Top 11 Games Similar to Sales CRM Pro

Pipedrive CRM: Sales pipeline 18.18.10
Pipedrive OU
CRM mobile sales pipeline & tracker that helps you to turnleadsinto customers.
Cloze Relationship Management 2023.4.672
Cloze, Inc.
Smart CRM, Inbox and Contacts in One App
Real Estate Broker CRM Lite 1.1.4
Estate Broker CRM from Accusol hasbeendesigned specifically for real estate brokers dealingwithresidential or commercial property.Estate Broker CRM provides prompt, quick and accurate informationatyour fingertips which can be accessed from any corner of theworld.The advantage of this app is you can attend your customersinstantlyand gain their satisfaction by serving them promptly 24X7and alsogives you a competitive edge in the market.Features:Allows the brokers to add unlimited Contacts,PropertiesandRequirementsAllows the broker to provide a detailed property listingcapturingdetails like Property Type, Owner, Available forRent/Sell,Property Photo, Property Details and CostHuge assistance for Multi-unit properties suchasbuilding/complexes..etcAbility to add tenants, text, and email each one of themOption to copy contact address or manual entryAllows to schedule site visits which can be linked withContact,Property, Date and TimeWhile capturing contact details we can also define group(investor,broker, general) for that particular contactAllows to capture brokerage in percentage or amount formatMultiple selection can be done for Locality , RequirementDifferent status updates provided for appointments,property,requirementReports generated property category wise, locality wise, budgetwiseand area wise. Advance search facility is also providedIf you have any queries, issue, suggestion then please send usanemail to [email protected]
anCRM - vTiger CRM Client
Manage your customer's data from anCRM - vTiger CRM mobile app.
Oracle CRM on Demand Android 1.124
Daniel Jordan
CRM Gadget is a mobile Client for Oracle CRMonDemand. The mobile client include Account, Contact, Task,ServiceRequest or any other Oracle CRM on Demand ObjectAccount & Contact can called direct from the mobile App.
PROcontact 2015 CRM
PROcontact 2015 est un logiciel CRMpermettantde consulter vos contacts, échanges, tâches etrendez-vous.Cette version 2015 reprend l'ergonomie simple et intuitivedePROcontact 2015 PC.Cette appli nécessite l'utilisation du logicielPROcontactversion 2015 PC. Elle ne permet que la consultation desdonnées dela version PC.N'hésitez pas à nous faire des remontées sur cetteapplicationafin que nous puissions l'améliorer au fur et àmesure.PROCONTACT 2015 is aCRMsoftware to view your contacts, discussions, tasksandappointments.This 2015 release shows the simple and intuitiveergonomicsPROCONTACT 2015 PC.This app requires the use of software Version 2015 PROCONTACTPC.It allows only the consultation of the data of the PCversion.Do not hesitate to lift on this application so that wecanimprove it as and when.
CRM Lite 1.2
Safiq Virjee
Army CRM now known as Deliberate Risk Management (DRM) tooltofigure out Risks.
CRM movil 1
Customer Appreciation Program for sellers
MyTwin CRM 1.2.14
MyTwin è la nuova app mobile del CRMdellapiattaforma ERP ProdWare.MyTwin semplifica l’attività commerciale garantendo in ogniistanterapidità e facilità di accesso alle informazioni dei propriclientie dei propri contatti commerciali.Con MyTwin il tuo CRM è sempre con te!Completamente integrato nell’ERP ProdWare permette di accederealvasto mondo di informazioni legate ad un soggetto:dati anagrafici, contatti, documenti, ordini e stato diavanzamentodella produzione per soddisfare tali ordini, offerte,statistichedi vendita, planning delle attività e molto altroancora.ProdWare è il software ERP per la completa gestione dellatuaazienda, fortemente verticalizzato per aziende diproduzione.ProdWare e MyTwin sono il frutto di Elabora Srl società che daanniopera nel settore della gestione d’impresa, facendodell’esperienzae della dinamicità nel rispondere alle esigenze deiclienti ipropri punti di forza.Principali features:-Rapido e facile accesso a:- Ricerca soggetti e consultazione dati anagraficieannotazioni- Contatti (invio diretto di e-mail, sms e chiamate)- Documenti (word, pdf, e-mail e allegati)- Consultazione e creazione di attività dacondividereistantaneamente con il proprio team- Ordini (consultazione dettagli e fonti dell’ordine: residuoordinicon piano di evasione e stato diavanzamento delle lavorazioni)- Offerte (dettagli offerte e statistiche)- Vendite (dettagli vendite e statistiche)-Filtri e ordinamento avanzati-Sincronizzazione dati con il proprio database-Accesso e consultazione sicura di datiPer ulteriori informazioni : www.mytwin.prodware.itDEVICE SUPPORTATIL’applicazione opera su Tablet e Smartphone Android e iOS.I dispositivi supportati da Android:-Dispositivi con versione di Android a partire dalla 4.0.3esuccessiveI dispositivi supportati da iOS:-Dispositivi con versione di iOS 7 e successiveMyTwin is the newappmobile CRM platform ERP Prodware.MyTwin simplifies the business at all times ensuring quick andeasyaccess to the information of its customers andbusinesscontacts.MyTwin with your CRM is always with you! Fully integrated ERP Prodware provides access to the vast worldofinformation related to an individual:data, contacts, documents, orders and progress of production tomeetthose orders, quotations, sales statistics, planning ofactivitiesand much more. Prodware is the ERP software for the complete management ofyourcompany, highly verticalized for manufacturing companies.Prodware and MyTwin are the result of Process Srl company thathasbeen working in the field of business management, makingtheexperience and dynamism in responding to customer needs theirownstrengths. Main features:-Quick And easy access to:                -Researchsubjects and consultation data and annotations                -Contacts(direct send e-mail, SMS and calls)                -Documents(Word, PDF, e-mail and attachments)                -Consultationand creation of activities to share instantly withyour team                -Orders(consultation details and sources order: remaining orderswith planof escape and state                   workingprogress)                -Offers(details offers and statistics)                -Sales(sales details and statistics)-Filters And advanced sorting-Sincronizzazione Data with your database-Access Consultation and secure data For more information: DEVICE SUPPORTEDThe application operates on Tablet and Smartphone AndroidandiOS.The devices supported by Android:-facilities With Android version from 4.0.3 and laterThe devices supported by iOS:-facilities With iOS version 7 and later
Sellsy Mobile 3.3
Sellsy is a powerful online salesmanagementsolution. With the Sellsy application, you can manageyour leadsand customers, create opportunities, track your leads,createquotes and invoices.Discover the powerful features of Sellsy:• Create and enhance your customer records• Follow-up with your leads and your ongoing opportunities• Organize your day with your agenda and tasks• Create quotes, invoices, and other business documents• Quickly search through your quotes, invoices, andotherdocuments• Send your documents by email to your customers• Access your data at any time on offline modeThe Sellsy Mobile application gives you access to your salesfiguresand CRM data everywhere, all the time.You can create your account directly from the application andstartcreating your first quote in seconds.You can use the same credentials to connect to the SellsyMobileapplicationMore about the Sellsy solution:A complete solutionSellsy is an online software solution that allows you toefficientlyfollow the entire customer cycle of your company:prospecting,sales, billing, customer follow-up, and marketing.Available on weband mobile devices, Sellsy is a unique solution onthe market.A truly collaborative solutionSellsy is built on the habits of its users: Discussionwalls,agendas, task management: all of these features correspond totheexpectations of the users and are very easy to master.Permanent mobile accessSellsy is available on the web, but also on tablets andmobiledevices with applications dedicated to iPhone / iPad andAndroid.Employees have access to their business data at alltimes.An evolving solutionUnlike installed software, Sellsy is updated in real-time.Newfeatures are added regularly and increase usersatisfaction.
Lead Tracker 2.9
Lead Tracker provides an easy way to access your leads.