Top 23 Games Similar to 掌上鬥牛

潮爆斗牛-史上最欢乐的斗牛游戏 1.3.3
【产品简介】潮爆斗牛酷炫来袭!游戏操作简单,男女老少皆宜。【产品特点】1.随机庄家——经典传统玩法,玩法简单、上手快;2.炸金牛——拼胆略、拼运气,以小博大;2.看牌抢庄——先看牌,后当庄家,赢的更多;3.QQ、微信帐号登录,快速开始、无需等待;4.精美的场景、生动的动画、丰富的玩法,体验无穷乐趣;【友情提醒】把分享的截图发到客服QQ群(368582141)可领取奖励哦~~【联系我们】官方微博:潮爆斗牛微信公众号:潮爆斗牛客服QQ群:368582141《潮爆斗牛》内一切抽奖活动与谷歌公司无关。[Introduction]Bullfighting blast wave struck cool! The game is simple, youngandold Safe.【Product Features】1. Random Makers - Classic traditional play, playsimple,quick;2. Fried Taurus - courage to fight, fight luck to deduct;2. Look at the brand grab Trang - look at the cards, afterthedealer when, to win more;3.QQ, micro-channel account login, started quickly,withoutwaiting;4. exquisite scenes, vivid animations, rich gameplay experiencethefun;[Friendly reminder]The share screenshots sent to customer service QQgroup(368,582,141) may receive the award ohhh【contact us】Official microblogging: Trendy BullfightingMicro-channel public number: Trendy BullfightingCustomer service QQ group: 368 582 141All Sweepstakes within the "blast wave Bull" has nothing to dowithGoogle company.
皇家鬥牛 1.05.043
全球独创世界大战玩法,百万用户共同下载,特色火爆群P混战竞技!最省流量、最好玩斗牛棋牌游戏!【游戏特色】★最多玩法:抢庄,经典,世界大战,竞技 玩法地道规则,全国仅有!★最多奖励:一键登录,简单操作;登录、在线、对局各种奖励;★最旺人气:各种场次,全球斗牛大师一决高下!★最省流量:不占内存,超省流量,不花一毛钱的游戏!赶紧行动!立即开玩吧!
梭哈 神來也皇家Showhand(港式德州撲克) 1.2.0
Gamesofa Inc.
Royal Show Hand - The Winner TakesItAll!Show Hand, made famous by numerous gambling films, is a Royalstylepoker game with a twist!♠ Rated 5 stars by our players♠ Only cards from 8 through Ace are used for great action andhigherwins♠ Play free: start out with as much as 30,000 chips= Features =♥ Authentic movie-style poker, also known as HK poker♥ Over 20 million players - tap twice and you're in♥ Play against real players around the world! The winner takesitall♥ Hot dealers and real voices for a realistic Casino feel♥ New reconnect function - bet with confidence♥ Join the Blackjack table and spin the Slots in the newVegasCasino♥ Easy-to-use controls you can use with just one finger♥ Talk to friends using Interactives (emoticons)= Additional Notes =♦ Users can use their existing GodGame, Facebook, or Yahooaccountsto play♦ If you want to use an MSN, Google, or other accounts tologin,please see our “Account Conversion” page for moredetails: Fun in five easy minutes=============================Want to play more?Gamesofa Website: http://www.gamesofa.comMore Games:【皇家梭哈 贏者全拿】風靡港台等華人地區,香港電影中<賭神>、<賭俠>、<賭聖>的最愛!想贏不用到公海,隨時隨地梭一把!♠ 最多玩家評鑑5顆星♠ 首創8~A Royal玩法,輸贏更大更刺激♠ 免費撲克遊戲:立刻下載可得30,000遊戲幣-Android皇家Showhand遊戲特色-♥ 正宗香港電影中的撲克遊戲(又稱港式德州撲克)♥ 全球2,300萬玩家,按兩下就上桌♥ 真人玩家撲克對戰,實境賭神梭哈體驗♥ 火辣荷官+真人語音,港式Casino實境體驗!♥ 贈幣超多:連續登入玩梭哈,天天領獎勵♥ 斷線重連系統,網路斷線也不怕♥ 21點、拉霸slot多種機台,玩Showhand外還能試手氣♥ 介面簡單、一鍵showhand最爽快♥ 互動道具表心意,跟朋友打港式德州撲克更有趣-其他說明-♦ 原「神來也會員」或「Facebook」、「Yahoo」帳號直接玩♦若您之前使用MSN,Google等帳號登入神來也遊戲,想在手機上繼續使用該帳號,請參考「帳號轉換及登入教學說明」 5分鐘.想樂最輕鬆=============================想玩更多?Gamesofa官網 http://www.gamesofa.com更多神來也遊戲
德州撲克 神來也皇家德州撲克(Texas Poker) 1.0.8
Gamesofa Inc.
= Play Texas poker, secret agent style!Over23 million players worldwide! The top authentic Royal Hold'empoker!=○ Play free: get as much as 30,000 chips to start out with○ Higher hands are more fun! Royal Hold’em Uses 10’s throughAcesonly for better winning chances○ Feel the casino flair with hot dealers and real voices= Royal Hold’em Features =○ Authentic Royal Hold'em○ Over 20 million players - tap twice and you're in○ Employ your best strategy to win○ Join the Blackjack table and spin the Slots in the newVegasCasino○ Intuitive UI, easy one-button functions○ Use Interactives (emoticons) to talk to friends○ Loads of gifts, daily bonuses○ New reconnect function - bet with confidence=Newest Android Version=○ Choose your favorite dealer to bring you luck○ Improved Blackjack for greater chances= Rules =○ Blinds:Two forced bets called small blind and big blind will be placedbytwo respective players. These mark the minimum bet duringthegame.○ Preflop:After blinds have been placed, two cards are dealt to eachplayer(in Royal Hold'em only 10's through Aces are used.) and thefirstround starts. Each player decides whether to continue or fold(i.e.stop playing and give up the chance to win).○ Flop:After the first round has ended, the dealer places three cardsfaceup on the table. These are called community cards. Then thesecondround begins and players can raise, call, or fold, dependingontheir confidence in the combination of their hands togetherwiththe community cards. If they raise, all players who want tostay inthe game have to increase the ante to the amount set by theraisingplayer.○ Turn:After the second round, the dealer places a fourth community cardonthe table. The third round starts and all remaining playersdecidewhether to raise, call, or fold as previously.○ River:After the third round has ended, the dealer places the fifthandlast community card on the table. Players raise, call, orfold,depending on their confidence in their hand.○ Final round:If the remaining players after the fourth round of betting aretwoor more, all players show their hands and compare cards. Theplayerwith the highest combination of hand with community cardswins andgets the whole pot. If there's a tie, the pot will beevenly splitbetween the two or more winners.= Additional Notes =○ Users can use their existing Gamesofa, Facebook, or Yahooaccountsto play○ If you want to use an MSN, Google, or other account tologin,please see our “Account Conversion” page for more details: Fun in five easy minutes=============================Want to play more?Gamesofa Website: http://www.gamesofa.comMore Games:【德州撲克全新皇家玩法,007龐德最愛】2,300萬註冊玩家,3秒入桌、隨上隨打!只用大牌10~A的TexasHold'em皇家新玩法,免註冊立刻玩!隨時All-in一把!♠ 免費遊戲:立刻下載可得30,000德撲幣♠ 德州撲克新玩法:只用大牌10~A,同花順機率飆高100倍!♠ 豐富機台:最真實Casino體驗-Android皇家德州撲克 遊戲特色-♣ Casino限定!皇家德州撲克玩法,好牌輕鬆拿♣ 全球2,300萬玩家,按兩下就入桌♣ 真人玩家撲克對戰,實境Casino體驗♣ 贈幣超多:連續登入打Poker,天天領獎勵♣ 斷線重連系統,網路斷線也不怕♣ 21點、拉霸slot多種機台,打Poker外還能試手氣♣ 介面簡單、一鍵All-in最爽快♣ 互動道具表心意,跟朋友打Poker更有趣-Android皇家德州撲克 遊戲規則-♦ 押注順序:每局輪到的小盲注與大盲注會強迫下注該局的限定德撲幣。♦ 發底牌(Preflop):大、小盲押注完畢後,荷官會發給每位玩家兩張只有玩家可見的「底牌」,並進行第一輪押注,但皇家玩法中,只用撲克牌中的10~A,玩家將依據底牌牌型,決定押注繼續本局遊戲或是棄牌放棄本局遊戲。♦ 翻牌(Flop):第一輪押注結束後,荷官在牌桌上翻開三張所有人可見的「公共牌」,並進行第二輪押注,玩家根據自己的底牌與公共牌判斷勝利的機率,再決定是否加注或棄牌。若選擇加注,則直到所有繼續遊戲的玩家賭注相同為止。♦ 轉牌(Turn):第二輪押注後,荷官會再翻開一張公共牌,上一輪有押注繼續遊戲的玩家再次根據自己的2張底牌與4張公共牌思考勝利的機率,並進行第三輪押注。♦ 河牌(River):第三輪押注後,荷官翻出最後一張公共牌,玩家依據底牌與公共牌的牌型衡量勝負的機率,並進行最後一輪的押注。♦ 決定勝負:四輪下注都結束後,若仍剩餘兩名或兩名以上玩家,則進行比牌。從每位玩家的底牌與公共牌共七張中,組合出最大牌型的玩家獲得最終勝利!贏家獲得底池所有德撲幣;若有多人獲勝,則平分底池注碼。=============================Gamesofa 5分鐘.想樂最輕鬆=============================想玩更多?Gamesofa官網 http://www.gamesofa.com更多神來也遊戲
德州撲克-至尊版 1.2.0
Facebook 上評分最高的德州撲克遊戲!Android 市場成長最快的德州撲克遊戲!德州撲克至尊版爲您展現了經典的遊戲體驗,提供facebook完整的社交互動功能,可以通過facebook平台、iPad、iPhone與安卓手機同時與超過1600萬玩家同場競技。快來加入這個激動人心的拉斯維加斯賭場!現在加入即可獲贈3萬免費籌碼!遊戲玩法功能:* 全球同臺競技比拼牌技* 每日登錄獲贈免費隨機籌碼* 只需一鍵即可快速進入房間* 同時提供5人桌與9人桌* 淘汰賽玩法* 晉級賽玩法* 奢華經典的美術賭場場景* 簡潔的界面易於操作* 個性化的個人信息和好友列表* 可以使用facebook已有帳號快速進入遊戲(可選擇的)* 聊天系統與表情系統* 可以與好友共享豐富的禮物、零食、煙酒等道具* 在facebook版本解鎖更多的特殊獎勵 (暫時僅支持英語、土耳其語、西班牙語、泰文)還有更多新功能即將上線,敬請期待....!德州撲克至尊版提供一個結交新朋友和與facebook好友社交互動的非常棒的途徑,我們正在提供越來越多的多語言服務,目前有英語、德語、法語、泰文、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、日語、繁體中文。Rated Texas Hold'emgame!On FacebookAndroid market, the fastest growing Texas Hold'em game!Texas Hold'em Extreme Edition for you to show the classicgamingexperience, providing a complete social facebookinteractivefeatures through facebook platform, iPad, iPhone andAndroid phonesat the same time with over 16 million players to playtogether.Come join this exciting Las Vegas casino!Join now to get 30,000 free credits!Gameplay features:* Competition competing against global licensing technology* Login receive free daily random chips* Only one key to quickly enter the room* While providing five tables and nine tables* Knockout play* Satellites play* Luxury casino classic art scene* Simple interface is easy to operate* Personalized personal information and friends list* You can use facebook account has quick access to thegame(optional)* Chat system and expression system* You can share a wealth of gifts, snacks, tobacco and otherpropsand Friends* In the facebook version to unlock more special award(temporarilyonly available in English, Turkish, Spanish, Thai)There are more new features coming on line, so staytuned....!Texas Hold'em Extreme Edition provides a way to make newfriendsand great social interaction with facebook friends, weareproviding more and more multi-lingual service, currentlyavailablein English, German, French, Thai, Spanish, Portuguese,JapaneseTraditional Chinese.
Texas holdem poker king 2022.08.30
A thrilling experience of a real poker game, Texas Hold’em!
Star Texas Hold'em 2.2.6
☆ No waiting! Come and play with more than12million players.☆ Unlimited for betting! You will have the chance to bethewinner!☆ Free to download, additional bonus for new players!☆Lack for coins? Free i coins for daily login!☆ no need to register! One click to login with facebook .Players who register gametower account will get more surpriseandfavor.
Pocket Poker --- Texas Holdem 4.0.7
Pocket Studio
Pocket Poker will send $4,500 chips to youasfirst pot of gold and help you become to a Poker Star. Systemalsowill sand free chips every 30 minutes and Timer bonus rewardswhenyou playing the poker game. It's helpful to keep replenishyouraccount and let you continue playing the game.The game has concise interface and support in vertical mode.9-seatstables support real players play together. Use Mr. Slayersemoticonsand interactive action will easy to make friends. Goodsocialfunctions and personalized settings are providing a goodchance toshow your personality in game. It's doesn't matter if youdon't knowhow to play the game. The Guide for new player willteach you therules and operation method of the game. It's easy tolearn. You canselect a suitable table in different blinds tablelist.If you try to improve your poker skills or if you have notsuitableopponents in life then this application is a good choicefor you.The game loaded two kinds of slots which imitate casinostyle willgive you a better experience in rest time of pokercompetition.Intense tournaments have begun day and night aftertable isfull.
德州撲克 神來也奧馬哈德州撲克(Omaha Poker) 1.0.13
Gamesofa Inc.
Omaha Hold’em - WSOP certified -Hollywood’snew favorite poker!Over 20 million players worldwide! The top authentic OmahaHold'empoker!○ Play free: get as much as 30,000 chips to start out with○ Use 2 hole cards and 3 community cards to make your besthand.Double your winnings with a straight flush!○ Feel the casino flair with slot machines, hot dealers andrealvoices= Omaha Hold’em Features =○ WSOP certified poker style○ Go all in and empty your opponents’ pockets!○ Over 20 million players - tap twice and you're in○ Join the Blackjack table and spin the Slots in theVegasCasino○ Loads of gifts, daily bonuses○ New reconnect function - bet with confidence○ Intuitive UI, easy one-button functions○ Use Interactives (emoticons) to talk to friends= Newest Android Version =○ Choose your favorite dealer to bring you luck○ Improved Blackjack for greater chances= Rules =○ Blinds:Two forced bets called small blind and big blind will be placedbytwo respective players. These mark the minimum bet duringthegame.○ Preflop:After blinds have been placed, 4 cards are dealt to each playerandthe first round starts. Each player decides whether to continueorfold (i.e. stop playing and give up the chance to win).○ Flop:After the first round has ended, the dealer places three cardsfaceup on the table. These are called community cards. Then thesecondround begins and players can raise, call, or fold, dependingontheir confidence in the combination of their hands togetherwiththe community cards. If they raise, all players who want tostay inthe game have to increase the ante to the amount set by theraisingplayer.○ Turn:After the second round, the dealer places a fourth community cardonthe table. The third round starts and all remaining playersdecidewhether to raise, call, or fold as previously.○ River:After the third round has ended, the dealer places the fifthandlast community card on the table. Players raise, call, orfold,depending on their confidence in their hand.○ Final round:If the remaining players after the fourth round of betting aretwoor more, all players show their hands and compare cards.Eachplayer chooses 2 of their 4 hole cards and 3 of the 5communitycards to make their best hand, and the highest hand winsthe wholepot. If there's a tie, the pot will be evenly splitbetween the twoor more winners.= Additional Notes =○ Users can use their existing Gamesofa, Facebook, or Yahooaccountsto play○ If you want to use an MSN, Google, or other account tologin,please see our “Account Conversion” page for more details: - Fun in five easy minutes=============================Want to play more?Gamesofa Website: http://www.gamesofa.comMore Games:【德州撲克全新奧馬哈玩法,WSOP世界撲克錦標賽指定玩法】2,300萬註冊玩家,3秒入桌、隨上隨打!四張手牌的TexasHold'em奧馬哈新玩法,免註冊立刻玩!隨時All-in一把!♠ 免費遊戲:立刻下載可得30,000德撲幣♠ 德州撲克新玩法:手牌4選2,公牌5選3,同花順機率Double!♠ 豐富機台:最真實Casino體驗-Android 奧馬哈德州撲克 遊戲特色-♣ WSOP世界撲克錦標賽指定玩法!奧馬哈德州撲克,好牌輕鬆拿♣ 全球2,300萬玩家,按兩下就入桌♣ 真人玩家撲克對戰,實境Casino體驗♣ 贈幣超多:連續登入打Poker,天天領獎勵♣ 斷線重連系統,網路斷線也不怕♣ 21點、拉霸slot多種機台,打Poker外還能試手氣♣ 介面簡單、一鍵All-in最爽快♣ 互動道具表心意,跟朋友打Poker更有趣-Android Omaha Texas Poker 改版內容-♥ 美艷荷官任你挑,選擇你的幸運撲克女神!♥ 21點機台大躍進,把把贏獎金!-其他說明-♠ 原「神來也會員」或「Facebook」、「Yahoo」帳號直接玩♠ 若您之前使用MSN, Google等帳號登入神來也遊戲,想在手機上繼續使用該帳號,請參考「帳號轉換及登入教學說明」 5分鐘.想樂最輕鬆=============================想玩更多?Gamesofa官網 http://www.gamesofa.com更多神來也遊戲
德州撲克(亞美國際版/International Ver.) 1.0.16
德州撲克(亞美國際版/InternationalVer.),是由一家台灣科技公司所研發自營的博奕娛樂線上遊戲,堅守玩家至上、user-friendly為最高理念,目前與各大金流、通路商攜手合作,以期打造最優質的萬人線上遊戲。Texas Hold'em(AsianAmerican International Version / International Ver.), Is aTaiwantechnology company's self-developed online gamesentertainmentgaming, gamers stick supremacy, user-friendly as thehighest idea,now with major cash flow, distributors hand in handcooperation inorder to create the highest quality of people onlinegames.
金門ALL IN (德州撲克)
一較高下,誰是真正的ALL IN 之王!在撲克的世界裡,「沒有最強,只有更強」夾帶著「地表上最強的德州撲克」稱號的金門ALL IN,分分鐘都是緊張度爆表的爽快刺激,快點一起來體驗吧~♦♦系統介紹♦♦① 超強賽事,每天每天滿滿的不同錦標賽事,分分鐘都是緊湊刺激!② 個性變化,可隨心替換屬於自己的個人風格大頭照片,帥氣美麗幾霸分。③ 交友聯誼,牌桌上互動贈送貼心小禮物,牌桌下建立濃厚友情關係。④ 精緻賽場,超豪華「拉斯維加斯」的現場氛圍,舉手投足都是萬眾焦點。關注金門ALL IN 最新一手消息請加入粉絲團: high, who istherealking of ALL IN!In the poker world, "not the strongest, only stronger."Carries "on the surface of the strongest Texas Hold'em," thetitleofthe Golden Gate ALL IN,The minutes are readily stimulate tension bursttablequicklytogether to experience it ~♦♦ ♦♦ system introduced① super race day, every day full of differenttournaments,theminutes are compact stimulation!② changes in personality, can replace the heart of theirownpersonalstyle bulk of photos, a few beautiful handsomePapoints.③ dating friendship, interactive poker table Getintimatesmallgifts, to establish strong relations of friendshipunderthetable.④ fine stadium, ultra-luxury "拉斯维加斯" atmosphere ofthescene,gestures are the focus of Peoples.Follow the latest first-hand news Kinmen ALL INJoin fans: https: //
Goddess Casino-Holdem&Slot&Bac 1.6.3
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贏天下娛樂( 捕魚/妞妞/推筒子/鬥地主/百家樂/21點) 1.2.3
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To Wealth Casino-Card poker 3.3.2
Millions of people worldwide are playingMacauCasino Games in Wealth Casino, JOIN NOW FOR FREE! In WealthCasino,you can play hot Macau Casino Games!Play to win JACKPOTS!It is surely fun!【To Wealth Casino Games】★Texas Hold’em poker(德克萨斯扑克)Do you love poker? Come and join the club where poker fans fromallover the world gather to play and chat about the hot cardpokergame in the world.★Mahjong Paigow(麻将牌九,推筒子,二八杠)Mahjong Paigow is one of the most popular games played atMacaucasinos.It's a game where players bet on three different positions toWin,Lose, Pair or Tie bets on each. The game is played usingmahjongtiles.★show hands dice (骰子梭哈)dice games【To Wealth Casino Games Features 】●Hundreds people in one room:Challenge your wisdom and luck!●Original creation of Apply Dealer:Run the casino sitebyyourself!●Powerful SNS function to make friends over the world:Sendgifts,chips and emotions to your buddies to enjoy the game!●Free Chips:Offer tons of free chips from time to time!●Fabulous Event:Official Event never stops in Mahjong Vegas!Prepareyourself!●Quick Start:No sign-up required, simply use yourFacebookaccount.【Contact us】Facebook:[email protected]【Play Now】phone>> web>>“To Wealth Casino”is intended for an adult audienceforentertainment purposes only. Success at social casino gamblingdoesnot reward real money prizes, nor does it guarantee success atrealmoney gambling.
单机斗牛牛 1.0.0
斗牛牛是一种简单却又非常有意思的棋牌游戏,最早起源于我国广东、广西和湖南三省,是一款地方性十足、游戏速度极快、刺激而惊险的棋牌游戏。本游戏由玩家和机器人玩家共5个人玩,采用一副扑克牌其中的52张(除去大小王);每局游戏系统自动洗牌后将5张牌均匀分给给各位玩家。玩家必须将发到手中的5张牌分成两组,进行大小比较。第一组牌为3张,第二组牌为2张。玩家把5张牌分为两组后,需要各自和庄家进行大小比较。Bullfighting cow isasimple but very interesting chess game, originated in thecountry,Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan provinces, is a local fullgame fast,exciting and thrilling game of chess.This game by the players and the players a total of fivepeopleto play the robot using a deck of cards which 52 (excludingthesize of the king); each game system will automatically shufflefivecards even give to our fans. Players must be sent to the handsoffive cards divided into two groups, were size comparison. Thefirstset of cards is 3, the second set of two cards. Players of thefivecards divided into two groups, and the house needs to be thesizeof each comparison.
eSports Poker-PokerMonster 1.1.7
"Come and play at PokerMonster-One morestepbefore you beat the world champion!" ---David Chiu (WPTWorldChampionship winner, and won five WSOP bracelets)"Play your first monster hand onPokerMonster!"---RaymondWu(Signed for PokerStars)“I am so excited to get a chance that I can have one freeticketto WPT live tournaments on Poker Monster!”--- Jason(zynga poker player)PokerMonster is the World Poker Tour authorizedprofessionalpokeeSportsr platform. Come play with us today! Winprizes (freedelivery)! Free-roll into WPT live tournaments andmore! This appis built on the world-wide player base and merges thebestfunctionality and features of the Global Texas Holdemscene.★ All tournament rules and structures are consulted by formerWPTChampion David Chiu.★★ ★ ★ Game Features ★ ★ ★1.Compete with 12,000,000 players around the world;2.Insurance Feature: Tired of getting sucked out on the Riverwhenyou’re ahead? Buy insurance!3.Free-roll into WPT live events!You are the next worldpokerchampion!4.VIP program- Poker Monster exclusive!Mega bonus available!5.Join the PokerMonster Pro Team.Challenge to win!6.Full support for PC, Web, and Android, playanytimeanywhere!7.Fair dealing: A platform you can trust: officially certifiedforfair dealing by Gaming Laboratories International.8.24/7 online tech support.★Casino Slots,Black jack,Openface(Chinese poker),Omaha Pokerarecoming soon★Hit us up on Facebook and Twitter and get rewards!Facebook:
Roulette Slot Poker Keno Bingo 1.4
Do you want to play casino games? Bingo! This is the best oneforyou!
Perfect Texas Holdem Poker 1.2
Perfect Texas Holdem PokerPlay the quick Hold'em Tables,Baccarat Poker Happy Slot,KenoMiniGamePlay Texas Hold'em Poker online,the most authentic poker gametoplay with friends and millions of others around the worldwithunlimited Free entertainment, top-tier graphics.The game lets you play the quick Hold'em Tables , HappySlot,KenoMini Game,Baccarat Poker1. Hold'em Tables :• Quickly Join a table, make some virtual cash and leave• Play Live with people around the world in real time• Chat with other players on the table• Choose a table / tournament based on your virtualbettingcapacity• Send Poker Faces while Playing. Bluff others about your handwithyour poker face• Send In-Game gifts to table mates• People online2.Baccarat Poker• Quick bets• Unlimited betting• The real rules of the game2.Happy SlotFun fruit machines, let you doubled again timesIII. Spend your coins to buy virtual items on the Shop andYoucan invite and play with your friends or join the table theyareplaying in right away. You can make friends at the tableaswell.Try our Texas Hold'em Poker, Now! We are sure you willloveit.
Casino Deluxe 1.0
A new FREE to play Casino app is availableinPlay Store! Visit us now to see how we can make you enjoytheultimate Las Vegas experience!No need to travel all along to Harveys or Suncoast, we knowwhereto enjoy slots, table games where all gamblers belong.Start every single day with lots of FREE coins! DOWNLOAD ANDPLAYYOUR GAMES NOW!★★We bring you TOP FEATURES★★- A FREE to play game but can purchase items within-apptransactions- Play LIVE Texas Hold’em Poker with extraordinary FunAnimationsand stunning VIP features- Go all in on some real, authentic action withRouletteRevenge- Bet your way to riches on craps, the Dice Fantasia’s inthehouse!- Daily amazing Spinner, biggest Jackpot could win you up to500MILLION chips- Plenty of snacks, drinks, glamorous Gift Box to be shared- Personalize your profile with various crazy Avatars- Get a social casino life with millions of friendsthroughconnecting Facebook and chat rooms★★We await your FEEDBACKS★★If you have any suggestion/comment/problem, please [email protected] our Casino Deluxe NOW!
Sanny Casino-Slots$TexasHoldem 1.6.3
In Sanny Casino, beauty dealer will lead youtoplay all kinds of exciting casino games, including Slots,TexasHold’em, and Baccarat, with numerous bonus and amazing gameplay.Sanny Casino is the game should not be missed!※ Game Features ※●Free Chips Reward✓“Daily Reward”, “Online Reward”, “Upgrade Reward”,“MissionReward”, “ Game Feedback Reward”, “Facebook ActivityReward”, toomany amazing rewards are waiting for you. Being amillionaire isnot a dream.●Various Bonus✓There are Jackpots & Bigwins in Slots, Texas Hold’em,andBaccarat, share your luckiest moment with friends onFacebook.●To Be Crazy With Friends✓Invite Facebook friends to join in the game, so you can havefunthrough sending gifts and emoticons to each other.●To Be No.1✓ Compete with global players at different game mode to claimhigherrank in the ranking system.●“VIP” Honor Title✓ To be “VIP”, you can not only play with “VIP” honor titles,butalso enjoy a variety of exclusive privileges such as gettingextrabonus in playing Slots, Texas Hold’em and Baccarat.【GameHelp】Like us on Facebook and collect frequent bonuses on fanpage: to contact us via email: [email protected],anysuggestions or opinions are appreciated.【Note】This game is intended for entertainment to players and doesnotoffer real money gambling or an opportunity to win real moneyorprizes.