Top 39 Apps Similar to 네이버 - NAVER

SERIES 3.36.3
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네이버 클라우드 - NAVER Cloud
Ndrive app has renewed itself asNAVERCloud.Download NAVER Cloud to recall a special memory from your photosandto share hundreds of photos with your friends and familyatonce!You can recall a special memory from your photos and share themwithyour friends and family!1. With NAVER Cloud's feature of 'A photo taken on the same daylastyear', you can view photos everyday that will remind you ofyourmemory.2. Photos are automatically classified by location/time suchas'summer vacation photos' and 'baby's first birthdaypartyphotos'.3. In case of consecutive photos such as 'jump shot', you canviewthem as a vivid moving picture.4. Use the feature 'View Together' to share your photos! Clickforthree times to share hundreds of photos with your family,friends,lover.Experience the best cloud service!1. Auto-upload feature will save your photos safely.2. You can view the high-definition photos just like when youusePC.3. When you use NAVER Office app, you can view and edit HWP orMSOffice, etc.4. You can listen to music and view video right away.(When you use NAVER Media Player, real-time service isavailablewithout download.)5. You can quickly share files such as photos, documents, etcbyusing 'Send URL' feature and you can also share folders withyourfriends by using phone number and email address.(Send your file easily by using LINE, BAND, KakaoTalk, SMS,Blog,Cafe, or mail!)6. You can easily find the photos based on various themes suchasseason, nature, food, animal, etc and the day the photo wastaken,and device used to take the photo.7. You can easily view and upload gallery photos fromyourphone.8. Password setting is available for the file that needs to besavedsafely.9. Paid users can upload a file at once, of which size ismaximum10GB and invite up to 300 users to shared folder.If you have any questions or problems while using the app,please access NAVER Cloud customer center ( any help.----Developer's contact information :1588-3820NAVER Green Factory 16th floor, Buljeong-ro 6,Bundang-gu,Seongnam-city, Kyunggi-do
네이버 브라우저엔진 0.2.01
네이버앱에서 사용할 수 있는 브라우저 엔진입니다.네이버앱에서 네이버 브라우저엔진을 사용하게 되면 최신 OS의 많은 이슈를 해결할 수 있습니다.[세부 기능 안내]- 더 빨라진 웹 스크롤과 플리킹- 파일 업로드 기능 지원- 타이틀바 자동 숨김 기능 지원- 동영상 재생중에 절전 모드 전환 방지- Multi Process 렌더링 지원- Hardware Accelerated Canvas 지원- HTML5 WebGL 지원- HTML5 Web Audio API 지원- HTML5 Web Components 지원- Promises (ES6) 지원- Animated WebP 지원※ 네이버 브라우저엔진은 안드로이드 OS kitkat 이상 및 네이버앱 v5.5.0 이상에서만 사용하실수있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :1588-3820경기도 성남시 분당구 정자동 178-1 그린팩토리 16층Thebrowserengine available on Naver App.When the browser engine Naver Naver app to use to resolvemanyissues with the latest OS.[Advanced Features Guide]- Faster Web scrolling and flicking- File Upload Support- The title bar auto-hide feature supportAnti-conversion power saving mode during video playback- Multi Process rendering support- Hardware Accelerated Canvas Support- HTML5 WebGL support- HTML5 Web Audio API support- HTML5 Web Components Support- Promises (ES6) support- Animated WebP support※ Naver browser engine can be used only on Android OSkitkatNaver App v5.5.0 and later and later.
Korean Dictionary & Translate 2.8.4
All information you need from NaverDictionary& Translate can be found here!There are dictionaries in 33 languages and encyclopedias of2.72million headwords!■ Translate- Korean<->English translate- Korean<->Japanese translate- Korean<->Chinese translate- English<->Spanish translate- English<->Portuguese translate- English<->Thai translate- English<->Indonesia translate- English<->Chinese translate- English<->German translate- English<->Russian translate- English<->Vietnamese translate- English<->Hindi translate*Interpreter for Korean<->Japanese*Web translateforKorean<->Japanese/English/Chinese(simplified,traditional)■ Dictionaries- Encyclopedia of Knowledge: Encyclopedia- Korean Dictionary- English Dictionary: English-Korean Dictionary,Korean-EnglishDictionary- Japanese Dictionary: Japanese-Korean Dictionary,Korean-JapaneseDictionary, Japanese Chinese CharacterDictionary- Chinese Dictionary: Chinese-Korean Dictionary,Korean-ChineseDictionary- Chinese Character Dictionary- Dutch Dictionary: Dutch-Korean Dictionary,Korean-DutchDictionary- German Dictionary: German-Korean Dictionary,Korean-GermanDictionary- Latin Dictionary: Latin-Korean Dictionary- Russian Dictionary: Russian-Korean Dictionary,Korean-RussianDictionary- Romanian Dictionary: Romanian-Korean Dictionary- Mongolian Dictionary: Mongolian-Korean Dictionary- Nepali Dictionary: Nepali-Korean Dictionary- Vietnamese Dictionary: Vietnamese-KoreanDictionary,Korean-Vietnamese Dictionary- Swahili Dictionary: Swahili-Korean Dictionary- Swedish Dictionary: Swedish-Korean Dictionary,Korean-SwedishDictionary- Spanish Dictionary: Spanish-Korean Dictionary,Korean-SpanishDictionary- Arabic Dictionary: Korean- Arabic Dictionary- Albanian Dictionary: Albanian-Korean Dictionary- Uzbek Dictionary: Uzbek-Korean Dictionary,Korean-UzbekDictionary- Ukrainian Dictionary: Ukrainian-Korean Dictionary- Italian Dictionary: Italian-Korean Dictionary,Korean-ItalianDictionary- Indonesian Dictionary: Indonesian-Korean Dictionary- Georgian Dictionary: Georgian-Korean Dictionary- Czech Dictionary: Czech-Korean Dictionary- Cambodian Dictionary: Cambodian-Korean Dictionary- Thai Dictionary: Thai-Korean Dictionary,Korean-ThaiDictionary- Turkish Dictionary: Korean-Turkish Dictionary- Persian Dictionary: Persian-Korean Dictionary- Portuguese Dictionary: Portuguese-KoreanDictionary,Korean-Portuguese Dictionary- Polish Dictionary: Polish-Korean Dictionary- French Dictionary: French-Korean Dictionary,Korean-FrenchDictionary- Hungarian Dictionary: Hungarian-KoreanDictionary,Korean-Hungarian Dictionary- Hindi Dictionary: Hindi-Korean Dictionary,Korean-HindiDictionary- Open Dictionary■ Features:TalkTalk English, Wordbooks forEnglish/Japanese/Chinese,Handwriting inputs for ChineseCharacter/Chinese/Japanese■ Find difficult characters with Handwriting inputs.Writing Chinese Character/Chinese/Japanese Characters is notaproblem anymore. Handwriting input will help you findthosehard-to-write characters automatically when you write someparts ofthem with your finger.■ Wordbooks will help you learn English/Japanese/Chinese byhearingand writing them!With NAVER Wordbook, you can study anytime efficiently. You canmakequick progress in your language ability~!■ My interpreters and translators that are available onlythroughNAVER Dictionary app!Speak with a Japanese friend by using the Japanese Voicetranslatorand surf foreign websites easilywithEnglish/Japanese/Chinese(simplified, traditional) Sitetranslateseven if you don’t knowEnglish, Chinese or Japanese!See NAVER Dictionary Official Blog( ) for more information.Please leave your inquiry with NAVER Dictionary Customer Center( ) in case a problem occurs while usingtheapp.
Naver Calendar
Have fun planning your day with the NAVER Calendar App
쥬니버TV juniverTV - 키즈 동영상 앱 4.12.21
Popular contents of Juniver in your smartphone!
네이버 메모 – Naver Memo
기억해야 할 것들이 점점 많아지는 세상에서간단한 방식으로 당신의 기억을 보다 선명히 기록합니다.네이버 메모 앱!(v3.0) 깔끔한 디자인에 편의성을 더했습니다.※ v3.0.3에서는 폴더 목록 디자인 등 주요 이슈가 수정되었습니다.고객분들께서 남겨주신 다른 불편사항들도 추가 반영을 위한 검토 중에 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.- 더 넓어진 간단 메모 영역을 통해 쉽게 터치하고 빠르게 기록하세요- 총 3개의 메모 테마를 취향에 사용성에 맞춰 선택해보세요.- 자주 쓰는 메뉴 버튼은 앱 하단에서 편리하게 이용하세요.- 중요 메모는 더 크게, 첨부 이미지와 담은 링크도 한 눈에 확인하세요.- 사진 메모만 모아볼 수 있는 폴더가 새로 추가되었어요.- 신규 작성, 수정한 메모는 화면을 벗어나면 자동 저장됩니다.※ 새로워진 메모앱(v3.0)은 Android OS 4.0 이상부터 사용할 수 있습니다.[주요 기능]1. PC웹 부터 모바일 앱까지 언제 어디서나 기록하고 확인.- 동기화 기능이 제공되어 PC웹, 모바일 앱, 툴바 등 언제 어디서나 주변에 있는 플랫폼에서 바로 작성하고 확인 할수있습니다.2. 쉽게 분류하고 찾아볼 수 있는 폴더 기능- 중요메모, 사진첨부 메모만 따로 확인할 수 있고 폴더 별 색상이 구분되어 메모를 쉽게 분류하고 찾아볼 수있습니다.3. 암호 잠금으로 안전하게 관리- 앱을 시작할때는 물론 폴더에도 암호를 설정하여 메모를 안전하게 관리할 수 있습니다.4. 위젯을 통해 스마트폰 바탕화면에서 메모 확인- 다양한 타입의 메모 위젯을 통해 자주 확인하는 메모를 바탕화면에서 바로 확인할 수 있습니다.5. 편리하고 빠른 메모 공유 기능- 작성한 메모를 네이버 메일이나 캘린더, 스마트폰에 설치된 다른 앱에도 손쉽게 공유할 수 있습니다.6. 메모를 원하는 순서대로 확인하는 정렬 기능- 최신순, 수정일순, 가나다순 등 사용 패턴에 따라 메모를 정렬하여 볼 수 있습니다.■ 필수 접근권한 상세· 주소록 : 네이버 간편로그인 기능을 이용할 수 있습니다.· 저장공간 : 사진, 동영상, 오디오 파일 등을 기기에 다운로드 받거나 메모에 첨부하는 기능을 이용할수있습니다.· 카메라 : 촬영한 사진을 메모에 첨부하는 기능을 이용할 수 있습니다.· 전화 : 사용자의 전화번호 확인. 기기 동기화 등을 위해 기기 ID를 이용할 수 있습니다[참고 사항]앱 사용 중에 궁금하신 점 또는 문제가 발생한 경우, 네이버 메모 고객센터 (로접속하여 궁금하신 점을 해결해 보세요----개발자 연락처 :1588-3820경기도 성남시 분당구 정자동 178-1 그린팩토리 10층----개발자 연락처 :1588-3820경기도 성남시 분당구 정자동 178-1 그린팩토리 16층In a world where moreandmore things to rememberA simple way to more Seon Myeonghi record your memories.Naver Memo app! (V3.0) was more convenient to clean design.※ The main design issues, such as the folder list has beenmodifiedin v3.0.3.Other complaints customers bundeulkkeseo namgyeojusin so evenduringthe review for further reflection, thank you note.- Please Touch easily and quickly recorded over a wider area,simplenotes- Please select according to the usability of a total of threenotestheme to your liking.- For frequently used menu buttons are conveniently available atthebottom of the app.- Important note louder, please also check at a glance thatcontainslinks and images attached.- The folder to view only the pictures collected notesbecamenew.- newly created, modified notes are confined to the screenisautomatically saved.※ Notes app (v3.0) is available from the new over AndroidOS4.0.[main function]1. Check the recording time from the PC to the mobile web andappsfrom anywhere.- is provided with a synchronization feature, you can createandcheck directly from the platform anytime, anywhere in thevicinity,such as PC web, mobile apps, and toolbars.2. that can easily categorize and locate the folder function- Important note, you can only see a separate folder bycolorphotographs and accompanying notes are separated, you caneasilycategorize notes and browse.3. Securely manage Passcode Lock- You can start the app halttaeneun well as set a passwordtosecurely manage your notes folder.4. Check on the widget memo from your smartphone wallpaper- you can just check your notes frequently confirmed by the noteofthe various types of widgets on the desktop.5. Convenient and quick note sharing feature- any other app on your written notes on Naver mail orcalendar,smart phone, you can easily share.6. Sort feature to make notes in the order you want- You can view your notes sorted based on usage patterns,ChoiSinsun, modify, momentarily, alphabetically.■ Required Restrictions Details· Address Book: You can use Naver simple login function.· Storage: You can receive or download photos, videos, audiofiles,including the ability to use the device attached totheNotes.· Camera: You can take advantage of the ability to attach aphotoshoot in a note.· Phone: Verify your phone number. The device ID can be usedfordevice synchronization, etc.[Note]If you have questions or problems that occurred during the useapps,Naver Memo with us (, Try to connect to your questions----Developer Contact:1588-3820Seongnam, Gyeonggi ci 178-1 10 Green Factory Floor
Pixelmon MOD MCPE 0.15.0 2.0
Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PE ofmanythingsfromthe show, including Pokemon, gym badges, andbattling.This Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PE can onlybeappliedwithBlockLauncher application and you need install thefullversionofMCPE and BlockLauncher in your smartphone ortablet.This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.Thisapplication is not affiliated in any way withMojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and theMinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectfulowner.Allrightsreserved.Inaccordancewith Mod for Minecraft PE is pack of mod it havemanymodinthis appEvery mod has title, description , screenshotanddownloadbutton.Search any mods for mcpe you want justbrowsefavourite modandpress DOWNLOAD ... Done!A fun feature of Pixelmon Mod for Minecraft PE isthatyoucancatch Pokemon in a 3D poke ball, and even seeyourPokemon'suniqueattributes which consist of habits,damage, armor and aggression. This isnt just a cosmeticmodthatgivesfacelifts to models already existing in thegamePixelmonactuallyincludes an attack system ripped rightfromPixelmon Modfor MinecraftPE, with over 500 individual attackmovesand evenstatus ailments, tomake it play and feel much likethehandheldPokemon games. ThisPixelmon Mod for Minecraft PEevenafunctioning pokedex for keepingtrack of what monsterstheplayerhas caught!
네이버 클로바 - NAVER CLOVA
Start for a fun routine! Naver Clover app to make your dailylifemore convenient
Korean English Translator 5.2
GK Apps
This free app is able to translate wordsandtexts from english to korean, and from korean to english.- very useful app for easy and fast translations, which can beusedlike a dictionary- voice input for text available- share translations with your friends and contacts- if you are a student, tourist or traveler, it will helps youtolearn the language!- Korean is the national and official language of Korea.
네이버 오피스 - Naver Office 1.2.6
Edit documents at work, school or on thegowith Naver Office!Use Naver Office on you PC and mobile phone to read, edit andsavedocuments~.[Main Functions]1. Read, edit and save documents created with the MS OfficeandHangul Word Processor!Naver Office can be used to read and edit documents created withtheMS Office and Hangul Word Processor, document formats thatarewidely used in the office, during work, and forschoolassignments.Documents can also be saved in the ‘docx’, ‘pptx’, ‘xlsx’and‘hwpml’(compatible with ‘hwp’) format.2. Securely save edited documents in Naver Ndrive!Edited documents are safely stored in the user’s phone and alsoinNaver Ndrive, allowing users to check documentsanytime,anywhere!3. Drafts are saved to prepare for unexpected situations!Drafts, that include modifications made to the documents, aresavedautomatically to avoid contents from being lost duringunexpectedsituations.4. See documents conveniently!Pages that were previously seen by the user are rememberedandautomatically shown when word and presentation documentsareopened. Users can use the scroll to quickly move from pagetopage.5. Useful functions are gathered in one place to alloweasyediting!General text as well as images, shapes and memos can be editedornewly added.6. Freely open documents from other apps and send documents tootherapps!Documents that were open in other applications installed intheuser’s phone can be easily opened and edited in NaverOffice.Edited documents can be sent and saved in other applicationsthatare installed in the user’s phone.7. Easily created new documents!Create new documents, including word, presentation, spreadsheetsand documents that use formats provided by Naver Office, andcheckrecent documents right away.Please contact the Naver Office customer centerat if you have any inquiries orexperienceproblems while using the application.----Contact the developer at;1588-382016FL, NAVER Green Factory6, Buljeong-ro, Bundang-gu,Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea----Contact the developer at;1588-382016FL, NAVER Green Factory178-1, Jeongja-dong, Bundang-guSeongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Wattpad 📖 Free Books 10.21.0
Discover WattpadAt Wattpad, we’re connecting a global community through the powerofthe story. On Wattpad, you'll find all the stories to keepyouhooked! Discover free stories and books created by writersaroundthe world. Whatever you’re into—whether it’s romance,sciencefiction, mystery, comedy, action adventure, fantasy, youngadultfiction or fanfiction—you’ll find it all for free onWattpad.ReadSave your favorite stories and take them with you whereveryougo—even offline. Can’t put Wattpad down? Simply sync youraccountso you can easily pick up where you left off, whether you’reonyour laptop, tablet or phone.ConnectJoin the community! Connect directly with writers and otherreadersand discuss the latest plot twists by leaving commentsalongsidethe latest stories. React in real time as new chapters areadded,share your favorite lines or create beautiful visual quotes.Readtogether! Share your library or create reading lists soyourfriends always know what you’re reading.WriteGot your own story to tell? Publish it on Wattpad and share itwithour supportive community. Create a new draft, add chapters toanexisting story or add a cover, all from the app. You can evengetcreative with one of our monthly writing challenges.Wheninspiration strikes, you’ll have Wattpad right inyourpocket.Stories you’ll love.Discover stories from well-known authors including Anna Todd,ScottWesterfeld, Tyler Oakley, Margaret Atwood, Paulo Coelho, RLStine,Dan Brown, Christopher Pike, Pharrell, Zayn, Felicia Day,JenniferArmentrout, Meg Cabot, Marissa Meyer, Gena Showalter, HughHowey,Kevin J Anderson, and Maureen Johnson.Already a Wattpad fan? Follow us on Instagram, Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest, and Snap to stay up-to-date on your favoritewriters,stories, contests, and more!Instagram: Search for “@wattpad”
ColorDict Dictionary
Free offline dictionary app that supports StarDict, Wordnetandonline Wikipedia
Korean Dictionary & Translator 8.6.0
English to Korean, Korean to English dictionary &translationapp
Erudite Dictionary & Thesaurus
Erudite combines bilingualdictionaries,thesaurus, translator, flashcards, phrasebook andwidget. If youwant to learn English, Spanish, French, German,Italian,Portuguese, Dutch, Greek, Russian, Chinese, Japanese,Korean,Indonesian, Turkish, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, Thai,Vietnamese,Czech, Finnish, Swedish, Croatian and Serbian the mosteffectiveway, there's no better choice than Erudite!The following bilingual dictionaries with comprehensivedefinitions,examples & grammar can be downloaded:- English Dictionary- Spanish English Dictionary (Diccionario Inglés-Español)- French English Dictionary (Dictionnaire Anglais Français)- German English Dictionary (Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch)- Italian English Dictionary (Dizionario Inglese Italiano)- Portuguese English Dictionary (Erudite Dicionário Inglês)- Dutch English Dictionary (Engels Nederlands Woordenboek)- Greek English Dictionary (Αγγλο Ελληνικό Λεξικό)- Russian English Dictionary (Английский русский словарь)- Chinese English Dictionary (英漢字典 / 英英字典 / 漢英字典)- Japanese English Dictionary (英和辞典 / 和英辞典 / 英英辞典)- Korean English Dictionary (영한사전 | 한영사전)- Indonesian English Dictionary (Kamus Inggris-Indonesia)- Turkish English Dictionary (İngilizce Türkçe Sözlük)- Arabic English Dictionary (قاموس عربي إنجليزي)- Hebrew English Dictionary (אנגלית עברית מילון)- Hindi English Dictionary (अंग्रेजी हिन्दी शब्दकोश)- Thai English Dictionary (ดิกชันนารี อังกฤษ-ไทย)- Vietnamese English Dictionary (Từ điển Anh Việt)- Czech English Dictionary (Anglicko-český Slovník)- Finnish English Dictionary (Englanti-suomi Sanakirja)- Swedish English Dictionary (English svenska ordbok)- Croatian English Dictionary (Rječnik hrvatsko engleski)- Serbian English Dictionary (Енглеско-српски Речник)Other major features:Thesaurus - Understand synonyms & antonyms of words!Grammar - Learn grammar easily!Flashcards - Memorise basic vocabulary effectively!Phrasebook - Speak essential phrases anytime!Word of the day - Learn a new word everyday!Bookmarks - Favourite word & search history!Widget - Search any word instantly!More coming soon …
Offline dictionaries
Browse many offline dictionaries!
Pixelmon Mod For MCPE Server 1
Catch legendary poke and collectthemtoadventure in poke world 11.3.0
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Oxford Dictionary 15.2.1035
Improve your vocabulary and grammar with the 15 biggestOxfordDictionaries.
Building Ideas MCPE HOUSE MOD 1.0
Building Ideas MCPE HOUSE MOD for FREE!Thisbuilding guide shows you Minecraft house ideas mod, andotherstructures , comes with an idea to building house in yourminecraftworld!We update the app regularly with brand new designs which willbesure to inspire you!It can be hard coming up with concepts for buildings inMinecraftthat are both safe and good looking. This useful buildingguideshows you Minecraft house ideas, and other structures atyourdisposal. This app is fully illustrated with tons of pictures.Itincludes detailed walkthrough instructions, just like theonesincluded with model sets. From the ground up, build like apro.Each design gives you an exact list of materials needed. Nomore"homelessness" in Minecraft! Always has a roof over yourhead!You ready to get new ideas for house in minecraft?You need a new idea for your home?If this is a question for you, this app is the answer to you.This is the #1 FREE app for Minecraft Pocket EditionBuildingIdeas!We have LOADS of building designs to help you build thingsonMinecraft PE! We update the app regularly with brand newdesignswhich will be sure to inspire you!House Ideas for Minecraft PE Has Designs For:- Houses- Mansion- Hotels- City Buildings- AND MOREDownload for free now!Features:# Easy to use# Smooth interface# New wallpapers# HD quality images# Set wallpapersDISCLAIMER:Building Ideas MCPE HOUSE MOD is an unofficial App forMinecraft.This application is intended for educational purposesonly. Thisapp is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheMinecraftName, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are allpropertyof Mojang AB or they respectful owner. All rightsreserved.
Korean English Dictionary 영한사전 8.20.0
Easily learn Korean & English withKoreanEnglish Dictionary & Translator app! Free download &noInternet connection required!The app enables you to search Korean & English wordswithdefinitions, examples, pronunciation, and more.FEATURES- Detailed word definitions & example sentences- Related search suggestions- Advanced sentences analyzer- Favorite words & search history- Flashcards for self-learning support- Customizable font sizes for better readability- Korean, English & wildcard character search support- Korean, British English & American English pronunciationwithphoneticsWelcome to download the Korean English Dictionary &Translatorapp!ABOUT Bravolol- Web site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Email:[email protected]
북팔 - 해외 거주자 이용 가능 6.5.2
대한민국 콘텐츠의 향수를 느끼고 싶은 분들께
Super-Bright LED Flashlight
Surpax Inc.
Super-Bright LED Flashlight instantlyturnsyour device into a bright flashlight. The ultimate lightingtooltakes full advantage of the LED light. Strobe/Blinking Mode isalsosupported as on a $100 tactical flashlight. and it'sFREE!Flashlight features:- Super Bright Flashlight - Guaranteed!- Convenient - Switch On/Off the light just like using arealflashlight- Strobe/Blinking Mode supported - Blinking frequencyadjustableflashlight- Stunning graphics - This is the most beautiful flashlight youcanget in hand!
문피아 - 웹소설의 유토피아 3.16.27
Munpia, Inc.
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Dictionary - Merriam-Webster 5.3.5
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