Top 21 Games Similar to 都道府県名-すみっこぐらしクイズゲーム

百ますかけ算-すみっこぐらしクイズゲーム 1.0
百ますたし算-すみっこぐらし無料クイズゲーム 1.0
小学慣用句-すみっこぐらしクイズゲーム 1.0
百ますひき算-すみっこぐらしクイズゲーム 1.0
百ますわり算forすみっこぐらしクイズ無料ゲーム 1.0
百人一首暗記クイズゲーム 1.0
百人一首の4択クイズゲームです。お姫さまが示す上の句を見て、下の句を4つの中から選びます。全問正解したすご腕のプレイヤーは、「合格」スタンプがもらえるかも。This4quizgame of Hyakunin.Princess to see Kaminoku indicated,I choose from among the four Shimonoku.All the questions correct answer was leet players,Might get a "pass" stamp.
百ますたし算-プリンセスプリキュアゲーム 1.0
Physics Quiz Game 8.0
Quiz Corner
What is physics? What is the difference between nuclearphysicsandquantum physics? What are the laws of physics? Who arethemostfamous physicians? Find the answers to all these questionsandmuchmore in Physics Quiz Game and “learn physics” in aninterestingandexciting way! Science is always fun, and this“science quizgame”proves it! If you are interested in physicalscience,formulas,physical experiments and you would like to knowall aboutphysics,do not waste a second more and download free ofcharge thisawesomeeducational quiz for kids and adults, one of themostaddictinggames and “trivia games” in 2020! ➜ 5 levels ofdifficultyin theendless quiz questions and answers; ➜ Play “PhysicsQuizGame”:choose one of the offered answers and do it fast, theclockisticking; ➜ Give the answer quickly and win extra pointsforbeingfast; ➜ Be careful not to make three errors in a row orelseyou'llhave to start over; ➜ Use one of 3 available helps tosolvethequestions: **50:50 – remove two incorrect answers;**Switchyourquestion with another one; **Use the help of yourfriends –take alook at their answers shown in percents. AlbertEinstein,IsaakNewton, Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla and many otherawait to testyourknowledge in this popular and free quiz game forAndroid! Howmuchdo you know about Kinematics,Electricity,Magnetism,Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Optics,Acoustics? Whatabout thefamous physicians? Who set the Laws ofMotion anduniversalgravitation? Who is Galileo Galilei or JohannesKepler?Can youexplain the theory of relativity, and name itscreator? Takea quizthat will “test your knowledge”! This branch ofnaturalsciences,together with chemistry and biology is concernedwithobserving andexplaining natural phenomena! Interesting andtrickyquestions andanswers offered in this Physics Quiz Game makeithighly amusingand challenging! Is your general knowledge onphysicsand naturalphenomena wide enough to make the best high-scoreandoccupy thefirst position on the leader-board? Get thiseducationalsciencegame for kids, teens and adults – this is a coollearninggame appthat a whole family can play together! LearnPhysics simplyandeffectively by playing a trivia quiz game 2019! IfPhysics wasoris your favorite school subject, that's a reason moretodownloadthis “fun trivia game” and not only test but alsoimproveyourgeneral knowledge! Science games for 3rd graders or5thgradershelp them acquire some helpful information and be betteratschool!Also, free quiz games for adults are excellent pastimesandmemorygames that boost brain functions! Similarly, thissciencequiz onphysics will improve everyone's knowledge and IQ!Once youstartanswering these interesting and tricky quiz questionsyouwon't beable to stop! Science quizzes are excellent“educationalgames forkids” and very fun mobile apps you could useat any time.Whysearching for a book on Physics when you can find atonofinformation in this question and answer quiz right onyourmobile!Get this educational game on your smartphone or tabletanduse yourfree time wisely with Physics Quiz Game!
E. Learning Japan Map Quiz 3.5.0
Digital Gene
"Enjoy Learning" series. Quiz game Japan prefecture name.
小学慣用句-プリパラ無料クイズゲーム 1.0
プリパラ風に、国語で習う慣用句を楽しく覚えられる無料クイズゲームにしました。国語で習う慣用句は、学校で必ずといっていいほど宿題が出されるうえに、子供がたいくつします。そこで、TVアニメやカードゲームで大人気のプリパラの力をかりてみました。このゲームのスカウトマスコット「しまねこ」の問題にこたえてね。問題に正解すると、マイクやコーデがゲットできます。プリパラのライブをはなやかにみせるコーデなどをゲットして神アイドルをめざそう。ToPriparastyle, it was a free quiz game that is fun to remembertheidiom tolearn in the national language.Idiom to learn in the national language, on issuedhomeworkalmostalways at school,Children will be bored.So, I tried to borrow the power of popular Pripara in TVanimeandcard games.It answers to scout mascot of "Shimaneko" The problemwiththisgame.When the correct answer to the problem, you can getamicrophoneand Corde.Let's aim at God idle by get and Corde showlivePriparagorgeously.
都道府県名クイズfor小さなプリンセスソフィアクイズゲーム 1.0
47都道府県県庁所在地クイズ 1.0
47都道府県の県庁所在地を当てるクイズです。記述式と2択式の2パターンがあります。記述式は、47都道府県を全部答えるのと、47を3分の1にわけたものがあります。お子さんの学習アプリとして、大人の方は、知っているようで知らなかったりします。全問正解めざしてみてくださいね!This is a quizthatshedprefectural capital of 47 prefectures.There are two patterns of two 択式 and descriptive.The descriptive, there and answer all 47 prefectures,whileotherswere divided into 1/3 47.As a learning app your child is an adult, you may not knowislikeknow.But please try to answer all questions aim!
百ますかけ算forジュエルペット無料クイズゲーム 1.0
Geography Learning Trivia Quiz 2.2.2
Yam Learning
Geography game to learn in a fun way. If you like worldgeographyandquiz games, you will love this app! New Levels! •CountriesQuiz:find in the political map every country of theworld. •CapitalsQuiz: find in the political map all countrycapitals. •Flags Quiz:find in the political map every country ofthe world byhis flag. •Physical Map Quiz: locate on the maplandmarks: rivers,mountains,mountain ranges, lakes, seas, islands,peninsulas,capes, gulfs,straits, canals, plains, depressions,deserts. Gameand PracticeModes! • Game Mode: choose a difficultylevel amongthe 4 possibleand then try to locate 10 capitalsrandomly chosenfrom the worldcountries. Get points based on timeand distance andcompare yourresults with your friends and withother players.Match allgeographic questions to unlock in-gameachievements andclimbpositions in the leaderboards. •PracticeMode: Learn thecountriesand capitals of selected level andcontinent. Explore theworld mapfreely and see the countries andcapitals of a givenarea. Practiceto be the best in the game modeand become a masterin geography. Youcan choose to practice thegeography of Europe,America, Asia,Africa, Oceania or thecontinents combination youprefer. Do you wantto have a referenceoffline map in your pocket?If you don't want toplay the game butyou need an offline map forquick reference atanytime, then use thepractice mode. Select thepolitical map and youwill be able to viewthe localization of theworld countries andcapitals, or select thephysical map to viewthe localization ofmountains, peaks, riversand much more. Andremember, this is anoffline map, you can view iteverywherewithout internet connection.You only need the connectionthe firsttime the map is loaded toverify the google map api, thenyou canenjoy your offline map asmany times as you like with acompleteworld countries, capitals,flags and physical featuresreference.Educational trivia game forthe entertainment of adultsandespecially for children who learngeography while having fun. Inafew days you will have learned allthe world countries andcapitalsand the most important geographyphysical features on theEarth'ssurface. If you only need a map forreference, you can usethisapplication as a geography offline map.If you love to playtriviagames and geographic map quizzes, you willlove this app!Learn theworld countries and capitals in multiplelanguages!Available inspanish, english, german, french, italian,russian,portuguese,arabic, dutch, polish and chineselanguages.Additionally you canchoose the language for the countriesandcapitals names in a totalof 43 languages.
百ますたし算for妖怪ウォッチ風ゲーム 1.0
百ます計算のたし算で、4択のクイズ形式です。問題の出題の順序はランダムになります。このアプリの妖怪が問題を出します。問題にまちがえると、この妖怪が喜びます。喜ばせないように、正解を選びましょう。学校で、百ます計算の宿題があります。子供が百ます計算のかけ算を解いていたときに、「もっとやりたいから、作って」と言われて、プリントを作ったけれど・・・まるつけがめんどくさい。そこで、このアプリを作りました。※注意事項 当アプリは公式アプリではございません。 妖怪ウォッチが大好きな子供のために作成したものです。 株式会社レベルファイブ、任天堂株式会社とは一切関係がございません。Inpluscalculation of hundred squares calculation, it is 4 択 quizformat.The order of questions of problem is random.Specter of this app will issue a problem.If you make a mistake in the problem, this specter is joy.So that it is not to please, let's choose the correctanswer.At school, there is homework hundred squares calculation.when the children had solved the multiplication of hundredsquarescalculation,"Because I want more to do, and made to"It is said that, ... circle wearing is troublesome to but madeaprint.So, I made this app.※ NoteThis app is not in the official what monsters watch was created for the love of children.Ltd. level Five, and Nintendo does not have a relationshipatall.
都道府県名クイズforアイカツ 1.0
アイカツ風の都道府県名&県庁所在地のクイズゲームです。学校で必須の覚える科目である、都道府県と県庁所在地。少しでも楽しく覚えられるようにしました。まるばつクイズと4択問題がまぜまぜで出題されます。問題は大きく3種類あります。1.都道府県名から県庁所在地を求めるクイズ(47×2 問)2.県庁所在地から都道府県名を求めるクイズ(47×2 問)3.1.2の全問からのクイズ(47×4 問)どれだけ覚えているかの確認にもなりますね。AikatsuItis a style of State Name & prefectural capital ofthequizgame.It is a subject to learn the essential at school,prefecturesandprefectural capital.It was to be remembered little fun.Maru punishment quiz and four-choice issues are questionsinthemix mix.Problem There are three types.1. Quiz to determine the prefectural capital from State Name (47×2questions)2. Quiz to determine the prefecture name from theprefecturalcapital(47 × 2 questions)Quiz from all question of 3.1.2 (47 × 4 questions)It will also be one of the sure how much I remember.
百ますひき算-プリンセスプリキュアゲーム 1.0
E. Learning OldJapanMap Puzzle 3.4.1
Digital Gene
Enjoy Learning series. Memorize prefectures of old Japanthroughjigsaw puzzles.
書き取り日本一周 [広告付き] 2.3.20
Prefecture-shaped puzzle games and dictation place name of Japantoanswer the "handwriting"!
Ultimate English Grammar Test 9.0
Quiz Corner
New grammar checker app is finally available! All levelsinoneEnglish Grammar Quiz – elementary, intermediateandadvancedEnglish grammar! Free “Ultimate English GrammarTest”quizlet gamewill test your knowledge of complete Englishgrammar: *Verb tenses(Present Simple Tense, Present ContinuousTense, PresentPerfectTense, Past Simple Tense, Future Simple, PastContinuousTense,Past Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Continuous,FutureContinuousTense, Future Perfect etc.), * Zero, First, Second,andThirdConditional * Modal verbs, Conditional with Modal Verbs,*PastConditional, * Passive, * Reported Speech, * PhrasalVerbs,*Gerund, * Word order, * The Comparison ofadjectives(comparative,superlative), * Regular and irregular pluralnouns,Countable anduncountable nouns, * Prepositions (in, at, for,with,on, into,after etc.) * Articles, * Possessive andpersonalpronouns, * Theuse of Much and Many, the use of Some, Any,Little,Few, a Few, aLittle; * Question words (Who, How much, HowMany,Where, What,When), * Collocations and much more. Warm upyourfingers and yourbrain cells because you'll have to do lotsofclicking andthinking! Fill in the correct verb form, choosethecorrect wordorder; choose the right missing word or thecorrectarticle etc. -test your complete grammar knowledge withthisUltimate EnglishGrammar Test free for download! → Test andImproveyour languageknowledge and English grammar easily withthis“English grammartest app”! → Study “English grammar in use” onyoursmartphone ortablet and learn English grammar anywhere and atanytime! ***Endless multiple choice questions! *** Quick-to-play!***Fun andeasy language learning! ➜ 5 levels of difficulty! ➜ Youhave20s tochoose the right answer - do it fast; ➜ Give theanswerquickly,use helps, win extra points for being fast; ➜ Threeerrorsin a row- game over; Use this cool “language builder” to takeaquick quizand see how well you know the advancedAmerican/Englishlanguage.This is one of the best and most useful“English learninggames”and “educational quiz games” that will helpyou “practiceEnglishgrammar” and improve your general knowledge ofEnglishlanguage andvocabulary! “Trivia quiz games” are excellentbrainteasers thatchallenge your brain and IQ! Download UltimateEnglishGrammar Testand check your grammar knowledge easily! Justtake aquiz, answerthe questions and check not only your grammar,but alsoyourvocabulary and spelling. While answering the questionsinthis“English learning app”, you'll acquire some newEnglishwords,phrases, spelling, and maybe even improve yourpronunciationandreading! This “free English quiz game” is anaddictiveknowledgequiz! If you are undertaking an English languagecourse,this“educational app” can help you very much to determineyourlevel ofknowledge! This “free quiz app” combines all levels–elementary,intermediate and advanced level of grammar knowledgeandit isperfect for practice! You'll get tricky questions withfourofferedanswers, 20 seconds to answer each question and threetypesofhelp! Use your free time to improve your IQ and trainyourbrainwith this fun and easy language builder app! MasterEnglishgrammarand speak English language fluently and proficientlylike atruenative speaker of the UK or the USA! The best learninggameforkids and for adults is here to quiz you up!
百ますかけ算for妖怪ウォッチ風ゲーム 1.0
百ます計算のかけ算で、4択のクイズ形式です。このアプリの妖怪が問題を出します。問題にまちがえると、この妖怪が喜びます。喜ばせないように、正解を選びましょう。学校で、百ます計算の宿題があります。子供が百ます計算のかけ算を解いていたときに、「もっとやりたいから、作って」と言われて、プリントを作ったけれど・・・まるつけがめんどくさい。そこで、このアプリを作りました。※注意事項 当アプリは公式アプリではございません。 妖怪ウォッチが大好きな子供のために作成したものです。 株式会社レベルファイブ、任天堂株式会社とは一切関係がございません。Bymultiplying hundred squares calculation, it is 4 択 quiz format.Specter of this app will issue a problem.If you make a mistake in the problem, this specter is joy.So that it is not to please, let's choose the correctanswer.At school, there is homework hundred squares calculation.when the children had solved the multiplication of hundredsquarescalculation,"Because I want more to do, and made to"It is said that, ... circle wearing is troublesome to but madeaprint.So, I made this app.※ NoteThis app is not in the official what monsters watch was created for the love of children.Ltd. level Five, and Nintendo does not have a relationshipatall.