Top 2 Apps Similar to Kickstart C

Programming languages 82.3.03
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Learn C in simple way 2.0
Sri Foundation
Learn C Language in a simple wayThis app contain tutorial on C language. Its aim is to gettingtheuser started C language in a quicker way. It is popularlanguageamong programmers because of its multiple features. ThisApp is nota substitute for any C language book. The best way forlearning Cis by starting to program as early as possible.C program consists of functions and declarations orinstructionsgiven to the computer to perform a particular task. Theprocess ofwriting a program involves designing the algorithm,writing thesource code, after developing the program you need totest it anddebug it. To make a program you need a text editor and acompiler.You can use any text editor of your choice and a compiler.Ccompiler converts source code into machine code which consistsofzero and one only and can be directly executed on machine. AnIDEor Integrated Development Environment provides a texteditor,compiler, debugger etc. for developing programs orprojects.Download codeblocks IDE which provides an idealenvironment fordevelopment.Reference books:The C Programming Language -- ANSI CBrian W. C. Kernighan & Dennis M. RitchiePrentice Hall, 1988Let Us C By Yashavant kanetkarPROGRAMMING WITH C By Byron Gottfried, Jitender ChhabraThe C Programming By Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie