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Love Days Counter – Love Test 2.0
♥ Looking for a simple and fun love calculator app tochecklove compatibility between you and your partner? You'd alsolike toknow exactly how long you've been together? With the help ofabrand new app, ♥ Love Days Counter – Love Test ♥ you will beableto check at any time the number of days you've spent being inyourrelationship. Let this fantastic “love calculator” remind youofanniversaries and precious moments of your romanticrelationship.Download now and spice up your love life!♥ The best relationship days counter and love compatibility testina single free app for love couples!♥ Put your love compatibility to the ultimate test in thissimplyawesome and easy to use love calculator app!♥ Count the “love days” that you've spent with yourlovingone!♥ Measure the percentage of your “love compatibility” in a matterofseconds!♥ Calculate the exact number of days you've been together withyourboyfriend or girlfriend!♥ Get one of the most exciting love games for couples and havefunwith your loving one, your friends, relatives or familymemberswhenever you wish!♥ Spice up your social life and start the fun with ♥ LoveDaysCounter – Love Test ♥ - one of the best free “relationshipgames”for couples!♥ Does he like me? Are we a true match? How many days have webeentogether? If you're searching for a real love test that checkslovecompatibility and shows if a love couple is a perfect match,thenyou've found the best relationship calculator. In addition,thisfantastic “love detector” will count the number of daysyou'vespent with your loving one so you can always keep track ofyourlove D day and all kinds of anniversaries: first kiss,engagement,wedding, etc. Just enter your names, birth dates and thestartingpoint of your love romance and watch your results appear onthescreen. Your love story will get a totally new dimension onceyoustart using the incredible been together app – one of the mostfungames for couples in love.♥ This real love test calculator lets you check how long youhavebeen with your lover at a glance. By using a simple and easylove dday widget such as this one, you will have hours of fun withyourboyfriend or girlfriend and, more importantly, you will alwaysknowthe amount of time you've “been together”. Along withotherrelationship apps, kissing games and love meter apps, thistotallyfree app for AndroidTM will bring you incredible fun momentsandlots of good mood any time. The calculator app will keepcountingyour lovedays for as long as you remain together.♥ Love Days Counter – Love Test ♥ will tell you if you are aperfectlove match or if it is better for you to stick tofriendship.Everyone knows it's pretty hard to find your “perfectmatch”nowadays. Even if you think you've found the right one, usethiscool love compatibility test to measure the percentage of loveandromance flourishing between you and your beloved one. Count thedaystogether and calculate your compatibility to get thebestresults.♥ “Love Days Counter” – Love Test ♥ would be your mostexcitingrelationship counter game among many other love games free.Use itas a love tester to perform a popular 'does he love me' quizonyour crush and see what you get. After all, it’s all about thegoodfun in this kind of apps for couples as well as in other lovegamesfor girls and boys. This fun love calculator is suitable bothforadults and teenage high school kids as it will bring lots offunand good mood to everybody. Bear in mind that the love scannerisfor entertainment purposes only, so don’t worry if you don’tgetthe most pleasant results.AndroidTM is a trademark of Google Inc.
Психология 2.0.6
Interesting articles about self-knowledge, relationships,positivethinking
Причины недугов 1.01
Метафизические причины болезней инедуговтела.Справочник составлен по книге Лиз Бурбо "Твоё тело говорит:любисебя!".. маленькое и простое приложение. без рекламы. ничего не требует. устанавливается на карту памяти(- в некоторых версиях Android пока не работают ссылки)Выражения "психосоматика" или "метафизика болезней"зачастуювызывают лёгкую саркастическую улыбку на наших лицах, когдамыздоровы и прекрасно себя чувствуем.Но бывает и так, что одна и та же болезнь донимает в течениедолгоговремени настолько надоедливо, что уже не знаешь, как лечити во чтоверить. И в такие моменты, когда традиционные методыразводятруками, уже начинаешь "на всякий случай" просматривать"что угодно"и потихоньку пробовать всё что попадается подруку.Мерилом становится не "это же смешно", а "какая разница, чтоэто,если оно работает"?Как вариант, для таких случаев создана подобная книгаипрограмма-справочник.Принцип статей в том, чтобы не перекладывать ответственностьивину за плохое самочувствие на окружающий мир, среду, родныхиблизких, а искать и видеть причины происходящего в себе.Использование болезней не как занудных расстройств, мешающих жить,акак подсказку для развития внутреннего психического мира.В любом случае, от прочтения и простого принятия к сведению,чтосуществует так же и такая точка зрения, ещё никто не умер.С наилучшими пожеланиями, Будьте Здоровы.Metaphysical causesofdiseases and ailments of the body.Reference is made to the book Liz Bourbeau "Your body saysloveyourself".. small and simple application. without advertising. demands nothing. installed on the memory card(- In some versions of Android are not working links)Expression "psychosomatic" or "metaphysics diseases" often causeaslight sarcastic smile on our faces when we are healthy andfinefeel.But it also happens that one and the same disease bugged for alongtime so bothersome that you no longer know how to treat andwhat tobelieve. And at such moments, when traditional methodsshrug,already beginning to "just in case" view "anything" andslowly tryeverything that comes their way.Measure becomes "this is ridiculous" and "what difference does itifit works?"Alternatively, in such cases created such a book and areferenceapplication.Principle of articles is not to shift responsibility andblamefor the poor health of the surrounding world, theenvironment,family and friends, and look up and see the causes ofwhat ishappening in itself.Using the disease is not as boring disorders interfering live,andas a hint for the development of the internal mental world.In any case, from a simple reading and noting that there isalsoa point of view and no one has yet died.Regards, Be Healthy.