Top 28 Apps Similar to 唱舞全明星II:偶像之約

美男戰國 - 穿越時空之戀 女性向戀愛遊戲・乙女遊戲 1.3.0
Do you want to get close contact with your beloved generalsandexperience the sweet voice when you open the game? Then youmustnot miss the "General's Room" system, which greatly satisfiesyourvision and hearing. A love game played by 20 million femaleplayersaround the world!
A咖日記 1.0.22
A tour of the celebrity competition in the Shura field, amobilegame in the entertainment circle that you can play
四目神 【解謎×文字逃出遊戲】 1.1.4
" 'Unwanted child," God will be taken away four items [× wordpuzzleescape game] - [] Four eyes of God -
熹妃Q傳-體驗後宮心跳之旅 1.1.7
"Xi Fei Q Biography" is a mobile game adapted from thebest-sellingGong Dou novel "Qing Gong Xi Fei Biography". Theclassic novel isreproduced in 3D animation, and the phone isupgraded. You can alsomolest the emperor and chat with your sistersabout gossip. You canexperience the happiest palace Fight life,enjoy the beautifulancient world!
Meowtopia-Cat-themed decoratio 1.1.48
You will be happier with the cat around
全民Party-語音聊天唱歌交友 3.1.2
Singing and dating software, a brand new voice chat room hasopened!
橘貓偵探社 3.1
This is a reading game. The player acts as a detective workingonthe Internet, who can use the special functions of the mobilephoneto gain insight into the hearts of others and help customerssolvevarious problems.
This is a story about a young girl being in the box to take home.
永恆:宿命起源 25.1.3
飄流幻境M 1.1046.3
New World Adventure! How to give away pets, furniture andprops!Travel around the world and travel through ancientcivilizations,ancient and modern! Decorate your own home, carefullydesign yourown Dream House! Brand new Hong Kong Island! Find thetreasure ofthe pirate king Zhang Baozai!
Starry Love 2.4.5
Modo Global
A Streamer Themed Character Development Mobile Game
Tower of Saviors 2023.513
Tower of Savior x Hatsune Miku 2nd Crossover Event Unveils!
Orb Master 1.11.19
Casual game: challenge your friends or join them and facechallengestogether!
烈火戰記 4.9.2
The picture that spans time and destiny unfolds here.
蒼天英雄誌2 0.102.0
The return of the king, this is your Three Kingdoms!
御灵绘卷 36.0
Aesthetic and windy screens and top-notch Japanese seiyuuheavilycreated, the ultimate restoration of a safe world.Super-burningcross-service conquest, a new gameplay full-scalebattle, withgods, legendary weapons, folklore, and great men asprototypes, tomake new interpretations!
Enthusiastic encounters, passionate love! Travel with the starGuoXuefu and meet a beautiful love together!
鳳凰心計 - 純愛系後宮養成手遊週年慶 2.3.7
The new version joins the Phoenix Hearts Anniversary Event
明月之時 10.0
一個官人一個妻 - 真人Coser登場
Coser "Hungry Xiaoxuan" is implanted in a real beauty game, cometothe game to meet the goddess!
天涯幻夢 2.1.0
"That's it, we will be number one in the world!" With the oathofmartial arts, sentient beings attended the appointmentasscheduled. "The World's No. 1 Budo Club" cross-server qualifyingisnewly opened. Elites of all sects will fight againstGuangmingdingand become gods! Valkyrie dominance and exclusivegenerous rewardsare waiting for you to occupy!
Breaking the monotony and boringness of traditional MMObattles,innovating the "wuhun" form of gameplay, seamless switchingofeclectic weapons, bringing a new multi-combat experience!
異界之鑰-夏日狂歡 48.0
Adorable and rich professional characters, together to explorethefuture world of brilliant technology X magic. Encounter sweetlovein this parallel world, a love over time and space, guard thestarcontinent on the verge of collapse, and defend the BOSSattacktogether!
我的學妹不可能那麼萌:清涼一夏 1.869.0
遊戲介紹《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》是已經火爆營運2年的紅遍全球華人圈的最佳手機遊戲。遊戲中萌化了三國群雄,主人公可將其從異世界召喚出來收錄旗下,與她們共創精彩刺激的校園冒險生活。與親愛的戰姬並肩作戰的過程中,不僅要理解各位戰姬的特色技能的搭配,也同樣考驗與各位戰姬的親密程度哦!校園內的最強王牌等著你發起挑戰,快來享受對決的刺激快感!遊戲特色頂樓PK制霸全國好朋友之間難免也有爭吵喔,遇到不爽就帶上“萌娘後援團”上頂樓PK吧,實力強大的後援團可以嘗試制霸全國,與數十位不同玩家輪番對決;每月開放一次的跨服爭霸賽,唯有突破層層重圍的王者才可登頂,快來運用你的智慧指揮手下戰姬稱霸全服吧!學院進修與你並肩而戰勝利的反面是失敗,失敗並不可怕,不願抬頭向前才是真正的深淵。為了與心愛的學長並肩作戰,手下的戰姬們紛紛向你請求去學院進修加強技能,這番真心怎能辜負~那就等戰鬥結束後一起努力朝著共同的目標前進!而自己,也要努力做一個配的上你們的主人!校園奇遇組隊冒險趁青春怎能不瘋狂呢?平淡無奇的校園生活?NO!拒絕~多種多樣的校園奇遇等著你去發現,給心愛的她贈送禮物、邀上好友一同對戰遊樂場粘人的糖果女孩、組隊解鎖奇遇寶物等,更有溫情逗趣的學院故事記錄在冊,你可以在遊戲中創造一個獨屬你和她的學院成長日記哦~溫馨友愛共築愛的宿舍並肩作戰,交付後背的信任,不是家人勝似家人。看著她們在前線奮戰的身姿,無怨無悔,無懼艱辛生死,鋼鐵柔腸也動情。親手打造各具風格的宿舍,為她們在學院中爭取一片安寧祥和的淨土吧~擁有宿舍的戰姬為了感恩也會在戰鬥中爆發前所未有的戰鬥力喔!加入《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》台灣官方臉書可以參加官方舉辦的精彩活動,贏取更多的禮物和重要訊息。(在Facebook搜尋:我的學妹不可能那麼萌)攻略、活動等最新資訊!!請點擊官方網址官網網址:官網粉絲團:《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》客服信箱:[email protected] ID:moemoegirlsQQ聯繫:3110638211 我們會認真聽取每個玩家的心聲,感謝您的支持。
终极狼人杀-一场游戏交一群好友 9.12.629
Voice social games, play with everyone, backgammon, beastchess,werewolf killing, k song, who is undercover, Hi Mai,chat,emotional consultation, truth or dare...
Arcaea 5.2.0
New Dimension Rhythm Game - Experience sound and story unlikeeverbefore