Top 19 Games Similar to 羅馬崛起—戰爭皇帝

European War 5:Empire-Strategy 2.6.2
Leading civilization Empire and achieve great military legends.
大皇帝 1.13.5
European War 4 : Napoleon 1.4.42
Reliving glory of Napoleon times and create your own empire.
遠古戰記 1.4.3
暗黑降臨大地,戰火烽起!大地處於水深火熱之中,誰又能光復這混沌紛爭的大地?是埃及的法老王?是希臘的眾神?是波斯的聖徒?還是東方的妖魔鬼怪?亦或是你?《遠古戰記》是一款支持雙人實時連線3D對戰的SLG+RTS手機遊戲,用你的指尖指揮傳奇卡組,彈指間排兵布陣,征服你的敵人;與其他玩家結成聯盟,互相協助,重拾混沌世界的輝煌面貌!遊戲特色【雙人連線即時對戰】厭倦了無腦挂機打電腦的遊戲了嗎?《遠古戰記》獨創即時連線對戰玩法,讓你隨時隨地可以跟來自不同地區的真人玩家來一場3分鐘的激鬥。【無束微操王者風範】擺脫無趣的自動戰鬥模式,不再被愚蠢的AI戲弄,遊戲中每個傳奇卡均可以單獨進行操作,指尖輕點擊可輕鬆擺兵布陣,釋放技能,踏上你的超神之路吧。【公平對戰策略至上】富有策略深度的玩法,與你的對手鬥智斗勇,幾十種傳奇卡互相克制互相搭配,各種套路戰術由你發揮,策略才是你取勝的關鍵!【極致畫質流暢體驗】3D引擎打造極致畫面,人物栩栩如生,特效華麗逼真,全景式還原失落大地的真實面貌;出色的性能優化,讓你輕鬆暢玩不卡頓。聯繫方式:客服郵箱:[email protected]粉絲頁:客服微信:clashdynasty官方微信公眾:clashofdynasty官方line:clashofdynasty
羅馬征服者-全球連服對戰 1.0
King's Empire 3.1.2
An epic strategy war game! Build armies, fight for glory andconquerthe world!
Empire War: Age of hero 12.429
FT Games
My lord, it’s time to fight for glory!
戰艦戰爭-太平洋 4.0.0
Global synchronization, start steel warships era!
Lords Mobile 2.96
Want to clash with 50 million globalplayers?Dive into LORDS MOBILE, the real-time-strategy mobile MMOgamenominated as Google Play's "Most Competitive Game of2016!"Explore exotic magical lands thrown into chaos byterrifyingmonsters and powerful enemies. Choose your favoriteheroes, makenew friends, and charge fearlessly into war! Strikedown your foesand build an empire!FEATURES☆ An Open-World Mobile Game ☆Join with millions of players in an open world, on mobile!See,chat, and clash with other players in this MMO game!☆ Finding Friends ☆Unite your allies in your kingdom and ride into war together!☆ Rule as the Emperor ☆Claim the throne in a battle royale for the kingdom! Willyourlegacy as a ruler be just or cruel?!☆ Powerful Heroes ☆Recruit and upgrade heroes with unique skills and character!Letthem lead your kingdom to glory, or mix and match them tocompletean RPG-style campaign that you will want to play againandagain!☆ Master Your Strategy ☆How will you prepare your troops for the clash? Think of newlineupsand perfect your strategy! Find the best way to strike downyouropponent in this top-notch mobile MMO SLG!☆ Animated Battles ☆Experience the thrill of war as armies clash in beautiful3Dgraphics!☆ Switching Kingdoms ☆Establish your empire on new lands by moving to any server youwantwith a simple tap! Get mobile!☆ Choose Your Path ☆Will you conquer enemy kingdoms and imprison rival lords? Willyouliberate prisoners of war? Or will your kingdom and empirecrumbleto dust?Write your own legacy, only in LORDS MOBILE!Official Facebook Page: This game requires an internet connection to play.[App Permission]Devices running Lollipop (OS 5.1.1) or below can enablethefollowing to save game data on external storage.- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
手機三國2:諸侯 25.0
Something Big
Age of Ottoman 1.37
Real time battle strategy game.
絕地戰線 1.4.6
全球戰火急劇升溫,臺灣力量全球首發!薩達姆的神秘遺產,阿富汗戰爭歷史重演,追跡敘利亞戰亂幕後黑手......經典戰役黑幕即將由你解開,重鑄近代軍事歷史!遊戲特色: ◎兵者詭道、鬥智鬥勇 兵種相克,陣型制衡,高自由度策略的對戰,各出奇謀扭轉戰局! ◎高度還原中東紛爭開發油田,基地建設,鎮壓恐怖勢力,體驗兵家必爭之地的生存之道! ◎成王敗寇,統治戰場全方位PVP、PVE玩法。單兵作戰,合縱連橫,條條大路通羅馬,以你所長稱霸四方。 ◎跨服競技,稱霸全球公平匹配,跨國對壘,零時差出征全球,讓老外見識臺灣的山外山。尊敬的指揮官,國外敵軍即將抵達戰場,歐美、東南亞勢力即將陸續上線,請迅速下載,先發制人,超前發展您的台灣勢力,扼殺外敵于搖籃。絕地戰線工作室郵箱:[email protected]粉絲頁
熱血戰將 3.0.2
客戶服務:郵箱:[email protected] ID:rxzj歪打正著做出了策略卡牌遊戲,不認真企劃顛覆三國歷史亂入又惡搞,美術半睡半醒畫出原創特色欠打Q版武將英雄…從未所見的超KUSO三國遊戲,這款遊戲很熱血!很無雙!【遊戲簡介·熱血戰將】由Unity3D引擎全新打造的《熱血戰將》是一款三國RPG+SLG的卡牌遊戲,除了顛覆傳統三國劇情的發展外,還導入了許多特色玩法如武將英雄羈絆系統、奧義技能混搭、將魂收集、闖關奪寶、擂台比武、過關斬將等,同時藉由新穎的3D技術的襯托,三國武將超華麗的奧義大絕施放,讓您邊享受遊戲的進行,還能滿足視覺感官上的無雙滿足。超豐富的內容讓你一直玩一直…玩不完,《熱血戰將》絕對是喜愛三國題材玩家最好的選擇!【遊戲背景·熱血戰將】故事發生在東漢末年的亂世,群雄割據,大漢岌岌可危,人人有奪天下之心。初平3年,天降一隕石落入東海小島,巨響震天,似有天兆。此石高約兩丈,寬約六尺,通體黑色,似有隕鐵。各地能工巧匠聞訊,欲效仿春秋幹將以隕鐵鑄劍,紛紛前來登島尋石。由於前來人數眾多,難免因奪石而廝殺爭鬥。最後眾人決定,將巨石鑿開,分成多塊,各家均分。但當工匠開斧鑿石之際卻發現,此石堅硬無比,普通斧鑿根本無法動其毫釐。最後眾人只得作罷,決定先將其以大船運走,日後再尋良法。船行兩日後,適逢暴雨,風雷交加,一道閃電擊中船上巨石,巨石左側掉落一角,內部露出模糊的圖案。眾人倍感驚奇,這巨石斧鑿都不能破,為何石中竟有圖形。一番清洗擦拭過後,圖案愈發清楚。而定睛一看,眾人更為驚恐,這豈是什麼圖形花紋,這分明是一首詩。石上寫道:爭霸各一方天命自有常下授君王意唯得蟬於旁曹吏覓明主而使闊城邦不亞齊桓世終日必為王正當所有人惶恐之際,巨浪襲來將載有隕石的大船掀翻,不時便沉入海底,隕石自此不見蹤影。之後,一些人死裏逃生,回歸故土,而此事也廣為流傳。天下名士紛紛解讀詩中奧秘,其一句“下授君王意,唯得蟬於旁”成為了懷有帝王之夢的關鍵。司徒王允有一義女,名為貂蟬,有閉月之貌,似天仙下凡,天下無雙。傳此女乃為九天玄女轉世,得此女子者必獲王侯之福。國賊董卓,篡漢之心昭然若知,且是個不折不扣的**之徒。他假借選妃名義,霸佔貂蟬,藏於梅塢。十八路諸侯聚義起兵討伐,名為剿賊扶漢,實為爭搶有奪帝象徵的貂蟬。但世人不知,這上天授意之詩其中另有玄機。各路諸侯當中唯有,劉備、曹操、孫堅、參悟此中奧秘。但他們不知,這背後還隱藏著一場持久的驚天陰謀,而這個陰謀將由同為一方諸侯的你去揭開...【遊戲特色·熱血戰將】★顛覆三國的歷史劇情:主軸劇情改編三國題材,無厘頭爆笑新劇情,挖掘曹操不為人知的陰謀,絕對捧腹大笑。★打造華麗3D視覺體驗:公認最順最流暢的Unity 3D打造新手遊,逗趣Q版武將超欠K,技能奧義大絕保證震撼。★三國名將全體上陣:很好很耐玩,專屬四種武將屬性、百種技能及裝備搭配,八名武將齊上陣打造最強隊伍。★輕鬆簡單好上手:有什麼難?五歲小屁孩到七十歲老爺爺都會玩,操作好上手,簡單快速享受遊戲樂趣。★高自由度新玩法:事不宜遲立即下載,自由搭配陣型,隨心所欲養成,武將羈絆搭配,要怎麼玩就怎麼玩。★豐富的遊戲內容:好多卡片好多挑戰關卡,獨特趣味闖關奪寶,緊張刺激爭霸比武,絕對欲罷不能一直玩。★好康的活動獎勵:玩就送商城元寶,豐富活動獎勵天天都有,定期更新內容回饋超大手筆,絕對超乎想像。Customerservice:E-mail: [email protected] ID: rxzjLucky hit to make a strategy card game, do not seriously planningtosubvert the three countries into chaos and spoof history, artandoriginal features owe half asleep draw play Q-generals superhero... never seen KUSO three games, this game is very passionate! Itis unparalleled![Game Description] · Blood TroopersNew building by the Unity3D engine "blood war" is a three RPG+SLG's card game, in addition to subvert the traditional threestorydevelopment, but also introduced a number of characteristicssuchas the generals heroes play fetters system, esoteric skill mix,thesoul collect, pass through Indiana, ring contest, throughthetrials and so on, at the same time set off by new 3Dtechnology,three generals ultra large esoteric absolutely gorgeouscast, soyou while enjoying the game, but also to meet the Warriorsmeet thevisual senses. Ultra-rich content to let you have beenplaying ...playing endless, "blood war" absolutely loved the threethemes ofthe best players to choose!Games background • blood warrior]The story takes place in the Eastern Han Dynasty chaos,warlordsseparatism, Han stake, everyone has won the world's heart.Firstlevel for three years, a meteorite falling into the East ChinaSeaislands heaven, loud thunder, like one day trillion. This stoneofabout twenty feet high, six feet wide, whole body black,seemssiderite. Heard the news over the craftsmen, dry spring andwillwant to emulate meteorite swords, they have come to look forthestone landing. Due to the large number of people to come, itisinevitable due to rock and fight the battle won. Finally thepeopledecided to rock drilling, into a plurality of blocks, eachsharing.But craftsmen open stone chisels occasion they found thisextremelyhard stone, ordinary chisels can not move it the leastbit.Finally, everyone had to give up, decided to take the first ofitslarge shipping future Zaixun good law. Boat trip two dayslater,coincides with heavy rain, thunder and lightning, lightningstruckthe boat boulders, boulders falling on the left corner,theinside-out fuzzy pattern. People feel surprised, this rockchiselscan not be broken, why rock as much graphics. After somecleaningwipe pattern is becoming clear. And a closer look, peopleare morefrightened that something is what the graphic pattern, thisisclearly a poem. Stone wrote:Each party hegemonyChang own destinyUnder Italian king grantedWei was beside cicadaOfficials seek Cao Ming masterLeaving the city-wideNo less Qihuan WorldDay will be for the kingWhile everyone on the occasion of fear, waves hit the shipcarryingthe meteorite overturned, from time to time it sank, themeteoritehas since disappeared. After that, some people survived,return totheir homeland, but this also widely circulated. The worldfamousmystery after another interpretation of the poem, "meaningkinggranted under, only to give cicada beside" which has become akeyphrase cherished imperial dream. Situ Wang has a goddaughter,namedDiao Chan, has closed on the landscape, like the angel downtoearth, unparalleled in the world. Pass this woman is for thenineheaven reincarnation, was this woman who must eligible princesofblessing. Traitor Dong Zhuo, usurped the Han heart plain ifknown,and was an avid believers **. Princess under the guise of thenameof his election, to occupy Diao Chan, hidden in Maywood.Eighteenroad Houju Yi Zhu revolted crusade, called Thieves helpHan, infact, have won the competition a symbol of Diao ChanEmperor. Butthe world did not know, that God inspired the poem inwhich anothermystery. Among dysfunction only, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, SunJian, ponderthe mystery herein. But they do not know it hiddenbehind a lastingsinister, and this conspiracy will be the same asthe one youprinces to uncover ...[Game Features · passionate warrior]★ Three Kingdoms historical subversion plot:Spindle story adapted three themes, nonsensical hilarious newstory,mining Cao unknown conspiracy, absolute laugh.★ create gorgeous 3D viewing experience:Most recognized along smoothest Unity 3D to create a noviceswim,funny Q version generals over less K, esoteric skills mustensurelarge shock.★ all three famous battle:Very very playable, the exclusive property of four kindsofgenerals, one hundred kinds of skills and equipment with,eightgenerals into battle to build the strongest team.★ easy and simple good to get started:What is difficult? Year-old kid actor to seven-year-oldgrandfatherwould play, operating good to use, simple and fast toenjoy thegame fun.★ high degree of freedom in new ways:Without further ado immediately download, free withformation,arbitrary develop, generals with fetters, how to play howtoplay.★ wealth of game content:Many card many challenge levels, unique taste pass throughIndiana,exciting contest for hegemony, has been absolutely unableto stopplaying.★ goodies Activity Award:Play send mall ingot, rich reward activity every day,regularlyupdated content back super generous, absolutelyunimaginable.
Little Commander - WWII TD 1.9.6
Cat Studio
Get tired of hard core defense games? Try this one!
Legend of Empire-Expedition
LOE Publisher
Epic real time SLG: build your empire, fight with players allaroundthe world!
World Conqueror 3-WW2 Strategy 1.8.0
Experiencing great world war 2 turn base strategy game.
坦克戰爭-Clash Of Tanks(火力封測) 0.2
“All the Move!” “Yes commandor!” “Youarevictorious!”聽到這些熟悉語句的時候你是否仍舊會熱血沸騰?!大兵,是時候讓世界知道你的存在了!硝煙戰場,最血脈噴張的真實戰鬥場面,只等一個熱血澎湃的你!遊戲特色:》硝煙戰爭,完美重現《飛機坦克真實比例縮放建模製作,細膩畫面精心打造,讓打出的每一炮都產生強烈的爆炸效果,殘片四射,火光飛濺!給你最震撼的戰鬥場景!》全新模式,亮瞎眼球《全新戰鬥模式,微操作策略對戰,不一樣的遊戲體驗!坦克,戰車,武裝直升機,轟炸機,火箭車,超級武器……選擇您最強的部隊,征服這個世界吧!》軍團盟軍,聯合出擊《聯合採礦,攻打敵方基地,軍團互助,盟軍對抗!最前沿的交互玩法,讓玩家在虛擬世界中零距離接觸,遊戲絕不孤單!叫上你的麻吉,一起征戰吧!》超強福利,究極刪測《此次為刪檔測試,儲值將在公測時120%返回,且享有超強的每日福利!痛快戰鬥吧,福利正在支援中!戰爭一觸即發,所到之處,寸草不生。不是你死,就是我活!誰才是《坦克戰爭》中的霸王?來戰便知!
Empire:Rome Rising 1.60
Mountain Lion
Forge an empire to stand the test of time. Play the mostaddictivewar game!
黑道風雲:老大你來做 1.7.333
Phantix Games
The situation in the world is my generation, once you entertheunderworld, you will never regret it.