage".The continuous use of GPS can increase batteryconsumptiondramatically.
ŠKODA Körjournal 2.0
Med Škodas körjournalsapp kan duenkeltregistrera och administrera dina resor, privat elleritjänsten.När du ska registrera ny resa väljer du om den är i tjänstenellerprivat. Fyll i ärende, var resan startar, vart du ska åkaochstartmätarställning. När du sedan är framme fyller du iresansslutmätarställning och sparar resan. Din resa sparas dåtillhistoriken i appen. Behöver du korrigera något i dina sparaderesorär det enkelt att uppdatera.Vid månadens slut, eller den period som du självönskarexporterar du sedan resorna från appen till dator. En.csv-filskickas med mail till önskad datorenhet och filen kanöppnas it.ex. Excel.Smidigt, snabbt och enkelt.Škoda körjournalWith Škodakörjournalsapp,you can easily register and manage your trips,private or in theservice. To register new trip, select whether it is for business orpleasure.Fill in the matter, the trip will start, where to go andstartingmileage. When you are there, fill in the journey's endmileage andsaves the trip. Your journey is then saved to thehistory of theapp. Need to correct something in your saved tripsit is easy toupdate.At the end of the month, or the period that you wish toexportthen travels from the app to your computer. A .csv file sentbyemail to the required computing device and the file can beopenedin eg Excel.Convenient, easy and simple.Škoda driver's log
Экономим на сервисе Fabia 2.0
Alex Parshin
Это не книга по ремонту иобслуживанию,непособие по поиску неисправностей, аиздание,дополняющееруководство по эксплуатации вашегоавтомобиля.Неизбежно наступит время, если оно уже не наступило,когдагарантиязакончится и нужно будет решать, кому доверитьработупопериодической замене тормозных колодок, свечейзажигания,сменемасла и различных фильтров, не говоря уже олампахипредохранителях, имеющих свойство перегорать.А нужно ли обращаться со своими мелочами кспециалистамавтосервиса,стремящимся выполнить сложную и дорогуюработу? Совсемнеобязательно все работы, предусмотренныеприпериодическомгарантийном обслуживании, в послегарантийныйпериодвыполнятьодновременно. Что-то можно сделать в выходной деньнадаче, что-товечером после работы, но главное — это посиламбольшинствуавтовладельцев, не обремененныхтехническимипознаниями.В издании приведены иллюстрированные рабочиеоперациипосамостоятельной замене автомобильных «расходников»,нетребующиеиспользования сложного специального инструмента.Приподачеинформации учитывалось расхожее мнение, что лучше одинразувидеть,чем много раз прочитать.Надеемся, что владельцы автомобилей Skoda Fabiaоценятнашестремлениепомочь сэкономить на сервисеThis is not abookforrepair and maintenance, no manual troubleshootingandpublicationsupplementing the manual of your vehicle.Will inevitably come a time when it is already too late,whenthewarranty is over and will have to decide whom to entrusttheworkto the periodic replacement of brake pads, spark plugs,oilchangeand a variety of filters, not to mention the lamps andfuseswiththe property blow.And whether you want to treat your little things toshopperseekingto carry out a complex and expensive work? Notnecessarilyall ofthe work provided for the periodic warranty,post-warrantyperiodperformed simultaneously. Something can be donein a day inthecountry, something in the evening after work, butmostimportantly- can do that most car owners who had notechnicalknowledge.In the illustrated publication contains operatingproceduresforindependent automotive replacement "consumables" thatdonotrequire the use of sophisticated special tools.Whensubmittinginformation was taken into account popular opinion,it isbetter tosee once than to read many times.We hope that the owners of Skoda Fabia willappreciateourcommitmenthelp save the service
Auto System Go 1.16
Benvenuti in Auto SystemGo,l'applicazioneufficiale della concessionaria Auto SystemdiPalermo, con cuipotrai rimanere sempre aggiornato sulle novitàlepromozioni e glieventi dei marchi Volkswagen, Seat, Skoda,VeicoliCommercialiVolkswagen e Das WeltAuto l'usato di qualitàgarantitoVolkswagen.Scopri tutte le offerte, prenota il tuoappuntamento perilService, raccogli i punti e vinci tanti premi.Auto SystemGo,vicina a te.Welcome to GoCarSystem,the official application of the dealership Auto SystemofPalermo,with which you will be updated on new promotions andeventsof thebrands Volkswagen, Seat, Skoda, VolkswagenCommercialVehicles andDas WeltAuto used quality guaranteedVolkswagen. Seeour specialoffers, book your appointment for theservice, collectpoints andwin many prizes. Auto System Go, nearyou.
Auto VIN Decoder 1.6
Decode your VIN code. Number of brands: 108, number ofmodels:1150More info:,Agados,Aixam,AlfaRomeo,Aprilia,AstonMartin,Audi,Avia,Benelli,BentleyMotorsLimited,Beta,BMW,BOEHMINNOVATIONGmbH,Buick,Cadillac,Cagiva,CapronGmbH,Chevrolet,Chrysler,Citroën,Dacia,Daewoo,DAF,DaihatsuMotorCo.,Ltd.,Derbi,Dinli,Dodge,DucatiMotorHoldingS.p.A.,EvoBus,Ferrari,Fiat,FordMotorCompany,FSO,GMC,Harley-DavidsonInc,HinoMotors,Ltd.,Honda,Hummer,Husqvarna,Hyundai,Ikarus,Irisbus,Irizar,IsuzuMotorsLtd.,Iveco,JaguarCars,Jawa,Jeep,JinchengCorporation,Karosa,KawasakiHeavyIndustries, Ltd.,Keeway,KiaMotors,KTM Sportmotorcycle AG,KwangYangMotor Co, Ltd,VAZ -Lada,Automobili LamborghiniS.p.A.,Lancia,LandRover,Lexus,LotusCars Limited,MAN SE,MAROKralovices.r.o.,Maserati,Mazda,MotorCoachIndustries,Mercedes-Benz,Mercury,Mini,MitsubishiMotors,Nissan,Opel,Peugeot,Plymouth,PolarisIndustries,Pongratz-TrailerGroup,Pontiac,Porsche,Praga,ProtonHoldingsBhd.,Renault,Rolls-RoyceMotor Cars,Rover,Saab,ScaniaAB,SchmitzCargobull,Seat,ShinerayMotorcycle Company,ŠkodaAuto,ŠkodaTrolleybuses,Solaris Bus &Coach,SOR,SpykerCars,SsangYongMotorCompany,Subaru,Suzuki,TadanoFaun,Tatra,Toyota,TriumphMotorcyclesLtd,UmbrellaCorporation,Vespa,Victory,Volkswagen,Volvo,Yamaha,YongkangYongchiElectricVehicle Co.,Zastava
Volkswagen Service Romania 3.2.2
Întreaga lume Volkswagen Service într-osingurăaplicaţie.Volkswagen Service App este asistentul dumneavoastră deîncrederela drum.Veţi primi acces la reţeaua Volkswagen (distribuitorişiservice-uri), informaţii importante de contact şi trasee. Înplus,puteţi programa un test drive şi verifica ultimele servicii,oferteşi sfaturi.În caz de defecţiune sau accident aplicaţia vă oferă un AsistentdeDrum pentru a primi ajutor imediat, vă veţi putea creapropriulraport al incidentului cu schiţe, poze şi rapoarte alemartorilor.Funcţiile suplimentare includ: dicţionar al luminilor deavertizarede pe bord, cronometru şi memo parcare, translator şi unjurnal decălătorie.Ne vom asigura că puteţi face în continuare ceea ce iubiţi:săconduceţi automobilul dumneavoastră Volkswagen.Utilizarea continuă a GPS-ului poate reduce dramatic duratadeviaţă a bateriei.WorldwideVolkswagenService in one application.Volkswagen Service App is your reliable assistant road.You'll get access to Volkswagen network (dealers andservicestations), important contact information and routes. Inaddition,you can schedule a test drive and check out the latestservices,offers and tips.In case of breakdown or accident Assistant application providesaroad for help right away, you can create your own incidentreportwith sketches, photos and reports of witnesses. Additionalfeaturesinclude: Dictionary of warning lights on the dashboardclock andmemo parking, translator and travel diary.We will ensure that you can still do what you love: Volkswagentodrive your car.Continued use of GPS can dramatically decrease battery life.
Skoda Israel 1.4.1
האפליקציה הרישמית של סקודה ישראל.מחפש הסבר לנורית חיווי שנדלקה ברכבך?מחפש מרכז שירות מורשה בסביבתך?זקוק לסיוע בדרך ממוקד אנושי או לסיוע בחילוץ רכבך?רוצה לקבל תזכורות לטיפולים וטסטים?כל זה ועוד ועוד באפליקציה הראשונה מסוגה בארץ.רשימת הפיטצ׳רים המלאה:- מציאת מרכז שירות מורשה על פי מרחק או עיר- קביעת תור לטיפול או תיקון- סדר פעולות במקרה תאונה והחלפת פרטים נוחה באמצעות המצלמה- כפתור לחילוץ שמעביר את פרטיך ומיקומך למוקדן בלחיצת כפתור- רשימת נוריות החיווי ברכבך והנחיות כיצד לפעול- אזור הטבות ומבצעים- יצירת קשר עם היבואןSkoda officialappofIsrael.Looking for an explanation of LED turns on your vehicle?Looking for an authorized service center near you?Need assistance targeted way to assist in rescuing theinhumanoryour car?Want to be reminded treatments and tests?All this and more the first application of its kindinthecountry.List Hfittz'rim Version:- Finding an authorized service center according todistanceorCity- Queuing for the treatment or correction- Accident sequence and exchanging information withthecameraEasy- Button transmits the information extracting anddispatcherlocationby pressing a button- List indicator lights in your vehicle and how to act- Zone Benefits and Discounts- Contact Importer