Top 15 Apps Similar to Personal Progress Tracker

Fabulous Daily Routine Planner 3.79
Self-care routine for lifestyle change, setting life goals&personal growth
Controlling ADD/ADHD 1.00
Adult ADD/ADHD can present challengesacrossallareas of life, from getting organized at home toreachingyourpotential at work. It can be tough on your health andbothyourpersonal and on-the-job relationships. Your symptoms mayleadtoextreme procrastination, trouble making deadlines,andimpulsivebehavior. In addition, you may feel that friendsandfamily don’tunderstand what you’re up against.Fortunately, there are skills you can learn to helpgetyoursymptoms of ADD/ADHD under control. You can improveyourdailyhabits, learn to recognize and use your strengths,anddeveloptechniques that help you work moreefficiently,increaseorganization, and interact better with others.Change won’thappenovernight, though. These ADD/ADHD self-helpstrategiesrequirepractice, patience, and, perhaps most importantly,apositiveattitude.You may be holding onto misconceptions about how much youcanhelpyourself with adult ADD/ADHD.MYTH: Medication is the only way to solve my ADD/ADHD.FACT: While medication can help some people managethesymptomsADD/ADHD, it is not a cure, nor the only solution. Ifusedat all,it should be taken alongside other treatmentsorself-helpstrategies.MYTH: Having ADD/ADHD means I’m lazy or unintelligent, so Iwon’tbeable to help myself.FACT: The effects of ADD/ADHD may have led to you andotherslabelingyou this way, but the truth is that you arenotunmotivated orunintelligent—you have a disorder that gets intheway of certainnormal functions. In fact, adults withADD/ADHDoften have to findvery smart ways to compensate fortheirdisorder.MYTH: A health professional can solve all myADD/ADHDproblems.FACT: Health professionals can help you manage symptomsofADD/ADHD,but they can only do so much. You’re the one livingwiththeproblems, so you’re the one who can make the mostdifferenceinovercoming them.MYTH: ADD/ADHD is a life sentence—I’ll always sufferfromitssymptoms.FACT: While it is true that there is no cure for ADD/ADHD, thereisalot you can do to reduce the problems it causes. Onceyoubecomeaccustomed to using strategies to help yourself, you mayfindthatmanaging your symptoms becomes second nature.
Binaural Beats Therapy
Giorgio Regni
Binaural beats music is used by people alloverthe world as a form of ‘brainwave entrainment’ – a processused toentrain the brain into different states that contributepositivelyto well-being and personal-development.What most people don’t realize is that although the creationofbinaural beats music has only been possible throughtechnologicaladvancement in the last 100 or so years, the use ofthis naturalscience dates back thousands of years.Ancient cultures were aware of how the brain could beentrainedthrough sound repetition well before modern science wasable toprove the process. Of course, in centuries past, societiesdidn’trefer to this science as binaural beats, but what they didknow wasthat consistent, rhythmic sound had extremely powerfulhealing andspiritual benefits.We developed this Binaural Beats app in 2010 after we’velearnedabout binaural beats and used them ourselves to solvesleepingissues due to the stress of our modern busy lives,something thatmost of us experience today unfortunately.Through the years we’ve received amazing feedbacks from ourusers,which gives us the motivation and the energy to continue toimprovethe app. Check out all our reviews :-)We’ve developed different types of presets : sleep,meditation,focus & attention, faster learning, pain reduction,creativity,anxiety reduction ….It may take some time of practice to feel the effects ofbinauralbeats so don’t give up after your first try.We really recommend first time users to check out ourFacebook( and Google+( We have a manual which explainshow to use the app(volume, headphones, ...) and describe thedifferent BB presets. Inthese communities you can also discover allthe feedbacks from ourusers and share your questions !This app is FREE, with NO ADS and it’s an OPEN SOURCE project.Youcan support us by helping in the development, the design,thetranslation or you can donate through the app.Note this is the original free application, anything else onthemarket is a copy and could be a fraudulent version.We reply to review comments, you can also email anyfeedback([email protected]) or use the Facebook or Google+ pagesThank you for your support !* A LITTLE MORE ABOUT BINAURAL BEATS "Binaural Beats were discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove,andearned greater public awareness in the late 20th century basedonclaims that binaural beats help induce relaxation,meditation,creativity and other desirable mental states. The effecton thebrainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of eachtone,for example, if 300 Hz was played in one ear and 310 in theother,then the Binaural beat would have a frequency of 10 Hz.You can find a more complete description on the dedicatedwikipediapage ( few recent studies :Binaural beats and chronic pain: beats and anxiety:* SOCIAL MEDIA *Please join the facebook community at on google plus: us on Twitter #BinauralBeatAppOr read our blog (linked directly to the app):* PHONE REQUIREMENTS *Now automatically pause and resume if a phone call arrives.This is why PHONE_STATE permissions are required. The appdoesn'thave internet access so there's no chance ofsniffingnumbers.* ATTENTION *The following people should not use brainwavesentrainmentapplications like Binaural Beats Therapy :People subject to any forms of seizures or epilepsyPeople using pacemakersPeople suffering from cardiac arrhythmia or otherheartdisordersPeople taking stimulants, psychoactive drugs, ortranquilizers
OCD 1.0.0
Learn skills to resist obsessions and compulsions! Allmaterialwaswritten by a licensed psychotherapist (LCSW) withtwenty-fiveyearsof counseling experience. You first rate thefrequency andstrengthof the OCD thoughts on a color coded scale of1 (fleeting)to 10(continual, very difficult to resist). You thenmove on tothefirst set of skills, where you will select one oftendifferentcalming activities to perform. After followingtheinstructions forthe calming activity, you will select one oftenways to changeyour thoughts. Changing your thoughts in ordertochange yourfeelings is the basis of cognitivebehavioralpsychotherapy, themost widely practiced form ofpsychotherapy.After utilizing one ofthe thought changers, youproceed toselecting one method forresisting the rituals orcompulsions. Thisis the basis of exposureand response prevention,the evidence basedmethod of OCDtreatment. After implementing thoseskills, you ratethe level ofOCD again in order to determine if theskills you chosewereeffective for you. If the level of the OCD hasnotreducedsufficiently, you will be given the opportunity totryagain,selecting a different skill set. The content presented isforyourinformation only. It is not a substituteforprofessionalcounseling or medical advice, and it should not beusedto treat apsychiatric or medical condition. Please consultyourhealthcareprovider or a counselor if you have any questionsorconcerns. ***Tested on a Nexus One phone.
Progress 1.2.1
Progress is designed to be an aid while performing anyphysicalexercise consisting of repeated transitions between beingactiveand passive for preset amounts of time. Such exercisescouldinclude basically anything where the goal is to contract amusclefor an amount of time, let it relax for an amount of time,and thenrepeat (like e.g. Kegel exercises). It could also be usedwhiledoing e.g. yoga if you want to keep a certain posture for acertainamount of time and then give yourself some time to changeintoanother posture. Know issues: - Due to the currentimplementationof the timers, a set may overrun it's calculated timeby up to afew tenths of a second, depending on configuration of theset andthe device running the app.
ResCalm(Mobile HealthCare) 4.7
ResCalm is a device to self regulate stress, sleeping problemsandanxiety.
ADHD Success 1.4
✰✰✰ "This is the best complete guide onADHDI've seen" ✰✰✰You will learn 1st hand from the hours of interviews frombothTellman and Stephanie who both have ADD (or ADHD).They will share with you:✔ The details about what ADD is✔ That for different people it manifests in different waysand much more...Attention Deficit Disorder is what ADD stands for. You mayhaveheard of it being called ADHD, or Attention DeficitHyperactivityDisorder. It’s really a common term for what I like tocallcreative people. It’s a term to describe people who havetroublewith focus, organization, prioritization, and who tend togetdistracted often.You might have heard things growing up like, “Why can’t youjustsit still? Pay attention. You can focus when you want to. Whydoyou leave half finished things all over the house? Why do youleavethe cabinets open?” These are all characteristics of peoplewhohave Attention Deficit. Or, in the case of Tellman and I, we’renotinterested in putting labels on people.★★★★★ Grab it now! ★★★★★ No Catch!tags:add,adhd, stress,depression
OCD APP (Official) 1.1.1
OCD APP adalah aplikasi resmi darimetodeObsessive Corbuzier's Diet (OCD), sebuah metode diet yangyangdipopulerkan oleh Deddy Corbuzier.Dalam Aplikasi ini terdapat :- Fungsi pengingat jam Makan dan jam Puasa.- Penjelasan singkat apa itu OCD.- Rangkaian Latihan O7W.Untuk informasi atau pertanyaan bisa menghubungi email :[email protected],mengunjungi website : atau langsung mentionketwitter : @corbuzier
OCD Diet Deddy Corbuzier 2.1
cGet Studio
Salah satu program diet yang sedangbanyakdiperbincangkan saat ini adalah Obsessive Corbuzier's Dietataulebih dikenal dengan OCD. Ini merupakan sebuah program dietyangdicetuskan oleh ilusionis Deddy Corbuzier.One diet program thatisbeing widely discussed today is Obsessive Corbuzier's Dietorbetter known as OCD. This is a diet program that was initiatedbythe illusionist Deddy Corbuzier.
Tips Diet OCD Deddy Corbuzier 1.0
Zap Media
Tips Diet OCD dan Cara Menjalankan Diet OCDalaDeddy CorbuzierDiet Tips on How toRunOCD and OCD-style diet Deddy Corbuzier
ADD/ADHD Help 1.00
How does ADD/ADHD Help work?This session is design to speed up the brain and actlikea“mental workout”, increasing electrical activity and bloodflowtothe brain, speeding it up, even promoting new dendriteandsynapsegrowth.Research shows that speeding up the brain is highlyeffectiveintreating ADD/ADHD. This session can greatlyincreasecognitiveabilities, enhance memory, increase focus andmentalspeed.Do it the healthy way...Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD orADHD)causesdifficulty in focusing and concentrating. It isestimatedthat 8million adults in the United States alone haveADHD.People affected by this ADD tend to beinefficient,easilydistracted, impulsive, emotionally unstable andwith lowselfesteem.When people with ADD are engaged in an activity,theirbrainwavefrequencies stay at lower levels. ADD is in a groupofdisorderslabeled “slow-wave”, as the brain has an overabundanceofslowerbrainwave patterns.The brain is capable of producing four main frequenciesofwaves.The highest frequency is the beta – that’s what we usewhenwe arefocused on an activity. And that’s the brain wavethatdoesn’tnecessarily appear for those with ADD/ADHD.USAGE:1) Choose a quiet place which is free of disturbances.2) Keep the body in a comfortable and relaxed state freefromanystrain or stress. If possible, wear non-restrictiveclothingsuchas pajamas, or if in the office, loosen belts andties.3) Choose a comfortable position.4) Remove contact lenses and any accessories.5) Do not undergo treatment on an empty or bloated stomach.6) Do not undergo treatment while under theinfluenceofalcohol.7)The process of hypnosis is effortless, what need to doissimplyfollow and concentrate on the instruction.8) Do not listen to the hypnotic music while driving,cyclingorwalking.9) People with a history of epilepsy or mental diseasesshouldnotundergo this treatment.10) For best results, each period of treatment should lastforatleast 30 days, with a fixed time each day forfocusedlistening.Unless used as a sleep aid, it is discouraged toscheduleahypnotic session before bedtime, as the music mayinducesleep.
Happier 2.8.1
Happier is a fun social gratitudejournalcombined with a positive community! Be inspired to keeptrack ofthe small happy moments in your day and feel awesome whenthey helpsomeone smile. (Named by Time Magazine as one of the bestapps for2013.)Research shows people who focus on finding a few positivethingsabout their day are happier, healthier, and less stressed.Webelieve that every day - even the tough ones - has at leastonesmall happy moment and we created Happier to encourage you tofindit.- Capture and share a few happy moments every day.- Get an uplifting positivity boost whenever you need it.- Be inspired to do more things that make you happier.Happier has been featured in The New York Times, TimeMagazine,The Boston Globe, The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, SanFranciscoChronicle, among many others.-----------------------------Here’s what our users have to say (and yes, we’reblushing!):"I love Happier! It really does make me appreciate thesmallthings in life and helps me to realize I can be happy even ona badday. There is joy in everything." - Kyky1423"We're bombarded by negativity all day every day. Happierhelpsme to stop and savor the little things that make lifesowonderful." - Nic Beaty"I love, love, love this! It is amazing how one's perspectiveonlife can improve by sharing happy thoughts with friends alloverthe world. I am beginning to use it more than Facebookbecausenobody whines, and we are able to share happy times withoutfeelinglike we are humblebragging. :)" -Buckhead mom-----------------------------This is a very early release of the Happier Android app.It's definitely not yet mature nor stable, but if you wantasneak peek at what we're planning, please help us by downloadingitand testing it out.
Positive Thinking 🚀 46
Be motivated to achieve the highest success, wealth and happinessinyour life
Mental Health Advice 1.1
Developed in collaboration with Dr. ArthurP.Ciaramicoli, Ed.D., Ph.D., SoundMindz Chief Medical Officer,thisAPP has been developed to provide you with helpful suggestionsindealing with a variety of psychological challenges and symptoms.You can locate a specific symptom by searching for it ina‘Disorder’ category like OCD, or Depression; or you can simplylookfor the symptom alphabetically.Once you find the symptom you are looking for, please clickonit.You will see a short paragraph providing you withactionable,helpful suggestions in dealing with the symptom.You will also see some links at the end of the text, whichwilllink you to more resources and tools on theSoundMindz.orgsite.These will enable you to delve deeper into your situationandachieve further resolution of your difficulties.This is a very simple, yet effective tool for improving yourmentalhealth.
eMoods Bipolar Mood Tracker
Managing your mood just became easier andmoreeffective.Track your daily depressed and elevated moods, symptoms, sleep,andmedications and email your doctor a printable chart at the endofeach month.Privacy is extremely important to us and no data ever leavesyourphone without your explicit action.Mood journaling is part of cognitive behavioral therapy andothertreatments for bipolar, depression, and other mood andanxietydisorders. Use this app with your doctor.This app is for charting daily extremes of moods and othersymptoms,and does not log multiple moods and other symptoms perday.All features from version 1 of this app remain free. Patronageisstrictly optional.