Top 43 Apps Similar to Futuristic GUI Watch Face

Watch Faces WatchMaker License 8.0.0
The largest watchface collection in the world! Get them now ormakeyour own!!
Octane Watch Face
Octane Watch Face is an interactive digital watch face with 8datato display
Master Watch Face
Master Watch Face is an interactive digital watch face with 8datato display
Driver Watch Face
Driver Watch Face for Android Wear!!! NOT FOR SAMSUNG GEAR S2 NOR GEAR S3 !! (runningTizenOS)You can find the GEAR S2/S3 version in the Samsung Galaxy AppsStore(search "THEMA")★ Features of Driver Watch Face- Choose your own title in place of "DRIVER"- Choose design colors- Choose between 3 hands types- Choose background among 23 different styles (leather,carbon,metal, wood...)- Choose widget face- Define a secondary timezone for digital display- Day & Month- Watch battery- Mobile battery- Weather- Daily step count- Heartbeat frequency- Unread SMS- Unread Email from Gmail- Missed calls- Presets- Complication (wear 2.0)★ Interactivity of watch face- On touch, you can now change its displayed data among the 8dataavailable.- On touch, you can now access to a detailed data screen foralldata available.- Added "shortcuts" dials (translate, maps, timer, etc...)- By tapping digital clock, you can switch betweenmain/secondarytimezone, or display a stopwatch.- Activate interactivity in settings.★ SettingsThe whole SETTINGS of the watch face are located in the"Androidwear" app of your mobile.Just hit the gear icon over the watch face preview and thesettingsscreen will show up!- Choose your own title in place of "DRIVER"- Choose design colors on watch & mobile- Choose between 3 hands types- Choose background among 23 different styles (leather,carbon,metal, wood...)- Choose widget face- Define a secondary timezone for digital display- Change the indicator to display on the 3 positions- Choose between up to 7 indicators+ Complication (wear 2.0)- Choose greyscale or colored custom shortcut- Switch between éco / simple b&w / full ambient mode- Define heartbeat frequency refresh rate- Define weather refresh rate- Weather unit- 12 / 24 hours mode- Define interactive mode duration- Wireframe / Plain hands in ambient mode- Display brand name or not- Choose to display/remove the dashed line around thedigitalclock- Choose to switch between small/big cards- Choose to display or not the seconds hands- Choose to display or not the seconds dots- Choose the ambient mode b&w and eco luminosity- Choose between 2 weather providers (Yr &OpenWeatherMap)- Presets manager!! You can now:+ Save your preset with all its options (colors, backgrounds,data,features. EVERYTHING is saved!)+ Load / delete one of your previously saved preset+ Share / Import presets★ InstallationThis watch face will be installed automatically from yourphonepaired.If it doesn't show up please go to the Android Wear App>Settings and Resync all apps.Once installed, you can select the Driver Watch Face fromtheAndroid Wear App.Or long tap on the current watch face screen: watch faceselectorscreen will open.★ More watch facesVisit my watch faces collection for Android Wear on the PlayStoreat** If you have any issues or questions, fill free to contact mebyemail (English or French language) before giving a badrating.Thanks!/!\ Your watch should be up to date, with Lolipop (Android5.0)/!\Website:
Venom Watch Face
Venom Watch Face is an interactive digital watch face with 8 datatodisplay
Morphing Watch Face
Morphing Watch Face for Android Wear!!! NOT FOR SAMSUNG GEAR S2 NOR GEAR S3 !! (runningTizenOS)You can find the GEAR S2/S3 version in the Samsung Galaxy AppsStore(search "THEMA")★ Features of Morphing Watch Face- Morphing animations in interactive mode- Choose design colors- Day & Month- Watch battery- Mobile battery- Weather- Daily step count- Heartbeat frequency- Unread SMS- Unread Email from Gmail- Missed calls- Presets- Complication (wear 2.0)★ Interactivity of watch face- Added an option to activate/deactivate the dials interactivityinthe settings screen- By tapping a dial, you can now change its displayed data amongthe8 data available.- By tapping a dial, you can now access to a detailed datascreenfor all data available.- Added "shortcuts" dials (translate, maps, timer, etc...)★ SettingsThe whole SETTINGS of the watch face are located in the"Androidwear" app of your mobile.Just hit the gear icon over the watch face preview and thesettingsscreen will show up!- Choose design colors on watch & mobile- Change the indicator to display on the 3 positions- Choose between up to 7 indicators+ Complication (wear 2.0)- Switch between éco / simple b&w / full ambient mode- Enable animation in interactive mode- Define heartbeat frequency refresh rate- Define weather refresh rate- Weather unit- Leading zero on hours- 12 / 24 hours mode- Define interactive mode duration- Define card size- Choose between european/us date- Choose between 2 weather providers (Yr &OpenWeatherMap)- Display the outer ring representing the seconds hand- Secondary timezone- Choose to hide battery indicator in eco ambiant mode- Presets manager!! You can now:+ Save your preset with all its options (colors, backgrounds,data,features. EVERYTHING is saved!)+ Load / delete one of your previously saved preset+ Share / Import presets★ InstallationThis watch face will be installed automatically from yourphonepaired.If it doesn't show up please go to the Android Wear App>Settings and Resync all apps.Once installed, you can select the Morphing Watch Face fromtheAndroid Wear App.Or long tap on the current watch face screen: watch faceselectorscreen will open.★ More watch facesVisit my watch faces collection for Android Wear on the PlayStoreat** If you have any issues or questions, fill free to contact mebyemail (English or French language) before giving a badrating.Thanks!/!\ Your watch should be up to date, with Lolipop (Android5.0)/!\Website:
Phant Watch Face
Phant Watch Face is an interactive digital watch face with 8 datatodisplay
Rapier Watch Face
Rapier Watch Face is an interactive digital watch face with 8datato display
Facer Watch Faces
Facer Watch Faces is the ultimate watchfacecustomization platform for Android Wear & Tizensmartwatches.Facer offers everything you need to customize &personalizeyour Android Watch or Gear S2/S3, including 15,000 freeand premiumwatch faces from leading brands and artists. You caneven make yourown watch faces and share them with the world usingthe creatortool. Don’t be default, Facer offers everything you’llneed tobring your personal style to your smartwatch.FACER NOW SUPPORTS GEAR S2 & S3 DEVICESInstallation tips for Gear S3 & Gear S2 users:*Download & Install “Facer” app from the Google PlayAppstore*Make sure your Gear S3 or Gear S2 is connected withyoursmartphone through the “Samsung Gear” app & bluetooth isturnedon for both your phone and smartwatch*Download & Install “Facer Companion for Gear S2 &S3”from the Samsung Galaxy App Store*Long press on your Gear S2/S3 smartwatch and scroll toselect“Facer” as your chosen watchface*Open the Facer App from your phone and enjoy the fullFacerexperience with over 15,000 watchfaces or create your ownusing ourworld-renowned Facer Creator at & TROUBLESHOOTING*If you’re having any issues using our app & watch facesorare dissatisfied in any way, please give us a chance to fix itforyou before expressing dissatisfaction throughratings.*You can send feedback [email protected]*If you are enjoying our watch faces, we always appreciateapositive review15,000 WATCH FACESThe largest single destination for free and premium faces, thereissomething for everyone in our vast collection. Explore thenewest& most popular watch faces or use the new search featuretodiscover the perfect watch face for your mood.TOP BRANDSFind hundreds of premium faces from the world’s leading brandslikeTetris™, Star Trek, Garfield, Ghostbusters, American Dad andmore.There are new brands being added all the time so keep an eyeoutfor new watch faces.ORIGINAL DESIGNSFacer curates collections of original designs from talentedwatchface designers to bring you the most beautiful and dynamicfacesavailable for Android Wear.PUBLISH YOUR WATCH FACE DESIGNS WITH FACER!Want to create your own watch face designs & publishthemthrough Facer, reaching thousands of smartwatch users? If so,we’relooking for talented artists to join our growing communityofFacer-certified designers. Find out more by contacting [email protected] YOUR OWN WATCH FACEMake your own watch faces with our powerful web-based editorat (note: view on your laptop ordesktopfor full functionality).Facer Creator Features include:*Import and edit any image you’d like*Included free watch hands and weathericoncollection*Large custom font collections*Numerous Time and Date layouts*Interactive and Animated Design capabilities*Weather Conditions with Fahrenheit andCelsiussupport*Battery Level, Step Counter, Wifi Indicator, andDynamicBackgroundsCOMPATIBLE WITH ALL ANDROID WEAR WATCHESFacer watch faces are compatible with all of the latest AndroidWeardevices, including Nixon Mission, Polar m600, MichaelKorsSmartwatch, Asus Zenwatch 3, Moto 360 Sport, Casio WSD-F10,TagHeuer Smartwatch, Moto 360 1 & Moto 360 2nd gen, HuaweiAndroidwatch, Asus Zen Watch 1 & 2, Sony Smartwatch 3, LG GAndroidwatch, LG G R Android watch, LG Urbane smartwatch, SamsungGearsmartwatch and moreCONNECT*Facer Creator & Community:*Google+Community:*Twitter:*Instagram:
WatchMaker Watch Faces 7.1.3
Why keep buying watchfaces? Join millionswhopaid once to unlock WatchMaker Premium and gained access to30,000+stunning watchfaces! With tons more watches added everyday!!One purchase! One low price and over 30,000watchfaces!WatchMaker is the largest watchface collection and community intheworld for Android Wear & Tizen. Instantly get everythingyouneed to customize & personalize your Android Watch orGearS2/S3!WATCHMAKER NOW SUPPORTS GEAR S2 & S3 DEVICES1) Download "WatchMaker" app from Google Play Store2) Connect your Gear S2/S3 with your smartphone through"SamsungGear" app3) Make sure bluetooth is turned on for phone and smartwatch4) Download "WatchMaker Companion" app from the Samsung GalaxyAppStore (search for 'WatchMaker')5) Long press on your Gear S2/S3 smartwatch andselectWatchMakerFeatures exclusive to WatchMaker :• 10,000+ high quality watch faces instantly available from ourG+page..• Animated GIFs - Add custom animations to yourwatchface!• 3d Gyroscope - Create an amazing parallax effect!• Interactive Clock - Create hotspots to launch watchorphone apps!• Animations - Create bright / dim / tap animations with45tweening functions!• Calendar - Choose which calendars to show!• Weather / Moon Icons - Add in 1-click!• Countdowns - Days until your birthday,Christmas,etc!• Cool Text Effects - Add glow, outline, evenflatshadow!• 1-Click Widgets - Including battery (watch/phone) +WiFiwidgets!• OpengGL Shaders - Powerful rendering for watchsegments,radars• Free Watches - 10,000+ watchfaces from our hugeG+community!• Tasker - Full tasker integration to set watchface,changevariables, run tasks• Compass - Add rotating compass or bearing• Stopwatch - Why design a watch when you can buildastopwatch?!• Multiple Time Zone - Set up to 3 custom time zones• Series of hours / minutes Zooper style!• Heart rate and step counter for fitness• Programmable Watches use our inbuilt LUA engine tomakecalculator, stopwatches, countdowns, anything your like!• Complications - Step counter / Pedometer / Calendar +manymore!Also features :• Very low battery usage!• 4 new featured watches each week!• Weather Data• Supports round and square faces• Selection of analog and digital clocks!• Get data from all phone sensors, accelerometer, etc.• Ticwatch supportPricing• You get 6 watches, 12 fonts, 15 backgrounds and the watchdesignerfor free!• Premium is $3.99: 8 featured watches each week andexclusiveaccess to 1000's of faces from our G+ community, also letsyou useyour own images in watchfaces!Supported watches :• ASUS ZenWatch (1/2/3)• Casio Smart Outdoor/Pro Trek• Fossil Q Founder/Marshal/Wander• Huawei Watch• LG G Watch• LG G Watch R• LG Watch Sport• LG Watch Style• LG Watch Urbane (1/2)• Michael Kors Access• Motorola 360 (1/2/womens/sport)• New Balance RunIQ• Nixon Mission• Polar M600• Samsung Gear Live• Samsung Gear S2• Samsung Gear S3• Sony Smartwatch 3• TAG Heuer Connected• Ticwatch2App Permissions explained:• WakeLock: allows watch app to update during ambient mode• Write Internal Storage: To save images and fonts to watches• Location: Local weather data• Calendar: Local calendar events• WiFi: display wifi signal strengthJoin our Google+ / Reddit community and get free watches :GOOGLE+: CODING: TEMPLATE:
Jack Watch Face
Jack Watch Face is an interactive digital watch face with 8 datatodisplay
Watch Face - Minimal & Elegant
Studio eXtreme
Minimal & Elegant: your DIGITALandANOLOG watch face in one perfect application.Compatible with all Android Wear watches.One purchase! One low price and no limits.Pay once and enjoy constant updates and novelties plusnolimits.Enjoy brand-new watch face presets and support of theMinimal& Elegant community.Nothing is impossible with Minimal and Elegant so get theappnow and enjoy:- long-awaited option to hide an icon- multitude of great features- maximum watch face customization- universally famous Little Words and Magic Backgrounds- lots of interactive functions- neat design and user friendly settings panel- regular upgrades- perfect customer service💡 NOTICEWatch face settings are accessible via Icon Launcher or AndroidWearApplication on the phone.⭐ NEW!★ Analog functions allowing you to create a brand-new look ofyousmart watch★ ONLINE LIBRARY with hundreds of presets updated ondailybasis★ Tasker Support★ LOTS OF INTERACTIVE FUNCTIONS (to see the full list go tothebottom of the page)⭐ Minimal & Elegant OPTIONS:★ PRESETS- create, save, share your own presets- import presets from the community: G+ PresetsCommunity get access to the watch face presets via Online Library★ EXTRA FEATURES- famous Little Worlds – create or just download from G+LWCommunity Magic Backgrounds (custom images)- Side Lights (in Magic Backgrounds)- Color Scheduler to program color changes- Steps - Google FIT★ COLORS- change colors of all the elements- add gradients for background- enjoy Full Color or Black & White Dim mode★ FONTS- use a variety of fonts and font sizes★ TIME & WEATHER- 12 or 24 hour digital watch display- analog watch display- multiple Time Zones- weather information - icon or text- two weather providers (additional external weather option)★ CUSTOM TEXT- add custom info texts with special tags- watch and Phone battery levels- custom date formats (check TAGS info)- use EMOJI in custom text- control text appearance- use Tasker variables★ MANY SYSTEM TWEAKS- screen-off custom time (5-60s)- change notification cards size- transparent notification cards option- display line on top of Dim card option- set visibility of notification cards in DIM- positions for system indicators⭐ INTERACTIVE FUNCTIONSControl:- Run any app installed on your Watch- Apply Next Preset- Music Controls (Play/Pause etc.) (on phone)- Control Spotify- Control Pocket Casts- Open Settings- System Apps (Flash, Timer, etc.)- Control Brightness- Open Voice AssistantToggle:- Mute/Un-mute (on phone)- Phone Flashlight (on phone)- Voice Recording (on phone)- Visibility of side numbers on watch faceRun / Show:- Agenda- Android Wear Weather- Motorola BODY (NEW)- Motorola Steps (OLD)- Motorola Heart Rate (OLD)- Motorola Health (OLD)- Google Translate- Google Maps- Google Keep- Google Music- FIT- Hangouts- Stopwatch- Asus Wellness- Asus UP by Jawbone- Asus CompassCool:- TellMeTheTime (on phone)Minimal & Elegant is designed for Android WearSystem5+Join our beta community and be the first to familiarizewithall new features:⭐ COMPATIBLE WITHMoto 360 ( moto360 )Moto 360 2015 ( 42mm, 46mm )Huawei WatchLG G Watch R ( lgwr )LG G Watch W100 ( lgwg )LG Watch Urbane ( lgwu )LG Urbane 2 LTESony Smartwatch 3 ( sw3 )Samsung Gear LiveAsus ZenWatch ( all models )Fossil Q ( all models )Nixon ( The Mission )TAG HeuerMinimal & Elegant is a premium and thoroughlytestedapplication.In case of any problems, don’t rate it 1-star, insteadpleasecontact us on: [email protected]⭐ PERMISSIONS Explained⭐ HELP & FAQ LINK
Skull Wear Watch Face
Skull based Watch Face for Android Wear!!! NOT FOR SAMSUNG GEAR S2 NOR GEAR S3 !! (runningTizenOS)You can find the GEAR S2/S3 version in the Samsung Galaxy AppsStore(search "THEMA")This skull watch shows the basics of what a watch should display:hour & day.★ InstallationThis watch face will be installed automatically from yourphonepaired.If it doesn't show up please go to the Android Wear App>Settings and Resync all apps.Once installed, you can select the Skull watch face from theAndroidWear App.Or long tap on the current watch face screen : watch faceselectorscreen will open.★ SettingsThe whole SETTINGS of the watch face are located in the"Androidwear" app of your mobile.Just hit the gear icon over the watch face preview and thesettingsscreen will show up!This watch face allows you to choose your favorite skull design(10availables).Choose also among more than 50 image backgrounds forambientmodeA few options are available:- Added an option to choose to switch between small/big cards- Added an option to define screen on duration- Added an option to enable/disable the battery indicatorSettings are available in both watch and android wearcompanion(settings in the watch face selector).★ More watch facesVisit my watch faces collection for Android Wear on the PlayStoreat** If you have any issues or questions, fill free to contact mebyemail (English or French language) before giving a badrating.Thanks!/!\ Your watch should be up to date, with Lolipop (Android5.0)/!\Website:
Rolling Watch Face 1.5.0
★★★ Interactive Watch Face for Android Wear5.★★★Modern elegant interactive watch face with Premiumupgradeoption.You can always use it for free and it has core options anddesign,but Premium version comes with lot more features andoptions.Compatible with• Motorola 360 (1st or 2nd gen)• Huawei Watch• LG Watch Urbane• LG G Watch R• TAG Heuer Connected• Fossil Q Founder• Sony Smartwatch★★★ Free version: ★★★✔ Weather✔ Watch and phone battery indicator✔ Date✔ 24 hour format✔ Screen time★★★ Premium version: ★★★✔ 6 background textures✔ 4 watch hands✔ Interactive menu with app shortcuts✔ 3 days weather forecast (3 weather providers)✔ Automatic or manual weather location✔ Music player✔ Google FIT step counter with 3 days history✔ Stopwatch✔ Indicator in watch (Weather and app shortcuts)✔ Shortcuts for Hangouts, Google Keep, Google Maps, Alarmclock,Stopwatch, Music, Translate, Flashlight, Timer, Google Fit,Agenda,Find my phone✔ Animation✔ Full ambient mode✔ Smooth seconds✔ Small peek card option✔ Translucent peek card✔ System indicator positions✔ Removed ads★★★ Configuration in companion app ★★★✔ Automatic or custom added weather location (NEW!)✔ Smooth seconds or tick seconds✔ Screen time settings✔ Weather update time✔ Simple and full ambient mode✔ Peek card configuration (transparent, small or big)To install:1. After install run 'Resync app' on Android Wear App.2. Long press your android wear watch and choose Neo Watch Faceasyour watch face
WatchMaster - Watch Face
WatchMaster is a watchface designergroupthat set out to elevate the aesthetic standards of thesmartwatchwith its unrivaled design quality.----------For the Samsung Gear S2 & S3 Users, please check thefollowinginformation to enjoy WatchMaster without anytroubles.1) Install "WatchMaster" app from Google Play2) Install "Samsung Gear" app from Google Play3) Tether your Gear S2/S3 with your smartphone through"SamsungGear" app4) Install "WatchMaster for GearS2/S3" app from"Samsung GalaxyApps"in "Samsung Gear" app.5) Welcome to WatchMaster! Enjoy our 200+beautifulwatchfaces.Now, we introduce an application under our name, WatchMaster.Theapp contains a marvelous collection of smartwatchwatchfacescrafted by our certified designers from all over theworld. With200+ high quality watchfaces and a differentiable levelofexperience from WatchMaster designers, our app is essentialtoevery smartwatch owner. Not to mention, we offer premiumselectionsof watchfaces weekly updated.Designed by ProfessionalsCertified designers from all over the world participate inourwatchface designing.Direct feedback connections with designers who designedthewatchfaces.Available Free WatchfaceWe offer a couple of free-to-use watchface selections.Enjoy our high-quality, but FREE watchfaces.Preview and CustomizationPreview any of our watchfaces before purchase.Various customizing functions and animations availableforpreview.Constant Evolution into a MasterpieceUpcoming with sophisticated functions like fitness, colorvariationsand more(Some of your suggestions).Continous UpdatesDon't ever miss our all new watchfaces weekly updated &Regularupdated and renewal watchfaces!WatchMaster ProUpgrade to WatchMaster Pro and have access to all of our200+watchfaces.New watchfaces will be continually updated every week.Follow us on:Google Plus : : : : : Web site :* Before you express your dissatisfaction through rating,pleasegive us a chance to fix it for you. Send us a feedback inanylanguage at [email protected]*Available Devices on WatchMaster- Android Wear OS : Moto 360 1st/2nd, LG URBANE 1st/2nd,HUAWEIWatch, LG G Watch R, ect..-Tizen OS : Samsung Gear S2/S3
Racing Watch Face
Racing Watch Face is an interactive digital watch face with 8datato display
Ranger Military Watch Face
Ranger is a military style watch face foryourAndroid Wear device. Discover the urban ranger in you.This watch face features a special night mode design forultimatereadability in low light situations. Military engineeringcombinedwith unparalleled precision and reliability creates aniconic watchface ready to meet your most demanding challengesThis analog watchface will make your Android Wear device evenmoreiconic:★ Military watch with special night mode★ Multiple customization features★ Adventurous spirit and exclusive design★ Multiple functions in small dials★ Works for round and squared watchesAndroid Wear 2.0 complicationsThis is a super flexible way to customize the information you seeonthis gorgeous watch face. In order to choose thirdpartycomplications, please open the settings of the watch face onthesmartwatch. Choose complications and selectthird-partycomplications. Now you can choose between a largeselection ofcomplications data providers.Watch face customization options:- Weather- Second time- 24h military time- Compass- Step tracker- Battery level indicators- Date and day of weekHow to access the customization settings:- Open Android Wear companion app- Select watch face in the selection- Then you will see a settings icon on top of the watch face- Press on the settings icon on top of watch picker- Now you can customize your watch faceSupported devices- Works on all Android Wear devices- Supports round (e.g. Moto 360 and LG G Watch R) andrectangularsmartwatches (e.g. Samsung Gear Live and LG GWatch).- Does NOT work on Samsung Gear and smartwatches usingotheroperating systemsMore watch faces- Visit our exclusive wearface collection for Android Wear onthePlay Store Also please let us know if you like to have any other watchfacesto be added to our selection of watch faces.- Weather information is provided by★★★★★Designed by Greg Wilson http://www.gregwilson.laEngineered in Germany
Odyssey Watch Face
This watch face for Android Wear takeselementsof classic pilot watches and combines them with futuristicdesign.Travel through space and time with this modern pieceofwatchmaking.Features of the watch face:★ Date, day and month★ Second time★ Weather information★ Wear battery indicator★ Phone battery indicatorThis watchface works on circular watches and rectangularwatchesmade for Android Wear.Android Wear 2.0 complications:This is a super flexible way to customize the information you seeonthis gorgeous watch face. In order to choose thirdpartycomplications, please open the settings of the watch face onthesmartwatch. Choose complications and selectthird-partycomplications. Now you can choose between a largeselection ofcomplications data providers.Interactive watch face:You can now customize how the watch face behaves when tapping onit(e.g. different color options or opening an app of yourchoice).Please choose between different options in the settings ofthewatch face.IMPORTANT: Interactive watch faces require the latest versionofAndroid Wear, which is rolling out over the next few weeks.Hangtight for the update!More Android Wear watch faces- Visit our exclusive collection on the Play Store- Also please let us know if you like to have any otherwatchfacesto be added to our selection.- You can choose between two weather informationproviders or http://worldweatheronline.comFuturistic design by Florian Cordier
NAVI - Watch face 31.0
Enjoy this signature watch face collection for Android Wear byThaPHLASH
Pujie Black Watch Faces
Create the most crisp watch faces foryourAndroid Wear smartwatch, or use one of the endlessoptionsavailable online! All for one fixed small price!Pujie Black watch face for Android Wear is a very easy tousedigital and analog hybrid watch face designer. It has a hugenumberof settings and uses a futuristic on and offanimationpattern. You can customize it to be very informationdenseincluding the date, phone and watch battery status,localweather information, your calendar events andyourfitness data. Or you can leave the watchface as simple asyoulike. Ambient mode and interactive mode can becustomizedseparately allowing you to be analog in one state anddigital inthe other.→ ANDROID WEAR 2.0 (new)• Fully standalone! ( iPhone and Android compatible )• External complication data for:  • the indicators  • the background  • the Tap Drawer• Import presets from the web→ INTERACTIVE WATCH FACE / LAUNCHERPujie Black allows you to assign custom actions to a huge numberofpossible tap targets. The Tap drawer, a panel with 6taptargets, 4 mini tap targets and all three indicators make up to13assignable tap targets! It's a watch face and launcher inone!For all these tap targets you can choose from:• The Calendar, Fitness, Weather view• The Tap drawer• Any installed watch or phone app• Tasker tasks!• Shortcuts!• Watch actions (volume up/down, voice search etc)• Phone actions (play/pause music, volume controls etc)→ DESIGNDesign your own watch hands and backgrounds with theincludedvector drawing tool!Demo video→ WIDGETEven when you don't own an android wear smartwatch you can usePujieBlack. Use the same app to create a home screen clockwidget!→ KEY FEATURESAll settings are available using the launcher icon or fromtheandroid wear companion app. Some settings are available fromtheconfiguration menu on the watch.• 20 presets to get you started• Big community of presetters:• Option to design you own analog watch hands• Animated• Tasker integration• 5 day weather forecast• Start any watch or phone app• Square and round watches• Google Fit ( Step counter, biking, running and walking )• Calendar integration, event arcs and details view!• Optional digital clock ( 24 hour or 12 hour clock )• Weather data, Celsius or Fahrenheit• Phone and smartwatch battery indicators• Multiple time zones• Screen on duration• Battery friendly• Share your presets with others• And much more→ MORE INFO→ MORE PRESETS→ PERMISSIONS→ FAQ!! Please contact us if you have any trouble with the app [email protected] do I install the watch face?1a. On Android Wear 1.x, run 'Resync apps' from the AndroidWearapp.1b. On Android Wear 2.0. Download the watch app from thePlayStore on the watch.2. Long press your watch and choose Pujie Black as your watchface,or select the it using the Android Wear app.How do I activate a widget?1. Long press your home screen or go to the widget section intheapp drawer (depends on your launcher)2. Choose Pujie Black.3. Design a new style, or choose one of your presets4. Place and re-size to your likingWith which smartwatches is PujieBlackcompatible?All Android Wear watches, including:• Huawei Watch• LG G Watch• Casio Smart Outdoor Watch• LG Watch Urbane (all versions)• TAG Heuer Connected• Moto 360 (all versions)• Fossil Q ( Founder, Marshal and Wander )• Samsung Gear Live• Sony Smartwatch 3• ASUS ZenWatch ( all versions )• MK Access• Nixon The Mission• Polar M600• New Balance RunIQ• LG Watch Style & Sport
⌚ Watch Face - Ksana Sweep for 1.6.7
Customizable, elegant, analog & digital watch face. #1amongwatch faces.
Skymaster Pilot Watch Face
In the pioneering days of aviation, mostpilotshad to navigate with the help of watches. These aeronauticwatchesneeded to be legible, accurate, reliable and at the sametimespectacular when rolling up the sleeves of a flightjacket.This analog Android Wear watch face (fka as Aviator) unitesthecharacter of an aeronautic watch with modernsmartwatchfunctionality.Custom featuresThe iconic customized watchface features:★ Aviator watchface with superb readability★ Battery indicator★ Date and day of week★ Weather conditions★ Advanced and luxury design★ Interactivity and custom complicationsAndroid Wear 2.0 complicationsThis is a super flexible way to customize the information you seeonthis gorgeous watch face. In order to choose thirdpartycomplications, please open the settings of the watch face onthesmartwatch. Choose complications and selectthird-partycomplications. Now you can choose between a largeselection ofcomplications data providers.More watch faces- Visit our luxury watch face collection for Android Wear onthePlay Store Also please let us know if you like to have any other watchfacesto be added to our selection of watch faces.- Weather information is provided byhttp://openweathermap.orgDesigned by Florian Cordier.Engineered in Germany.
Casual Watch Face
Casual Watch Face for Android with custom colors, animationandweather
Sportive Watch Face 2.0
Sportive Watch Wace is made for the elegant sportsman. Theverydetailed design as well as the natural light refection effectmakesthe watch face look extremely realistic. The Android Wearwatchface is also highly customizable. You can choose betweendifferentbackground and accent colors. The complications can bechangedaccording to your specific needs. The watch face featuresthefollowing functional watch complications: ★ Steps ★ Calories ★Datemonth ★ Date day ★ Battery phone ★ Battery watch ★ Second timeYoucan customize the complications in the settings of the AndroidWearCompanion App. Watch face designed by DietmarKerschner. For more Android Wearsmart watchfaces please also visit
Stealth360 Watch Face 5.3
Stealth360 is a very clean minimal watch face with a moderndesignand options.
Black Metal HD Watch Face
DeNitE Appz
This completely customizable interactiveHDAndroid Wear Watch Face and Clock Widget brings aclassicelegance to your wrist and Launcher. Features includecustomcomplications, battery levels, weather conditions, Google Fitstepcounter, color picker & date information. A settings appwillalso be installed on your mobile device to configure the watchfacefor any look you desire. Select any color and create acompletelycustom look for yourself! Don't have an Android Wearwatch? NoProblem! You can use the clock widget on yourlauncher!💡IMPORTANT - Not compatible with Samsung Smart Watches thatuseTizen or smartwatches with other operating systems thanAndroidWear. Please also note that as this is an HD watch face, thefileis a bit larger and can take up to 5 minutes to transfer toyourwatch. This is normal.★Basic Features★✔ Launcher Clock Widget (No second hand due tobatteryconsumption)✔ Customizable digital & or analog clock✔ Interactive Actions (Digital, Date)✔ Time zone selection✔ Custom date format picker✔ Smooth second hand✔ 24-Hour✔ Burn-In protection✔ Square Compatible★Premium Features★✔ Animated✔ Custom Complications (Android Wear 2.0)✔ Screen Modes (Normal, Always Ambient, Always On)✔ Screen on Time selection✔ Interactive Actions (Weather, Step Counter)✔ Peek card size selector✔ Ambient modes selector✔ Screen on-time selector✔ Color picker to select any color you like for thebackground,clock hands, text, & numbers✔ Save personal color themes (long press to delete theme)✔ Clock numbers toggle✔ Watch battery status✔ Phone battery status (When connected to an Android Phone)✔ Current date✔ Google Fit Step Counter✔ Weather conditions (Yahoo Weather & OpenWeatherMap)(Whenconnected to an Android Phone)★Translations★✔ English✔ Chinese✔ Czech✔ Dutch✔ French✔ German✔ Italian✔ Japanese✔ Korean✔ Russian✔ Spanish★How to install★Watch Face - Once you have installed from the Play store,youmay be asked to grant permissions to the app on your phone - besureto approve all permissions. Once the app has installed onyourphone, it may take 5-10 minutes to transfer over to you watchandthe Android Wear app. Please be patient. Once installed,simplylong press on your watch face to bring up the selection menu,orselect this watchface from the Android Wear app. Usetheaccompanying settings app to configure the settingsandoptionsWidget - Depending on what launcher you are using, youcaneither long press on your launcher to place a widget, orselectthis widget from the App Drawer -> Widgets list. Customizeandchange the widget settings with the accompanying App.If you have any problems at all, please send me an emailbeforeleaving a negative review - I will do my best to fix theissue assoon as possible.★Trouble Shooting★ tuned for more watch faces to come!★Google+ Community★
Digital One Watch Face
Digital One Watch Face for Android Wear!!! NOT FOR SAMSUNG GEAR S2 NOR GEAR S3 !! (runningTizenOS)You can find the GEAR S2/S3 version in the Samsung Galaxy AppsStore(search "THEMA")Features of Digital One Watch Face :- Choose colors of background, text AND border- Day & Month- Watch battery- Mobile battery- Weather- Daily step count- Heartbeat frequency- Unread SMS- Unread Email from Gmail- Missed calls## SettingsThe whole SETTINGS of the watch face are located in the"Androidwear" app of your mobile.Just hit the gear icon over the watch face preview and thesettingsscreen will show up!- Choose colors of background, text AND border onyourmobile- Choose colors of borders on your watch- Change the indicator to display on the 2 positions- Choose between up to 7 indicators- Switch between simple / full ambient mode- Define heartbeat frequency refresh rate- Define weather refresh rate- Weather unit- 12 / 24 hours mode- Round or triangle date indicator- Define the screen on duration- Choose between 2 weather providers (Yr & OpenWeatherMap)## Interactivity of watch face added on 3 areas:- On touch, you can now change its displayed data among the8data- On touch, you can now access to a detailed data screen foralldata- Added "shortcuts" dials (translate, maps, timer, etc...)## InstallationThis watch face will be installed automatically from yourphonepaired.If it doesn't show up please go to the Android Wear App>Settings and Resync all apps.Once installed, you can select the Digital One Wear WatchFacefrom the Android Wear App.Or long tap on the current watch face screen: watch faceselectorscreen will open.** If you have any issues or questions, fill free to contact mebyemail (English or French language) before giving a badrating.Thanks!/!\ Your watch should be up to date, with Lolipop (Android5.0)/!\Website:
Atomic Watch Face
Atomic Watch Face for Android Wear!!! NOT FOR SAMSUNG GEAR S2 NOR GEAR S3 !! (runningTizenOS)★ Features of Atomic Watch Face- Choose design colors- Animation in interactive mode- Day & Month- Watch battery- Mobile battery- Weather- Daily step count- Heartbeat frequency- Unread SMS- Unread Email from Gmail- Missed calls- Complication (wear 2.0)★ Interactivity- On touch, you can now change its displayed data among the 8dataavailable.- On touch, you can now access to a detailed data screen foralldata available.- Added "shortcuts" dials (translate, maps, timer, etc...)- Activate interactivity in settings.★ SettingsThe whole SETTINGS of the watch face are located in the"Androidwear" app of your mobile.Just hit the gear icon over the watch face preview and thesettingsscreen will show up!- Choose design colors on watch & mobile- Change the shortcuts to display on the 2 positions- Change the indicators to display on the 2 positions- Choose between up to 8 indicators+ Complication (wear 2.0)- Switch between éco / simple b&w / full ambient mode- Enable animation in interactive mode- Define heartbeat frequency refresh rate- Define weather refresh rate- Weather unit- 12 / 24 hours mode- Define interactive mode duration- Define interactive mode duration- Choose to switch between small/big cards- Choose the ambient mode b&w and eco luminosity- Choose between 2 weather providers (Yr &OpenWeatherMap)★ InstallationThis watch face will be installed automatically from yourphonepaired.If it doesn't show up please go to the Android Wear App>Settings and Resync all apps.Once installed, you can select the Atomic Watch Face fromtheAndroid Wear App.Or long tap on the current watch face screen: watch faceselectorscreen will open.★ More watch facesVisit my watch faces collection for Android Wear on the PlayStoreat** If you have any issues or questions, fill free to contact mebyemail (English or French language) before giving a badrating.Thanks!/!\ Your watch should be up to date, with Lolipop (Android5.0)/!\Website:
Chroma Watch face 2.3.0
The purity of color. Equality, Vivid and Well on your watch
Wearable Widgets 8.1
Put any home screen widget from your phone onto your WearOSsmartwatch.
Adrenaline Watch Face 1.1.0
Marco Uberti
Adrenaline is an elegant pilot stylewatchfacethat includes a functional stopwatch. This watch faceisoptimizedfor round watches.Key features★ Latitude and longitude on the globe (it needs GPS enabledonthephone)★ Stopwatch with analog milliseconds indicator (start,stop,pause,resume buttons).★ Pilot / military style design with the F-35 aircraftlogoontop.★ Moon phase complication with the drawing of the moon and theageofthe moon.★ Highly configurable directly from the watch face.★ Switch between night and day mode by tapping everywhere.★ Ambient mode for both night and day mode.★ Analog time indicator.Interactive Watch Face- Change complications simply tapping on it.- Use stopwatch simply by tapping on the left complicationuntilitappears.- Change between night mode and day mode by tapping anywhereonthescreen.Watch face customization options★ Moon phase and moon age★ Week days and battery level★ Battery level★ Month and year★ Latitude and longitude (it requires the connection withyourphoneand GPS enabled on the phone)★ Stopwatch★ Accent color★ Secondary timezone timeHow to use the stopwatch- Tap on the left complication until thestopwatchmodeappears.- Tap START to start the timer, PAUSE to pause thecurrenttimer,RESUME to resume the current timer.- Tap STOP to restart the timer from zero.- Tap in every other point of the screen to exitthestopwatchmode.How to change accent color- Hold the watch face until the "gear" configurationiconappears.Then choose your preferred color.- Or from the phone Android Wear app.Supported devices- Works on all Android Wear devicesDesigned by Marco Uberti
Challenger Watch Face
★★★ Interactive Watch Face for Android Wear5.★★★Not for Samsung Gear watches!Digital and analog interactive watch face with Premiumupgradeoption.You can always use it for free and it has core options anddesign,but Premium version comes with lot more features andoptions.Compatible with• Motorola 360 (1st or 2nd gen)• Huawei Watch• LG Watch Urbane• LG G Watch R• TAG Heuer Connected• Fossil Q Founder• Sony Smartwatch★★★ Free version: ★★★✔ Weather✔ Watch and phone battery indicator✔ Date✔ 24 hour format✔ Screen time★★★ Premium version: ★★★✔ 2 watch hands✔ Interactive menu with app shortcuts✔ 3 days weather forecast (3 weather providers)✔ Automatic or manual weather location✔ Music player✔ Google FIT step counter with 3 days history✔ Stopwatch✔ Indicator in watch (Weather and app shortcuts)✔ Shortcuts for Hangouts, Google Keep, Google Maps, Alarmclock,Stopwatch, Music, Translate, Flashlight, Timer, Google Fit,Agenda,Find my phone✔ Animation✔ Full ambient mode✔ Smooth seconds✔ Small peek card option✔ Translucent peek card✔ System indicator positions✔ Removed ads★★★ Configuration in companion app ★★★✔ Automatic or custom added weather location (NEW!)✔ Smooth seconds or tick seconds✔ Screen time settings✔ Weather update time✔ Simple and full ambient mode✔ Peek card configuration (transparent, small or big)To install:1. After install run 'Resync app' on Android Wear App.2. Long press your android wear watch and choose ChallengerWatchFace as your watch faceCompatible with all round and square watch facesFor help contact us on
Flip Clock Watch Face
Studio eXtreme
Flip Clock Watch Face forAndroidWear.Sentimental return to the Retro Style.Compatible with round and square watches.Flip Clock is a battery friendly, animated watch face with awiderange of color options as well as many novel andoriginalcustomizations.Now with Presets (create, save, share, import) and withfullspectrum (over 40) of interactive functions!NOVEL FEATURES★ LITTLE WORLDS OPTIONallowing you to create, change and upload “WORLDS” visible atthebottom of your watchCheck out the multitude of Little Worldson Google+community: and getinspired!★ CHAMELEON THEMES OPTIONallowing you to apply some specially designed skins such ascarbon,wooden, tiled, leather and reptile skin to the background ofyourwatch as well as the flaps. Look for Themes in Watchsection.★ OUTLINE NUMBERS OPTION for the SUPERB BATTERY EFFICENCYANDBURN PROTECTIONNow you can use your watch longer, activating the elegantOUTLINENUMBERSKEY FEATURES★ USER FRIENDLY SETTINGS PANELthe settings panel (accessible via Android Wear application)
 onthephone or tablet allows you to navigate all the options of FlipClockwith ease★ BATTERY EFFICENCYFlip Clock is a battery friendly watch face that wasthoroughlytested by a wide group of testers.★ GOOGLE FIT STEPS- use custom text tags to display your FIT data (steps)★ INTEGRATION with Tasker- interactive watch face functions now with 'Run TaskerTask'option!★ WEATHER FORECAST DISPLAY- choose your weather provider- define your weather time update- customize your weather display: use an icon or a text★ FONTS AND TEXT- enjoy a wide range of fonts- use special TAGS inside custom text- add EMOJI in custom text lines★ COLORED OR BLACK&WHITE DIM MODE- enjoy freedom: full colored or black & white DIM mode★ VARIETY OF DATE FORMATS- play with a date format and customize it to your needs, useeitherfull or shortened names of the days and months, start with ayear,month or day – everything is up to you★ BATTERY INFO DISPLAYhave access to the battery use info on your watch and phone★ CUSTOMIZATION OF THE NOTIFICATION CARDS- set the size of the notification cards- turn on the translucent notification cards option★ CONTROL over the "ok Google" position- decide where the “ok Google” appears★ ANIMATIONS- Flip Clock is a fully animated watch face with a sequencedtimechange. All flaps animate separately.- You can control the flaps speed.★ Designed for Android Wear System only★ COMPATIBLE WITHAsus ZenWatch (all models)Fossil Q (all models)Huawei WatchLG Watch SportLG Watch StyleLG G Watch R ( lgwr )LG G Watch W100 ( lgwg )LG Urbane ( lgwu )LG Urbane 2 LTEMoto 360Moto 360 2015Nixon ( The Mission )Samsung Gear LiveSony Smartwatch 3 ( sw3 )TAG HeuerJoin our beta community and be the first to familiarize withallnew features:★ FAQ, problem solutionsandguides: you very much for your interest inourapplication.If you find our watch faces inspiring and outstanding,familiarizewith our unique collectionon:★ Additional Permissoins for Interactive Version:Camera: for flashlight controlMicrophone: for voice note recording function
Pop Watch Face 1.0
Look at your smartwatch differently, Pop Watch face is thebestwayto get the time with a sprig of happiness Watch facefeatures:★Watch battery indicator ★ Date, day and month ★ 24HR/12HRAMPMFormat ★ Theme chooser ★ Smooth effect control ★Removehourleading zero in options 16 themes: ★ Pop Party Face ★PopCandyFace ★ Pop Autumn Face ★ Pop Retro Face ★ Pop Dark Face★Andmore.... How to install Some minutes after the appinstalledonyour phone, the watch face will be copied toyourwatchautomatically. If this does not happen, run 'Resyncapps'fromsettings of the Android Wear App. Use the companion apptoadjustaccording to your preferences the behavior of thewatchface.Pleaselet us know if you run into any troubles. Where cani findthecompanion app to customise the face? - On your watch whenyouwantto change your watch face after a long tape on the screen,atthebottom of Pop Watch Face preview there is a settingsicon,justtape it to access companion app More faces are comingsoon,andmore features so follow us :)
Chrono Watch Face
Chrono Watch Face is an interactive digital watch face with 8datato display
Holo Watch face
Holo Watch face, is free android wearwatchface that builds to show your personality on your compatible with Android Wear watches:• Motorola Moto 360• Motorola Moto 360 Gen 2 (42mm and 46mm)• Motorola Moto 360 sport• Asus ZenWatch• Asus ZenWatch 2• Huawei Watch• LG G Watch• LG G Watch R• LG Watch Urbane• Samsung Gear Live• Sony SmartWatch 3• TAG Heuer Connect• Fossil Q FOUNDERHolo Watch face come will the setting app for you to customizethecolor and time format.any suggestion or bug, feel free to send it [email protected]
Titanium Watch Face
Titanium Watch Face is an interactive watch face with 8 datatodisplay
1000+ Watch Faces 2.38
Beautiful collection of 1000+ WatchFaces(DZ09 & non androidwearnot supported)
RUGGED2 PRO Watch Face 2.1.1
RUGGED2 PRO is inspired by our first face-RUGGED.However, this version is more extensive and better designed totakethe advantages of watches with higher resolution.RUGGED watch faces line is an original project, that allow youtostand out from the others and emphasize yourindividualstyle.RUGGED – it's awesome! :)In RUGGED2 PRO you can customize design of your watchface,including:• choose from unique skins (six at now, but we will add newskinsregularly)• choose colors for all elements (time, date, day etc.)• set time of active mode• set style of ambient mode• choose format of dateand much, much more.. (and this is not the end)- ABOUT US as a brand was created in the end of 2015.Our purpose is to create awesome faces to your watches.We have a lot of experience in designing and creating facesforother platforms, this allow us to belive, that soon everyonewillfind something suitable for their watch.It just the beginning, and RUGGED2 is our second child inGooglePlay. But, we have a lot of projects of new faces that arewaitingto realize them!
Galaxy Glow HD Watch Face 6.2.2
DeNitE Appz
Watch Face, Widget & Live Wallpaper - Battery, Date,Weather,Step Counter
SmartDrive Watch Face
Animated watch face in modern 3D car design with 4 themes
Ultra Watch Face
Ultra watch face is fully supported for Wear OS 3
Watch Face Collection 2016
/!\ THIS APP IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITHSAMSUNGGEAR RUNNING TIZEN OS /!\Did you like "Wear Face Collection" ?This is a new collection !This app is fully compatible with all Android Wear Watch, andthebackgrounds are in the best possible quality (no compression,readyfor high density screens...)Design, classic, casual, the collection is has already 30themes,and will have a total of 50 themes in the next months.All the faces are interactive ! There is a build in chronograph,andshorcut to weather forecast and calendar.Features :★ weather forecast★ battery life★ date★ 12 and 24 hour format★ and many more ...After install on your phone, the app automatically installsitselfon the watch.Please activate it from the watch :Long press on the clock, and select "watch facecollection2016"