Top 50 Apps Similar to hiitide: Online Book Clubs & M

StoryShots™ Free Bestselling Books & Summaries 2.1.6
Parsida AB
👑 Crowned by The Guardian and Apple as one of the best learningapps& the #1 alternative to Blinkist 🙌 Praised by BillGates'favorite author 🎧 Featured by Google as a top audiobook appin 175countries 🏆 Finalist to the UN's global awards 🔝 Organicallyrankedtop 10 in 70 countries including The UK, China, India,Germany,Canada, Mexico, and Singapore Nothing beats reading a greatbookcover to cover. But have you ever left one unfinished? Instead,useStoryShots to learn the key lessons of bestselling nonfictionbooksin minutes. For FREE. Our mission is to make the core lessonsofthe world's best books accessible to EVERYONE. The source ofkeytakeaways is thousands of blogs, Youtube channels, andpodcasts.Think of them as condensed ebooks / microbooks, audiobooks&animated books. We handpick them so you don't have to.COPYRIGHTNOTICE: The content and book covers are loaded from publicsources.StoryShots™ is for you if you: * want to discover relevantbooks by"trying" them first * want to learn the key insights ofyourgrowing stack of books * want to be efficient and learn on thegoor to improve your English * are a busy entrepreneur,businessman,coach, manager, executive, leader, or generally aprofessional orlifelong learner The non-fiction categories arebusiness,entrepreneurship, management, leadership, self-help,productivity,time management, psychology, health, fitness,nutrition, investing,economics, marketing, sales, history,politics, philosophy,biography, science, mindfulness, depression,negotiation, stress,travel, career growth, communication skills,dating, andrelationships. Sample: Who Will Cry When You Die, The 5AM Club,The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma The 7 HabitsofHighly Effective People - Stephen Covey The Intelligent Investor-Benjamin Graham Limitless - Jim Kwik Sex at Dawn WhiteFragilityHow To Win Friends and Influence People - Dale CarnegieSapiens -Yuval Noah Harari The Laws of Human Nature & The 48Laws ofPower - Robert Greene Rich Dad, Poor Dad Scrum Untamed TooMuch andNever Enough The Mamba Mentality - Kobe Bryant The MagicofThinking Big Remote & Rework The Black Swan - NassimTalebGetting Things Done (GTD) Factfulness - Hans Rosling Fire andFury- Michael Wolff The Obstacle is the Way, Ego is The Enemy -RyanHoliday The Lean Startup - Eric Ries Daring Greatly - BrenéBrownThe 4-Hour Workweek - Tim Ferriss Zero to One Why We SleepTheInnovator's Dilemma - Clayton Christensen The Miracle MorningQuiet- Susan Cain The E-Myth Revisited - Michael Gerber Start WithWhy -Simon Sinek Think and Grow Rich - Napolean Hill Never SplitTheDifference The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg Lean In TheFourAgreements - Miguel Ruiz Steve Jobs The Life-Changing MagicofTidying Up - Marie Kondo The Subtle of Not Giving A - MarkMansonThe Gifts of Imperfection Extreme Ownership - Jocko WillinkMatingin Captivity - Esther Perel Atomic Habits - James Clear The 5LoveLanguages - Gary Chapman Can't Hurt Me - David Goggins 12 RulesforLife - Jordan Peterson Thinking Fast and Slow Enlightenment Now-Steven Pinker Mindset - Carol Dweck Deep Work - CalNewportInfluence - Robert Cialdini Who Moved My Cheese? - SpencerJohnsonGirl, Wash Your Face - Rachel Hollis Elon Musk - AshleeVanceEffective Executive - Peter Drucker Delivering Happiness -TonyHsieh (Zappos) The Hard Thing About Hard Things - BenHorowitzEssentialism - Greg McKeown Crushing it! - Gary VaynerchuckThe4-Hour Body Total Money Makeover The One Thing Linchpin -SethGodin Life 3.0 Emotional Intelligence Tools Of Titans The PowerOfNow - Eckhart Tolle MONEY Master the Game - Tony RobbinsEverythingStore (Jeff Bezos) How Google Works - Eric Schmidt ThinkLike aMonk This is the best free alternative to Cliff notes,getAbstract,Storytel, Instaread, GoodReads, Booklet, GIGL, Scribd,Book Club,Quotes, Linkedin Learning, and Curiosity.
Bookey: Books for Self Growth 4.2.9
Ideas Network
Audible Ideas for Your Personal Development. Blinkist andHeadwayAlternative
BookSloth 2.46.2
Find your next favorite book.
LexisNexis® Digital Library 6.0.1
Access to your law library’s full eBook collection
Uplift Mind Fitness App 1.10.218
You Are a CEO
Our Mind Fitness tool is rooted in habit science andpositivepsychology
SwipeJoy: Self Growth and Ment 1.0.2
More Self-Esteem, less Anxiety
SuperBetter 1.1.5
Live Gamefully. Be Stronger. Proven resultsinjust 10 minutes a day.SuperBetter increases resilience - the ability to staystrong,motivated and optimistic even in the face of difficultobstacles.Playing SuperBetter makes you more capable of gettingthrough anytough situation—and more likely to achieve the goalsthat mattermost to you.SuperBetter was created by Jane McGonigal, a world-renowneddesignerof games to improve real lives & solve realproblems.►► Why play SuperBetter?SuperBetter has helped nearly half a million people so farachievepersonal growth and tackle real-life challenges. Here arereasonspeople around the world are using SuperBetter:- To adopt a new habit, develop a talent, learn or improve askill,strengthen a relationship, make a physical orathleticbreakthrough, complete a meaningful project, or pursue alifelongdream.- To beat depression, overcome anxiety, cope with chronic illnessorchronic pain, heal from physical injury, or recoverfrompost-traumatic stress.- To overcome a life challenge like finding a new job,survivingdivorce, dealing with a career or school setback, orgrieving theloss of a loved one.- To help others: therapists recommend SuperBetter totheirpatients; university professors incorporate SuperBetter intotheirstudent’s coursework; and HR professionals design SuperBetterintotheir employee wellness incentive programs.►► SuperBetter is Living Gamefully“At the heart of SUPERBETTER is a simple andpotentiallytransformative idea: We can use the same psychologicalstrengths wedisplay when we play games to confront real-lifechallenges,whether it’s illness, injury, or just changing ourhabits for thebetter.”– Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of Drive and A WholeNewMindLiving gamefully means bringing the same psychological strengthsyounaturally display when you play games – such asoptimism,creativity, courage, and determination – to your reallife. Itmeans having the courage and openness to try outdifferentstrategies to discover what works best. It meanscollaborating withallies, and building up the resilience to tackletougher andtougher challenges with greater and greatersuccess.►► The Science Behind SuperBetterPowered by the science of games, positive psychology andbehaviorchange.SuperBetter is validated in two clinical studies:• A randomized controlled study conducted by the UniversityofPennsylvania found that playing SuperBetter for 30dayssignificantly reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety,andincreases optimism, social support, and player’s belief intheirown ability to succeed and achieve their goals. They alsofoundthat SuperBetter users were significantly happier andmoresatisfied with their lives.• A clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Healthandconducted at Ohio State University Wexner Medical CenterandCincinnati Children’s Hospital found that usingSuperBetterimproves mood, decreases anxiety and suffering, andstrengthensfamily relationships during rehabilitation andrecovery.►► Features• The SuperBetter app is an everyday coach for gameful living• Identify your Epic Win and create your Secret Identity• Recruit Allies to support your journey• Choose pre-loaded experiences (PowerPacks) or design yourownadventures• Complete Quests, activate PowerUps and battle Bad Guyseachday• Track your resilience scores – mental, emotional, social&physicalLive Gamefully. Be Stronger. Get SuperBetter.
10-Min Nonfiction Book Summaries
OverDrive 3.9.2
Borrow eBooks, audiobooks, & streaming video from yourlibraryusing OverDrive.
Bookly: Book & Reading Tracker 2.1.0
Make a habit of reading, finish your TBR, get stats and crushyourbook goals.
Audiobooks by eStories 1.15.36
eStories is an audiobook service for curious minds that love agreatstory.
Spokn: Community at Work 5.5.1
Team Stories & Podcasts
Deseret Bookshelf 5.2.1
Deseret Book
The largest LDS Audiobook and eBook library for all your devices.
Blooming : Diary & Affirmation 3.7.0
Your private diary with affirmations, quotes andpersonaldevelopment
Mindfully: Improve Your Mood 5.0.12-56
Improve your mood by monitoring your emotions and changingyourhabits.
Theoriq - Ideas from the brightest minds 0.0.23
Theoriq apps
Theoriq let you learn new bit-sized concepts, ideasandthoughtsevery day, in psychology, philosophy, culture,society,science andeverything that we call LIFE. From the brightestmindsand authors,in an easy-to-scroll format just like any ofyourfavorite socialmedia app. >>> Remarkable views fromworldthinkers Whatif you could expand your knowledge bycasuallyscrolling throughquotes, book extracts or short essays; anduncoverfascinatingideas from the most remarkable figures of thepast, ornowadaysmost inspirational thinkers? Ideas usually hiddenin thepages ofthe books of your local library or bookshop. Theoriqis aspace tobrowse through the most inspiring quotes, bookspassagesandarticles excerpts. >>> For the idle moments oflifeWhatif every idle time becomes the opportunity to learnsomethingnew?A new theory, a new concept, food for thoughts to helpyougrow.Learn from the writings of authors and experts. Oureditorialteamhave scouted books to draw top quotes and passages.Wespendcountless hours every week to find the best articles ontheweb.Explore thousands of top articles found by users acrosstheplanet.If you are a literature non-fiction books fan, you willgetalsoget to know about new books. >>> BeautifulimageryUsingbeautiful imagery, Theoriq unveils all sort ofknowledgeabouthuman being and everything that we call life. Theoriqis in away alife experience, knowledge-sharing app. >>>Afully-fledgeapp - Clean and clear design - New entries in yourfeedevery day –quotes, book passages, concepts from renownedauthorsandacademics, - Share your own theories and favoriteslearnings-Inspiring and insightful articles, quotes and booksexcerptstoread - Bookmark your favorites articles - Create yourownlibraryof concepts - - Leave your own example to illustrateanytheory -Browse by category, authors, books and tags - Interactwiththecommunity - Get push notification for new ideas andtheories-Customize your feed according to your interest - Availableforfreefor everyone and anywhere >>> We curate Wecuratebooks.We scout the web. We select, study and synthesizeineasilydigestible nuggets, key concepts in human sciences,socialsciencesphilosophy and psychology:relationships,communication,creativity, life success, economy,sociology,innovation,management, etc... Principles and theorieswhich helpyou inunderstanding better the world around you byselectingreferencematerials and providing an engaging learningexperience.Much likea social feed, you can scroll through a growingcorpus ofideas,story and wisdoms nicely organized for you, whetheritisexplanatory diagrams, evocative images, short storiesthathavemade history, authors outstanding writings, ormemorablequotesfrom the greatest minds. Theoriq makes you able tolearn in afewswipes and you can go from little or zero knowledge tohavingaelementary understanding of any topic. >>>Acollaborativeplatform You can also share your own quotes andshortarticles ifyou like writing. If you are a writer, then this istheplace whereyou express yourself. Users can write and shareideaswith thecommunity. Would you like to participate into creatingtheworld’sfirst library of life principles? Anyone can share hisorherexperiences and knowledge to illustrate any principlebyprovidingreal life examples. Now feed your mind with areadingexperiencedesigned for an intrigued mind and a free spirit.If youanyquestion, then email us at our support [email protected]
Mindshine: Mental Health Coach 4.0.9
Personal Development made easy. Reduce stress, find motivation&self-esteem.
getAbstract: Book Summaries 11.4.1
Know better. Do better. In 15 Minutes.
LiveMore - for your wellbeing 2.26.1
Take control of your life!
WellTrack Boost 2.49.1
A mental health platform for monitoring your mood & gettinghelpwhen needed
Omvana - Meditation for Performance & Flow States
Learn meditation with tracks & classes forperformance,productivity and health
TOBEE mindfulness coach 1.0.10
By using the TOOBEE application for less than a minute aday,youwill become a more relaxed and positive person over thelongterm.(Step by step, day by day, you will feel better)Toobeereminds youto take regular short breaks, to take a breath,smileand enjoy apositive affirmation to feel good every day.Toobeeturns yourphone into a free wellness coach using a methodbased on4recognized personal development principles that willhelpyoubecome positive and relaxed, the way you always wantedtobe.Easily put in place new habits by encouraging yourself to:-havegratitude - experience love for life - be relaxed -haveselfconfidence Why does it work ? A reminder to take a shortbreakIttakes just a few seconds to set up, and then you canforgetaboutit: TOOBEE coaches and supports you. Embracetheseregularreminders throughout the day. Each short moment allowsyouto bemindful and recenter yourself. This Kaizen method takesjust afewseconds. With a few small steps each day, you will starttofeelbetter. Breathing and smiling Breathing, listening toyourbody,being Mindful and recentering yourself. A deepabdominalbreathrelieves stress. Add a smile. You're already feelingbetter.Theamazing power of words Words and thoughts are magical.Byrepeatingpositive affirmations to yourself, you willstartbelieving in themand quickly start to embody them! That's thepowerof positivethinking and visualization. Consistency getsresults Theregularityof the reminders allows you to establish newhabits, atyour ownpace. Your daily perseverance is key for this towork. Feelthechange. Try to do your best every day, as encouragedby MiguelRuizand the 4 Toltec Agreements. There is even morewithToobeepremium: ToobeeMe is unique and personalized What wouldyoulike todo? Choose among the 31 positive affirmations intheapplication’s4 categories: select your favorites, and then usetheone that ismost appropriate for your current state of mind. Doyouneed to becalm? confident? joyous? hopeful? Your choice isthere.Do you wantto write your own unique, personal affirmations?Youknow what willwork best for you for any given point in yourlife.So go ahead andwrite it! Looking to change the default Tibetanbowltone? You havea choice between a joyous bird, a soft flute,anintense gong or aquiet bell.
Glose - Social ebook Reader 2.96
The next-generation READING APP that makes readingAWESOMEwithfeatures to keep you engaged and motivated. Pick a bookinourchoice of 1 million, start reading any book for free,connectwithother readers and share notes, highlights, andconversation -andbecome a better reader. Build your bookshelf inseconds : Createafree reader profile, organize your books, createlists. Browseourebookstore : 1 million ebooks in all categories.Bestsellers,fiction, non fiction, young adult, business,educationetc... withgreat discounts and free classics. Start anybook forfree! Onetouch and you’re into any book for free. Read upto 10% ofthecontent before deciding to pursue and purchase thebook.Also,upload an import your own epubs from Dropbox, yourdesktopofanywhere else! Read anywhere, anytime, online andoffline.Glosestores your current reads so you can read themoffline, in thebus,subway, in the depths of a mysterious forest ora far awaygalaxy.Join the Community : see what other peoplearereading,recommending, highlighting, and annotating. Read withyourfriends!Create reading groups to read with your friendsandsharehighlights and annotations. Shared annotations in themarginsofthe text make reading more engaging and exciting. Post anoteandsee what other readers think. Start an online book club!Createagroup, pick a name and image, invite people and choosebooks:you’ve got your online book club read to go - aroundtheworld!Make reading beautiful : create beautiful quote cardsfromthebooks you read. Choose a sentence that inspires you,chooseabackground photo, and share the quote card on socialmedia.Moreabout Glose : Reading for better learning : ouruniquefeaturesmakes your reading more conducive to textanalysis,memorization,and study. Glose is used in leading schoolsanduniversities topower distribution of reading materialanddiscussion around text.Our bookstore features the works ofMalcolmGladwell, WalterIsaacson, Stephen King, John Green, PauloCoelho,James Patterson,E.L. James, Suzanne Collins, Danielle Steel,DavidBaldacci, JanetEvanovich, Nora Roberts, Dan Brown, DeanKoontz,John Grisham,George R.R Martin, and many more ! 
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 • Make newfriendsthroughbooks
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Fable: The Book Club App 0.127.13932
Fable Group
Join online book clubs. Discuss right inside the book. Buildbetterbook lists.
NetGalley Shelf 1.3.0
NetGalley Shelf is a reading and listening app forNetGalleymembers.
ThinkUp - Daily Affirmations 6.1.4
Daily motivation and affirmations. Positive self talk reminders.
LivrosApp : E-books App 10.0.0
Enjoy reading numerous E-Books that you love without subscribeorpurchase.
Byzans: Chat about books 1.1.59
Chat with book lovers reading the same book as you
Manage your BookFunnel books and send them right to yourfavoritereading app.
Cold Case Christianity 7.2.13
This app gives you access to Christian apologetics content
ePlatform by Wheelers 2.2.20
The ePlatform eBook and Audiobook appgivespatrons and students of Wheeler's ePlatform enabledlibrariesaccess to thousands of eBooks and Audiobooks.ePlatform is the secure eLending library system developedbyWheelers, a full-service eLending library used in thousandsofschools and public libraries in more than 15 countries aroundtheworld.The ePlatform app brings all the features and functionality oftheweb-based system to a dedicated, customisable app, personalizedtoeach school or library. The user-friendly interface remainsthesame, with full search and filtering options to make findingtitlessimple. The app syncs with the web-based platform to allowusersfull offline reading.Librarians or administrators have full control over userborrowing,with the ability to set and change settings for lendingperiods,number of titles able to be borrowed and more.Users may set how their eBooks are displayed, with a rangeofcustomisable settings to alter font styles, spacing andbackgroundto personal preferences or reading challenges.Extensive reporting is available, providing librariansoradministrators with information on overall loan history, loansbytitle or by patron, and more.• Centralised access to multiple public and school libraries,asrequired.• Easy to use design for both administrators and patrons, withfullsearch options to enable easy locating of titles.• Compatible with all Library Management Systems.• Fully customisable by administrators for lendingsettingsincluding loan periods, reserves, number of concurrenttitles ableto be borrowed and more.• Customisable display for users with the ability to changefontstyles, line spacing and background colour to suitpersonalpreferences or reading challenges such as dyslexia orimpairedvision.• Extensive administrator reporting including graphical displayandtime-based reporting. Reports available include overallloanhistory, loans by title or by patron and more, all able tobedownloaded and exported.
The Language of Letting Go 1.0.15
Daily inspirational support from codependency expert Melody Beattie
Audiobooks by AudiobookSTORE 2.2.0
Get the FREE app & start listeningtobestselling audiobooks!
Read More: A Reading Tracker Gogol 1.5.7
A reading habit tracker and not a book reading app
ACIM Lessons 1.0
ACIM Daily Lesson Application. Save Favorites, Share withFriends.Tablets too.
Queens Library 2.2.5
The Queens Library App is your gatewaytoQueens Library’s services on your mobile device. ExperienceQueensLibrary like never before, anywhere you have a networkconnection.You can search our catalog, view account information,requestbooks, search and register for events, find our locations oraskfor assistance, and much more. In addition, users can joinourvibrant online community. Our App is a great companion toAdobeReader, Overdrive Media Console, the Kindle application,Acoustikapplication, Blio Reader, and axisReader so you candiscover andenjoy new digital content for FREE as a Queens Librarycardholder.*
Higher Self 1.5.7
Your spiritual fitness studio - by Laura Malina Seiler
Huddol – A coach for life 0.3.76
Go on your personal growth journey with the support from yourlifeMentors.
LibriVox Audio Books Supporter
LibriVox Audio Books Supporter offersunlimitedaccess to over 24,000 free audio books - with no ads.Each LibriVoxaudio book can be streamed over the internet ordownloaded for lateruse without any charge. The LibriVox AudioBooks app includeslistings for new recordings, featuring classicbest sellers and outof print treasures.The LibriVox audio book app makes it easy to find the book youwant.You can see the most popular books, browse by title, authororgenre, look at new recordings, or search by keyword. You canevenfind books read by a favorite narrator. This app allows you tostopplayback with a sleep timer, and unlimited bookmarks areavailablefor each book. You can save and listen to as many booksas you like.Access to the LibriVox collection, thousands of oldtime radiodramas, and many other collections is entirelyfree.With full support for bluetooth controls as well as Android AutoandGoogle Cast, LibriVox Audio Books makes it easy to take yourbookswith you wherever you go. Lists of favorites, recent books,anddownloaded books make it easy to pick back up just where youleftoff.Audio books from LibriVox are free thanks to the dedicated workofhundreds of volunteers who record, edit and distribute thebooks.New releases are prepared daily, and the entire catalog spansthebreadth of world literature, including novels, history,biography,short stories, poetry and more in both fiction andnon-fiction. USusers can purchase an additional 75,000 professionalaudiobooks,including new releases and best sellers.
Koober: book podcasts 7.0.0
Koober SAS
The must-read books on self-help in 20-minute podcasts.
Field Trip: Psychedelic guide 2.0.2
Expand your mind: guided journaling, meditation, music,andpsychedelic support
SimplyE 7.2.5
Browse, borrow, and read free library e-books, from bestsellerstoclassics.
Unmind 3.35.0
Unmind Ltd
Wellbeing that works.
Blinkist: Big Ideas in 15 Min 10.1.5
Listen. Read. Learn. Understand powerful ideas in 15 minutes
The Power of Positive Thinking 2.9
AJ Educators
Mastering the Problems of Everyday Living
The Never Settle Collective 1.21.00
Mindful Titan
People who live exceptional lives follow one essential rule:NeverSettle. The Never Settle Collective is the only group thathasexamined and combined the best behavioral science research fromthetop universities, such as Yale, Harvard, Cornell and Stanford,touncover the specific skills, habits, behaviors, routines&mindset of those that never settle in life, no matterthecircumstances. STOP TRACKING HABITS... INSTEAD MASTER THERIGHTHABITS Scientifically-backed habits, routines & mindsetcanhelp guide you towards: • Breaking out of your comfort zone•Increasing perpetual gratitude • Engaging in habitual positivity•Creating a morning routine for unwavering motivation •Improvingdecision-making • Uncovering daily inspiration • Deepeningyourself-awareness and mindfulness • Banishing procrastination&becoming organized • Building a proactive mindsetthoughtself-development & self-improvement • Establishinghabits ofhealth • Formulating a structured, daily routine forproductivity •Igniting motivation for the new year HOW TO MASTERTHE RIGHTHABITS: THE NEVER SETTLE COLLECTIVE’S 4-STEP SYSTEM Learnthe wayscience intended. Never Settle has developed a step-by-stepsystembased on neuroscientific research: 1) DAILY PRACTICE -Howworld-class musicians, athletes, business people & keypeopleof influence excel. Follow 200+ personalized,real-time,step-by-step mental workouts. 2) OPTIMUM MINDSET - Changeyour moodand mindset instantly. 80+ techniques & tools tooptimize mood,no matter the circumstance. 3) POWERFUL NOTES -Reinforceproductivity & positivity. The integrated journalhelps tosolidify skills and habits. 4) TRACK YOUR PROGRESS – Focusonresults for continued motivation. Discover areas thatneedstrengthening and where you already excel. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVETHECHANCE TO BE EXTRAORDINARY. We invite you to be part of theelitegroup of the Never Settle Collective: Those that take controloftheir lives, and have a blast doing so. Never wake up inthemorning again and wonder how you should organize your day orwhatdaily routine you should follow. Make the most out of every daytobe: Happier Successful Joyful Motivated InspiredResilientExceptional Your Best Self TAILORED FOR YOU Never Settleis aself-development app that can help lead a fulfilling life,allwhile supporting positivity, joy, success and empowerment.Yourjourney through the Never Settle app will be personalized tofityour needs, and will help develop your happiness,mindfulness,motivation, focus, habits of health, social skills andtechnicalskills. THE 5 PILLARS OF LIFE ACHIEVEMENT: 1 Happiness:Gratitude,Positivity, Resilience, Self-Esteem, Bounce Back fromAdversity 2Optimal Mindset: Self-Awareness, Mindfulness, PositiveMentalHealth, Self-Development, Self-Improvement 3 Productivity:Success,Focus, Motivation, Persistence, Life Achievement,Inspiration,Organized & Structured Daily Routine 4Perseverance: TransformObstacles into Opportunities, Expand YourComfort Zone, Bounce Backfrom Failure 5 Better Decision-Making:Create Perpetual Motiontowards Life Goals NEVER SETTLE IS FOR BUSYPEOPLE LIKE YOUHigh-achievers increase their likelihood of successand happinessby consistently developing their productivity,passion,inspiration, creativity, focus, morning motivation &dailyroutine. Never Settle gives you maximum results with minimaltimeand effort. ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU: Want to break out of yourcomfortzone? Need guidance on a tough decision? Findinstant,best-in-class advice based on the latest behavioral sciencein the“Tools” feature. It is almost like having an expert alwaysready toguide you. WELCOME TO OUR COMMUNITY One thing unites us:Each of usseeks to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life. Pleaselet us knowif we can make the experience better for you. Email [email protected] Privacy policylink:
Happify 1.77.1-bb7400af3345
Happify, Inc.
Science-based activities & games to help overcomenegativethoughts and stress
Affirmations - Self Motivation 1.11
Plays affirmations at specified interval to inspire, energizeandmotivate.