Top 4 Apps Similar to Amazing BMW ads during Nazis f

BMW Museum 1.3.2
The BMW Museum app – Your personal museum guide.
Im Internet und in Sozialen Netzwerken gibtesviele nette Menschen – und leider auch nicht wenige,dierechtsextreme, rassistische, antisemitische, antiziganistischeundweitere menschenfeindliche Inhalte verbreiten. Umso wichtigeristes, entsprechende Inhalte im Netz zu erkennen und zu wissen,wasman dagegen tun kann.Bei kommen Menschen zusammen, die sich fürDemokratieund Menschenrechte und entsprechend gegen rechtsextremesGedankenguteinsetzen wollen.Mit der erfährst du, welche StrategienNeonazisim Netz anwenden, lernst rechtsextreme Codes undErkennungszeichenkennen und kannst dich über typische Nazi-Themeninformieren.Unsere App bietet umfangreiche Dossiers zu Themen wie„Rassismus“,„Rechtspopulismus“, „Homophobie“ oder„Neonazi-Vorlieben“. Dazubieten wir Dir eine Übersicht allerwichtigen Anlaufstellen, die imKampf gegen Rechtsextremismus Hilfeleisten können. Außerdemfindest du in der App alle Inhalte, die wirim Projekt – Für Soziale Netzwerke ohne Nazis.The Internet andsocialnetworks, there are many nice people - and, unfortunately,not afew, spread the right-wing extremist, racist,anti-Semitic,antiziganist and more misanthropic content. Toidentify appropriatecontent in the network and to know what to doabout it is all themore important.In people come together who want to stand upfordemocracy and human rights and according to right-wingextremistideology.With the app you will learn to apply thestrategiesneo-Nazis in the network, get to know quite extreme codesandidentification, and can inform you about typical Nazi themes.Ourapp offers extensive dossiers on topics such as"racism","right-wing populism," "homophobia" or "neo-preference".We offeryou an overview of all the important points of contact thatcanprovide assistance in the fight against right-wing extremism.Youalso find in the app all the content that we produce in - For Social networks without Nazis.
BMW Museum 1.3.2
The BMW Museum app – Your personal museum guide.
Amazing BMW ads during Nazis 1.4
During the National-Socialist(orNazi)government, BMW transformed from a newcomer intheautomotiveindustry, into one of the best luxury automakers intheworld. Fewyears before Nazi rule, BMW used to produce onlyaircraftenginesand motorcycles, and had just entered theautomotiveindustry. Assoon as Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellorin 1933,he sharedhis vision of “Motorisierung”, the result being amassiveincreasein demand for new cars in Nazi Germany.Clearly BMW were in the right industry during theNazis,andproduced some of their most iconic cars, such as:- the first serie-3 cars (the first BMW cars displayingthe"kidneyshape" front grill),- the first BMW four door sedan,- Z4 roadster’s grandparents, such as BMW 315/1, BMW 319/1andBMW328 roadster (considered the best sports car of the1930swithnumerous trophies and later nominated for the CaroftheCentury).In addition, BMW motorcycles won numerous trophiesandrepeatedlybroke the speed record, thus confirmed as thefastestobject on twowheels on Earth.Visit our amazing collection of BMW ads from Naziperiod,whichincludes adverts featuring many of the above models.Some oftheads read:- “The car sends an un-imagined feeling of silenceandsecurity,which gives you twice the joy of driving”.- “The circle of passionate BMW enthusiasts gets alwaysbigger,somany conquered by the BMW cars, which proved theirqualities inthetoughest races and reliability exams”.- “BMW has always been regarded as a model ofeconomicthinkingthrough a successful design”.The ads collection is unique, as it provides theoriginalNazinewspapers they appeared in, thus providing a directinsight onthehistorical context at the time from a Naziperspective.During the Nazi rule (the Third Reich), BMW alsogavehorsepowerto German Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht, by deliveringaircraftengines,rocket engines, cars, motorcycles and employedforcedlabour duringthe war. Nevertheless BMW (read by some as“BestMotors in theWorld”) consistent high quality cars and bikeshave anenthusiastin almost every person on the planet to thisday.Please note that some of the ads include logos or symbolsofBMW.We do not represent BMW and only present the contentofthenewspapers as they appeared in public media over75yearsago.Also, some of these vintage newspapers and magazinesmaydisplaypolitical symbols (such as Nazi symbols, communistsymbolsetc), ormay express political or social views, the pricesareexpressed inReich Marks etc. We have no position with regardstothe content ofthe newspapers and magazines, and onlyoccasionallytranslate thetext to give the flavour of the historicalcontext orto show themessage of the advertisements.Amazing BMW ads during Nazis is an educational app,forthepurpose of presenting historical data, and does notcarryanymarketing or political message. All copyrightinformationisavailable on request.