Top 6 Apps Similar to 每日笑话精选

笑話集 3.0.9
Felix Kwok
Lots of different types of jokes available, there's always onethatwill make you smile
有趣的笑话 1.0
EDuck LAB inc
滑稽的笑话中国的所有内容是中国,所有的笑话都是新的,将更新所有的时间获取此温泉中国笑话。通过这个程序,你可以分享中国的笑话,或与您的朋友和家人发送。您也可以通过Facebook和其他社交网络分享这些与您的朋友Funny jokeeverythingChinais China, all jokes are new and will be updated allthe timeGet This Hot Chinese joke. Through this program, youcanshareChina's jokes, or with your friends and family to send.Youcanalso share them with your friends through Facebook andothersocialnetworks
中国笑话 1.0
Megabyte Bomb
浏览您智能手机上最有趣的中国笑话。您可以添加自己的笑话,可以与其他人一起分享笑话,也可以将它们通过电子邮件或短信发送出去。在30个分类中有成千上万个免费笑话。祝您玩得开心!Browse themostinteresting joke on your smartphone.You can add your own jokes to share the joke with others, theycanalso be sent by e-mail or SMS. Thousands of free jokes in30categories. I wish you to have fun!
笑话连篇之笑死朕(简体版) 1.10
MiracleS App
冷笑话精选2015 1.2
***冷笑话精选2015 ******一款属于我们的冷笑话社区,最新最热最搞笑,只有你想不到,没有我们找不到******包含最新最热的段子和图片,喜欢的段子可以收藏,永久保存给你爱的人看 ******希望那个她也能笑一笑,分享给她 吧,支持分享段子和图片到微信朋友圈和微信好友,让基友们为我的段子而乐吧 ******如果你觉得还不够,还有更多的有趣功能等你去发现——一.历史上的今天——回顾历史的长河,历史时生活的一面镜子二.星座运势——十二星座每日、每月、每年的运势,为她分析她的运势告诉她吧三.老黄历——提供老黄历每日吉凶宜忌查询四.身份证查询——想知道自己和朋友的身份证详细信息,想了解身份证信息是否安全,都在这里五.中国彩票开奖结果——双色球、大乐透、3D、排列3、排列5每日最新和历史开奖结果等你发现,说不定就中了呢六.好书推荐——于万千之中选择你所爱还等什么,小伙伴,快来吧2015 *** *** joke*** Joke a part of our community, the latest hottestfunniest,only you can not think, no we can not find ****** Contains the hottest new scripts and pictures, like apiececollections, permanently preserved for the people you lovelook****** Hope that she can laugh, to share her, scripts andpicturesto support the sharing of micro-channel micro-channelcircle offriends and friends, so that group faithful to my pieceand Le Bar****** If you feel that is not enough, there are manymoreinteresting features waiting for you to discover -A Today in History - Review the course of history, whenthehistory of a mirror of lifeTwo horoscopes - Zodiac daily, monthly, yearly fortune, forheranalysis of her tell her fortuneThree old history - good and bad Taboo provides dailyLaoHuangLiinquiryFour card inquiry - Want to know their identity detailsandfriends would like to know whether identity informationsecurity,are hereFive Chinese Lottery results - ball, big lottery, 3D, arrange3,5 are arranged daily update history lottery results and soyoufind, perhaps to do in theSix books recommend - choose what you love being inthethousandsSo what, junior partner, Come
精選笑話 2.0.2
網路知名笑話,讓你百看不厭內有一般笑話,猜謎,成人笑話所有內容定期更新讓你走到哪裡,笑到哪裡化解尷尬,無聊的聖品阿!!Internet famous joke,soyou never get tiredThere are usually jokes, riddles, jokes for adultsAll the content is updated regularlyLet you go, where to laughDefuse awkward, boring clergyman A !!