Top 19 Apps Similar to American Civil War Timeline

American Civil War Gazette 1.5.12
With the advent of the 150th anniversaryoftheAmerican Civil War (ACW) upon us, this is a simple app +widgetthatwill unfold the news headlines and events of the ACWinreal-time asthey occurred.This app recreates the experience of what it would havebeenliketo read the headlines and news stories unfoldingday-by-day...muchlike the BBC or New York Times widget do for newstoday.American Civil War Gazette incorporates articlesfrombothNorthern and Southern newspapers. However, with theadvantageofhindsight ACW Gazette attempts to have the storiesreveal onthedate (and time where possible) of the actual eventsrather thanonthe actual date of publication... which was oftenseveraldaysafter the actual event.To add the widget to your home screen, find a screen thathasonecomplete row clear and hold your finger on the screen untilthe"Addto Home" menu pops up.Then, select "Widget" and "American Civil War Gazette".Thewidgetis live and will update every 30 minutes.To see the full article, tap on the widget.Hopefully, you will find this littleexperimentintriguing,educational and/or insightful.The following are a few of the newspapers represented:- New York Tribune- New York Herald- Brooklyn Daily Eagle- National Republican- New York Times- Richmond Dispatch- Charleston Mercury- Jacksonville Republican- New Orleans Delta- New Orleans Picayune- Montgomery Advertiser- Baltimore Sun- St. Louis Republican- Mobile Tribune- Boston Journal- Galveston News- London Times- New York Day Book- New York Express- Missouri Democrat- Harrisburg Patriot- &c.
Gettysburg Battle App 3.3.4
The perfect touring partner for your exploration of America’sCivilWar history.
American Civil War Daily 1.6
Flip through daily "cards" showingimportantevents leading up to and during the deadliest war inAmericanHistory.Each "card" shows the date, a succinct description and azoomablemap for the event.You can flip the "card" over to read the Wikipediaarticledescribing the event.You can sort your "deck" of events using two mechanisms:- Sort by day and month for a "this day in history" view.- Select a start date and then sort by day, month and year foratrue chronological sequence of events from that date onwards.The data for American Civil War Daily comes from theAmericanCivil War Timeline Project at Cannonade.Net. This is acommunitycontributed project to collect time and place data for thewar. Youcan come to the site to browse the timeline or even log inandcontribute new data.The Timeline Project currently indexes over 400 hundreddatapoints with new entries being added daily. If a significanteventisn't in the database yet, it soon will be.
Malvern Hill Battle App 3.0.2
The perfect touring partner for your exploration of America’sCivilWar history.
Bull Run Battle App 4.0.0
The perfect touring partner for your exploration of America’sCivilWar history.
Complete Civil War Primer 3.0.2
Enjoy this Complete Civil War PrimerFlashcardsset created by the mad scientists at TestSoup. Hopefullyyou'lllearn a thing or two. The American Civil War was filled withbloodybattles fought in a wide array of locations. This set offlashcardshelps you learn everything about the American Civil Warfrom itsbuildup through Reconstruction.By the way, we've helped thousands of students beat manyastandardized exam with our online and mobile study systemsusingthe same system you'll use here. You can customize yourpractice tofocus on weak areas. You can also flag tough conceptsfor extrareview. So, if you are early in your prep, you canpractice acrossall types of math and verbal concepts. If you arefar along in yourprep, you can focus your practice on theparticular section ordifficulty level that you care most about. Youcan also practicewith hundreds of example questions customized tosimulate the realexam. Our program also allows you to study at yourconvenience,anytime, anywhere in the world.Check out TestSoup to master your exam - http://www.testsoup.comFollow us on TwitterLike us on Facebook
NCWT: National Civil War Trail 1.2.0
Welcome to the National Civil War Trailappproduced in association with the National Civil War Centre(NCWC)in Newark. The NCWC is dedicated to the history of Newark anditsturbulent past.The app is fully loaded with augmented reality contentincludingdramatic re-creations of historical moments which activateas youfollow the Civil War Trail around Newark.Use the in-app map to guide you around the importanthistoricalsites.Use the illustrated interactive timeline to navigate yourwaythrough time and learn about significant events.Play the built-in game Siege Fire where you will havetheopportunity to choose sides and attack or defend theQueen’sSconce. War has never been so much fun!Visiting the NCWC unlocks exclusive bonus content, lettingyouview 3D models of Newark Castle in 360° to get a feel for whatitwould have looked like during the 17th century. Visiting theNCWCwill also allow you to play both sides in the Siege Firegame.*Note: This application has been optimised to run onhardwaresimilar to the Nexus 4 and above, however currentgenerationdevices will provide the best experience.
1864 Nov Am Civil War Gazette 2.3
Vinyard Studios
The Extra!!! Edition of the American CivilWarGazette contains back issues as well as additional articlesthatdid not appear in the daily edition.Highlights of the November 1864 Edition:- Abraham Lincoln is elected President over General GeorgeB.McClellan- Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson, is sold at auction bytheConfederate States Goverment under sequestration terms of theAlienEnemies Act of 1861- Savannah Campaign {Sherman's March to the Sea}begins(Georgia)- Burning of Atlanta- Battle of Griswoldville- Battle of Buck Head Creek- Battle of Honey Hill- Franklin-Nashville Campaign {Hood's TennesseeCampaign}continues (Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia)- Forrest's West Tennessee Raid (Tennessee)- Naval Engagement at Fort Heiman- Battle of Reynoldsburg Island- Battle of Johnsonville (Tennessee)- Battle of Columbia (Tennessee)- Battle of Spring Hill (Tennessee)- Battle of Franklin (Tennessee)- Breckenridge's Advance into East Tennessee- Battle of Bull's Gap- Colorado War (Colorado Territory)- Sand Creek massacre of Cheyenne and Arapaho {TheChivingtonMassacre}- Richmond-Petersburg Campaign continues {Siege ofPetersburg}(Virginia)- Texas- First Battle of Adobe Walls- New York- Confederate Army of Manhattan attempts to burn downNew-YorkCity- Shimonoseki Campaign (Japan)- Treaty Powers; United States, Great Britain,France,Netherlands- Mito Rebellion continues- First Chsh expedition concludes- U.S. Army- Department of Kansas- Gen. Curtis disbands the Army of the Border- Department of New Mexico, District of Arizona- Gen. Smith replaces Gen. Bowie as commander- Fishing Creek Confederacy (Pennsylvania)
RWT Timeline 1.2
Timeline allows students to create agraphicalrepresentation of an event or process by displayingitemssequentially along a line. Timelines can be organized by timeofday, date, or event, and the tool allows users to create alabelwith short or long descriptive text. Adding an image for eachlabelmakes a timeline more visually appealing.Add, drag, and rearrange items as needed. Savingcapabilityallows students to return to their work and makerevisions, andthey can share their final work via e-mail.Users can send their finished timeline to their device’scameraroll or email it as a .pdf file to friends and family.Created with classroom use in mind, this tool allows userstocreate their own profile to store their work, making devicesharingeasier for students in classes which do not have 1-to-1tabletavailability.This app mirrors our popular timeline web-based interactive,sousers familiar with one can easily adapt to the other. In fact,thetwo are so similar that users can send their editable .rwt filestoan email address and then open their timeline right in theonlinetool!
Fredericksburg Battle App 3.0.2
The perfect touring partner for your exploration of America’sCivilWar history.
Quick n Easy Timeline Planner 4.0
Johan Snider
How to use the Timeline Planner:Enter your first task, and how much time you want to work onitfor.Then hit the "Save" arrow to save the task to yourtimeline.Repeatthis process until you have entered all your tasksand hit"Start."Then let the Quick 'n' Easy Timeline Planner guideyouthrough yourplan. Try to make as much progress on each task asyoucan withinthe time limit you've set for yourself. Focus iskeyevery minutecounts and if you get distracted look back tothescreen to remindyourself what you should be working on.Please read below for more information on theapp'sdesignfeatures:Project description/overviewThe Quick ‘n’ Easy Timeline Planner is anAndroidapplicationdesigned to help students better manage theirstudytime. When itcomes to balancing the workloads ofdifferentassignments, we aremost productive when we work inmultiple, short,focused sprints asopposed to long, drawn out,cramming sessions.This app takesadvantage of these naturallyproductive study habitsto help us getthe most out of the time wespend studying.Problem statementStudents are faced with the responsibility ofbalancingmultipleimportant tasks which requires efficient timemanagementand goodstudy habits. Often, certain tasks take longerthanexpected andthe things we didn’t get done today get pushed offintotomorrow.When these tasks pile up, they are either forgottenaboutor bustedout last minute right before a deadline.SolutionThe Quick ‘n’ Easy Timeline Planner offers students a way toplanouta two to three hour timeline where they predefine whattasksthey aregoing to work on and how long they will work onthem.After that, thegoal is to make as much progress on the taskasthey can. Workingthis way has several advantages:minimizing the amount of time wasted stuck on problemsalways making progress on the tasks that are plannedworking for shorter, more focused periods of timeMethodologyThe app design started during the Summer beforecapstone.InSeptember, I met with Jihan Ejan, the director for TheCenterforStudent Success and received feedback from her abouttheconceptfor the app. The first version was published inDecember.ThroughFebruary and March I updated the app several timesbased offoffeedback I received from student testers. In April, Ipublishedthelast version which included layout support fortablets,horizontalscreen orientations, a new theme, and improvedhandlingof theAndroid lifecycle methods.
Vicksburg Battle App 3.0.4
The perfect touring partner for your exploration of America’sCivilWar history.
1861 Nov Am Civil War Gazette 2.5
Vinyard Studios
The Extra!!! Edition of the American CivilWarGazette contains back issues as well as additional articlesthatdid not appear in the daily edition.Highlights of the November 1861 Edition:- Battle of Belmont- Gen. Ulysses S. Grant "Killed" in the Battle of Belmont- Resignation of Beauregard- Beauregard withdraws resignation- Kentucky Secedes- Formal secession of Missouri- Death of Gen. Sam Houston of Texas- Trent Affair: Arrest/Capture of Mason and Slidellcausestension with England- The C.S.S. Nashville captures and burns the Harvey Birchoffthe coast of Southampton, England- Gen. Winfield Scott retires- Lincoln appoints George B. McClellan as Commander-in-Chiefofthe Armies of the United States- Battle at Bay Point- Battle of Strawberry Plains- Battle of Piketon- Battle of Piketon Hoax- Naval expedition to and attack on Port Royal- Naval Bombardment of Urbana, Va.- The Minnesota and the Merrimac- Edwin Booth's First Theatrical Appearance in London- Fremont Removed- Gen. Grant's Official Report on the Battle of Belmont- Martial Law in Knoxville, Tenn.- Lincoln protests against the French and Englishexpeditionagainst Mexico- Rumors of France, England and Spain to ally with theC.S.A.- Civil War Begins in Northern Mexico- One of the last collections of Elizabeth BarrettBrowning'spoems is published- Neutrality of Holland- Celebration of Evacuation Day
1863 Feb Am Civil War Gazette 2.4
Vinyard Studios
The Extra!!! Edition of the American CivilWarGazette contains back issues as well as additional articlesthatdid not appear in the daily edition.Highlights of the February 1863 Edition:- Napoleon III of France proposes a mediation between theNorthand the South- Lincoln and Seward decline- "So far from being about to end, we believe that the warisabout to assume a shape more terrible that it has everyetpresented."Richmond Daily Dispatch, February 18, 1863- Grant's Vicksburg Campaign continues- "The Battle for the Mississippi"- Work on Grant's Canal continues- Yazoo Pass Expedition- Middle Tennessee Operations begin- Battle of Dover/Second Battle of Fort Donaldson- Virginia Operations- Report of the Battle of Deserted House/Battle ontheBlackwater- U.S. Congress- Thaddeus Stevens' "Negro Soldier Bill" passes allowing for:- "the enlistment of any number of negroes, not over 300,000"- "to be paid $10 a month"- "to be armed and equipped as other soldiers"- "officered by white men"- Gov. Andrews of Massachusetts authorizes "the enlistmentofcolored men as United States soldiers"- Will later be organized as the Massachusetts 54th featured inthe1989 film "Glory"- Continued debate about the Emancipation Proclamation- Kentucky affirms support- Tennessee denounces- Frederick Douglas' speech at the Cooper Institute- Soldiers of the N.Y. 99th are caught seizing slaves andsellingthem across the lines- Gen. Longstreet (CSA) takes command of the DepartmentofVirginia and North Carolina- The "Dead Rabbits" gang (portrayed in Scorcese's Gangs ofNewYork) pressure the Governor of New-York to pardon two oftheirmembers; the Higgins brothers.- The Supreme Court hears evidence to determine whethertheGovernment is engaged in a war or a civil rebellion, andwhetherthe blockade is legal under a rebellion.
1863 Mar Am Civil War Gazette 2.3
Vinyard Studios
The Extra!!! Edition of the American CivilWarGazette contains back issues as well as additional articlesthatdid not appear in the daily edition."Sergeant Mason, Corporals Pettinger and Benedick, andPrivatesBenninger, Buffman and Parrott... have received the firstmedalsawarded by the War Department for meritorious conduct."-- New York Times, March 26, 1863Highlights of the March 1863 Edition:- Medal of Honor (March 25, 1863)- The first Medals of Honor are awarded to six former PoWsinvolvedin the Great Locomotive Chase (Andrew's Raid)- The Fall of Vicksburg- The Petersburgh Express and Memphis Bulletin report a greatbattleat Vicksburg- Also reported is the retreat of Confederate forces- The news is not repeated in Richmond- Washington disavows the news- Grant's Vicksburg Campaign continues- Work on Grant's Canal abandoned- Lake Providence Expedition (a.k.a. LakeProvidenceBoondoggle)- Yazoo Pass Expedition repulsed- Steele's Bayou Expedition- Duckport Canal- Longstreet's Tidewater Operations begin- Battle of Fort Anderson- Middle Tennessee Operations continue- Battle of Thompson's Station- Battle of Vaught's Hill- Battle of Brentwood- Lower Seaboard Theatre- Battle of Fort McAllister- Eastern Theatre- Battle of Kelly's Ford/Kellysville- Implications for Gettysburg- Lincoln- His term in office reaches the two year midpoint March4,1863- "The Time Half Out, And The Task More Than Half Done"- Offers amnesty to all deserters- Gen. E.V. Sumner (USA) dies of a heart attack in New-York- Although not originated in March 1863, the terms'Copperhead'and 'Skedaddler' become common usage- Congress- Adjournment of the 37th United States Congress- Resolution passed supporting Lincoln's position of noforeignmediation- Idahoe and Montano Territory [sic]- The Senate changes the name of the Montano territorytoIdahoe- Establishes a temporary government for the TerritoryofIdahoe- A condition of establishment is that slavery isforeverprohibited- Utah- Reports that the Governor of Utah calls upon the U.S. Armytoarrest Brigham Young and other Mormon leaders- Col. Conner, Third Infantry, California Volunteersdeniesreports- The Territory of Arizona is organized- Boundaries same as modern Arizona, splitting the NewMexicoTerritory on a North-South line- Significantly different from C.S.A. organization of Arizonawhichsplit the NM Territory on an East-West line- Supreme Court of the United States- Rules that the blockade is legal- "To justify the capture of prizes, a war must existdefacto"- "Under the Law of Nations, to prosecute a war it was notnecessarythat both parties should be sovereign nations."- "We are of the opinion that the President had a right jurebelli,to proclaim a blockade which neutrals were bound toobserve."
1861 Oct Am Civil War Gazette 2.4
Vinyard Studios
The Extra!!! Edition of the American CivilWarGazette contains back issues as well as additional articlesthatdid not appear in the daily edition.Highlights of the October 1861 Edition:- Battle of Greenbrier River- Battle of Santa Rosa Island- Battle of Camp Wildcat- Battle of Fredericktown- Battle of Ball's Bluff / Leesburgh- Battle of Springfield- Skirmish at Great Falls- Battle of Sewall's Mountain- Skirmish At Grayson, Kentucky- Battle At Barboursville, Ky.- Battle of Big Hurricane Creek- Battle of Edwards' Ferry- Engagement On Cape Henry Beach- Missouri passes ordinance of secession- Thanksgiving Day Proclamation- McCulloch "killed" a second time- Memphis Avalance absorbs Memphis Bulletin- U.S. Polar Expedition- Gen. Floyd and the Richmond Enquirer- Sequestration Act- Pacific Telegraph completed from San Francisco to NewYorkCity- Pony Express ends- Treaty with Cherokees- Benito Juarez, President of Mexico, allows U.S. TroopsthroughMexico- Proposed change of Confederate flag- The New State Of Kanawha- King Kamehameha declares neutrality of the SandwichIslands(Hawaii)
Timeline: World History
The entire history of humanity gathered inoneapplication. The timeline that meets the most significant eventsinthe life of the 5 continents for Android!Remember your knowledge of history in school, from prehistorictimesto the modern era, the biography of key figures, battles,importantdates and hundreds of essential data that are part ofthis new App.Download it now!FEATURES- Data from each of primordial continents: Asia, Africa,America,Europe and Oceania.- Description of each of the historical periods of thecontinents:Prehistory, Ancient History, Medieval, Early Modern andModernTimes.- Not dozens ... hundreds of historical events with their datesonevery continent!- Information and pictures of the characters featured in thehistoryof each continent.Have fun with us and check our other fascinating andeducationalapplications for Android devices!Follow us onFacebook: and alsoonTwitter:
1862 Jan Am Civil War Gazette 2.3
Vinyard Studios
The Extra!!! Edition of the American CivilWarGazette contains back issues as well as additional articlesthatdid not appear in the daily edition.Highlights of the January 1862 Edition:- Battle of Coosaw River- Battle of Blue's Gap- Battle of Cockpit Point- Battle of Hancock- Battle of Middle Creek- Skirmish At Tallow Knob- Battle of Ironton- Battle of Mill Springs near Somerset, Ky.- Battle of Prestonburg- Battle at Cedar Keys, Florida- Battle of Silver Creek, Md. (Roan's Tan Yard)- Biloxi, Mississippi captured without major battle- Gen. Gideon Pillow (C.S.A.) resigns- Col. Samuel Colt dies (Colt revolver)- Gen. Felix K. Zollicoffer killed- Late letters of Christmas in the camps- Beauregard is transferred to Columbus, Ky.- British troops land at Portland, Maine- British corvette opens fire on the U.S. bark Gazelle- Trent (Mason/Slidell) affair is resolved- Seward advocates annexation of Canada to the U.S.- Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, resigns- Edwin Stanton is appointed Secretary of War- Utah prepares for admission as a state- St. Petersburg marks thousandth year of the Russian Empire- Tenth President of the United States, John Tyler ofVirginia,dies- First anniversary of January 9th secession of Mississippi- Merrimac (CSS Virginia) leaves dry dock- 1846 patent for ether is voided- Col. Thomas Saltus Lubbock killed (Lubbock, Texas namesake)- Congressional bill with death penalty for armycontractingfrauds
Civil War Battle Locations 3.0.2
Enjoy this packet of American Civil WarBattleLocations Flashcards created by the mad scientists atTestSoup.Hopefully you'll learn a thing or two. The American CivilWar wasfilled with bloody battles fought in a wide array oflocations.This set of flashcards helps you learn the location ofmany battlesof the War Between the States.Step into the TestSoup time machine for few seconds now.Imaginethat you've now gone through the set of flashcards a fewtimes. Ifyou did, you'd know where the Battle of Shiloh happened.Everyonewould praise you for your knowledge.By the way, we've helped thousands of students beat manyastandardized exam with our online and mobile study systemsusingthe same system you'll use here. You can customize yourpractice tofocus on weak areas. You can also flag tough conceptsfor extrareview. So, if you are early in your prep, you canpractice acrossall types of math and verbal concepts. If you arefar along in yourprep, you can focus your practice on theparticular section ordifficulty level that you care most about. Youcan also practicewith hundreds of example questions customized tosimulate the realexam. Our program also allows you to study at yourconvenience,anytime, anywhere in the world.Check out TestSoup to master your exam - http://www.testsoup.comFollow us on TwitterLike us on Facebook