Top 11 Apps Similar to ManualidadesGratis

Recycled Crafts 0.0.1
Before you throw something, you think:canthisbe used again in an art project?Even if you do not intend to use it immediately, or if anideadoesnot come to mind immediately, you can save if you thinkitcould bereused.Keep in a box some supplies when you go do some recycleditempleasehave the necessary materials.Items such as bottles, cans, paper, etc. are necessaryforthistype of craft, so it is better to have thisapplicationinstalledon your smartphone. It provides a lot of designideasrecycledcraft that can inspire to create their handmadecrafts.These creative crafts can be ideal for gift giving.Ahandmadegift is a personalized gift that really shows theattentionanddedication to the person entertained.You choose the object you want to create and performitfollowingthe steps easy and fun way.A practical and fun app that will provide momentsofentertainmentwhile recycled products that no longer serve toagainhave a newutility.You can share with family and friends wassap and facebook.
Manualidades paso a paso facil 1.2
Picasso Apps
Entre las ideas de decoración, no solamentenosacompañan esos detalles que compramos sino que las manualidadesquepodremos hacer cómodamente en nuestra casa, siempreseránbienvenidas. Ellas nos permiten hacer una decoración muchomáspersonalizada, con ideas llenas de imaginación y con materialesqueserán muy sencillos de encontrar. Así que, uniendo todosestospuntos, nos dará como resultado una app como ésta. Se tratadegrandes ideas de manualidades paso a paso para que puedashacertodo tipo de detalles. Desde los jarrones más elegantes, hastalosmarcos o espejos más decorativos. Ideas básicas y otras quetansolo irás descubriendo gracias a esta app. Porque cada díatendrásun nuevo invento que hacer en tu hogar que querrás mostrar atodostus invitados. Seguro que si piensas en esta manualidad quetegustaría tener, estará en nuestra lista. Tan solo tienes queestaratento y no perderte nada de todo lo que aquí teiremosdescubriendo. ¿Estás preparado para ello?.Among decoratingideas,not only with us but those details we buy the crafts we candocomfortably in our home are always welcome. They allow us to makeamuch more personalized decor with ideas full of imaginationandwith materials that are very easy to find. So, it uniting allthesepoints, we will result in an app like this. It is of greatcraftideas step by step so you can do all sorts of details. Fromelegantvases, even more decorative frames or mirrors. Basic ideasandothers will discover only through this app. Because every dayhavea new invention to do in your home you will want to show allyourguests. Sure, if you think about this craft you could want, beonour list. You just have to be attentive and do not miss anythingofwhat you'll discover here. Are you ready for this?.
Christmas Ornaments Ideas 2.1
Would you like crafts ?, Do you want tomakeyour own Christmas decorations? ... Because this isyourapplication.We selected 70 original, easy and simple craft ideasforChristmas decorations for all types of materials: paper,cardboard,plastic, .. ideas that will surprise you, with which youget totake a different and original touch to your home at Christmas.You can do it yourself. Moreover, since the applicationitself,the you can share with your family or friends."Christmas Ornaments Ideas" is a free application designedforAndroid with which:You can save your favorite idea on your SD:1. Open your application and choose the image youwantcontains.2. In the upper right menu select "save to SD" and this willbesaved in a folder within your mobile phone gallery.3. Enter in the gallery "Folderitapps" folder. Here are theimagesthat you saved earlier from the application.Or share your favorite ideas through WhatsApp, Line,Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, email, etc.We hope you like.Merry Christmas!!.Note:This app contains advertising.
Easy crafts 1.0
Fast tutorial
You predstavlyaetsya application that can teach you how todoeverything with their hands! Here you can find only the bestideasfor needlework and crafts! You only need to download andinstallthe application and you will be able to follow the simplestep bystep instructions and interesting needlework! You willbecome morecreative, you will develop a sense of taste, andartistic view ofthe world. Choosing our application, you will notgo wrong!You will learn how to easily make handmade items!- Simplicity of schemes suitable for all age categories;- You will have the ability to do everything with theirhands;- Training takes place quickly and easily, you will seeforyourself
Crafts with Wire 0.0.1
Build your own jewelry withwire,decorativetrees and all kinds of figures. A useful andentertainingforcrafts with wire incredible app.Amaze family and friends with exclusive handmadegifts,you'llhave fun doing these amazing creations and they willloveyourfantastic gift.Get to work and make amazing jewelry with wire,earrings,rings,bracelets and necklaces that you can create andlook. Easy tomakewith step by step instructions.Share the application with wire crafts with yourfamilyandfriends wassap and facebook.
Crafts for Kids 0.0.1
Crafts for Kids gives you theinspirationtocreate so easy and fun.Apparently no one has time to do fun crafts withthekids,however, no quick and simple crafts perfect even forthosewithtime, skills and limited materials.Just find a couple of minutes, some objects thatalmosteveryonekeeps in his home, a group of anxious childrenandstart.Here we are many ideas, but they can be extended, revisedorchangedcompletely in favor of their own creativity.Children love making crafts and with this application canevendothem without assistance (but always under supervision) andwhocanhandle mobile devices like tablet and smartphone betterthanusadults, which is what they need to follow the simplestepsandexplanations found in this app to make fun craftsthatenchantthem.The application crafts for children consists ofthefollowingsections:- Crafts for Kids with cardboard- Crafts for kids with rubber eva- Crafts for kids with felt- Crafts for Kids with tweezers- Crafts for kids Recycling- Crafts for kids easy and funBoth for busy parents, teachers and monitors who wanttobeoriginal, children with great imagination and even forthosehardto entertain, ... In short all who want to spendtimeentertainingwithout complicating have this app completelyfreewithexplanations step by passage of hundreds of childrencrafts,enjoyit !!
Learn how to do crafts 1.0
Only the best guide that will teach you how to tinkeringthingsand do the old motloh helpful! Be original and developtheirimagination with us! You just need to install our additionanddesire to create. Think how much good bring your crafts nature,wedo not pollute our environment, and improve the world aroundus.Here you will find pictures and step by step instructions tohelpyou find a spark your imagination. Easy step by stepinstructionsto help you make the category crafts for friends andrelatives. Sodo not think, and install the app right now!Check the exclusive features of our applications:- A large selection of step by step description;- Cheap, just a few steps;- All the information is available without the Internet;- You can also share applications on Facebook, WhatsApp,skype,Viber!
Wire Crafts 0.0.9
his application will show you how to makeveryuseful crafts for gifts or to decorate your home such as:• Crafts for kids.• Crafts for Christmas.• Fashion Jewelry (rings, bracelets, necklaces, ...).• tree to hang your jewelry.• Beads.You can recycle things they no longer were using and makingnewthings more useful or precious stones as you want.There are engagement rings but you'll have fun and in thedecorationof children yourself doing all these crafts.In this application you will find the best Youtube videos ofcraftwire, recycled crafts and many other manualiades.If you like the app you can share with your friendsbyWhatsapp.
Crafts With Wire: 0.0.1
Welcome to this new application ofCraftsCentreFree Wire, application devoted solely and exclusivelyto theworld ofplastic entertainment, we enter the world ofrecyclingwith theinitiation of easy crafts with wire for thelittle ones ofthe house,to more specialized techniques for olderchildren andadults to getsuccessfully excellent results with suchbeautiful asare the wiresof all kinds, for which the applicationhas a highcontent of freevideos tutorials and teaching for therealizationstep by step and amaterial easy and simple to work eachway.Mom and Dad, Crafts-wire is ideal for your children tolearntorecycle anything that can end up in the trash, in aneasyandsimple way, all free and a great complement stop theirworkfromschool or school application . It is also targeted toolderadultsand if you like crafts liked this application, sincethere isa setof tools for learning easy implementation techniquesthat willbeof great help for improving this hobby.Also, the application has content to Spain, England,theUnitedStates, Portugal, Brazil, France, Italy and Germany as ithasbeentranslated into Spanish, English, Portuguese, French,ItalianandGerman, with only one clip on the home screen canselectthelanguage that you like the application and find videos inalltheselanguages ​​that we've discussed as: old bicycle withwire,pinkwire ring key, bangle, bracelet, make flowers withwire,racingbike, horse sea, chair, crickets wire ..............We all tutorials Crafts With free wire comes in the formofvideosand can play as many times as you want, until youlearnevery job, sodo not waste your time and please download freethisapplication andyou will not regret because success is securedinyour newprojects.It is a good day to start enjoying the world ofcrafts,becausewith this application, children and adults canenjoytogether athome recycling obsolete objects, and for your bestuseof theapplication, this will record your tutorial videosalreadyseen andit marks the new videos that have been updated tonot wastetimeand enjoy the easiest way Crafts with free wire. So donotwastemore time and please download this free application onyourmobile(cell) or Tablet and you will not regret, enjoy fromhomethewonderful world of Crafts with WireRemember Crafts-wire, it is totally free and you candownloaditon your mobile (cell) or tablet and share by WhasappandFacebookand other social networks with your friends,family,coworkers,etc.
Easy Crafts Images 2.1
We have created a new applicationwithsimpleand original crafts that you can do easily.We have selected more than 100 original, easy fun craftsforalltypes of materials: paper, plastic, cloth ... ideasthatwillsurprise you.You can do it yourself.Do not wait. You will be surprised.Note: This application contains advertising.
HALLOWEEN, MANUALIDADES, DECORACION,JARDINES,MAQUILLAJES, INSPIRACION PARA LA FIESTA.Todo lo que necesitas para tener una festividad original, ideasdedecoración, maquillaje y manualidades, con un solo golpe devistase entiende, sin necesidad del paso a paso.HALLOWEEN, crafts,decor,gardens, makeup, INSPIRATION FOR THE PARTY.All you need to have an original holiday, decorating ideas,makeupand crafts, with a single glance is understood withoutrequiringthe step.