Top 21 Apps Similar to aid E-Nummern-Finder

E Numbers 3.7.1
Do you know all the ingredients of the food you eat?
E-Codes Demo: Food Additives 1.3.7
E-Codes is an invaluable tool when shopping for food.
E Numbers Calc: Food Additives
List of more than 500 food additives
Food Additives 1.66
Today's food is full of additives. Are they dangerous? Ourapphelpsyou find the answer. Try it, it's free! This app istheperfect toolwhile food shopping. In a second, you can find outifthey are safefor you and your family or if they are suspiciousordangerous. Italso lets you know if they are suitableforvegetarians, vegans ordifferent religious groups. The appshowsthe ingredients' legalstatus in Australia and New Zealand,Europaand the United States.It allows you to quickly check on morethan500 ingredients. You cansearch them by E-code, by name orbyalternative names. Features: -You can search for food additivesbyE-number, by name or byalternative name(s). - Fast E-CODEComputerfor easy and fast searchjust in codes. - Light theme anddarktheme. - Customized detailspage. - You can filter additivesbasedon text queries, or on risks.- The lists can be sorted bynames orby E numbers. - A newfavorites list can be managed by user.- Thehistory list retainsthe last additives that you searched.Extra: -It allows you tocheck whether an additive is suitable forvegans,vegetarians or forpeople from different religions. - Itallowsintegration with Googlesearch widget. - Zoom in thedescriptionfield in details page canbe done by scale gesture. -Highlightdescription words. Some ofadditives are harmless, many notquitehealthy and several aredangerous. Many people haveexperiencedvarious negative reactionsto food additives. Certaingroups may bemore susceptible to adverseeffects, such as asthmasufferers,chemically sensitive and allergicindividuals, pregnantwomen orhyperactive children. So here theyare: preservativesandsweeteners, food colorings or tasteenhancers, unveiled!
E Numbers 3.2
Bon à Savoir
This application is essential to find out what the foodindustryhides us!
E-Nummern (Zusatzstoffe) 1.2.1
In der EU sind etwa 320Zusatzstoffezugelassen.Kennen Sie alle? Was essen Sie, wenn inderZutatenliste E 407 steht?Wofür wird Carrageeneigentlichverwendet? Ist der Stoff auch fürBio-Produktezugelassen?Kaufen Sie sich kein Buch, welches morgen schonveraltetist.Diese App bietet Ihnen eine Liste überdiezugelassenenZusatzstoffe und versucht Ihnen den Verwendungszweckzuerklären,so dass Sie selbst entscheiden können, ob Sie liebereinProduktohne diesen Zusatzstoff kaufen wollen.Alle Daten werden über das Internet geladen.EineOffline-Nutzungist in der kostenlosen Variante nichtmöglich.Werbefrei und mitInformationen über die Demeter-Zulassungin derPro-Variante.Suche nach E-Nummern oder Verkehrsnamen möglich. Leideristeswieder erlaubt auch einen üblichen Namen in derZutatenlistezunutzen, statt der E-Nummer. Zusätzlich muss jedochderKlassennamemit angegeben sein:Farbstoff,Konservierungsstoff,Antioxydationsmittel,Emulgatoren(Stabilisatoren), Dickungsmittel(Geliermittel),Säurungsmittel(Säureregulatoren), Trennmittel(Überzugsmittel,Tauchmassen),Geschmacksverstärker (einigeAromastoffe),Zuckeraustauschstoffe(künstliche Süßstoffe), Stoffefür sonstigetechnologische Zwecke,Stoffe für besondereErnährungszwecke(Vitamine, modifizierteStärke).Anregungen, Wünsche etc. bitte an [email protected]önnen leider nicht auf Kommentare im Play-Store antworten.Keywords: E-Nummern, E-Nummer, E-Number,Zusatzstoff,1333/2008,ZZulVIn the EU, about320foodadditives permitted. Do you know any? What do you eat whenonsalein the list of ingredients E407? What is Carrageenanactuallyused?If the substance is also approved for organicproducts?Do not buy a book that is obsolete tomorrow. This appprovidesyouwith a list of approved additives and tried to explainto youthepurpose, so that you can decide for yourself whether youwouldratherbuy a product without this additive.All data is loaded via the Internet. An offline useisnotpossible in the free version. Ad free and withinformationaboutthe Demeter approval in the Pro version.Search E-numbers or names traffic possible. Unfortunately,itisagain also allows you to use a common name in thelistofingredients, instead of the E-number. In addition,however,theclass name must be specified with: dye,preservative,antioxidant,emulsifiers (stabilizers), thickeners(gelling agent),acidityregulator (acidity regulators), releasingagent (coatingagent,diving masses), flavor enhancer (someflavorings),sugarsubstitutes (artificial sweeteners), substancesforothertechnological purposes, materials forparticularnutritionalpurposes (vitamins, modified starch).Suggestions, requests, etc., [email protected] unfortunately we can not respondtocomments in the PlayStore.Keywords: E-numbers, e-number, e-Number,additive,1333/2008,ZZulV
Was ich esse 3.0.8
The app shows what and how much land the day on the plate.
E-Codes: Food Additives 1.3.7
E-Codes is an invaluable tool when shopping for food.
E-Nummern Pro (Zusatzstoffe) 1.2.1
In der EU sind etwa 320Zusatzstoffezugelassen. Kennen Sie alle? Was essen Sie, wenn inderZutatenliste E 407 steht? Wofür wird Carrageeneigentlichverwendet?ACHTUNG: Testen Sie vor dem Kauf biete die kostenloseVariantevon diesem Produkt. In der PRO-Variante sehen Sie keineWerbung unddie bereits abgerufenen Daten werden gecached, so dassSie dieseauch später erneut verwenden können (offline). Zusätzlichsehen Sieauch Informationen über die Demeter-Zulassung.Diese App bietet Ihnen eine Liste über diezugelassenenZusatzstoffe und versucht Ihnen den Verwendungszweck zuerklären,so dass Sie selbst entscheiden können, ob Sie lieber einProduktohne diesen Zusatzstoff kaufen wollen.Alle Daten werden über das Internet geladen. EineOffline-Nutzungist in der kostenlosen Variante nicht möglich.Suche nach E-Nummern oder Verkehrsnamen möglich. Leider isteswieder erlaubt auch einen üblichen Namen in der Zutatenlistezunutzen, statt der E-Nummer. Zusätzlich muss jedoch derKlassennamemit angegeben sein: Farbstoff,Konservierungsstoff,Antioxydationsmittel, Emulgatoren(Stabilisatoren), Dickungsmittel(Geliermittel), Säurungsmittel(Säureregulatoren), Trennmittel(Überzugsmittel, Tauchmassen),Geschmacksverstärker (einigeAromastoffe), Zuckeraustauschstoffe(künstliche Süßstoffe), Stoffefür sonstige technologische Zwecke,Stoffe für besondereErnährungszwecke (Vitamine, modifizierteStärke).Anregungen, Wünsche etc. bitte an [email protected] -wirkönnen leider nicht auf Kommentare im Play-Store antworten.Keywords: E-Nummern, E-Nummer, E-Number, Zusatzstoff,1333/2008,ZZulVIn the EU, about320additives are permitted. Do you know any? What you eat, when isinthe list of ingredients E407? What is carrageenan actually used?NOTE: Try before you buy offer the free version of thisproduct.In the PRO version you see any ads and the already gathereddata iscached, so you can use it again later (offline). Inaddition, youwill also see information about the Demetercertification.This app provides you with a list of approved additives andtriedto explain to you the purpose, so that you can decide foryourselfwhether you prefer to buy a product without thisadditive.All data is downloaded from the Internet. An off-line use isnotpossible in the free version.Search for E-numbers or names traffic possible. Unfortunately,itis also allowed to re-use a common name in the list ofingredients,instead of the E-number. In addition, however, theclass name mustbe specified with: coloring, preservatives,antioxidants,emulsifiers (stabilizers), thickening agent (gellingagent), acidityregulator (acidity regulator), release agent(coating agents, divemasses), flavor (some flavors), sugarsubstitutes (artificialsweeteners), substances for othertechnological purposes, materialsfor particular nutritionalpurposes (vitamins, modified starch).Suggestions, requests, etc. please [email protected] we can not respond to comments in the PlayStore.Keywords: E-numbers, E number, E-Number, additive,1333/2008,ZZulV
E-Inspect Food additives 1.3
Many everyday food additives are bad for health. Know what you eat!
E Numbers Pro 3.7.2
Do you know all the ingredients of the food you eat?
E numbers 2.1
My following program is based on information from the MinistriesofHealth of the G7 & G20 countries. This free program canhelpyou to know more about food additives. Which E number aredangerousand which one are safety. It has a very simple interfacefor use atthe department store or home. Additives must be assessedfor safetybefore they can be used in food. We also ensure that thescience onadditives is strictly reviewed, the law strictlyenforced, andaction is taken where problems are found. Weinvestigate anyinformation that casts reasonable doubt on thesafety of anadditive. It's absolutely wise to avoid eating mealwith harmfuladditives - E Numbers in them. A lot of food additivesare bad, butnot all. E numbers were assigned for food additives,which havebeen tested for safety and approved for use throughoutthe EuropeanUnion (EU). But eventually, using them in foods haveachieved verysad statistic. It turned out that many nutritionalsupplements maycause very undesirable effects on the wholeorganism. Some of themare extremely dangerous, some can not be usedoften, and some canonly be used in animal feed. For convenience,all supplements areclassified by target groups: E 100 - E 182 -colorants; E-200 andmore - preservatives; E-300 and more -antioxidants (antioxidants);E-400 and more - stabilizersconsistency; E-450 and more -emulsifiers; E-500 and more - acidityregulators, baking powder;E-600 and more - flavor enhancers; E-700- E-800 - Spare codes forother available information; E-900 andmore - glazes agents, flourand bread improvers. How consumers haveto behave in looking forhealth foods? Of course, the easiest way -is to buy the productswithout any food additives, but not all of itis well to your tasteand wallet, in addition there are a number ofpeople who cannotlive completely without additives, such asdiabetics. They eitherhave to give up sweets at all, or use sugarsubstitutes. Mostlikely you may buy a product with banned additiveson the wholesalemarkets, which often fall consignment withoutcertificates ofhealth services. While it is illegal additives maybe contained inthe products from the developed world - becausethere is a very bigdifference between food produced for domesticuse and food forexport. So if you prefer to eat not only tasty butalso healthy,support local producers - the tradition of thedomestic foodindustry still gravitate to the nature. So, buyingfood, soda, gumand candy, pay attention to the label. And if it notauthorized,but not prohibited additive, for the most part it isrelativelyharmless. But the forbidden E can lead to death.
E Numbers halal & haram 3.7.0
What are ENumbers? Are they all bad? Which ones should I reallytryto avoid?
E nummer vrij 3.1
bunbun apps
E-nummers zijn hulpstoffen(additieven)dieworden toegevoegd aan voedingsmiddelen,medicijnenencosmetica.Steeds meer komen deze stoffen voor in onze voeding maar isditwelgezond? Misschien is het je wel eens opgevallenopdeingrediëntenlijst: emulgator, stabilisator etc. Waardienendezestoffen voor? Met deze handige app kun je gemakkelijkensnelzoeken op nummer of naam. Met een korte beschrijving overdestofen de mogelijke gevaren ervan.- Zoekfunctie op nummer of naam.- Informatie per nummer.- Werkt zonder internet.- Informatie over de soorten. (emulgator, zoetstof etc.)- Dierlijk filter.- Mogelijkheid om favorieten in te stellen.- Simpel en toch uitgebreid.- Zeer gebruiksvriendelijk.Kernwoorden: additieven, hulpstoffen,voedingsmiddelen,e-nummers,toevoegingen.E-numbersareexcipients(additives) to be added to foods, drugsandcosmetics.Increasingly, these substances in our food but is ithealthy?Maybeyou ever noticed on the ingredients list:emulsifier,stabilizeretc. What are these substances? With thishandy app youcan easilyand quickly search by number or name. With abriefdescription ofthe substance and its potential dangers.- Search function by number or name.- Information per song.- Works without internet.- Information on the species. (Emulsifier, sweetener, etc.)- Animal filter.- Ability to set favorites.- Simple and expanded.- Very easy to use.Keywords: additives, excipients, food, e-numbers, additives.
AOK Bewusst Einkaufen
Die AOK-App „Bewusst Einkaufen“ hilftmitAmpelfarben gesundheitsbewusster einzukaufen. Überdreiverschiedene Möglichkeiten können Einkaufslisten erstelltwerden –mit dem Scan des Barcodes, über dieLebensmittelkategorie-Sucheoder durch eine Texteingabe. Zu deneinzelnen Lebensmittelnerscheinen Bewertungen in Ampelfarben, dieüber den Gehalt an Fett,gesättigten Fettsäuren, Zucker und Salzinformieren. Rot stehtdabei für einen hohen, gelb für einenmittleren und grün für einenniedrigen Gehalt in den jeweiligenLebensmitteln. Ergänzt werdendie Angaben durch die Kalorienangaben,den Eiweiß- undKohlenhydratgehalt. Eine Übersicht über den gesamtenEinkaufermöglicht einen Blick auf die relative Verteilung derAmpelfarbenund zeigt welche und wie viele Lebensmittel sich in derroten,gelben oder grünen Kategorie befinden. Um langfristigeineausgewogenere Ernährung zu erreichen, lohnt sich dieserbewusstegesundheitsbezogene Blick schon beim Einkauf. DieumfangreichenSalz-, Zucker-und Fettspartipps von der AOK helfendabei,vielleicht einige eher gesundheitskritischeLebensmittelauszutauschen.The AOK App"consciousshopping" shopping helps with traffic light colors morehealthconscious. About three ways Shopping lists can be created -withthe scanning of the barcode on the food category or search bytextentry. For each food reviews appear in traffic light colorsthatprovide information on the content of fat, saturated fat, sugarandsalt. Red stands for high, yellow for medium and green forlowcontent in the food. This data is supplemented byinformationcalories, the protein and carbohydrate content. Anoverview of theentire purchasing offers a view on the relativedistribution oftraffic light colors and shows how many and whichfoods are in thered, yellow or green category. In order to achievea more balanceddiet in the long term, this health-conscious glancealready worththe purchase. The extensive salt, sugar and fat-savingtips fromthe AOK help, maybe exchange some rather criticalhealthfoods.
CaloryGuard Pro 3.6.2
Falko Buttler
Your personal calorie and fitness coach - Easily andpermanentlylose weight!
Gıda Katkı Maddeleri 1.3
Teknolojinin ilermesi gıda sektöründe de kendini göstermiş vegıdakatkı maddeleri kullanılarak üretilen hazır gıdalarraflardayerlerini almıştır. Günümüzde katkı maddesi içermeyen ürünbulmakneredeyse imkansızdır. Yediğimiz gıdalarla bir yıldayaklaşıkolarak kendi ağırlığımız kadar katkı maddesi tükettiğimizgerçeğigöz önüne alınırsa, katkı maddeleriyle barışık, ancakonlarınzararlarını en aza indirebileceğimiz bir stratejigeliştirmeningerekliliği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bunun da ilk basamağı,katkımaddelerini yakından tanımaktır. Gıda katkı maddelerialerjidenmigrene, hiperaktiviteden kansere kadar birçokhastalıklailişkilendirilmektedir. Bunun yanında inançlarımız vebireyseltercihlerimiz açısından önemli olan ve hayvansalkaynaklardan eldeedilen çok sayıda katkı maddesi vardır. Buuygulamaansiklopedilerde bulunan bilgileri pratik bir şekildesizleresunmaktadır. Uygulamayla gıda katkı maddeleri açısındanhangiürünün daha sağlıklı olduğunu, hangisinin inançlarımıza vekişiseltercihlerimize daha uygun olduğunu kolaycaanlayabileceksiniz.Uygulamada teknik açıdan gıda katkı maddesiolarak sınıflanan ve Enumarası olan, bir diğer ifadeyle Türk GıdaKodeksinde yer alan tümkatkı maddeleri değerlendirilmiştir. Bununyanında gıdalardakullanıldığı halde gıda katkı maddesi olaraksınıflandırılmayanbazı katkılar vardır. Bunların E numarası yoktur.Bu maddeleruygulamada yer almamaktadır. Belki zamanla gıdalardabulunan bu tipmaddeler de bu uygulama kapsamına alınabilecektir. Buyüzden gıdaetiketlerinde gördüğünüz tüm maddeleri buprogramdabulamayabilirsiniz. Program oluşturulurken büyük ölçüdeProf. Dr.Fatih Gültekin'in gıda katkı maddeleriyle ilgiliyazdığıkitaplardan faydalanılmıştır. Bazı konularda ise Helal veSağlıklıGıda Platformundan yararlanılmıştır. Yani yazılan herbilginin birkaynağı vardır. Detaylı bilgi isteyenler programınücretliversiyonuna veya direk kitaplara baş vurabilirler. Amacımızbiryandan tüketicilerin duyarlılığını artırmaya çalışırken,diğeryandan tüketici tercihlerini üreticilere duyurmaktır. Yoksahiçbirmarka veya ürünü öğmek veya yermek değildir. Ne yediğinibilmek, azda olsa bazı sağlık risklerinden uzak kalmak, inancına vebireyseltercihlerine göre beslenmek isteyen siz duyarlıtüketicilerin hertürlü uyarı ve katkısıyla bu program çok dahaiyiye gidecektir.Güzel beslenmek istiyorsanız lütfen uyarılarınızlabizleribesleyiniz. En içten dileklerimizle.
Info E-uri aditivi alimentari 1.2.0
Find the degree of danger of various food additives (E-uri)
E Numbers
Reference to food additives, also known asENumbers. Allows you to check whenever additive is suitableforvegetarians, children and people with allergic reactions. Youalsocan view additional information, such as bans indifferentcountries.
Е-добавки 1.1.6
Программа Е-добавки представляет собой справочник пищевых добавок