Top 16 Apps Similar to ToDo List & Task Checklist

ToDo List 1.13
ToDo List is a free, easy to use task management app that helpsyouget things done (GTD). It allows tasks to be recordedquickly,organised and recalled when needed using a simpleprioritizationsystem: tasks are either due 'now' or left untillater. Enter yourtasks and divide them between the Now and Laterlists. Keep the Nowlist small so you can focus on your most urgenttasks and keep therest for later. As you complete each item move itto the Done taband top up the Now list with further tasks from theLater tab. Usethis simple work-flow to concentrate on the tasks athand whilekeeping everything else out of sight until needed. To addnew itemspress 'Add Item' and enter a description. The text will besavedautomatically when you return to the main screen. Press anitem toedit or long-press to access the item menu. Use this toedit,delete or move items between the tabs. A deleted item cannotberecovered so make sure you want really want to removeit.Alternatively, mark the item as done by moving it to the Donetab.Think of this as a recycle bin where items can be moved whennolonger needed. This can serve as a record of completed tasksandallow items to be reused if necessary. In addition to adescriptionan item can also have a reminder date. This can be anydate youwish to associate with the item such as a deadline, a startdate orany date at which you want to be reminded of a particulartask. Toset a date, edit the item and press the menu key. Select'Set Date'and choose the required date. Access the menu at any timeto changethe date or clear it if no longer required. When set,reminderdates appear in a color-coded format to indicate how nearthe dateis. Future, present and past dates can be displayed indifferentcolors allowing imminent or overdue dates to be seen at aglance.These colors, and other features can be customized in'Settings',accessible from the main menu. Groups allow items to bedividedinto sub-lists for different purposes such as home, workorspecific projects. Use the main menu to access the Group list.Addnew groups using the 'Add Group' button and rename or deletegroupsby long pressing a group name. A special group 'All Groups'cannotbe deleted, though it can be renamed. From the main listviewselect a group from the group pop-up list – items not belongingtothe selected group will be hidden, unless they belong to'AllGroups'. This special group allows items to remainvisibleregardless of the current group setting. This is useful forthosevery important items you don't want to lose sight of whenusinggroups. To set an item's group, edit the item and press themenukey - select 'Set Group' and choose from the list. Groups canbedeleted at any time, items assigned to a deleted group willrevertto 'All Groups'. Normally, items are moved manually from theLatertab to the Now tab when they become due. An item with areminderdate can be moved to the Now tab automatically if'AutomaticPrioritization' is enabled. Access 'Settings' and selectthe'Automatic Prioritization' level you want from the slidercontrol.Items in the Later list will be automatically moved to theNow tabwhen their reminder date falls within the time window set.This canbe from the actual date to 7 days before the date is due.Atstart-up, ToDo List scans the items in the Later list for anydatesthat fall inside the specified window and moves them to theNowtab. If a prioritized item is moved back to the Later list itwillnot be moved again. To 'reactivate' prioritization for thatitemyou must set its date again (possibly with the same value) –itwill be moved when eligible the next time ToDo List starts.TheToDo List data can be exported to an external storage devicesuchas an SD card. Press 'menu' in the app About screen to accesstheimport/export functions.
ToDo List Task Manager -Pro
ToDo Task Manager -Pro is a powerful to-dotaskmanagement tool with a simple and completely customizableuserinterface. It allows you to quickly and easily track andorganizeall of your to-do tasks.Create custom filters so you can easily organize and switchbetweento-do lists. Use the calendar month view for a quick way tosee allof your upcoming tasks.Some Features Include:● Customizable to-do list view.● Customizable sorting and filtering.● Save and name custom sort filter.● Optional quick search.● Calendar month view.● A view details screen that automatically creates linkstolocations, websites, email addresses, and phone numbers.● Repeating tasks.● Repeating reminder alarms.● Ability to snooze the alarm.● Customizable home screen widget.● Export todo task list as TXT, XML, CSV or Outlook CSV files totheSD card.● Import XML and CSV file.● Automatically backup to-do tasks to the SD card on afixedschedule.● Send a to-do task to the Google calendar.● Optional microphone buttons for speech to text input.● Selectable themes.● Online user manual.Visit the ToDo Task Manager website atwww.mikesandroidworkshop.comfor more information.Frequently Asked Questions:Q: How can I automatically dial a phone number entered inatask?A: Type in a phone number in either the contact field or in thenotefield to display that phone number as a link when viewing itoneither the 'Task Detail View' screen or the 'AlarmNotificationdetail' screen. Clicking on the link will automaticallydial thatnumber.Q: How do I create a custom filter?A: To save custom filters press the phones menu button while youareon the 'Sort and Filter Settings' window. A menu will pop up.Select'Save Filter Settings As..'. Then type in the new filtername andpress OK.Q: Can ToDo Task Manager sync with Google?A: To add a task to your calendar long press on a task in thetasklist until a context menu pops up. Then select the option 'AddtoGoogle Calendar'.The ' Sync Add-on -Beta' add-on will sync with thewebsite On the Toodledo website there are thirdpartytools to sync will Google( ). Thisshouldallow you to sync my application with Googleindirectly.Q: Can ToDo Task Manager sync with Outlook?A: My application does not directly sync with Outlook. Itprovidesthe option to import and export tasks to Outlook using aCSVfile.The ' Sync Add-on -Beta' add-on will sync with thewebsite On the Toodledo website there are thirdpartytools to sync will Outlook( ). This shouldallowyou to sync my application with Outlook indirectly.Q: How can I search for a specific task in the to-do list?A: The search feature is turned off by default. In theapplicationsettings select 'Searching, Sorting, and Filtering'.Then check the'Quick Search On/Off' setting.When quick search is turned on my application will filter thetasklist based on the text typed in the text field at the bottom ofthetask list screen.Q: How do I create a new category?A: To create a new category simple type in the new category inthecategory field on the task edit screen. The button next tothecategory field displays all of the existing categories in allofthe other tasks.Q: How can I enter additional information in a new taskwithouthaving to click on the task in the task list?A: Click on the add task button without entering a task title inthetext entry field to automatically open the task creationscreen. Youcan also set default values for most of thefields.
LIST - To-Do List | Task List 2.3
Beavers App
LIST is an app that allows anyone to create to-do list easily.
Memorigi: To-Do List & Tasks 7.2.1
Organize and plan your life with Memorigi todo list, calendar,andreminder app
Task List: ToDo List & Notepad 1.4.4
This is a free and simple todo list application.
Bright To-Do 5.2.5
Bright TODO
checklist, habit, repeat task, widget Franklin planner style
2Do - To do List & Reminders 2.21
"2Do adapts to my needs, not the other way around. 2Do getsme."-Macstories
ToDo List
Vishal Raut
It allows you to manage your tasks while getting notified whentheyare due.
Fire Todo List 1.5
Rodrigo Brito
A fast To-do list. Simple and useful tool for management of taksandreminders. You can create tasks with a title, date anddescription.The Fire TODOList is very fast and clean. Made to beeasy to use.The Fire TODOList have three lists: Pending, Done andAll,separating the done tasks of the others. Perfect formanagement andorganize your tasks and reminders.
Ike - To-Do List, Task List 2.0
"What is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent isseldomimportant." - Dwight 'Ike' Eisenhower Ike is a playful to-dolistin the spirit of President Eisenhower's priority matrix.Organizetasks by importance and urgency. Manage tasks usingintuitivegestures. Never forget a thing by adding due dates andlocationreminders. Go pro to unlock all the themes, widgets, theability toadd multiple reminders to each task, location reminders,images,and audio recordings. Prioritize Prioritize tasks, todos,andreminders into a priority matrix depending ontheirimportance/urgency. The Eisenhower method, also called aprioritymatrix, was popularized in Steven Covey’s “7 Habits ofHighlyEffective People”. Prioritizing tasks upfront is thecornerstone ofIke; prioritizing a task is the first thing you do,rather thanselecting it afterwards. Due Dates Add a due date to atask to giveit a deadline. Due dates can repeat daily, weekly,monthly, yearly,or be customized to a variety of configurations,such as “every 3weeks on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday”, or “every3 months”.Reminders Add multiple time or location-based remindersto eachtask. Tasks with due dates have time reminders depending onif adue date is at a set time or is an all day event, and reminderscanfire once or repeat. Default reminders for due dates canbecustomized in the app settings. Location-based reminders canbeadded and customized for arriving at or leaving from alocation.View a map or get driving directions while viewing a taskthat haslocation-based reminders. The geofence detection radius canbecustomized as well as the detection time when arriving atalocation. Images and Audio Add an image to a task to addmoreinformation about it, or to jazz it up. Images are seendirectly inyour task list so you don’t have to dig for it. Addaudiorecordings to a task using Google’s speech to text. Audio isplayeddirectly from the task list, and a speech to text is shownwhilethe audio is playing to make it easier to access. If you wanttoquickly add a task with a lot of information, audio is the waytogo. Notes Add notes and descriptions to your tasks. We give youanentire screen to add whatever detailed information youwant.Customize and Celebrate Celebrate your accomplishmentswithdelightful animations, and visualize progress as youcompletetasks. Task lists can be customized with a variety of colorthemes,some free and some pro. Widgets Create widgets to add,edit,complete, and view tasks. We currently have a quick addwidget, atask list view widget, a task chip widget, and severalmatrixwidgets to efficiently get an overview of your to-do list.Ike isfree to download and use. For a one time purchase, upgradeyourexperience to Ike Pro to unlock all themes, widgets, up tofivereminders per task, images, and audio recordings. Rate it ifyoulike Ike, tell us if you don’t! [email protected] if you have any support issues,questions, orfeedback.
Mydoid Todo List Calendar 3
MydoidNew generation todo list & calendar.You can use as a simple todolist with simple usage, afewclicksor with voice.Clicking Plus button from widgets or FastAdd widgetwhichdesignedfor you speech recognition,it gives ability to take a note with just 3 actions, ifyourinternetis open.Click, speak, save, just like this easily. If you prefer toaddnewactivity from widgets ormain program, write something and save, we are notmakingitdifficult, relax.Simplicity is best.If you need more detail, Mydoid also has anoptionaldetailgathering structure.A sliding menu available to extra information, simple clicktochoosedates, activity type,attendees and alarm types.Set your alarm, choose alarm warning type, ring,vibrationandplus Human Speech. If you havedownloaded Google translation packages, Mydoid willspeakactivitydetail & time to you, if youset it.4 widgets are presented to you with Mydoid,flowlist,calendar,coming activities and fast-use widget.Flowlist is the one up-down scrollable in next 30days,showingactivities of days.Click activity type imaged activity, and see contentyouentered.Coming activities widget is the list where youseeactivitiesabout to happen in that month.Click activity and see detail.Calendar widget is classic monthly monitoring widgetofourapplication. Design in ourcalendar gives comfort to user by iconizing each dailyeventindayboxes. Want to exploreother months, click left & right, examine your year.Flowlist widget is monthly approach to trackingactivities.Scrollup & own and click to imagerepresenting your event type.Fast-add widget is designed to user who love simplicity. Ithas3options: Click and add a note,click and create your note with your voice, search anactivitybykeywords. Voice option can beused if your internet is up or you have downloadedvoicelanguagepack before.Choose colorful styles for your widgets, we filteredpastelcolorsfor you. You'll love it.You have repeated activities. Mydoid saves this accordingtoyourchoices. In every widget and mainprogram, you see and also set an alarm for each repeat, atexacttimeor a time before you choose.We have requested permissions, you may be curious whatthosearefor. We'll explain extra ones here.Wakelock & boot permissions are for waking up yourandroiddevicefor alarm,Network & Internet for harmless ads.Mydoid will make your life easier.
Todo Planner To-Do & Task List 1.0.1
Todo Planner is a simple and easytouseapplication which allows you to create & organizeyourTodotask list.Features:- List all Todo tasks- Create Todo tasks with due date timeandpriorityinformation.- Take a photo for a Todo task- Set a reminder for a Todo task- Send a Todo task details to others- Swipe to previous / next Todo task on Details screen- Long press and Select multiple Todo tasks on Listscreenforremoval- Support localization languages for English,TraditionalandSimplified Chinese
Codo: Shared Todo-Lists 2.2.2
Create lists and collaborate with friends and family.Real-timesync.
My to Do List|Task List 1.0.8
My to Do List is a handy application, whereyouhave the opportunity to form your own list of tasks. Thisprogramallows you to use comfortable interface to plan thenecessary taskfor the future and organize your work and personalschedulecorrectly. The task list can be divided into priorities.Setting ofpriorities will facilitate in determining of importanceof this orthat problem. Each task can be classified to specificcategory:business, shopping, work, personal. Also, you will beable to createthe task lists with relevant categories. The programhas aconvenient search, thanks to it, by entering a singlecharacter or aword - you can find the right task. The mainobjective of theapplication is to memorize and later recall thephone owner that hehad planned task and it should be done. Thereis also a statisticsfunction through which you can follow up onassignments. In additionto simplicity of use of the application,the important note is thatyou can choose your preferred language(English, Українська,Русский, Italiano, Español, Português,Français, Deutsch). The listof tasks that you will form with My toDo List, will help you tomanage your time effectively, keep upwith everything and not forgetanything. This application willassist you in such a frantic pace oflife, because you will be ableto recall any scheduled task that isimperative to beperformed.
ProjectPlace 1.19.6
Manage your daily work and project collaboration needs inoneaccessible tool.
EveryDay ToDo List Task List 1.1.1
Gorgeous and functional todo list app.Gainproductivity now!**No pills requiredEveryDay is a simple and functional to-do list andtaskmanagement app. A beautiful minimalist design helps you focusongetting things done.Boost your motivation and find ways to get more productivewithEveryDay Task List & ToDo List.Check out our Web App: https://app.evrdy.comAdd to EveryDay Chrome Extension (integrated with yourGMail!)you're gonna love:♥ tasks import♥ great user experience♥ quick add task widgetTodo List features:♥ fully drag and drop - move your tasks and createsubtasksfreely!♥ start adding new tasks in the place you want - just drag anddropour Innovative Orange Plus Button♥ hierarchical trees of tasks and subtasks♥ create subtasks on the fly (header buttons!)♥ swipe right to mark as done/undone♥ swipe left and modify fast!♥ double tap on a task to edit inline! (supports continuousaddingtoo!)♥ hide completed tasks♥ view all completed tasksTask features:♥ swipe left or right to move to another task fast♥ notes♥ due date♥ reminder♥ recurring task (ie.: to repeat task every week)♥ add url/link - via share page option in your mobilewebbrowser♥ subtasksManage your lists:♥ double tap to edit name or delete list♥ drag and drop to move up or downShared Lists:♥ share your lists with others!For EveryDay PRO users (paid):List Widget♥ access your lists and due dates from your Home Screen♥ light and dark theme♥ and it looks good!More info about EveryDay PRO here: out other EveryDay widgets - add task with one touch!Use the voice recognition option to speed up the process ofcreatingyour lists, todo tasks, notes.Now you can add tasks/ideas while you are driving your car!Full sync - EveryDay may be synced across all yoursupporteddevices.You have a full control over your daily duties.EveryDay is available for free but has some limitations.Unlock EveryDay PRO for $2.99/month and be more productive,moreinfo here: is a one-time fee for one month access to Profeatures.Subscription will not renew automatically. But it ispossible toextend your Pro subscription for a few monthsupfront.You can extend it at any time!Learn more about EveryDay Task & ToDo List here: in to Web App here: https://app.evrdy.comFollow our blog at: