Top 50 Apps Similar to HotSchedules Logbook

HS Team 4.233.0-1666
Labor management and scheduling tool.
Findmyshift 3.572
Simple online employee scheduling software.
Travelers IntelliDrive® 2.5.0
Travelers believes in making sure our customers understandthevalueof safe driving. IntelliDrive® is a program forTravelersautoinsurance customers. This app will measure yourdriving for 90daysand provide updated driving performance andfeedback aftereachtrip. Your auto policy will be rated at renewalbased onobtainingsufficient driving information from the app. Therearejust a fewsteps to get the app set up, and then it will run inthebackground.IntelliDrive® top features: • Easily monitoryourdrivingperformance with the new enhanced dashboard. •Challengeyourselfand your family to put the phone down whiledriving withthe newDistraction Free Streak feature. • Check out thenewImprove sectionto find information about safe driving and waysyoucan improve yourscore. • A revamped Trips section makes iteasierto find andunderstand the details of each trip. • Compareeachdriver’s overallperformance by exploring our DrivingPerformancesection. To learnmore about IntelliDrive®,pleasevisit Note:TheIntelliDrive®program is not available in all states.ContactTravelers or yourinsurance agent for more information.
DriverLog Logbook 5.3.3
A complete E-Log solution for Hours-Of-Service (HOS).
Rippling - HR, IT & Finance 2.22.31
Paystubs | Time | SSO | Expenses | & More
Employee Link - Time Tracker 19.5.2
Clock in and out! Timesheet tracker, employee portal, workschedule& more!
Manage Hours of Service paperwork with REVEAL Logbook ELD edition
Workforce by Verizon Connect 4.2.1
You must be a Workforce customer to use this app. WorkforceMobileisthe perfect companion app for your mobile field workers.Viewyouroptimized job order list and submit required electronicforms.Viewdetails about the job site & set a job status tokeep yourteamup to date. Be able to easily assign yourself to avehicle andsubmitany required DVIR’s. In built messaging allowsyou to stayincommunication with your team while out in the field.Use the"Today"screen to get a snapshot of your upcoming jobs,recentmessages, andsubmit any forms on demand. If you’reinterested insigning up,contact your Verizon Connect accountmanager to findout more.
WhenToWork Employee Scheduling
For viewing you W2W Schedules, Tradeboard, TimeOff,sending/receiving Messages
RUN Powered by ADP Mobile Payroll for Employers 1.18.3
RUN Powered by ADP®, in your pocket… RUN Mobile Payrollisyouressential companion to RUN on the web — designed tohelpSMALLBUSINESS OWNERS like you manage your business, whileyou’re onthego. • Run payroll – Run your payroll start to finish,or pickupwhere you left off on the web. We’ll even send paydayalerts!•Manage your employees – View pay rate, department,contactinfo,and more • Print and share reports – View, filter,print, andshareeasy-to-read reports • Submit tax notices – Submitthem to usandwe’ll let you know as soon as the status changes •Retrieve HRdocs– Securely access and share crucial business info•Navigateday-to-day HR challenges – With weekly HR tips from ADP•Viewinsurance policy info and manage certificates* – Forworkers’comppolicies through ADPIA® Safe & Secure At ADP,securityisintegral to our products, our businessprocessesandinfrastructure. And that extends to RUN Powered byADPMobilePayroll — so you can stay focused on your business.WhatClientsAre Saying “I'm thrilled with the RUN app. Now we cansendinpayroll on the jobsite versus having to return totheofficecomputer for input.” - O’Sullivan Construction, SanRafael,CA “Theapp took a couple of minutes to find and install, andI ranmyfirst payroll, all from the 15th tee! Thank you ADP!”-HPInvestments, Daly City, CA Learn More Download the app andtrythedemo – no RUN client credentials required. Or call855-230-6728tospeak to an ADP sales associate. *Certainservicesrequireadditional fees and may not be available in allstates withallcarriers.
A new and improved way to pay for your parking in Columbus!
ENCOMPASS® ELD 3.7886.266
The J. J. Keller® Encompass® ELD app is the industry’smostsimple,flexible and affordable driver electronic logavailable.Formerlyknown as KellerMobile, this patented ELDmandate-compliantsolutionis used by commercial motor vehicledrivers toelectronicallycapture hours-of-service duty statusinformation,replacing thedriver’s paper log book. The app usesadriver-friendly interfaceto present hours-of-service datatodrivers, helping them optimizetheir on-duty and driving hoursandreducing the risk ofviolations. The solution works with class1-8vehicles and offersmany industry and state-specific HOSrulesets,accommodatingexempt, non-regulated, hyrail and teamdrivers. TheEncompass® ELDapp is compliant with ELD (Part 395Subpart B andPart 395Appendix) rules. The electronic logging deviceis on theFMCSA ELDregistry. The Encompass® ELD app is part of theJ. J.Keller®Encompass® Fleet Management System, which uses the J.J.Keller®electronic logging device and the Encompass® backofficeportal.HOW DOES IT WORK: Hours-of-service and telematics dataiscapturedfrom the engine via a hardline adapter from theengine’sdiagnosticport into the ELD hardware. The hardwarecontinuouslyrecords andstores engine data. Data is transmitted viaBluetoothfrom thehardware to the Encompass® ELD application ondrivers’Android™devices. Hours-of-service data and alerts arepresented tothedrivers in real time using compliance rulesetsdetermined bythecompany. Data from the Android™ device istransmitted viacellularconnection to the Encompass® online backofficeforhours-of-service auditing, reporting andrecordkeeping.APPFEATURES: MANDATE-COMPLIANT ELD – Solution iscompliant withthefinal FMCSA mandate. Regulatory and technologyupdatesaredelivered over-the-air and require no hardware swapouts.HOSCOMPLIANCE ALERTS - App continuously checks drivers’hoursagainstthe current DOT hours-of-service rules and companyrulesets,andalerts drivers of impending violations. HOS RULE SETS–Appsupports state and industry rulesets, including US 60/70,USandTexas Oil Field, Canadian Cycle 1 & 2, USConstruction,100& 150 Air-Mile Exempt, and more. ROADSIDEINSPECTION MODE–Supports ELD regulatory requirements forroadsideinspectionprotocol, including mobile display and TelematicsDataTransfermethod. ELECTRONIC VEHICLE INSPECTIONS (EDVIRs)–Driver-friendlyinterface supports pre- and post-tripvehicleinspection process,customized criteria, and photo captureofdefects. MOBILE MESSAGES– Allows for the quick andefficientexchange of criticalinformation between the back officeanddrivers. ADDITIONALFUNCTIONALITY - Supports team driving,hyrail,personal conveyance,exempt logging, border crossing, andmore.FLEXIBILITY – App can beused with the J. J. Keller®ComplianceTablet™ or the driver’s ownsmart device. DOT DRIVER ANDVEHICLECOMPLIANCE RECORDKEEPING –Includes Encompass back-office DOTdriverand vehicle compliancerecordkeeping features fordriverqualification, alcohol and drugprogram management, hiring,andmore. DEDICATED DRIVER SUPPORT –Drivers receive 24/7technicalsupport and Roadside Inspectionassistance. A dedicatedsupport teamensures quick resolution ontechnical issues. DEDICATEDCOMPANYSUPPORT – Users receivecomplimentary amenities, includingDataQsChallenge Service; DOTExpert Help from our subject-matterexperts;regulatory webcasts;an online support site with trainingvideos,FAQs, user guides; andan online training library (Spring2020).OPTIONAL ADD-ON SOLUTIONS– Options include Dash CamPro,performance management, andnavigation. COMPLIANCE EXPERTISE -Thispatented technology wasdeveloped by the industry’s leaderinregulatory compliance anddriver logging since 1953 and iscoveredby U.S. patents andpatents pending. Formore informationabout J. J. Keller®
Deputy: Employee Scheduling
Deputy Work Schedule Maker: Shift Planning & EmployeeSchedulingmade easy!
QSROnline Managing 1.5.8
Manage employees from your phone with QSROnline’s Managing App!
MoeGo (legacy version) 3.0.0
Moement, Inc.
Every groomer deserves a scheduling assistant, and MoeGoisjustcreated for that. It is a cloud-based software availableacrossallmajor computer platforms (iOS, Android, DesktopApp)."Finally,there is an app ONLY made for petgroomers!!!"//Messagereminders// No more spending much time oncalling, textingafter atiring day. We do reminders for you, fullyautomatic,fullycustomizable. At least 2 hours saved per day. Andlessno-shows.//Digital Agreement// Impress your clients withhoweffectively youcan run your business. Get your clientsignagreement digitally,through message, email, or sign on thephonedirectly. All filesare saved on client profile. //OnlineBooking//Make yourappointment scheduling 24/7 available for yourclients.Moreflexibility, more appointments, more revenue.//ReviewBooster//You did great service, so you deserve 5-starreviews. Wehelp youmake that happen. (Other software costs$49/month only forthisfeature, MoeGo premium included this featurefor free)//RebookReminder// Who doesn't want recurring clients? Wehelp youtorebook clients with their service frequency. ( From MoeGouser-"60% of my recurring clients come from RebookReminder”)//2-waymessage integrated// We know message is extremelyimportanttoconnect with your clients, so we build it in the appforyou.//Smart notifications// We will remind you when youhaveinactiveclients, unconfirmed appointments etc. //Special note//Nomoremaking mistakes, special notices pops up when you arriveatyourclient. //Recurring appointments// Easy set repeat foryourloyalcustomers. //Multi accounts/locations supported // If youareamulti vans/locations owner, it’s the best feature foryou.Youremployee will also have the account with limit access justforwhatneeded.-----------------------------------------------Speciallyfor MOBILEGROOMERS-----------------------------------------------//Visualizeyourappointments// No more jump around your calendar,maps, copy,pasteaddress…Now you can make it just in one place!//SmartSchedulingalgorithm// Sit back, our system find you thebest routebased onyour existing appointments and traffic data.Less drivingtime,groom more pets. //Nearby clients// See all yourclients on themap.Re-engage your inactive clients, fill more openappointments,more$$$ //Arrival window// We know mobile is hard tocommit onspecifictime, so we specially enabled "arrival window"so you canset up inthe auto message reminder
Free Employee Scheduler & Time Tracker by Homebase 3.74
Free Employee Schedule & Time Clock App 🏆 TheBestEmployeeScheduling Software of 2020 by 🥇 "Thistoolmakesmanaging shift work easy." - The Blueprint 🗣"Bestemployeecommunication tool ever!” - Theresa at BlissCreameryHomebasemakes managing hourly work easier for over100,000localbusinesses. With free employee scheduling, timetracking,teamcommunication, and hiring, managers and employees canspendlesstime on paperwork and more time on growing theirbusiness.HOMEBASEHELPS WITH: 📅 Building and sharing your schedule:With theHomebaseemployee scheduling app, employees can see when towork andtracktheir scheduled shifts. Teams can view their mostup-to-dateshiftschedule anywhere, submit their availability, seewho’s freetocover shifts, and request trades - all in this freeschedulingapp.⏰ Time tracking and time keeping: Employee timetracking hasneverbeen so easy! Using the time clock app, employeescan clock inandout for shifts right from their phone or oncomputers or tabletsinyour office. Managers can easily trackbreaks, overtime,andtimesheets for payroll all in the Homebase timetracker. 👏Managingemployee performance: Employees get helpfulreminders ofupcomingshifts in our employee app, and managers getnotified ifemployeesare late, miss clock-outs, or reach overtime.Homebase isthe worktime tracker built for busy teams that letsemployees checktheirschedule anywhere. 🗣 Improving teamcommunication: Ourbuilt-inmessaging keeps your team in sync withoutexchanging phonenumbers.With the Homebase staff planner andscheduling app, teamscan makesure they are available for theirshifts and cancommunicate in theteams app if they need to swapshifts. 📈 Trackingbusinessperformance: Get a real-time view of yourlabor costsandsales—from anywhere. Tying our teammanagement,employeescheduling, and time tracking to your payrollallows you tosee howscheduled shifts and labor costs are impactingyour bottomline. ⚖️Labor law compliance: Get help to stay compliantwith laborandscheduling laws and protect your business from finesandlawsuits.EMPLOYEES CAN: • Clock in and out on theirsmartphonesusing themobile time clock app • View their up-to-dateworkscheduleanywhere • View the hours they’ve worked andestimatedearnings •Request and accept shift trades & covers •Submittheiravailability and time-off requests • Create group chatsandchatwith teammates in real time • Receive shift reminderssothey’re ontime for shifts • Sign in with mobile phone numberoremail addressMANAGERS CAN: • Build team work schedules inourschedule maker app• View team availability and time-offrequestswhile building theshift schedule • View clock-in statusofemployees, and add or editemployee timecards • Checksales,scheduled labor costs, actuallabor costs, and labor as a % ofsalesright in the team managementapp • See who's available to becalledin to work and easilycontact them • Message employees in realtimein one-on-one orgroup chats • Get alerts when employees arelate orreach overtime• Use Homebase on the web to set upadvancedpolicies, controls,and permissions Homebase integrates withpopularpayroll providersto make running payroll a breeze.Employeetimesheets areautomatically formatted for easy import.Gusto IntuitQuickbooksOnline Payroll Square Payroll Heartland ADPSurePayrollAnd moreHomebase also integrates with leadingpoint-of-salesystems, soyour employees can clock in and out forshifts rightfrom your POS.Clover Square Toast Revel LightspeedUpserve And moreHomebaseprovides US-based phone, email, and chatsupport free toallbusinesses, and our mobile app is free formanagers andemployees.To learn more, visit
MediRoutes 1.0.15785.3
A driver-centric app for schedules, messages, timekeeping&vehicle inspections.
ZoomShift Employee Scheduling
Online employee scheduling software, made simple.
LINC - Chili’s® Grill & Bar 10.7.3
Schoox, Inc.
Chili’s LINC is an app that gives Chili’s Team Members accesstoonline training
Shiftboard People Scheduling 3.0.2
Shiftboard gives 24/7 access to your peopleandschedules; A cloud-based, staffing and workforce managementapp.It's a high-powered communications, and online schedulingtoolkitfor small and large organizations; agencies, contracting,seasonal,or complex coverage staffing organizations. Shiftboard ispopularwith call centers, events and hospitality, securityservices,healthcare staffing, driver logistics, and largeentertainmentproduction.The full-featured service does just about anything you'd want todo-- quickly -- when working with 10 or 10,000 part-time,full-time,seasonal, contract, per diem, or even volunteer staff. Itcan trackand manage all sorts of information beyond time andattendance ---including clients, locations, departments, skills,interests andcertifications/licenses, and rigorous time andpayinformation.NOTE: You'll need at least a basic-level Shiftboard account tousethis 100% Free mobile companion app which works on the mostpopularphones and tablet devices.Generally, Shiftboard excels at very large staff managementandon-boarding operations when you need to track lotsofinformation.Beyond simple, custom sign-ups, schedules, time, attendance,andavailability Shiftboard can track qualifications,credentials,pictures, documents, skills, and interests for all ofyour peopleincluding contractors, part-time staff, seasonal,interns, and evenvolunteers across multiple locations and aroundthe world. It canalso do helpful call and contact center demandplanning andfully-automated scheduling, managing seniority, paidtime-off, andcomplex labor rules, pay rates, and pay codes.As a complete workforce management system and yourpersonneldatabase, it combines team schedules, automatednotifications, andlabor management reporting with deepercommunications and messagingtools. So, while your people canoptionally be allowed to pick up,trade, or even cancel theirpositions, you can also stay connectedto them on an as-neededbasis.If you track time and accounts payable, Shiftboard makesrunningpayroll and billing a lot easier regardless of whether youdopayroll in-house or use partners such as PayChex, ADP,QuickBooks,Insperity, or others.For technical people, web masters or the CIO and ITdepartment,Shiftboard not only provides just about all dataimportable andexportable in common formats such as Microsof Excel,CSV, or textfiles, Shiftboard also provides a robust, real-timeJSON API sothat you can integrate Shiftboard data and transactionsdirectlywithin your HRIS, Accounting, Sales, Member, andAccountsmanagement processes.Shiftboard is used within many of the largest,best-knownorganizations around the world.
OnShift Mobile
OnShift Inc
OnShift Customers: Get OnShift’sfunctionalityat your fingertips with this easy-to-use mobile appfor Androidphones.New for Schedulers: Quickly fill call-offs on-the-go!* Remove and document called-off employees* Send open shift messages to available and qualified staff* Contact staff members directly using the app’sEmployeeDirectoryEmployees: Access and manage your schedule anytime.* Manage work schedules 24/7* Receive open shift messages & notifications* Request shifts, fill-ins & time off* Set availability & communication preferencesNOTE: The OnShift mobile app is available to all OnShiftcustomers.Please contact [email protected] with anyquestions.
Breezeway: Property Care & Maintenance Operations
Breezeway is a mobile solution for intelligent propertycareandmaintenance. Combining custom checklists,automatedworkflows,data-driven property inventory with simpletaskmanagement thatstaff will use, Breezeway helps managerscoordinateinspections,cleaning and maintenance tasks and improvethe qualityof theirback office operations. Enjoy seamless rentalturnovers andshowcare for the properties you manage. WithBreezeway, youcan:Schedule tasks based on property turnover orfrequencyCompleteproperty inspections and include condition, photosandcommentsBuild the property inventory and maintenancerecordsAddmaintenance work, with itemized costs and photosCommunicatewithyour team on specific tasks Breezeway is integratedwithleadingproperty management software including HomeAway,Streamline,RNS,VRM, Barefoot and BookingSync. The Breezeway app isavailabletousers with a PRO account for free.
Schoox 10.8.1
Schoox, Inc.
Learn whenever and wherever work happens with Schooxworkplacelearning
Landrys Select Club 5.5.8
Landry's Inc
Landry’s, Inc. app to manage your Landry’s Select Club accountandmore.
Rigbot 11.0.55
Rigbot, Inc
Trucker friendly E-Log
7shifts: Employee Scheduling 2023.13.1
7shifts, Inc.
Manage work schedules and communicate with employees from anywhere.
AppFolio Property Manager 3.5.0
Manage your property management business from anywhereDesignedforexisting AppFolio Property Manager customers, this appgivesyouquick and easy access to your database from your Androidphoneortablet. All features of AppFolio Property Manager areavailableatyour fingertips 24/7 for improved productivity.KeyFeaturesInclude: • Login anytime, anywhere to get full accesstoyourAppFolio database • Perform property inspections inrealtime,including uploading photos • Create, edit, and viewworkorderswhile working in the field • Take photos and upload totheAppFolioapplication for marketing or documentationpurposes• Captureimportant notes about properties or tenants whilein thefield• Manage all aspects of leasing, from guest cards,toleasesigning, right from your device For yoursecurity,AppFolioProperty Manager has minimum requirements ofAndroid 6.0orgreater.
When I Work Scheduling
When I Work is the easiest way toschedule,manage attendance, and communicate with your staff fromyourAndroid device and PC. Notify your staff instantly about theirworkschedule via text, email, and web notifications.Free forever, no credit card required!KEY FEATURES FOR BUSINESSES✔ Send email and mobile alerts about the work schedule✔ Fill open shifts in seconds with email and mobile alerts toyourstaff✔ Create, update, cancel, and publish shifts✔ Monitor shift trades and time-off requests✔ View employee time sheets✔ View the entire business's schedule from your phone✔ Google Maps integration to direct staff to their work sitesKEY FEATURES FOR STAFF✔ View the work schedule anytime from anywhere✔ Clock in and out for shifts✔ View and accept available open shifts✔ Request shift trades or pick up shifts from othercolleagues✔ Get directions to work sites✔ View colleagues’ contact information✔ Request time off
mHelpDesk 2.41.0
The Fastest, Easiest, Most Powerful Field ServiceManagementSoftware
NTTA Tollmate® 6.0.32
Tollmate® makes traveling North Texas easier.
FastField Forms 3.3.1
Deploy forms and collect cleaner, richer data from yoursmartphonesand tablets!
SHIFTR Employee Scheduling and
SpecSoft, Inc
Create the team work schedule for employee, volunteer &eventstaff in minutes!
InTime Scheduling 23.0.364
InTime Scheduling App: Check your schedule, request leave orsignupon the go
WorkPlan by Verizon Connect 4.37.18
WorkPlan brings work orders, job lists and form delivery intothefield
TruckX - Electronic Logbook 2.0.99
TruckX Inc
Electronic logbook with HOS for Free! Elogs works in offline&poor connection
Diligent Boards
Securely access board meeting materials and communicate withyourboard.
Reveal Manager
Access all the great functionality of your VerizonConnect,formerlyFleetmatics, Reveal fleet tracking account wheneveryouneed it,wherever you need it. Because the pressure to keep upwithyourbusiness doesn’t stop when you are away from yourofficecomputer,the Reveal Manager mobile app allows you to accesskeyinformationabout your fleet. This anytime access to real-timedatagives youfull functionality and allows you to stay in touchwitheachvehicle’s performance, compare it with yourbenchmarks,receivealerts, investigate incidents in the field, and,ifnecessary, sendthe nearest technician to an urgent job. Nowyoucan run your teamas smoothly from your smartphone as you dofromthe office, whetheryou’re in the field, in meetings, or attheairport. • Androidnative app gives you full functionality,notjust mobile webbrowsing. • Quickly locate any driver inyourmobile workforce orfind the nearest technician to an urgent job•Stay in touch withperformance against your benchmarkswithDashboard metrics andScorecards • Receive real-timeactivityalerts and notifications onyour phone • Drill down intoRouteReplay to investigate incidentsin the field • Create anewGeofence from anywhere Please Note: Youmust be a VerizonConnect,formerly Fleetmatics, REVEAL customer touse this app. NotaVerizon Connect customer yet? Contact us to findout more.US:866-844-2235, England: 0800-975-4566,Scotland:0141-354-1770,Ireland: 01-499-6200
Integrated Video
Integrated Video, the power of HD video and AI on theRevealPlatform.
Waggle Pet App-RVing with Ease 7.0.54
Monitor the pet's environment temperature when traveling or athomeas Real Time
Deputy Time Clock
Deputy Time Clock (for tablets) is a simpleworkplacemanagementsolution for capturing time & attendance onsite. Awork timeclock on your tablet that employees love! ⏰ AllDeputyusers canuse this free app to track their employee hours withtheiron-sitetablet. Deputy Time Clock tablet Features: ✅ Start&Stopshifts using voice command - Employees can quickly startandendtheir shifts on the tablet, clocking in has never beeneasier!✅Verify Attendance using facial recognition -Eliminatebuddypunching. ✅ Meal and Rest Break Planning -Removethemicro-management of meal and rest breaks on site, asemployeescanclock in to their breaks & know exactly when toreturn,withoptional break enforcement for easy compliance. What'snew? 🆕ShiftDetails & Timer - Know everything about your shift&keeptrack of it. Any feedback? Need help?🤔Visit
Genbook Manager 2.52.1
Genbook Inc.
Genbook Manager enables you to manage your business fromyourAndroidphone. You’ll have the power of Genbook in the palm ofyourhand: •View and manage your appointment calendar •Searchappointments andfilter by staff or date • Book, update, andcancelappointments •View customer contact details and notes •Request,monitor, publish,and share customer reviews • Enable yourstaff tologin with accessprivileges set by you • And much more!This appis for Genbooksubscribers only. Users are required toprovidetheir Genbookusername and password in order to log intothis app.Not a Genbookuser? Learn more at
Transact eAccounts 2023.3.1 (2023091802)
Access your dorm, manage accounts, & pay on campus — nocardneeded!
GreenEmployee 3.1.7
GreenEmployee's mobile app allows employees to quickly andeasilyseekey information for their account.Employeescanview consolidated pay statements, clock in and out fortheirshift,upload receipts for expense reports, and create timeoffrequests.Access and availability of each of these featuresisdetermined basedon each company's settings. If you do nothaveaccess to somethingyou think you should, please contact yourHRadministrator directly.
Type S LED 2.16.0
The Type S LED App allows you to controlandcustomize your Type S Smart Lighting products for automotiveandhome personalization. Select from 49 colors and uniquelightingmodes including strobe, music, fade and more. Create andsave up to10 presets for special occasions, set brightness andlight effectspeed to your preference. Type S LED requires Bluetooth4.0 andup.EASY INSTALLATION!• Power by using 12V plug or Hardwire• Flexible/bendable light strip with 3M™ self-adhesive tape• Light strips are water resistant• LED strips can be cut to fitHere are the Type S Smart Plug & Glow™ LightingproductsavailableSmart Plug & Glow™ Lighting Series:• 48" Smart Lighting Deluxe Kit• 24” Smart LED Starter Kit• 4PC Smart Micro Light Kit• 72” Smart Trim Lighting Kit (Available Late October 2016atAutoZone)• 7” Smart Panel Light Kit (Available Late October 2016atAutoZone)• Smart LED Dome Light KitSmart Off-Road Lighting Series• 8" Smart Light Bar Kit (Available Late October 2016)• 4" Smart Work Light Kit (Available Late October 2016)• 3" Smart Running Light Kit (Available Late October 2016)• 6" Smart Running Light Kit (Available Late October 2016)Smart Exterior Kit• 72" Smart Exterior Lighting Kit (Available LateOctober2016)
FireSync Shift Calendar 4.6.5
Paycor Scheduling 2.0.20
Say goodbye to scheduling headaches! Use PaycorScheduling’smobileapp to create, manage and view work schedules onthe go. HowPaycorScheduling helps your business* *Ensure all staffmembers arekeptup to date with their schedule via email, SMSandpushnotification.
* Create, edit and publish shifts.
*Schedulestaffacross multiple locations and worksites * Fill openshiftsandmanage shift trades. 
* Manage team communications easilyinoneplace: broadcast announcements and send messagestomultipleemployees in real time.

How Paycor Scheduling helpsyourstaff
*View work schedules from anywhere
* Let your managerknowyouravailability
* View and accept available open shifts
*Findsomeoneto cover for you, request shift trades or pick upshiftsfrom othercolleagues About Paycor Scheduling
 PaycorScheduling isavailablein multiple languages and is used in 50+countries. Ourapp isupdated regularly to make sure we’re alwaysproviding thebest andmost flexible features to the businesses wework with.Learn moreat Ximble 
SignUpGenius 2.6.2
Group organizing made easy. Changing the world, one sign up atatime.
Crumbl Employee 1.4
Crumbl, LLC
** crumbl employees only ** If you're looking for the crumblapp,forwarm fresh cookies,lookhere:
Field Service Dispatch by Verizon Connect
Field Service Dispatch for Reveal makes it easy fordispatcherstoefficiently schedule and communicate about jobswithtechniciansand customers. With the Field Service DispatchMobileApp,technicians can easily share job progress and importantjobdetailswith the office, helping to simplify communicationandincreaseproductivity in the field. Technicians can alsocaptureproof ofservice details like job notes, photos andsignatures. Whyuse it:Improve team communication Easily view jobsfor the day andreceivenotifications when your schedule changes. Noneed tocontinuallycall the office. Reduce paperwork Quicklycaptureimportant jobnotes, photos and signatures in the app tohelpeliminatecumbersome paperwork. Save time Access everything youneedto comeprepared for the job—including customerinformation,location anddirections. Easy onboarding Get up andrunning withtheapp—designed based on customer feedback. Noexperience ortrainingrequired. What’s included: Job schedule anddetails Viewjobs thatneed to be completed for the day and anyupcoming work.Job statusKeep dispatchers updated on job status asyou progressthrough yourday, including travel time and time onsite. NotesRecord detailednotes describing the work that wascompleted toinform future work.Photos Capture photo evidence ofwork completedand provide proofof service. Signatures Collectsignatures beforeand after the jobto confirm that customers aresatisfied with thework.Notifications Receive alerts when there’s aschedule change.Workoffline Continue using the app when there's nosignal.Informationwill sync when you're back online. Not a FieldServiceDispatchcustomer? Contact the Verizon Connect team at866.844.2235torequest a live demo.