Top 36 Apps Similar to Sopa de Letras en Español

Word Search 1.4.5G
Rottz Games
Word Search puzzle with hundreds of handcrafted boards. Classicwordgame!
Word Search-Find words offline 1.7.4
Soodex Labs
Find the words! Progress through the map as difficulty increases
Word Search Free 1.2e
Free Word Search Puzzle in English
Word Search Puzzle - Word Find 3.6.0
The WordSearch puzzles is a finding words game or find a word game
Word Search 1.3.3
Word Search game in English! - Enjoy word search from Wordloco
Word Search 4.99.4
Uysal Mehmet
Word Search Puzzle is a classical word puzzle game.
Crosswords Spanish crucigramas 1.3.4
Quarzo Apps
Tradicional pasatiempo de palabras con miles de definicionesycreador de puzles
Word Search Ultimate +
This is by far the most flexible word search app on the market
Spanish Word Search Game 2.2.0
Learn Spanish language by playing Word Search games.
Crucigramas - en español
FgCos Games
Free crossword puzzles to keep your brain young and fit.Unlimitedtracks.
Crucigrama Español 3.2023
Berni Mobile
Relax and crossword puzzles in Spanish!
Wordsearch PuzzleLife 1.2.3
If it’s fun word searches you’re after, this word game is justforyou!
Word Search 1.8.7
Senior Games
Improve your vocabulary & spelling skills with this funWordSearch in english
Word Search - Connect Letters 1.3.0(29)
Maple Media
Amazing Word Search with 4 game modes. Connect letters andsearchnow!
Word Search · Puzzles 1.72
Enjoy Word Search, the classic puzzle game with thousands offunpuzzles!
WordFind - Word Search Game 1.5.9
Challenge your brain with this amazing word search puzzle game.Freeto play.
Word Search Puzzles 1.69
LR Studios
Keep your mind sharp with these Word search puzzles!
Crucigrama — Autodefinido
FgCos Games
Free crosswords to keep your brain young and fit. Unlimited tracks
Fill-In Crosswords 3.30
LR Studios
Fill in the crossword grid with the given words. Simpleandrelaxing!
Crucigrama en español 1.5.4
Litera Games
It works without internet! Easy levels for students of Spanish.
Crucigrama - Español 10.2.280-gp
Xpress Mobyte
Crossword is a fun educational game that you'll love.
Word Search - Word games 1.9
Find the words in the word game "Word Search" and solve allthepuzzles!
Fill-in Crosswords Unlimited 2.25
LR Studios
Simple and relaxing, these puzzles will help you keep yourmindsharp!
Word Search Games: Word Find 1.6.3
RV AppStudios
Word Search Puzzles Game for Adults! Word Find Game in Englishwith3000+ Levels
Infinite Word Search Puzzles
Infinite Word Search is a more in-depth takeonan American classic! With 35 different categories to play underandmultiple modes and styles of play, this game will keep yousearchingfor words for hours on end! Just find the category youlike most,and keep your eyes peeled for words in alldirections!Test your skills in Progression Mode, going through 30 levelsofincreasing difficulty, or try out the more casual InfiniteMode,where you solve things at your own pace and with yourowndifficulty setting. As you play, you’ll stumble across andunlockAchievements. Try to collect all 10 achievements as yousearch forwords!But if you’re the extremely competitive sort, then theMultiplayerMode is what’s right for you! Face off against yourfriend or astranger in a race to see which of you can find the mostwords!Afterwards, you can check the Leaderboards to see how youstandcompared to the rest of the players.Multiplayer features include:Quick Match - No log-in and no hassle of any sort required, youcanjust jump right into a match with a random player in thismode.Signing in to your Facebook account, while not required, willletyou save your progress and intimidate the other players justalittle bit with your record.Play Friends - Connect your Facebook account with the app andplayagainst your friends in a race to find the most words.Leaderboards - After your match, hop onto the leaderboard andcheckhow your record compares to that of your friends! And if youhaveyour Facebook account connected, you can access thePremiumMultiplayer Leaderboard. Don’t just aim to be higher thanyourfriends, aim to be higher than the rest of the world too!Infinite Word Search is completely FREE to play, so dive rightinand enjoy the virtually unlimited amount of single andmultiplayerWord Search Puzzles offered to you!
Palabra Perfecta - Gramática en español 1.1.8
Senior Games
¿Sabes más de ortografía que un niño de primaria o secundaria?Sicrees que eres bueno con la ortografía en español, ¡este estujuego! Demuestra que no hay nadie que te gane a la hora deescribirla palabra correcta o saber el significado de las palabras.Además,podrás aprender gramática y ortografía del castellano.Palabraperfecta es un juego para practicar y aprender español,dirigido aaquellos que ya dominen la lengua y quieran comprobarsuconocimiento en ortografía y gramática o a aquellas personasqueestán estudiando español. En él encontrarás diferentes frasesconlos errores más comunes en la lengua española; acentuación,formasverbales, confusiones en el vocabulario, uso demayúsculas,separación de palabras, uso de prefijos, etc. Seleccionala palabraadecuada y comprueba si has acertado. ¿Cómo se escribe?¿con “b” ocon “v”? ¿con “h” o sin “h”? ¿Sabes más de ortografía queun niñode primaria o secundaria? COMPLETA LAS FRASES CON LAPALABRACORRECTA El juego consiste en completar la frasepropuestaeligiendo una de las palabras que se presentan entrediferentesopciones. Podrás demostrar tus conocimientos de la lenguaespañolaen distintas áreas: Gramática Sinónimos AntónimosDefiniciones¡Diviértete encontrando la palabra correcta y demuestraque eres elque más sabe! Palabra perfecta está pensado paraaquellos amantesde la lengua que disfruten comprobando su nivel deconocimientos ytambién para profesores y alumnos que quieranenseñar o aprenderespañol de una forma divertida y amena. Apto paratodas las edadesy un ejercicio práctico para estudiantes deEducación Primaria ySecundaria. Contenido actualizadoconstantemente Erroresgramaticales y ortográficos variados 4 modosde juego Interfazsencilla e intuitiva Registro del récord personalconseguido encada juego Completamente gratuito SOBRE TELLMEWOWTellmewow es unaempresa de desarrollo de juegos para móvilespecializados en unafácil adaptación y usabilidad básica lo quelos convierten enideales para personas mayores o gente joven quesimplemente quierajugar una partida ocasional sin mayorescomplicaciones. CONTACTO Sitienes alguna sugerencia de mejora oquieres mantenerte informadosobre próximos juegos que vayamos apublicar, síguenos en nuestrasredes sociales. @tellmewow
Word Fit Puzzle +
Can you solve these fun puzzles by working out where all thewordsfit?
10x10 Word Search 1.0.4
Fun way to play word search puzzles using pictures for clues.
Crossword Puzzle
Hundreds of ready-to-play crosswords, and 6 new puzzles every day.
Word Search: Hidden Words 23.0629.09
The perfect game for brain training!
CrossWords 10 1.0.142
A light, fast, and expert crossword puzzle game!
Crossword Puzzles 1.4.422-gp
Xpress Mobyte
American crossword published daily, for real crossword lovers
Word Flip - Word Game Puzzle 11.1.9
Link the letters and find words! Enjoy with this wordgamepuzzletoday!
Word Fit Fill-In Crosswords 1.0.4
Rottz Games
Crosswords word game adapted to mobile - no typing needed!
Codeword Puzzles (Crosswords) 3.49
LR Studios
Keep your mind sharp with this simple but challenging word game!
Word City Classic: Word Search 1.0.10
Unico Studio
Perfect Word Game and word search. Connect letters and searchhiddenwords.