Top 16 Apps Similar to 精品漢筆(優雅手寫)

Google Handwriting Input
Google Inc.
Google Handwriting Input allows youtohandwrite text on your phone or tablet in 97 languages. Itsupportsprinted and cursive writing, with or without a stylus.GoogleHandwriting Input also supports hundreds of emojis, so youcanexpress yourself in any Android app.Key features:• A useful complement to touchscreen typing or voice input• A fun way to enter emojis by drawing• Useful for languages that can be challenging to type on astandardkeyboard• Works across your Android phones and tablets running Android4.0.3and up• If you claim your handwriting is terrible, try it out and seeifit can convince you otherwise
Google Cantonese Input
Google Inc.
Google Cantonese Input makes text inputsmartand easy. Users only need to use English letters to write outhowthey think the Cantonese word sounds. With amazing wordrecognitionand next-word prediction, Google Cantonese Input helpsyou typefaster and more accurately on all your Androiddevices.We provides multiple keyboards, include:- Pinyin (Yale, Jyutping and Cantonese Pinyin standards)- Cangjie- Handwriting- Voice- StrokeKey features:- Cantonese and English mixed input- Different Cantonese pinyin standards, Yale, Jyutping andCantonesePinyin- Fuzzy typing and auto correction- User history and contacts dictionary- Output as both Traditional and Simplified Chinese- Swipe on Cantonese keyboard to input digits, English lettersandpunctuation symbols- Rich emoticons and emojis- Themes
Google Zhuyin Input
Google Inc.
Google Zhuyin Input is a smart input methodappfor typing traditional Chinese on your Android phone andtablet. Wesupport multiple input methods, including:- Zhuyin(Bopomofo)- Cangjie- Pinyin- Handwriting- VoiceKey features:- An intelligent Zhuyin input method to type characters, phrasesandsentences easily- Swipe on Zhuyin keyboard to input digits, English lettersandpunctuation symbols- Gesture typing on Zhuyin keyboard- Output both traditional and simplified Chinese- Chinese and English mixed input on Zhuyin andPinyinkeyboard- Rich emoticons and emojis- Themes
mobile cloud
AI full sensory input, 900 million junior partner of choice
中國香港倉頡\速成\筆劃for GO Keyboard 3.0
GO Keyboard is the best and the most popular keyboard on theGooglePlay!
Chinese Handwriting Keyboard 3.0
Don't need to type in Chinese(cn), just learn and write Chinesebyhand writing
手心输入法是一款纯净、好用的输入法,不仅包含了一般输入法的中英文输入、词库、皮肤等功能。同时在功能上做了多项创新与改进,使其兼具以下特点:1 干净、无骚扰无广告。2 拼音输入,在拼音方面做了大量改进,使拼音输入更加高效易用。- 支持云输入,通过云计算提供更精准候选词;- 支持混合词语,无需切换可以输入“android手机”、“1号楼”;- 支持个性短语,提供编辑及导入功能;- 支持按键纠错,输入“logn”,会出现“龙”;- 候选笔画过滤,轻松输入生僻字。输入“kun丶一”,“堃”就会被提前;- 支持拆字输入,可以通过部件读音输入汉字,输入“huohua”,会出现“烨”;- 支持拼音提示,对常见易混词语提示正确拼音,输入“chu'lou'feng'mang”,会出现“初露(lù)锋芒”;- 支持颜表情及emoji表情;3 双拼输入,支持多种双拼方案及自定义辅助码。4 笔画输入,支持部件,支持自动分词,输入 “丿一丿丨”出现“我们”。5 手写输入,支持连写、叠写等模式。6 语音输入。7 外接键盘输入,包括蓝牙或OTG等外设键盘。Palms input method isapure, easy to use input method, English input includes not onlythegeneral input method, thesaurus, skin and other functions. Whileinfunction to do a number of innovations and improvements to bothofthe following characteristics:A clean, no harassment without advertising.2 pinyin input, the spelling has done a lot to improve, makemoreefficient and easy to use pinyin input.- Support for cloud input, computing provide more accuratecandidateword cloud;- Support for mixed words, no need to switch you can enter"androidphone", "Building 1";- Support for personalized phrases, providing editing andimportingfunctions;- Support key correction, enter "logn", there willbe"Dragon";- Short-stroke filtered easily enter uncommon words. Enter "kunDianone", "Kun" will be in advance;- Support for Separation of Chinese input, you can inputChinesecharacters, enter "huohua" pronunciation by members, therewill be"Ye";- Support Pinyin tips, correct spelling, enter"chu'lou'feng'mang",there will be "burst on the scene (lù) edge" ofcommon wordsprompted the Confusing;- Supports color emoji expression and expression;3 Larry input, support a variety of programs and customLarryauxiliary code.4 strokes input, support member, supports automaticsegmentation,enter "a Pie Pie | 'or a" we. "5 handwriting input, support for ligatures, overwritingmodes.6 voice input.7 External keyboard input, including Bluetooth or OTGperipheraldevices such as a keyboard.
Big Font (change font size) 3.36
Sam Lu
Does the default system font look toosmallor too large? Do you want to globally change thetextsize?This app allows you to scale system font size from 20% (smaller)to1000% (bigger).*** Over 2,000,000 Downloads! ***FEATURES★ turns your device into a magnifying glass by using camerazoom,auto-focus and LED flash★ working for Android 2.3 and greater devices★ scale system font size from 20% to 1000%★ preview the scaled text before applying★ show a notification icon describing the current font size.Anoption is also provided to hide it★ switch system font size via tapping the notification★ customized the font size scale value★ Android 4+ only provides 3 scaling values, we provide more★ for Android 2.3~3.x users. You can add "not working" apps intotheignored apps listPRO VERSIONYou can upgrade to PRO version by purchasing a PRO licensefromGoogle Play. PRO version adds the followingadditionalfeatures:★ no ads★ unlimited font scaling values★ 251%~1000% font sizeWe have been selected as a Google I/O 2011 DeveloperSandboxpartner, for its innovative design and advancedtechnology.If you are interested in helping us to translate this app toyournative language, please let me know. Thanks.Credits:Arabic - Ibrahim almamoDanish - Christian Stangegaard KappelgaardDutch - Niko StrijbolFrench - Alexandre FiannacaGerman - Michel MüllerItalian - Michele MondelliJapanese - Yuanpo ChangPolish - Dawid ZielińskiPortuguese brazilian - Wagner SantosRussian - Идрис a.k.a. Мансур (IDris a.k.a.MANsur),Ghost-UnitSpanish - Tomás de la Puente LópezTurkish - Kutay KuFTiVietnamese - Nguyễn Trung Hậus
Chinese Pinyin IME for Android 2020.12.20
Chinese Pinyin IME is an input method optimized forChinesecharacter input .
萊姆中文輸入法 - LIME IME 5.2.4
萊姆中文輸入法 - LIMEIME,是一套自由開源的輸入法程式。支援注音、倉頡、快倉、倉頡五、速成、大易、輕鬆、行列、行列10及華象等,並提供自定管理輸入法功能。您亦可透過設定工具新增、修改字根記錄,甚至將您建立的輸入法分享給朋友來使用**若輸入法運作異常請嚐試透過[回復原始設定] 功能進行資料及設定的修正, 透過輸入法喜好設定關閉部份功能可提高輸入法運作效率。**Lime開發團隊感謝各位使用者的使用及問題回報,我們持續的調整及修正輸入法功能,歡迎透過EMAIL([email protected])及 Facebook 與我們連繫##若您偏好舊版的萊姆輸入法亦可至頁面下載LIMEHD_391_334.apk版本。萊姆輸入法線上資源使用與操作說明(尚未更新) **軟體鍵盤快捷鍵 1. 滑動SPACE BAR 選擇輸入法 2. 長按SPACE BAR 顯示輸入法選單與簡繁互換 3. 按住SHIFT + (英|數) 鍵輸入大寫或符號 (Multi-TouchInput) ** 實體鍵盤快捷鍵 1.(SHIFT|FN) + 候選字右上標記 快速選字2. CTRL + SPACE混打/英文模式切換 3. CTRL + SHIFT顯示輸入法選單 4. MENU + SHIFT顯示輸入法選單 5. CTRL +(數字|符號) 鍵 輸入全型字 6. MENU +/ 顯示符號選單 7. 往下鍵 擴展候選字列表8. BACKSPACE關閉候選字列表 ** LIME-HD 的特點1.支援Android平板2.可自訂輸入法,目前支援10種輸入法:自建、注音、倉頡、快倉、倉頡五、速成、大易、輕鬆、行列、行列10,(行列及行列10使用老刀提供的對照表)3.注音輸入法鍵盤排列支援標準注音(大千)、倚天26鍵、倚天41鍵及許氏注音排列4.所有輸入法均支援連打,注音輸入法支援快拼(需另外下載注音連打快拼對照表) 5. 中英文混打,不用切換鍵盤6.虛擬鍵盤長按".",可輸入符號。實體鍵盤按Ctrl-/可輸入符號 7. Multi-touch虛擬鍵盤(可直接按Shift-X)8.虛擬鍵盤空白鍵左右滑動可快速切換輸入法 9. 支援實體鍵盤(藍牙鍵盤要Android3.0Honeycomb才支援),實體鍵盤Ctrl-A/C/V/X複製貼上、實體鍵盤Ctrl-1~9,0或單鍵選候選字、Shift-1~9,0選關聯字10.輸入法可選擇鍵盤排列11. 三排實體鍵盤手機鍵盤重對應 (不用按組合鍵) 12. 簡/繁字碼轉換 (打繁出簡,打簡出繁)13.反查輸入法字根 14.中/英關聯字典 由於Android裝置種類繁多,礙於專案團隊設備上的限制無法做全面的測試並兼顧到各種不同鍵盤配置,若LIME無法支援您的硬體設備還請見諒。**若文字無法正確輸入,建議您重置資料庫並重新下載或匯入字根檔案,如果選字與送出的字不同,請關閉喜好設定的中文簡/繁體字碼轉換.**感謝大易輸入法發明者王贊傑先生,萊姆中文輸入法正式獲得大易UNICODE 版使用授權
Traditional Chinese Keyboard
The most practical Keyboard! It is for traditional Chineseinputmethod.Emotion!
Simplified Cangjie keyboard 0.11.2
Miles Leung
Soft keyboard for entering of traditional and simplifiedChinesecharacters
Mixed Chinese keyboard 0.5.2
Miles Leung
Soft keyboard for entering of traditional and simplifiedChinesecharacters
HKIME 中文輸入法 1.5.0
Sing Leung
Chinese input keyboard: Quick, Cangjie, Canton, Stroke
Changjie Input Method 0.3.1
The is another Changjie (Cangjie) ChineseInputKeyborad for Android.Supported Changjie ( Cangjie ) version 3 and 5, andQuickMethod,with Phases support.It also supported Japanese Hiragana and Katakana Input byusingprefix ZJ with Gojuon.e.g. ね (ZJNE ), も (ZJMO), と (ZJTO )ゆ (ZJYU ), か (ZJKA ), こ (ZJKO ).The project is base on the new ibus-cangjie basedlibrarylibcangjie.More Detail: program is free software: you can redistribute itand/ormodifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License aspublishedbythe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of theLicense,or(at your option) any later version.Source Code:
Mobile Pen 23
Forget the wordings suddenly? No worry, Mobile Pen can helpyouanyway.