Top 21 Games Similar to ランガン キャノンボール(ランキャン)

Secret of Mana 3.4.1
Secret of Mana—the landmark action RPG first released for SNESin1993!
Matchmaker: Choose Your Story 1.1.9
Fusebox Games
The match 3 game that puts YOU in the heart of your owninteractivestories!
Iron Knights 1.7.3
Discover the Most Immersive, AccomplishedHACK‘N’ SLASH Action RPG Experience in MobilePlay Iron Knights, the Stylish Action RPG!1. HACK ‘N’ SLASH Action- Brilliant 3D Graphics featured with SpectacularLightingSkills!!- SLASH hundreds of enemies and massive bosses2. unique Strategic Party System- Hack your way through an EPIC STORYLINE- Play with up to 4 Units and summon your friends’ Hero to aidyouin danger.- Collect various type of Heroes to build the Best Party fromover300 Units.- Make friends and get help on your adventure to savetheworld.3. Upgrade and Gain Power- Explore over 500 items of weapons, armor and wings.- Make your character look stronger through Item Upgrade.4. Unleash Devastating Amounts of Damage withSkillCombinations- Combine Up to 3 skills in a row for maximum damages.- Choose your skill combination from 9 different skills!5. Strategically Action-play through Strength & Weakness oftheElements!- 4 types of Element : Fire > Poison > Lighting > Ice>Fire- Build an effective team by the elements type of Weapons&Units.6. Break your Limit! Ultimate Amelioration- Challenge to your limit through Amelioration beyond TrainingandUpgrade.- Unseal Halidom and gain its infinite power.7. Guild System : Show Other Knights the Power of Your Guild!- Join various Guild contents ranging from Raid to Guild BattleandDomain War.- Get Advanced Equipment from Elite Chest as a reward.- Make Guild Buff active to all guild members usingGuildCoins.8. Dominate the Arena! Hero Battle system- Fight against others WORLDWIDE in PVP mode.- Defeat your Rivals every day. (5 Rivals Daily)9. Fortress of Chaos : Challenge Limitation of Your Hero&Units!- Dungeon up to 125 rounds- Battle with Boss Monsters every 3 rounds.- Test your skills in Ranking Challenge.10. Several Types of Modes to Challenge your Hero and Units!- Chase down the monsters in Monster Battle.- Fight along with your friends to hunt down Deadly Bosses.Iron Knights is free to play game for the fans of Hack 'nSlash,Action RPGs, Multiplayer Games.If you are one of them, get the game now for free!Iron Knights Facebook: Us: [email protected]
Ire: Blood Memory 2.5.1
Welcome to the brutal dark fantasy world that is Ire - BloodMemory.
Implosion - Never Lose Hope 1.5.6
Bringing AAA console gaming experience to mobile devices.
Smashing The Battle 1.09
Magic Cube
Masterpiece of Action game! Enjoy the classic arcade action onyourdevice!
ぷちっとくろにくる アクションMMORPG 2.3.62
Asobimo, Inc.
easy! Tiny! An action RPG that everyone can enjoy together!
Sudden Assassin (Tap RPG) 1.1.2
How is your Assassin? This is an action Tap RPG different fromanyother!
The Sun Evaluation Shooter RPG 2.4.8
Action-shooter game with RPG elements in the cruel world ofthepost-apocalyptic
ダークブレイドEX 本格剣撃2DバトルアクションRPG 1.0.5
『剣撃・超本格バトル・アクションゲーム!』棒人間史上最高のバトルアクションPRGゲームの続編!その名もダークブレイドEX!究極の本格剣撃バトルゲームの続編がついにリリース!棒人間を操り、無双乱舞する!爽快アクションバトル!スマホのアクションRPGゲーム最高峰のアプリが登場!群がる敵を斬り捨てる爽快アクションゲーム【特徴1:本格アクション】無料アプリとは思えないコンシューマーゲームと見間違う、クオリティ!・多数の敵をなぎ倒す!無双系アクションの爽快さ!・多彩なワザと必殺技!・攻撃連打による爽快コンボや連携ワザの数々!・高低差のあるステージ構成・8bit系バトル・アクションRPGの最高峰!【特徴2:多彩な成長要素】・覚えるワザは30種以上!・使える武器・ヘッドは50種以上!・ステージをクリアしてPointを貯め、棒人間を成長させよう!・Pointを使って、武器、ヘッドを集めよう・Pointを使ってワザを覚えることができるぞ!・武器・ヘッドは改造で更にパワーアップ!・ワザもレベルを上げると、棒人間が更に強くなるぞ!・武器やヘッドにはそれぞれ、効果が違うぞ!【特徴3:さまざまなステージ構成】・クリア条件は様々!・敵をなぎ倒す無双ステージ・シンボルを守るディフェンスミッション・シンボルを制限時間内に破壊するオフェンスミッション・迫り来るボス!・高低差のある、戦略的なステージ構成!【特徴4:対戦システム】・他のプレイヤーの分身と戦える【対戦】!・全世界のユーザーとバトル!・ユーザー同士競うことができるランキングシステム!・世界中のユーザーと覇を競え!【特徴5:称号システム】・様々な条件を満たすことで、得られる称号!・称号を得ると、Pointも大幅アップ・称号を名乗ると、様々な効果が!【特徴6:作りこまれた世界観】・棒人間をダークヒーローへ昇華させた世界観・敵に倒され、リベンジを誓う復讐劇・陰影に作りこまれた高精細な背景・起伏に富んだ地形、位置取りが重要な地形など■■■ こんな方にオススメ ■■■・ジャンプアクションゲームが好き・剣撃アクションゲームが好き・スクロールアクションが好き・ハードな世界観が好き・2段ジャンプなど、2D系ジャンプアクションが好き・最近のスマホゲームが簡単すぎる・やりこみ要素がないアクションゲームに飽きた・サイドビューの2D本格アクションゲームをスマホでやりたい・コンボの数を増やす方法をかんがえたことがある・棒人間を思うように操り、敵を斬り捨てたい!多彩な空中技、爽快なコンボ、カッコいい必殺技を極めたい!【操作方法】操作は簡単!操作は以下の3つのみ・十字キー・ジャンプボタン・攻撃ボタン【ワザについて】ダークブレイドEXでは、様々なワザを使用できます。チュートリアル後、プレイヤーはワザを奪われるためPointを使ってワザを習得する必要があります。ワザの中には、連携で有用なワザもあります。全てのワザを習得してどう繋がるか、攻略につながります。また、習得済みのワザを再度購入すると、パワーアップしたり消費する気力が減り連続攻撃しやすくなります。(ワザにより異なります)【武器について】多くの武器がPointで購入可能です。武器には各々性能が異なります。出血、痺れ、クリティカル(会心の一撃)などプレイヤーが優位になるスキルもあります。また、攻撃力の上限は刃物のほうが高くハンマーなどの鈍器は攻撃力の下限が高く設定されています。【ヘッドについて】様々なヘッドが購入可能です。必要なPointが多いほど、HPが多い傾向があります。他にも体力回復効果や、防御率アップなど様々なスキルがあります。【改造について】購入済みの武器やヘッドは、改造することが出来ます。一定確率で、下級、中級、上級、さらに上位の銘品、伝説の5段階のランクから選ばれます。改造後、どのランクになるかは、完全なランダムです。改造後できた武器やヘッドは、改造前より性能が低いとき、改造失敗となり改造前の状態を継続します。改造すると、失敗しても成功してもPointは消費されてしまいますので、ご注意ください。【序盤攻略】勝てない、敵に囲まれるなどお悩みの方は御覧ください。・2段ジャンプは敵から離れやすい・空中ダッシュはさらに敵から離れやすい・空中で剣を振らず、下矢印で攻撃してみよう・ワザが出ない場合は気力をチェック!・気力はダメージを受けても貯める方が有利!・貯めた気力を使って無双しよう!・敵をまとめて攻撃すると、背後を取られにくくなるぞ。【怒り玉について】・敵を攻撃する、敵からダメージを受けると、怒り玉が貯まります。・怒り玉を使うと、大逆転の必殺技を出すことが出来ます。・怒り玉3個使う必殺技も、相手をつばぜり合いから吹き飛ばす覇気がオススメ。・ワザを覚えないと、必殺技も覇気も使えないぞ!要注意だ!・必殺技は敵とプレイヤーの位置と状態から、様々な無双ワザが繰り出されるぞ!【前作:ダークブレイドとは?】棒人間をモチーフにした2Dバトルアクションの金字塔世界で200万本のダウンロードを達成した無料アプリ爽快なアクションで多くのユーザーを魅了した傑作!他の棒人間アプリより作りこまれたゲームとして、多くの評価を頂きました。【新作:ダークブレイドEX】前作の要素を更にパワーアップ!ステージ、ワザ、装備品を大幅に増量!システムやルールも追加!そして最後に現れるボスの正体とは?剣撃アクションゲームの集大成&最高峰がここに!--------------------※ダウンロード、コンテンツご利用時にパケット通信料がかかります。※利用頻度の多い方は、定額制サービスに加入するか、ご利用額通知サービスのご利用をおすすめします。※本アプリは、ゲーム進行中にサーバーとの通信が必要なので、通信可能な環境でお楽しみください。--------------------ジャンル:本格・剣撃バトルアクションRPG (アクションRPG)サービス形態:基本プレイ無料 アイテム課金式動作環境:Android4.2以上 メモリ1GB以上(2GB以上推奨)--------------------DarkBladeEX ⓒStarGarage, Inc. All Rights Reserved."Ken撃 andultra-authenticbattle action game! "Sequel to Stick best ever Battle action PRG game!Its name is Dark Blade EX!Sequel to the ultimate authentic Ken撃 Battle game isfinallyreleased!Puppet Stick, the Warriors dance wildly! ExhilaratingactionBattle!App appeared in the action RPG game pinnacle ofthesmartphone!Exhilarating action game to throw away the sword a swarm enemy[Feature 1: full-scale action]Mistaken and console game that I do not think freeapp,Quality!- Mow down a large number of the enemy! Refreshing oftheWarriors-based action!· Variety of tricks and the deathblow!· Attacking barrage numerous exhilarating combo andcollaborationskills by!Stage configurations that, height difference· 8bit-based battle action RPG of the highest peak![Feature 2: variety of growth factors]- Learn skills is 30 or more!- Use arms and head 50 or more!Stage to clear the accumulate Point is, trying to growaStick!• Use the Point, Collect weapons, the head- It is possible to learn the tricks with the Point!- Arms and head further power-up in the remodeling!· Skills also raising the level, the stick man becomesevenstronger!Respectively, in the arms and head, the effect is different![Feature 3: various stages of construction]Clear conditions are different!- Muso stage to mow down the enemyDefense mission to protect the symbolOffense mission to destroy the symbol within the time limit· Looming boss!- A difference in height, strategic stage configuration![Feature 4: play against the system]- Fight with the alter ego of the other players [against]!- All the world of users and battle!Ranking system that can compete with other users!- Able to compete users and supremacy around the world![Feature 5: title system]- To satisfy a variety of conditions, obtained title!• When obtaining the title, Point also significantly up• If claiming the title, a variety of effects![Feature 6: crafted the view the world]- Stick was a sublimated to the dark hero world- Brought down by the enemy, revenge drama swear revenge- Built to shade the high-definition background- Rich in undulating terrain, positioning is criticalterrain,etc.■■■ Recommended for ■■■Love jump action game- Like the sword attack action gameLike scrolling actionI like hard view of the world is- Such as two-stage jump, like the 2D system jump action· Recent Sumahogemu is too easy- Crowded element was tired of no action gameOf side view the 2D full-scale action game I want to do inthesmartphoneThere is that thought-how to increase the number of combo· Stick puppet to think, want to throw away the sword oftheenemy!Colorful aerial skills, exhilarating combo, you want extremelycooldeathblow!【Method of operation】All you have to do is! Operation following only three- Cross keyJump button- Attack buttonAbout skill]In Dark Blade EX, you can use a variety of tricks.After the tutorial, because the player is to be deprivedoftricksUse the Point you will need to learn the tricks.Some of the skills are, there is also a useful skill inthecooperation.How do lead to learn all the tricks, it will lead tothecapture.In addition, when you buy the learning already tricks again, ortopower upIt reduces the energy to be consumed makes it easier tocontinuouslyattack. (Depending on skills)About weapon]Many of the weapons can be purchased at the Point.Each have different performance in the weapon.Bleeding, numbness, critical (blow of satisfaction), etc.There is also a skill that players become dominant.In addition, the upper limit of the attack power is high isbetterof cutleryBlunt object such as a hammer, the lower limit of theattackforceHigh has been set.[Head]Various head is available for purchase.As required Point is large, there is a trend HP often.Other and stamina recovery effect also, there are a varietyofskills such as defense rate up.About remodeling]Purchased weapons and head, can be modified.At a certain probability, junior, intermediate, senior, and eventhetop of the inscription goods, it will be selected from theranks ofthe 5 stages of the legend.After remodeling, whether made in any rank, it iscompletelyrandom.Weapons and head made after the reshuffle, when more performanceislow before remodeling, will remain the same as beforethemodification becomes the remodeling failure.When remodeling, because even if it fails to success Point istheywill be consumed, please note.[Early cheats]Win not, please see The person who worries such as surrounded bytheenemy.- Two-stage jump easy away from the enemy- Floating dash more easily away from the enemy- Without shaking the sword in the air, let's attack on thedownarrowCheck the energy if the skill, does not come out!- Energy is advantageous to save even damaged!- Pooled was using the energy trying to Warriors!• When summarizing the enemy to attack, less likely to takeabehind.About anger ball]· Enemy to attack, and enemy damage from, you earn angerball.- With anger ball, you can give the deathblow oflargereversal.· Deathblow to anger use three balls also recommended ambitiontoblow off the party from the close contest.• If not remember the tricks, can not be used even deathblowalsoambition! Watch out!• From Its Special Move is the enemy and the player of thepositionand the state, a variety of matchless skill is paidout![Previous work: the Dark Blade? ]Monumental work of 2D battle action in which the stick mantomotifFree apps that have achieved 200 million units downloaded intheworldMasterpiece that attracted many users in theexhilaratingaction!As other stick man crafted game from app, we received a lotofevaluation.[New: Dark Blade EX]Furthermore power-up the previous work of the elements!Significantly increased stage, tricks, the equipment!Additional systems and rules! And the identity of the bossthatappears in the end?Culmination of sword attack action game and the highest peakishere!--------------------※ download, it takes a packet communication fee at the timeofcontent available.※ one with a lot of frequency of use, you can either subscribetothe flat-rate service, we recommend the use of the availableamountnotification service.※ This app is, because it is necessary to communicate withtheserver during the game progress, please enjoycommunicationpossible environment.--------------------Genre: full-Ken撃 Battle Action RPG (Action RPG)Service form: basic free-to-play free-to-play formulaOperating environment: Android4.2 or more memory 1GB or more (2GBormore recommended)--------------------DarkBladeEX ⓒStarGarage, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Dragon Storm 3.7.01
Dragon Storm is an action-RPGadventure,leaving to find the evil Dark Lord for loose from theseal.One of the monsters in the fast hand-eye coordination, bothremovaland see if that helps grow the character. or try to battlewith theguardian spirits involved. Items acquired from dungeons andcardsare a great help in battle.Goblins are coming destination in town is just the beginning.Thefuture will have a new monster stand in your way. The bestfighteris defeated the Dark Lord.[Features]-the weakest warrior becomes the greatest.-endless dungeon global leaderboard competition with friendsallover the world.-various characters, numerous items to upgrade.-expedition will bring you precious items.-various reward for various dungeon difficulty.-rich in-game cut-scenes and cool and fun epilogue.-unlocks auto-play options when clear stage missions.Homepage: :
バトルウォーズ 1.6
バトルウォーズは現在開発中のリアルタイムアクションRPGです。完全無料でプレイ可能です。【公式サイト】【ジャンル】ファンタジー型リアルタイムアクションRPG【ゲーム概要】最大5vs5で戦闘を行います。どちらかのチームが全滅した時点で終了となります。ミッションをこなして、強いチームを作りましょう。【施設】本部:ギルド本部。チームの編成、キャラクターたちの並び替え店:施設、アイテムの購入ができるクエスト:戦闘に出撃できるギルド:戦闘に出撃できる占い館:キャラクターの能力について占える資料館:操作方法等【戦闘時の操作方法】 ・背景を左右にスライドすると、マップの移動が行えます ・一番下は、自軍のキャラクターが表示されています。 →キャラクター枠内に存在する数字は、スキルゲージです。赤色になるとスキルを発動できます。 ・基本的に、キャラクターは「性格」通りに移動します。移動したいキャラをタップしてドラッグすると任意の場所に移動できます。【キャラクター】  1体のキャラクターは各ステータスを持ちます。Lv:現在のレベル。レベルが上がるとステータスが上昇します。next:次のレベルまでに必要な経験値属性:火 風 土 水 の4種ありダメージに影響する(弱点ダメージに攻撃する際、攻撃力1.5倍で攻撃)水⇒火⇒風⇒土⇒水HP:体力  戦闘中に体力が0になるとキャラクターは操作不能になる。AT:攻撃力 戦闘中の敵に与える攻撃力DF:守備力 大きいほど敵からダメージを軽減するSPEED:戦闘中のスピード 大きいほど移動速度が増す。特殊能力 :キャラクターが持つ特集能力        ※例:獲得金UP、捕虜率UP等    スキル :キャラクターが持つ必殺技スキルの種類は三つ【攻撃スキル:敵にダメージ与える】【補助スキル:能力強化など】【行動スキル:行動を制限するスキル】【性格一覧】0.冷静沈着:プレイヤーが操作するまで動かない1.気性が荒い:近くにいる敵に突っ込む2:臆病者:敵からとりあえず逃げる3:思いやりがある:一番Hpの低い味方を援護しに行く ※比率で考える4:合理主義:最もHPの低い敵を狙いに行く5.暴れん坊:適当に動く6.挑戦者:最もHPの高い敵を狙いにいく7.臨機応変:HPが50%以上の時は敵を攻撃 HPが50%以下は敵から逃げる8.恥ずかしがり:最もHPの多い仲間のところに行く9.集団主義:最も仲間の多いところへ行く10.平和主義:HP50%以上は移動しない、その代り防御1.5倍11.本領発揮:HPが20%以上は移動しない 以下になると攻撃力10倍で 近い敵に突っ込む12.負けず嫌い:近い敵に突っ込む。HPが50%以下で攻撃力1.5倍13.方向音痴 :ぐるぐる回る14.仲間思い  :最もHPの低い仲間に近い敵に攻撃 他にも、レアな性格が存在します。【素材提供】・Rド様・ぴぽや倉庫様・REFMAP様・魔王魂様・臼井の会様以上のサイト様より素材をお借りしました。この場を借りてお礼申し上げます。■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■面白いと思ったら、良い評価をお願いします!■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Battle Wars is areal-timeaction RPG currently in development.It is possible play totally free.[Official Site][Genre]Fantasy real-time action RPG[Game Overview]I will do battle at the maximum 5vs5.It will be completed at the time when either team waswipedout.In doing a mission, let's create a strong team.[Facility]Headquarters: Guild headquarters. Organization of the team,asequence of characters who sortShop: facility, I can buy the itemQuest: I can sortie to combatGuild: I can sortie to combatDivination Museum: For Character Power I UranaeruMuseum: operation methods, etc.Methods of operation during the battle]When you slide the background to the left or right, you can movethemapBottom-is, friendly characters are displayed.→ numbers that exist in the character frame, is a skill gauge.Whenit comes to red, you can activate the skill.- Basically, the character will move to the "personality" street.Ifyou drag Tap the character you want to move, you can move toanylocation.[Character]1 body of character will have each status.Lv: current level. If the level goes up status will necessary experience to the next levelAttributes: I affect the four have damage of fire windsoilwater(When you attack the weakness damage, attack with attack power1.5times)Water ⇒ fire ⇒ wind ⇒ ⇒ soil waterHP: character become inoperable and physical fitness inphysicalfitness battle becomes zero.AT: attack power to be given to the enemy during an attackforcecombatDF: I to reduce the damage from the enemy as defensiveforcelargeSPEED: speed move larger speed in combat increases.Special Abilities: The character has featured ability※ Example: winnings UP, UP prisoner rate, etc.Skills: Special Moves with characterSkill types three [attack Skills: give damage to theenemy][auxiliary skills: such as capacity building] [actionSkills:skills to limit the action][Personality List]0. calm: the player does not move until the operation1. temper is rough: to stick to enemies close to you are2: coward: For now I run away from the enemy3: athletic: best to go to to cover the low ally Hp ※ thinkinratio4: I go to the most aimed at low enemy of HP: rationalism5. rowdy: I ​​move appropriately6. challenger: I go most HP high the enemy to aim7. resourceful: HP to escape from enemy attacks HP is 50% orlessenemy when more than 50%8. shy: I go to most places of HP a lot of fellow9. collectivism: I go to most places companion of many10. pacifism: HP50% or more do not move, instead defense1.5times11. his real exercise: HP is it stick to enemies close inattackpower 10 times to become the following does not move morethan20%12. sore loser: I stick to close enemy. HP attack force 1.5 timesat50% or less13. no sense of direction: I turn round and round14. fellow think: most HP low fellow in the near enemy toattackThe other, rare personality exists.Material provided]· R de-like· Pipoya warehouse-like· REFMAP likeMaou soul like· Usui of meeting likeI have borrowed the material from more sites like.I thank to take this opportunity.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■If you interesting and thought, I'd like a good evaluation!■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
A stylish action RPG starring the LINE crewin3D!The LINE Fighters unite to save a city in turmoil![Story]The city was in jeopardy with the arrival of the villainousvillainMamon until the Fighters came to save the day!The Fighters subdued Mamon and restored peace to the city.But Mamon wasn't down for the count! He joined forces withamysterious evil being and escaped!The Fighters had already disbanded, but Chief Sally, sensingthedanger, called them back to save the city once more.Another breathtaking battle between Mamon and the Fighters isaboutto begin![Game play]1. So easy to play, you only need one hand!2. See the cute LINE crew bust out amazing moves!3. Collect over 100 pieces of unique Gear![Gear Upgrade System]1. Equip your Fighters with weapons, armor and accessories withallsorts of stat effects!2. Enhance and Upgrade Gear to power up your Fighters![Game Mode]1. Take the fight to the streets in Battle Stages!2. Play Special Stages to get materials to power up charactersandGear!3. Seasonal 3-on-3 PVP battles!Slam evil and save the city with the Fighters!*Please note:- This app may not work correctly if your wi-fi orInternetconnection is unstable.- A wi-fi connection is recommended for an optimalgamingexperience.
Pixel Dungeon Hero 1.2.7
Introducing a retro-style hack and slashdungeon-crawlingshoot-'em-up RPG!
SilhouetteGirl2 1.6
SilhoutteGirl is back!
Labyrinth 1.0
Let's find a treasure hidden bysearchingtheunderground labyrinth.A brutal monster loiters around in the very large labyrinth,andadangerous trap is set up.BGMMusic Atelier Amacha
Epic Heroes War: Zombie update
Epic RPG real-time strategy action game. Game of thrones&contest of Champions.
Demong Hunter VIP - Action RPG 1.7.8
Hack & Slash Action fantasy
ぷちっとらびりんす~お手軽ハクスラRPG~ 1.3.0
liica, Inc.
タップ&スワイプだけで爽快アクション!◆◇ゲーム実況者コラボ◇◆あの「もこう」がキャラとして登場!!◆◇史上最も手軽なハクスラRPG◇◆ダークローグラビリンスがハクスラRPGになって帰ってきた!かわいいちびキャラたちがダンジョンの中で大暴れ!簡単操作で無数のモンスターを倒して、宝箱から武器をゲットしよう!----------------------------------◆死のない世界で冒険がはじまる----------------------------------ここはワンダーランド、死が失われ誰もが魔法が使えるようになった世界肉体が朽ち果てても魂はメメントとなって消えることはなく、生者と共に過ごす世界誰もが死の恐怖から逃れ永遠に自由で楽しく生きられる世界……そのはずだった----------------------------------◆かわいいぷちキャラが大暴れ!----------------------------------【50種類を超える】 ぷちキャラが登場!強くなっていくと【進化】 して新しい能力を身につけたり、姿が変わっていくよ!4人のぷちキャラを編成して、パーティを組んだらダンジョンに突入!----------------------------------◆装備を厳選してダンジョンに挑もう!----------------------------------ダンジョンで敵を倒すと宝箱が出現!宝箱からは色んな装備が手に入るよ!その数なんと【300種類以上】 !!さらに装備は手に入るごとに違った【特殊能力】 が付いているよ!50種類を超える特殊能力を厳選して自分だけのパーティを作り上げよう!----------------------------------◆すべてのキャラに個別ストーリーが!----------------------------------ぷちキャラたちが育つと、個別の【キャラクターストーリー】 が解放されるよ!キャラクターストーリーでは、メインストーリーでは語られなかった裏側の出来事や、ぷちキャラたちの過去を知ることができる!さらに、キャラクターストーリーでしか手に入らない【激レアな限定装備】 も……!?Tap andswipejustexhilarating action!◆ ◇ game play-by-play's collaboration ◇ ◆That "even this" appeared !! as character◆ ◇ history most handy Hakusura RPG ◇ ◆Dark Rogue labyrinthCame home Hakusura RPG!Cute Chibi Chara usRampage in the dungeon!A myriad of monsters with easy operationPivot them, trying to get a weapon from the treasure box!----------------------------------◆ adventure in the world without death begins----------------------------------Here is Wonderland, death is lostEveryone now could use magic worldAnd the soul even if the body is decayed become MementoNot disappear, the world to spend with the livingFled everyone from the fear of deathHappily living is the world forever to be free...... It was the supposed----------------------------------◆ cute Petit Chara is rampage!----------------------------------[more than 50 kinds of] Petit Chara appeared!As you become stronger the [evolution] to new capacityOr wearing, appearance is will change!To organize the four Petit Chara, the partyIt teamed up Once you entered the dungeon!----------------------------------◆ you psyched to dungeon with carefully selected equipment!----------------------------------Treasure box appearance and defeat the enemy in thedungeon!Various equipment can get from the treasure box!The number whopping [more than 300] !!Further equipment was different each time toenterthehand[special ability] is attached!Carefully selected a special ability to morethan50differentLets make up only of the party yourself!----------------------------------◆ a separate story in all of the characters!----------------------------------When Petit Chara we grow, individual[character Story] is released!In the character story, the main storyIn the back of the and events that have not been told,Petit Chara us can know the past!In addition, only a character storyUnobtainable [rhea limited equipment] also ...... !?
God of Attack 2.2.5
■ A true hero will only use normal attacks!
소울슬래쉬사가 1.2.2
혼돈과 전쟁의 소용돌이에 휩싸인 세상이 당신을 기다리고 있다!폭발 액션 MORPG! 소울슬래쉬사가!지금 바로 폭발 액션의 짜릿한 쾌감을 직접 느껴보세요!!!-시놉시스-미드가르드 대륙 아래 단 하나뿐인 제국인 프레시안!프레시안 건국 107주년 축제날 숨겨졌던 제국의 비밀이 드러나면서 반제국을 외치는 스트라이더와 신들에게패하여도망쳤던언더테이커들이 등장하게 되면서 세상은 다시 한번 큰 혼돈과 전쟁의 소용돌이에 휩싸이게 되는데…-이래서 재밌다!-1. 폭발 액션의 핵심! 소울아츠!- 특유의 스킬과 능력치를 지닌 300여개의 다양한 소울아츠 카드!- 소울아츠 발동시 최대 5개의 카드 캐릭터들이 화려한 스킬로 적을 공격!- 다양한 몬스터 특성에 따라 상성 효과를 발휘하는 소울아츠!- 강화는 물론 진화를 통해 더욱 다양해지는 소울아츠 카드!2. 액션 RPG와 CCG의 절묘한 결합!- 강력한 타격감과 캐릭터 육성의 재미를 느낄 수 있는 액션 RPG와 카드 수집의 재미를 느낄 수 있는 CCG를합친새로운하이브리드 게임!3. 다양한 육성의 재미를 주는 다양한 캐릭터!- 다양한 공격 모션과 스킬로 서로 다른 개성을 보여주는 20여종의 캐릭터들!- 소울아츠 수집을 통해 개성만점 캐릭터로 변신이 가능!4. 폭발 액션의 경연장인 던전과 전장!- 때로는 혼자! 때로는 같이! 다양한 몬스터와 보스들을 물리칠 수 있는 재미를 주는 다양한 던전!- 실시간으로 즐기는 1:1 PVP 시스템인 전장!5. 더욱 기대되는 지속적인 콘텐츠 업데이트!- 신규 캐릭터, 던전, 시스템 등 다양한 컨텐츠가 지속적으로 추가 예정!----개발자 연락처 :[email protected] back aswirlofchaos and war, the world is waiting for you!Explosive action MORPG! Soul Saga slash!The exhilarating pleasure of action right now toexplodeyourfavorites!- Synopsis -Empire of Midgard continent Pressian below one-of-a-kind!107 anniversary of the founding Pressian festival day,revealingthehidden secrets of the Empire while shouting anti-EmpirefledStriderUndertaker defeated the gods and their world is onceagainemergedas a big swirl of chaos and war, which engulfed ...- Why is fun! -One. Explosive core of the action! Arts Soul!- The unique skills and abilities of the various Soul Artswithover300 cards!- Soul Arts activate up to 5 cards the enemy charactersarebrilliantskill!- Depending on the nature of the various monstersthateffectiveresistance Arts Soul!- Enhanced further through evolution, as well as diverseartscardSoul!Two. The exquisite combination of action-RPG and CCG!- A powerful blow can feel a sense of character development inafunaction-RPG and card collection CCG's fun to put togetheranewhybrid game!Three. Development of a variety of a varietyoffuncharacters!- Motion and skills to a variety of attacks, showing 20kindsofdifferent characters and personalities!- Soul Arts collection can be transformed into the personalityoutofcharacter!Four. Dungeons and explosive action in the battle arena!- Sometimes alone! Sometimes like! Defeat the variousmonstersandbosses in the dungeon a variety of fun!- Real-time battle system, 1:1 PVP to enjoy!5. More expected ongoing content updates!- A new character, the Dungeon, the system will continue toaddavariety of content soon!