Top 14 Apps Similar to 诗歌童谣精选(儿歌多多)-唐诗,三字经,经典童谣,经典主题曲

多多童谣学英语 2.2.0
《多多童谣学英语》是"多多学英语系列"初级篇,通过歌谣形式教会孩子认识事物,学会单词.适合4-8岁儿童学习英语单词, 看事物,跟随歌谣学习英语单词.让小孩在欢快的音乐声中学习一边认识事物,同时学习事务的英语单词.本版本共包括16大类300多个常用事物词语.,动物名称,服装鞋帽,家庭称呼,身体,交通工具,文具用品,颜色,水果,时间,日期,天气,四季,职业等等。《多多学英语》系列共有40多个应用,专为孩子英语学习方面而设计,搜索"多多"下载更多应用.请下载试用,同时请您给本软件做出评价.童谣,儿歌,学英语,看事物,认单词,少儿,多多,儿童英语.
小鹿儿歌视频-儿歌多多,宝宝最爱,热门儿歌,经典儿歌 1.3
完整说明精选优质的儿歌视频,操作简单,界面温馨,宝宝的好伙伴,妈妈的好助手!!【特色功能】1.免费更新:永久免费,无需花钱购买所谓完整版。2.内容丰富:涵盖热门儿歌,经典儿歌,新潮儿歌等200+儿歌。3.离线下载:资源下载到本地后没有网络也能看。4.使用方便:界面简洁,爷爷奶奶也能给孩子放动画!5.持续更新: 资源持续不断更新。宝宝最爱小白兔哇哈哈黑猫警长小毛驴世上只有妈妈好爸爸去哪儿爱我你就抱抱我数星星我是小蜜蜂虫儿飞小燕子小螺号蓝精灵让我们荡起双桨鲁冰花奥特曼三个和尚小小少年三只小熊摇篮曲雪绒花小龙人两只老虎兔子舞.......热门儿歌拔萝卜上学歌采蘑菇的小姑娘数鸭子读书郎卖报歌学习雷锋好榜样泥娃娃字母歌甩葱歌一分钱小和尚小花猫新潮儿歌五指歌江南style聪明的一休我不想说我是鸡洗澡歌小苹果爸爸妈妈听我说闪烁的星星快乐的00后送别生日最快乐小鸭子数字歌财神到男儿当自强小白船.....经典儿歌两只老虎小兔子乖乖外婆的澎湖湾红星闪闪春天在哪里丢手绢蜗牛与黄鹂鸟找朋友济公小叮当种太阳小红帽我爱北京天安门七子之歌花仙子圣诞快乐新年好海鸥七色光丑小鸭.....
多多童谣学英语-暑期版 2.2.0
《多多童谣学英语-暑期版》来了,使用《多多童谣学英语》的亲们,你们懂的!"多多学英语"系列应用专注于少儿英语教学。本APP通过歌谣形式教会孩子认识事物,学会单词.适合4-8岁儿童学习英语单词, 看事物,跟随歌谣学习英语单词.让小孩在欢快的音乐声中学习,一边听儿歌,一边学英语。本版本共包括28首琅琅上口的英语儿歌:大象、两只胖鸟、樱花、洋娃娃、生日快乐等等。亲们,赶紧下载吧!,《多多学英语》系列共有40多个应用,专为孩子英语学习方面而设计,搜索"多多"下载更多应用."A lot to learnEnglishnursery rhymes - Summer Edition" to the use of "a lot tolearnEnglish nursery rhyme" pro, you understand "a lot to learnEnglish"series of applications focused on teaching childrenEnglish!. Thesongs in the form of APP by teaching children tounderstand things,learn the words. Suitable for children aged 4-8to learn Englishwords, to look at things, follow the songs to learnEnglish words.Let the children in the cheerful sound of musiclearning, listeningto songs, while learning English. This versionincludes a total of28 catchy songs in English: elephant, two fatbirds, cherry, doll,happy birthday, and so on. Pro, quicklydownload it!,"A lot to learn English" series consists of more than40applications, designed for children learning English anddesign,search for "a lot" to download more applications.
儿歌,儿童故事,童话,童谣,古诗,英语,学前唐诗,胎教音乐,三字经,哄睡故事,睡前故事,绘本,宝宝喜欢的应有尽有。中国最大的儿童有声教育平台,2千万家庭推荐的儿童教育app,海量资源让孩子赢在起跑线。特色功能:1、【海量资源】国内最全的儿童音频/视频资源平台,每日更新,一键下载,没有wifi也能听2、【儿童主播】百位国内著名儿童主播,每天与宝宝实时互动,陪伴孩子快乐成长3、【精细分类】根据不同年龄、场景进行精细划分,满足不同宝宝的需求4、【英文资源】独家英文儿歌故事,每天听一听,赢在起跑线,Let's Go !5、【亲子互动】最火爆的亲子游戏“萝卜蹲、木头人”等,全面锻炼宝宝听语、平衡和反映能力丰富内容:1、国学故事:历史故事、名人故事、古诗吟唱、蓝猫小学拼音、三字经、弟子规、唐诗三百首、有声读物、成语故事2、儿歌:中文儿歌、英语儿歌、幼儿园儿歌、动画片主题曲3、睡前故事:哄睡音乐、睡前亲子必听、睡前故事、太阳帆,月亮船4、儿童英语英语字母歌、英语儿歌、语感启蒙、英语小故事5、宝贝音乐哄睡音乐、儿歌童谣、胎教音乐、世上只有妈妈好、摇篮曲6、童话故事安徒生童话、格林童话国外经典童话,白雪公主、一千零一夜、小班故事、中班故事、大班故事、男孩故事、女孩故事、情商培养、西游记7、金牌主播讲故事凯叔讲故事、秋木叔叔讲故事、可乐姐姐讲故事、图豆讲故事、小雪老师讲故事、晓月阿姨讲故事亲子互动游戏,更多精彩内容等你来发现联系我们宝贝听听微信订阅号:babytingtingvip新浪微博:官方QQ群1:210285298官方QQ群2: 372810934联系邮箱:[email protected], children'sstories,fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poetry, English, pre-schoolpoetry,prenatal music, the Three Character Classic, Hong Shuistory,bedtime stories, picture books, baby liked everything.China's largest children sound education platform, 20millionfamilies recommended childhood education app, massiveresources tolet the children win at the starting line.Features:1, massive resources [children] the most complete audio /videosource platform, daily updates, one-click download, no wificouldhear2, [children] anchor hundred domestic famous children'sanchor,real-time interaction with the baby every day, to accompanythechildren grow up happy3, [fine] to fine-grained classification according to differentage,scenes, meet the different needs of the baby4, [resource] English English songs exclusive story, listen toeveryday one, win at the starting line, Let's Go!5, parent-child interaction] [most popular family games"carrotsquat, wooden", a comprehensive exercise your baby listen tothelanguage, balance and response capacityRich content:1, Sinology story: historical stories, celebrity stories,poetrysinging, Blue Cat elementary spelling, Three CharacterClassic,disciples regulations, Three Hundred Tang Poems,audiobooks,idioms2, children's songs:Chinese children's songs, English songs, nursery rhymes,cartoontheme song3, bedtime story:Hong Shui music, bedtime paternity will hear bedtime stories,solarsails, moon ship4, Children's EnglishEnglish alphabet songs, English songs, language senseEnlightenment,English short story5, baby musicHong Shui music, nursery rhymes, prenatal music, there is onlyagood mother, lullaby6, a fairy taleHans Christian Andersen, the Brothers Grimm classic fairyabroad,Snow White, Arabian Nights, small stories, Intermediatestory,Taipan story, the story of a boy, the girl story,emotionalintelligence training, Journey to the West7, gold anchor storytellingKay t storytelling, storyteller Uncle autumn wood, cokesisterstorytelling, storytelling FIG beans, snow storytellingteacher,Aria aunt storytellingParent-child interactive games, more exciting content waitingforyou to discoverContact usBaby listen to micro-channel subscriptionnumber:babytingtingvipSina microblogging: http: // official QQ group: 210 285 2982 official QQ group: 372 810 934Contact E-mail: [email protected]
碰碰狐儿歌-唱儿歌学舞蹈 116
Children's favorite dance songs! Singing, and dancing, very happy!
巴贝儿歌(儿歌故事)-热门儿歌,经典儿歌,儿歌课堂,儿歌故事 1.6
精选优质的宝宝儿歌,操作简单,界面温馨,家长必备的儿歌应用!【特色功能】1.免费更新:永久免费,无需花钱购买所谓完整版。2.内容丰富:涵盖儿歌故事成语唐诗。3.离线下载:资源下载到本地后没有网络也能看。4.使用方便:界面简洁,爷爷奶奶也能给孩子放动画!热门儿歌爱我你就抱抱我小毛驴拔萝卜两只老虎字母歌生日快乐江南style一分钱数鸭歌蜗牛与黄鹂鸟小星星哇哈哈聪明的一休经典儿歌小兔子乖乖五指歌小兔子白又白一分钱上学歌小螺号找朋友读书郎小小少年大海啊故乡儿歌课堂What are you doingI'm a FiremanHow is the weatherThis is not my eggMy little room为什么会下雨影子的秘密整理书桌数字宝宝为什么有风天空为什么有云儿歌故事乌鸦喝水三只小猪小马过河井底之蛙小蝌蚪找妈妈狼来了小猫钓鱼刻舟求剑皇帝的新衣守株待兔Selection of highqualitybaby nursery rhymes, simple, cozy interface, parentsessentialsongs application![Features] 1. Free Updates: permanent free, no money to buy theso-calledfull version. 2. Content-rich: cover songs idiom story of Tang. 3. offline download: Resources no later downloaded tothelocal network can also be seen. 4. Easy to use: The interface is simple, grandparentsalsogive the child back movies!Popular songsI love you hug meLittle DonkeyPulling radishesTwo tigersAlphabet songHappy BirthdayJiangnan stylePennyNumber of duck songThe Snail and the Oriole BirdLittle StarWow hahaClever breakClassic songsLittle Rabbit obedientlyFingers songWhite and white bunniesPennySchool songSmall LuohaoFind a friendSchool BoyLittle boySea ah hometownSongs classroomWhat are you doingI'm a FiremanHow is the weatherThis is not my eggMy little roomWhy will rainShadow's SecretFinishing DeskDigital BabyWhy windWhy is the sky with cloudsStory songsCrow drinkThree Little PigsXiaomaguoheFrogLittle Tadpole Looking for MomWolfCat fishingKeZhouQiuJianEmperor's New ClothesSit back and wait
Kids Song-Best Songs for Kids 1.32
High-quality selected English songsEasy to useBaby's good partner, mother's good assistant! ![Features]1. Free Content: permanent free, DO NOT Need to use money to buytheso-called full version.2. Rich Content: covering more than 200 popular songs,classicEnglish songs, the alphabet song and so on.3. Fast Download: Download fast and convenient.4. Offline Watch: Download to local and can also be seenwithoutnetwork.5. Easy Use: simple to use. Grandparents also can play videoforkids!Continuously updated content, the current contents include:Classic Songs:little starsit's a small worldTen little IndiansPat A cakeLondon Bridgeoh my sunWheels on the BusHello songDown by the stationwaka wakaWe will Rock You ....Happy Songs:A-RainbowIce creamWhat's Your Name?I love fruitsBath timego homeHappy BirthdayMy little roomWhat's thiswhat do you like ....Favorite SongsWe will rock youSix Little DucksBingoFinger FamilyBoy and GirlThis old manThe ButterflyIf You are Happy ….Alphabet SongsLearning A-Z letter in Chinese
亲宝儿歌0-3岁 3.0.0
宝妈必备,哄娃神器;宝宝喜欢,为0-3岁宝宝专业定制的儿歌;儿歌大全,歌单模式,精心推荐,找歌不用愁;高清画质,一键下载,随身使用,欢乐不间断;优质原创,宝宝最爱的儿歌、童谣、早教学堂尽在这里;【最近热播】《雪宝宝》《卡哇伊小女孩》《Jingle bells》《小猪猪》等。【产品优势】业界良心,一直免费,每周稳定更新内容;与腾讯、优酷、爱奇艺、搜狐、PPS、乐视、华数等资源合作,日播放次数超100W;资源丰富,视频内容杜绝枯燥乏味,宝宝喜欢的,这里应有尽有;【行业认可】2015年搜狐自媒体最佳亲子出品人奖;厦门国际动漫节“金海豚”动画作品大赛最佳科普教育动画银奖;360开放平台软件应用评选最受欢迎奖;PPS优秀原创视频评选用户选择奖;【关于亲宝】亲宝网是国内第一批进入母婴行业的企业,专注于儿童启蒙、学习、教育,为0-6岁的宝宝提供绿色的成长环境。欢迎提出宝贵的建议!我们会用心倾听并持续改进产品,把更好的体验带给您!(づ ̄3 ̄)づ微信号:qinbaoerge新浪微博:官方网址:http://www.qqbaobao.comBaoma necessary, tocoaxthe baby artifact;Babies love for 0-3-year-old professional custom babynurseryrhymes;Daquan songs, song single mode, well recommended, find songs, donotworry;HD picture quality, a key to download, portable use,uninterruptedjoy;High-quality original, baby's favorite songs, nursery rhymes,earlychildhood school to do here;[Recent hit]"Snow Baby" "kawaii girl" "Jingle bells" "Little Pig" and soon.【Product advantages】The industry's conscience, has been free, weeklyupdatesstable;And Tencent, Youku, resources cooperation iQIYI, Sohu, PPS,musictelevision, the number of China and so on, the number of daystoplay Super 100W;Rich in resources, put an end to boring video content, like ababy,everything here;[Industry Recognition]Sohu media best since 2015 paternity Producer Award;Xiamen International Animation Festival "Golden Dolphin"AnimationContest Silver Award Best Animated scienceeducation;360 open platform software application named Choice Award;PPS outstanding original video selection User's Choice Award;[On pro-Po]Pro-Po network is the first batch of enterprises to enter thebabyindustry, focusing on children's enlightenment,learning,education, provide green environment for the growth ofbabies 0-6years old.Welcome valuable suggestions! We will listen carefullyandcontinuously improve products, to bring you a better experience!(づ¯3¯) づMicro Signal: qinbaoergeSina microblogging: http: // Website: http: //
Songs for Children Video 6.0
Kids Songs
ABC songs for children! Morphle-TV'sClassicNursery RhymesAlphabet Songs - Phonics Song For children in 3DAnimationrhymesLetter C and Colors playlist - ABC song for childrenThanksgiving Songs for ChildrenThe Elephant Song - Cool Tunes for KidsA is For Apple Nursery Rhyme- 3D Animation Alphabet ABCPhonicsSongsBible Songs - God Made MeLetter E Song - 3D Animation Learning English AlphabetABCSongsWheels on the Bus Go Round and Round Rhyme - CartoonAnimationRhymesAnd More!:: Theme 1 : World Kids Songs Top 100:: Theme 2 : ABC Songs for Kids:: Theme 3 : 123 Songs for Kids:: Theme 4 : Nursery Rhymes for Kids:: Theme 5 : Colors Songs for Kids:: Theme 6 : Top Sing-Along Favorites for KidsDISCLAIMER: The content provided in this app is hosted byYouTubeand is available in public domain. We do not upload anyvideos toYouTube. This app is just an organized way to browse andview theseYouTube Videos to make it convenient for kids, to watchvideoswithout browsing in YouTube.
Pinkfong Mother Goose 25.04
Sing along with your favorite kids nursery rhymes ABC and 123!
Trending Stories and Viral Music Songs 3.0.1
Enjoy the best app Android (2.3+) for Trending StoriesandViralMusic Songs to enjoy singing and playing songs andstoriesforfree. Are you ready to sing your favourite songs?TrendingStoriesand Viral Music Songs is the best app FREE to laugh,singstoriessongs and enjoy all the family laughting together havingagoodtime with fun rhythms while watching funny videos.
Nursery Rhymes Songs 1.0
Kids Songs
♪✿♫ ❤ Nursery Rhymes ❤ ✿♫♪The best way to help a preschooler get ready to read. When achildchants a rhyme repeatedly, they develops key Pre-readingskillssuch as the ability to hear the distinct sounds that make upwords,discern sound and word patterns and broaden his vocabulary.Studieshave shown that the more nursery rhymes a kid knows, theeasier itwill be for them to learn to read. 30+ more voice andvideo qualitynursery rhymes for children it's easy to learn and somuchfun* Numbers* Alphabet* Phonics* Colors* Shapes* Animals* Fruits & Vegetables* Body parts* Home / House* Sports* Music Instruments* Clothes* Nature* More…* This app includes ads.* All video search results are provided via YouTube API.* To watch the videos, internet connections are required.DISCLAIMER: The content provided in this app is hosted byYouTubeand is available in public domain. We do not upload anycartoonvideos to YouTube. This app is just an organized way tobrowse andview these YouTube Videos to make it convenient forkids, to watchcartoon videos without browsing in YouTube.
Pinkfong Baby Bedtime Songs 21.01
Get a Good Night's Sleep with Lullaby Music for Babies