Top 33 Games Similar to Belajar Al-Quran

Juz Amma For Kids 1.0.23
Application to learn Qur'an for student
Learning Basic of Al-Qur'an 1.0.17
This application was created to make it easy foranyoneeitherchildren to recite the Qur'an. Equipped display,animationandaudio is also interesting that the expectedusers,especiallychildren more motivated to learn to read theQur'an.Materialsprovided on this application are: - LearningHijaiyah -LearningHarokat (Fattah, kasroh, dhomah) - Learningtanwin -Learning Mad -Learn Tajweed (Idhgom, Idzhar, Iqlab andIkhfa) - Andmemorizingshort letter (Juz'amma)
Iqro - Learn to Read Al-Quran 1.3.0
Education application for learning Al Quran equiped with audiohowto read it. This application equiped with some surah of 30th juzofAl Quran
learning al-qur'an 1.0.9
Learn to recite - qiraat al-qur'an full offline
Belajar Mengaji Al-Quran Anak 1.0
Nayaka Studio
Learning Koran together twins funny
Mengaji bersama Sikembar 1.2.3
Let's Learn Together Mengaji The twins and Imran Wahid funnyandsmart
Belajar mudah Hijaiyah 2.4.3
Belajar mengenal, menghafal dan menulis huruf hijaiyah dengan mudah
belajar mengaji 1.0.20
Learn to recognize, memorize and write letters hijaiyah /iqrachildren in kindergartens, elementary, junior
Belajar Mengaji Iqra 1.0
Nayaka Studio
Ayo kita belajar mengaji AlQuran bersama-sama. Dengan aplikasiini,anak-anak insya Allah dapat belajar mengaji Al-Quran denganmudah,seperti halnya belajar mengaji dengan Iqro. Fitur: 1.PelafalanTiap Huruf Hijaiyah 2. Pengucapan TIap huruf besertaHarokat 3.Mengenal Harokat dan Tanwin 4. Kuis untuk mengeteskemampuan 5.Keterangan Teks tiap pelafalan
Belajar Mengaji (Iqro',Quran)
learn the Koran by the method Iqro '1-6
Kids Education Kindergarten 1.32
A collection of educational materials for reading,counting,coloring, singing
Belajar Huruf Hijaiyah 1.7.2
Hijaiyah interactively teach accompanied by pronunciation.
Quran Quiz 1.0
Terbit Labs
Qur'an Quiz, merupakan sebuah aplikasiyangmengajak Anda untuk lebih sering membaca surat-surat dalamAlQur'an.Tantangan-tantangan yang ada membuat kita lebih tahu tentangAlQur'an seperti penyebab turunnya ayat, hukum tajwid, danmenulisArab. Beberapa tantangan yang yang tersedia adalah :-Mengurutkan Ayat-Menebak Hukum Tajwid-Mengisi Harokat sebuah ayatQur'an Quiz, aplikasi untuk menemani Anda dalam mengisikegiatanramadhan dan insya Allah menambah pahala.Saat ini Qur'an Quiz masih dalam tahap pengujian, bagi Andayangbersedia membantu untuk mengisi kuisioner, pada menu info didalamAplikasi ini terdapat link untuk mengisi kuisioner.Terimakasih.
belajar huruf hijaiyah 1.0.9
Offline application to learn to know, memorize writinghijaiyahletters easily
Belajar Menulis Huruf / Angka
Aplikasi game belajar menulis huruf danangkaini masuk dalam seri permainan pendidikan untuk anak usiadiniuntuk mengenalkan abjad sekaligus sebagai sarana belajarmenulishuruf serta angka.Dilengkapi dengan panduan arah penulisan serta suarapengucapanabjad dan angka, membuat proses belajar menulis huruf danangkamenjadi menyenangkan.Aplikasi belajar menulis ini berisi:Huruf kapital A - ZHuruf kecil a - zAngka 0 - 9Silahkan download aplikasi mengenai belajar menulis huruf danangkaini. Gratis.Applications game learntowrite letters and numbers is included in the series ofeducationalgames for young children to introduce the alphabet aswell as ameans to learn to write letters and numbers.Equipped with a guide toward the writing and pronunciationsoundalphabet and numbers, making the process of learning towriteletters and numbers to be enjoyable.Learn to write this application contains:Capital letters A - ZLowercase a - zFigures 0-9Please download the application on learning to write theselettersand numbers. Free.
Edukasi Anak Muslim 7.1.1
Taman Edukasi
Educational applications of learning ablution, prayer,children'sprayer and juz amma and Islamic songs
Belajar Huruf Hijaiyah Lengkap 1.0
Game learning letters full hijaiyah know, how to read write arabic
Belajar Mengaji Ummi 2 1.0
Learn to recite the Koran by using Ummi Volume 2
Complete Murotal Qur'an Children 1.0.13
Edudev Kids
Murotal Al Quran This child is one of the educationalapplicationsfor children, adolescents, adults and even old people,because theMurotal Al Quran application for children provides abeautifulrecitation of the Koran and will certainly be heard byusers of theMurotal Al Quran application Muhammad Taha Al Junayd.The Letterswhich are applied are among others: Surat Al Fatihah AnNas LetterAl Falaq Letter Surat Al Ikhlas An Nasr letter Al LahabLetterSurat Al Kautsar Surat Al Maun Surat Al Humazah Al Asrletters etc.there are still many chants of letters found in thisapplication,this application Murotal Al Quran Children, made toattractchildren in particular, in learning to memorize the Qur'aneasilyand not boring because with good and melodious audio makestheheart feel happy and comfortable when listening to it. We fromtheEdudev Kids Company apologize if there is an error in theMurotalAl Quran application for this child. Hopefully this MurotalAlQuran Application can help users to memorize Al Quran easilyandpleasantly.
Learning Al Quran 2.1.5
learning Quran with voice
Belajar Membaca 6.2.4
Taman Edukasi
Educational games offline reading words and sentences accompaniedbyaudio how to read
Belajar Membaca dan Berhitung 1.0.16
Offline education on how to read words and count numbers
Mudah Belajar Abjad 1.71
Belajar mengenal, menghafal dan menulis abjad/huruf untuk anakusiadini.
Belajar Membaca Bersama 1.0
Nayaka Studio
Mari Belajar Membaca Bersama SiKembar. Dengan game ini kitabolehbelajar: 1. Huruf Alphabet 2. Angka 3. Nama Hewan 4. Nama Buah5.Menghitung Hewan 6. Menghitung Buah
English for Children 1.0.15
Interactive app for child
Coloring & Learn 1.174
Fun educational game: Learn, imagine, create, draw and color!
Soal Ujian SD (Sekolah Dasar) 1.8
Set of exam elementary school
Belajar Berhitung
Y-zerx Studio
Counting Learning Applications
Learn English For Kids 2.1
Learn English for Kids is an application created for childrentolearn English with fun. Designed for first time learners, thisfreeapp provides most commonly used English in daily life withvariouscategories like learn English Alphabets, numbers, months,shapesand more. There are 2 menus in this app, to learn English andtotest the memorized words with quality graphics and voice ofnativespeaker to know how to pronounce the words correctly as wellaspractice their listening skill. In future update, we will addmorefeature like memory game and writing practice to get more funtolearn English for kids.
Multiplication Table Kids Math
Learn Multiplication Table from 1 to 12,easyand fun. Math game for your kids.Practice multiplication and guess all math puzzles! Solvemultiplytest and pass school exam.It's a cool math game which helps learningmultiplicationtables.Improve your grades at school and master that kids math test!Test your brain and solve mathematics quiz.✔ With this math app your maths homework won’t be aproblemanymore!Kids learn multiplication table away from school. Multiplyyourgrades!♥ 4 Times Tables modes: adventure, study, math challengeandduel.Play a cool kids math quiz duel with your friend(splitscreen)★ Easy and hard math puzzles. Easy children schoolmultiplicationtables and hard math equations (addition,subtraction)It's a cool educational math game which helps kids inlearningmultiplication tables. Test your brain, raise your IQ andsolvemathematics quiz.This app will help you to graduate!In story mode you have limited time for each multiplicationtable,try to pass a mathematics quiz with no mistakes and you’llget a 3star score!Don’t worry, along the test you’ll find many helpful boosts.In challenge mode you can test your skills!Try to get the highest possible score and then improveyourgrade!Compete with friends who’s the best math kid in class!Times tables can be easy and cool. Take your best guessandmultiply.Learn maths tables while playing!Help your child make progress in school math.Your life will be a lot easier when you can simply remember themathmultiplication tables!We give you an app about math kids will love!You won’t be able to stop playing times tables.In kids school mathematics, a multiplication table (a timestable)is a mathematical table used to define a multiplicationoperationfor an algebraic system. Math quiz is an educational gameforeveryone!
Belajar Membaca 1.0
Reza Borneo
Aplikasi pendidikan yangsangatmembantuanak-anak kita belajar membaca.Aplikasi Pendidikan yang kami sajikan merupakanaplikasiyangsangat cocok untuk anak usia 6 - 8 Tahun. Karenadalamaplikasiini, anak-anak akan belajar membaca langsung yangdisertaidenganaudio.Dengan perpaduan Gambar dan Suara, diharapkan aplikasiinidapatmembantu orang tua dalam mengajari anak-anaknyadalamprosesbelajar membaca.Tak berhenti disitu saja setelah bosan denganbelajar,dalamaplikasi ini juga ada permainan yang tentunyauntukmelatihkemampuan anak dalam menyelesaikannya. Dari permainanitu,dapatkita lihat perkembangan anak kita sejauh manamerekamenguasaimateri membaca.dalam aplikasi ini sengaja kami suguhkan hanyahurufkonsonandengan harapan, anak-anak tidak terbebani padaprosesbelajarnyananti.Aplikasi ini termasuk dalam aplikasi Pendidikan,aplikasibelajaranak, belajar interaktif, permainan edukasi,permainananak.Akhir kata,Selamat Bermain dan Belajar.Note :Kritik, saran dan keberatandengan isi konten dalam aplikasi inisilahkan kirim ke email pengembangEducationalapplicationsgreatly help our children learn to read.Education application that we present an applicationthatissuitable for children aged 6-8 years. Because inthisapplication,children will learn to read directly accompaniedbyaudio.With a blend of Image and Sound, it is expectedthattheseapplications can help parents to teach their childrenintheprocess of learning to read.Do not stop there after bored with learning, inthisapplicationthere is also a game that is certainly totrainchildren's abilityto solve them. From that game, we can seethedevelopment of ourchildren to what extent they master this application inadvertently we serve onlyconsonantwithexpectations, children are not burdened with thelearningthatlater.These applications included in the applicationofEducation,children learning applications, interactivelearning,educationalgames, kids games.The final word,Welcome to Play and Learn.Note:Criticism, suggestions and objectionswith the content in this appplease send email to developer
Belajar Juz Amma Offline 1.0.7
Applications for memorizing short letters, quizzes, children'ssongsfor preschool, kindergarten, elementary school age
Lagu Anak Muslim & Sholawat Na 2.1.4
Taman Edukasi
Offline application of the Prophet's Prayers and MuslimChildren'sEducational Songs