Top 18 Apps Similar to Monument Tracker World Guide

Visit Portugal Travel Guide 1.0.6
The VisitPortugal official travel guide allows you to organiseyouritinerary, obtain real time touristic information, accessyourpersonal account and your favourite content and searchnationaldatabases. You may download information to access offlineas well.Main reasons to use the VisitPortugal Travel Guide: - It isfree -It is available in 10 languages: Portuguese, English,Spanish,German, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Japanese andMandarin. -It is available both online or offline, with no roamingexpensesDownload information you need for your trip with accesswhere andwhen you´d like. - It has Augmented Reality Use yourdevice to haveimmediate access to real time touristic information.- It has georeferenced information While you are in Portugal, youcan see whatis closest to you from your geographic location. - Itprovidestouristic information Touristic information and holidaysuggestionsat your disposal, according to your interests: Sun andOcean, Miniholidays, Art and Culture, Religious Tourism, Nature,OutdoorActivities, Surfing, Golf, Nautical Tourism, Gastronomy andWines,Health and Well Being, Romance, Family, Golf, Youth Freeaccess toa database with 12000 equipments, distributed throughout7Portuguese regions: Oporto and North Region, Centre ofPortugal,Lisbon Region, Alentejo, Algarve, Azores and Madeira.Informationabout accommodation, touristic service companies, golfcourts,museums, monuments and places, beaches, protected areas,usefultelephone numbers, among many others. - Provides accesstoVisitportugal´s personal account Wherever you´d like, accessyourVisit Portugal account online and consult your favouritecontent.
Braga Cool: best travel guide 1.0.9
The best travel guide with an offline map to discover Braga
Welcome Portugal 7.0.0
Welcome Portugal utiliza a ultima tecnologiaemRealidade AumentadaUma aplicação inovadora para PortugalWelcome Portugal usesthelatest technology in Augmented RealityAn innovative application for Portugal
Metz Tour 8.2-202206032
With Metz Tower, follow the guide!
Nimes Travel Guide & Map 6.0.2
NO ADVERTISEMENTSREALLY ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYSExperience an original and unusual experience throughtheunmissable guide Monument Tracker.CARD MAPS AND OFFLINE CIRCUITSAll the contents of this guide what to see, what to do workswithoutInternet or network.PREPARE YOUR TRIPYour profile will be your journey log. Select sites not tobemissed, so become your own guide and be sure not to missanything.Monument Tracker saves you time and allows you to starttravelingeven before your holiday. Make the most of your trip,share yourfavorites with your friends."Your journey begins now"OR LEAVE YOUR GUIDEEnable instant discovery, and be free. You have nothing todo,Monument Tracker alerts you when you pass in front of a placenotto be missed.If you have not prepared anything"Monument Tracker is your Phone Trotter"PLAYMonument Tracker thinks of everything, even to entertain youduringmoments of waiting. Have fun with quizzes, treasure hunts,unlocksuccesses, queue up in a transport or a guided tour, alone orwithfamily."Turn a moment into a relaxing moment."THEMATIC CIRCUITSSave time, let yourself be guided through the originalthemedcircuits, escape and be immersed in the history of the city.A wayto get out of the traditional circuits, a way to discoverorrediscover the place, Monument Tracker guides you step by stepandshares the essential."Go Back in History"VIBRATE WITH ACTIVITIESFeel alive, Awaken your senses, Push your limits, experience araremoment through activities related to the place in which youare.The Monument Tracker Guide delivers you out of theordinaryactivities to find your child's soul.Theater, Visits, Pass and cutters, Privileges."Create memories"With the new version of Monument Tracker, join 1 millionusersalready conquered by the previous versions of the Europeanwinnerfor the creation and innovation in heritage enhancement.Offline version: Download offline embedded maps of the city tosaveextra data costs when staying abroad
Milan Guide Voyage & Carte 6.0.2
Small revolution for this update! + UPDATEEXPO2015Discover the new version of the tourist guide MonumentTracker:Global Redesign of the application in graphics andfeatures, if youwant to know what to do and what to see in Milanduring yourweekend tour or journey, Download now our freeapplication !ALL THE PAVILION OF THE EXPO 2015This year the World Expo 2015 pavilions placed in the cityofMilan, it has a cultural mission, scientific, socialandtechnological. Find the heart of Milan Monument Trackerapplocation-based lodges in areas, to miss anything of thiseventwhich is only held every 5 years.When to visit rhymes with fun. Discover Milan fun andculturalway with the new addictive tourist travel guideMonumentTracker.A true companion interactive and comprehensive trip includingTop10, Top 20 rankings by ages 55 monuments, tours, guidedtours,historic cafes and restaurants.With the new version of Tracker Monument, join 1 millionusersalready conquered by previous European winner of versions forthecreation and innovation in the development of heritage.Discover or rediscover the 55 monuments and sites in thecapitalof Lombardy.Use the géolocalision to view the closest monuments you accessacomprehensive database of information on landmarks liketheCathedral, the Basilica of St. Ambrose, St. Mary of Graces,theCastello Sforzesco, but also the sites, the statues,libraries,pubs, castles, churches, chapels, stations, fountains,hotels,gardens, markets, museums, opera houses, palaces, bridges,squares,theaters, towers, and view history and anecdotes about eachofthese places of Milan.The features built into the application:Your profile: Genuine free personal space to store and shareyourroutes, photos stickées on the plan, favorite items and lists.Youare asked your favorite places? In one click your friendscanfollow your steps.The circuits: Discover Milan through original themesaudioguidetours or guided tours backpacker style: Circuits inprogress.Styles and History: Renaissance, Flamboyant, Art Nouveau,Baroque... You will recognize all architectural styles and impressyourfriends. A monument was built over several periods? youwillrecognize the signs.Missions: Discover the monuments of Milan and have funduringyour trip. This is the concept of the mobile guideMonumentTracker. Leave your phone to your children for treasurehuntingmissions, complete weekly missions, collecting virtualitems,check-in, photo contest, answer the challenges and testyourknowledge with the Quiz. Earn points for each successfulmission,share your successes, publish selfies points to progressfrom levelto level to move from amateur to master! You can publishyour ownchallenges as expert status.Interactivity: Planning visit, Enjoy the many interactivityofthe application by sharing the route of your trip route insupportof your stay, illustrate your own photos positioned on theplan.Are you planning to leave? Use the application to optimizetheoutputs of registering your route in advance.Photo contest: Shoot secret places of Milan, reinterpretphotosof the greatest photographers, be published on the Facebookpage ofMonument Tracker and become the photographer of theweek.Offline Version: Get embedded maps of the city toavoidadditional roaming costs during the stay abroad.Enjoy your stay at Expo Milano 2015 to visit and have funwithMonument Tracker
Albatroz Turismo 1.4
Por que comprar com a Albatroz ?Credibilidade e solidezA gente sabe o que faz: são mais de 30 anos de experiêncianosegmento de Turismo, realizando o sonho de viagem denossosclientes.Conhecimento e experiênciaConhecemos o nosso mercado como ninguém! Além disso, asseguramosaqualidade das experiências que oferecemos em cadaconsultoria,levando em conta os interesses individuais, asexpectativas, osdesejos e o perfil de cada cliente.CorporativoSolicite seu acesso ao nosso portal exclusivo para empresas.Vocêtem à disposição um sistema de reservas online comferramentaspersonalizadas, considerando a necessidade de seunegócio. Entre emcontato com a gente e conheça nossas soluçõescorporativas.AtendimentoNosso maior tesouro é o nosso time de atendimento. Comprometidacoma qualidade, nossa equipe é especializada em planejar omelhorroteiro e sugerir as melhores experiências de viagens. Nossoknowhow vem de constantes treinamentos e de viagens educacionaispelomundo, o que nos permite oferecer um trabalho consolidadodeconsultoria em viagens.Segurança e TecnologiaA gente sabe que a sua viagem tem que ser a realização de umsonho,e o nosso trabalho é garantir que tudo o que foi planejado setornerealidade. Em nosso site, você pode reservar seu hotel emalgunscliques, com total segurança e garantia na sua compra online,semabrir mão do suporte de nossa equipe. Oferecemos a segurança eatecnologia PagSeguro em diversas modalidades de pagamento.Viagem completa e diferenciadaNossa vocação é trabalhar cada roteiro de forma única, atendendoàsdiversas exigências e satisfazendo aos desejos de nossosclientes.Somos especialistas em roteiros de experiência, seja umadegustaçãode vinhos pela França, um tour de bike em Portugal, umsafárifotográfico nas reservas africanas, um chá da tarde comasPrincesas da Disney, ou de qualquer momento mágico einesquecívelna vida de quem viaja através da AlbatrozTurismo.Why buytheAlbatross?Credibility and solidityYou know what to do: more than 30 years of experience in thetourismsector, making our customers' travel dream.Knowledge and experienceWe know our market as anyone! In addition, we ensure the qualityofthe experiences we offer at each consultation, taking intoaccountthe individual interests, expectations, desires and profileof eachcustomer.corporateRequest your access to our exclusive portal for companies. Youhaveat your disposal an online booking system with customtools,considering the need for your business. Contact us and knowourcorporate solutions.AttendanceOur greatest treasure is our service team. Committed to quality,ourteam specializes in planning the best script and suggest thebesttravel experiences. Our expertise comes from constant trainingandeducational trips around the world, which allows us to offeraconsolidated consulting work trips.Safety and TechnologyWe know that your trip has to be the realization of a dream, andourjob is to ensure that everything was planned to become areality. Onour website, you can book your hotel in a few clicks,with totalsecurity and guarantee in their online purchase, withoutgiving upthe support of our team. We offer security and PagSegurotechnologyin various forms of payment.complete and differentiated travelOur vocation is to work each uniquely script, taking intoaccountthe various requirements and satisfying the desires ofourcustomers. We are experts in experience scripts, is a winetastingby France a bike tour in Portugal, a photographic safari intheAfrican reserves, afternoon tea with the Disney Princesses, oranymagical and unforgettable moment in the life of travels throughtheAlbatross Tourism.
Rota Omíada no Algarve 1.0.5
izi.TRAVEL: Get a Travel Guide
Travel guide with audio sightseeing tours for 3000 cities aroundtheworld!
Portugal Guide by Triposo 4.6.0
The Portugal travel guide contains complete and up to datecityguides for Lisbon, Porto, Sintra, Funchal and many othertraveldestinations in Portugal. It works offline, you don't needaninternet connection. Each location contains a sightseeingsectionwith all the monuments. Pick your ideal restaurant in theeatingout section containing the best restaurants. Discover thenightlifeof Portugal! Bars, pubs & discos in Braga, Faro,Évora,Cascais. Use the detailed offline maps to simply find outwhere youare and see what's around. The complete backgroundinformation canbe an interesting read at home or on the road toyour nextadventure. Useful when you are there: - Currencyconverter. -Phrasebook for Portuguese. - Weather forecast (updatedwhenonline). - Directions on how to get to a place by publictransport.- Book hotels and tours in Portugal directly from the app(whenonline). About Triposo Founded by and for travelers,Triposodelivers up-to-date information, detailed maps andintelligentrecommendations for more than 40,000 destinations in 200countriesaround the world. To make our guides we use the contentthat isfreely available. Open content sites like Wikivoyage,Wikipedia,World66 and OpenStreetMap are among the best resourcesfor anytraveler. Whether you are a planner or prefer to go with theflow,Triposo helps you discover the unexpected and experiencetravel ina new way. If you see any problem with the app, pleasewrite us anemail at [email protected] so we can figure outwhat's wrong andfix it. Thanks!
Visit Guadiana 2.2.0
A App Visit Guadiana é umprojetoparaplataformas iOS e Android, que pretende ser um guiaparaosvisitantes do Parque Natural do Vale do Guadiana,promovidapelaCasa do Funil - uma empresa de turismo rural edenatureza,organização de eventos e animação turística, que operaemMértola eno Sul de Portugal, especialmente nas áreas deconservaçãodanatureza.Através desta app, tem acesso aos pontos de interesse naáreadoParque Natural do Guadiana, com um índice depesquisa(monumentos,restaurantes, locais históricos, etc).Siga as nossas rotas guiadas por GPS, em contacto comamaravilhosanatureza da região. Tem ainda disponíveis osmelhoresalojamentosna região, com a possibilidade de fazer reservadiretaatravés doseu telefone.Não perca ainda os melhores eventos da região e informaçãocomoscontactos úteis, como bombeiros, finanças, correios,farmáciaseposto de turismo.Não perca mais tempo e faça o download da app Visit Guadiana!The App Visit Guadianaisaproject for iOS and Android platforms, which is intended asaguidefor visitors to the Guadiana Valley Natural Park, promotedbyCasaFunnel - a rural tourism business and nature,organizingevents andtourist activities , which operates in Mértolaandsouthern Portugal,especially in the areas ofnatureconservation.Through this app, you have access to points of interestintheGuadiana Natural Park area, with a searchindex(monuments,restaurants, historic sites, etc.).Follow our route guided by GPS, in contact with thewonderfulnatureof the region. It also has available the bestaccommodationsin thearea, with the possibility of direct bookingvia yourphone.Do not miss even the best events of the region andinformationwithuseful contacts, such as firefighters, finance,postoffice,pharmacy and tourist office.Do not waste time and download the app Visit Guadiana!
Óbidos 1.2
Com os guias da cidade, poupa dinheiro, tempo eesforçopor transformar o seu smartphone ou tablet num guia dealtaqualidade, com um roteiro personalizável de pontos históricoseculturais cuidadosamente selecionados. estáconcebidopara se enquadrar no horário mais conveniente,proporcionando umaexperiência de alta qualidade à sua medida. Takea walk in timewith! funciona offline, porisso não vaipagar tarifas de roaming. A aplicação gera o roteirocom base nasua localização, no tempo que tem disponível, horáriosdefuncionamento, permitindo voltar ao ponto inicial outerminarnoutro lugar. Tem atores a contar as histórias por trás dahistóriade Óbidos, sem esquecer os diversos aspetos peculiares quedão àcidade o seu carácter e charme. É como se um velho amigo oguiassepela cidade. não conta apenas histórias, masleva emconsideração o seu tempo disponível. Se está numa viagemdenegócios com pouco tempo livre para visitar os pontosturísticoshistóricos, ou se está simplesmente a dar um brevepasseio pelacidade e quer aproveitar ao máximo sua viagem, irácriar um percurso que combine com o seu tempodisponível e os seusinteresses. Se, por acaso, já visitou um dospontos turísticos,pode simplesmente excluí-lo da rota, ou se quiserver um monumentoparticular, pode adicioná-lo. A aplicação irárecalcular o seupercurso e mostrar-lhe os pontos turísticos deÓbidos!Funcionalidades disponíveis: • Mapas offline; • Pontos deInteresseassinalados no mapa; • Textos explicativos econtextualizadores demonumentos de Óbidos e pontos de interesse; •Planeador depercursos, que gere o que quer ver no tempo disponível;• Conteúdoescrito, incluindo o texto, detalhes sobre os pontos deinteresse,contactos, horários e informações de transportespúblicos. Não seesqueça: o uso continuado do GPS funcionando embackground podediminuir drasticamente a carga da bateria.
Navigate Portugal 1.0.3
Navigate Portugal is atrilingualapplicationthat lists the main scenic spots in eachregion. Foreach point ofinterest, it shows the followinginformation: briefdescription,address, georeferencing and, ifapplicable, contacts.This app was developed by NPT – Travelguide, with thesupportofthe PROVERE - Terra Fria Transmontana, an economicrecoveryprogramfor indigenous resources, within QREN program(NationalStrategicReference Framework’s).
Geoplan–Mappe Monumenti Italia 2.0
Consult the detailed maps of over 600 Italian municipalities
Discover the Art you love!
Haute Bretagne Guide Tracker 6.0.3
Petite révolution pour cette mise à jour !Découvrez la nouvelle version de Monument Tracker:Refonteglobale de l'application au niveau graphique etdesfonctionnalitésQuand visiter rime avec s’amuser. Découvrez la HauteBretagneIlle & Vilaine de façon ludique et culturelle avec lenouveauguide touristique addictif de Monument Tracker.Un véritable compagnon de voyage interactif et exhaustifincluantTop20, classements par époques des sites et monuments,circuits,visites guidées, cafés et restos historiques.Avec la nouvelle version de Monument Tracker, rejoignez 1milliond’utilisateurs déjà conquis par les précédentes versions dulauréatEuropéen pour la création et l’innovation dans lavalorisation dupatrimoine.Découvrez ou redécouvrez les nombreux monuments et sites de laHauteBretagne et notamment Rennes, Saint-Malo, Brocéliande,Vitré,Fougères…Utilisez la géolocalision pour afficher les monuments lesplusproches de vous, accédez à une base de donnéescomplèted’informations concernant les monuments, les sites, lesstatues,bibliothèques, châteaux, églises, chapelles, gares,fontaines,hôtels, jardins, marchés, musées, opéras, palais, ponts,places,théâtres, tours, et affichez histoire et anecdotes surchacun deces lieux de la Haute Bretagne.Les fonctionnalités intégrées à l’application :Votre profil : véritable espace personnel gratuit pour stockeretpartager vos itinéraires, photos stickées sur le plan, coupsdecoeurs et listes. On vous demande vos adresses préférées ? Enunclic vos amis peuvent suivre vos pas.Les circuits : Découvrez la Haute Bretagne au travers decircuitsthématiques originaux en audioguide ou en visitesguidées.... ledépartement n'aura plus de secret pour vous.Styles et Histoire : Renaissance, Flamboyant, Art nouveau, Baroque…Vous saurez reconnaître tous les styles architecturaux et épatervosamis. Un monument a été construit sur plusieurs époques? voussaurezen reconnaître les signes.Missions : Découvrir les monuments de la Haute Bretagneets’amuser. Tel est le concept de Monument Tracker. Laissezvotretéléphone à vos enfants pour les missions de chasse autrésor,remplissez les missions hebdomadaires, collecte d'objetsvirtuels,check-in, concours photos, répondez aux défis et testezvosconnaissances avec les Quiz. Accumulez des points pourchaquemission réussie, partagez vos succès, publiez des selfies àpointset progressez de niveau en niveau pour passer d’Amateur àMaster !Vous pourrez publier vos propres défis dès lestatutd'expert.Interactivités : Planifier ses visites, Profitez desnombreusesinteractivités de l’application en partageant le parcoursde votrevoyage tracé à l’appui, illustrez de vos propresphotospositionnées sur le plan. Vous prévoyez de partir ?Utilisezl’application pour optimiser les sorties en enregistrantvotreparcours à l’avance.Concours photo : Photographiez des lieux célèbres ou insolites delaHaute Bretagne ou réinterprétez des photos, soyez publiés surlapage Facebook de Monument Tracker et devenez le photographe delasemaine.Version Offline : Téléchargez les cartes embarquées dudépartementpour éviter les coûts de roaming supplémentaires lors deséjour àl'étrangerSmall revolution forthisupdate!Discover the new version of Monument Tracker: Global Redesignofthe application in graphics and featuresWhen to visit rhymes with fun. Discover Haute Bretagne Ille&Vilaine fun and cultural way with the new addictive tourguideMonument Tracker.A true companion interactive and comprehensive traveltop20including, rankings eras of sites and monuments, tours,guidedtours, historic cafes and restaurants.With the new version of Tracker Monument, join 1 millionusersalready conquered by the previous winner of the Europeanversionsfor creation and innovation in the development ofheritage.Discover or rediscover the many monuments and sites ofUpperBrittany including Rennes, Saint-Malo, Dark Forest, Vitre,Fougeres...Use the géolocalision to display the nearest landmarks you accessacomprehensive database of information on monuments, sites,statues,libraries, castles, churches, chapels, stations, fountains,hotels,gardens, markets , museums, opera houses, palaces,bridges,squares, theaters, tours, and view history and anecdotesabout eachof these places of Upper Brittany.The features included with the application:Your profile: Genuine free personal space to store and shareyourroutes, photos stickées on the plan, favorite items and lists.Youare asked your favorite places? With one click your friendscanfollow your steps.Routes: Discover Upper Brittany through original thematictoursaudio guide or guided tours .... the department will have nosecretfor you.Styles and History: Renaissance Flamboyant, Art Nouveau, Baroque...You will recognize all architectural styles and impressyourfriends. A monument was built over several periods?you'llrecognize the signs.Missions: Discover the monuments of Upper Brittany and havefun.This is the concept of Monument Tracker. Leave your phone toyourchildren for treasure hunting missions, complete weeklymissions,collecting virtual objects, check-in, photo contest,answer thechallenge and test your knowledge with the quiz. Earnpoints foreach successful mission, share your successes, publishselfiespoints to progress from level to level to move from amateurtomaster! You can publish your own challenges fromexpertstatus.Interactivity: Planning visits, Enjoy the many interactivity oftheapplication by sharing the journey of your trip route tosupport,illustrate your own photos positioned on the plan. You plantoleave? Use the application to optimize output by registeringyourroute in advance.Photo Contest: Photograph famous or unusual places of UpperBrittanyor reinterpret pictures, be published on the Facebook pageofMonument Tracker and become the photographer of the week.Offline Version: Download embedded boards of the department toavoidthe costs of additional roaming during the stay abroad
South Corsica Guide Monument 6.0.5
Small revolution for this update!Discover the new version of the tourist guide MonumentTracker:Global Redesign of the application in graphics andfeatures, if youwant to know what to do and what to see in thesouth of Corsicaduring your weekend tour or journey, Download nowOur freeapplication!When to visit rhymes with fun. Discover the south of Corsica inafun and cultural way with the new addictive tourist travelguideMonument Tracker.A true companion interactive and comprehensive trip includingTop10, Top 20 rankings by periods of 138 monuments, tours,guidedtours, historic cafes and restaurants.With the new version of Tracker Monument, join 1 millionusersalready conquered by previous European winner of versions forthecreation and innovation in the development of heritage.Discover or rediscover the 138 monuments and sites in the southofCorsica.Use the géolocalision to view the closest monuments you accessacomprehensive database of information on the monuments of thetownsof Bonifacio, Alta Rocca, Lecci, Porto-Vecchio, Zonza SaintLucia,but also the sites, statues, libraries, pubs, castles,churches,chapels, stations, beaches, fountains, hotels, gardens,markets,museums, opera houses, palaces, bridges, squares, theaters,towers,and view history and anecdotes about each of these placesthesouthern Corsica.The features built into the application:Your profile: Genuine free personal space to store and shareyourroutes, photos stickées on the plan, favorite items and lists.Youare asked your favorite places? In one click your friendscanfollow your steps.The tours: Discover the south of Corsica through originalthemesaudioguide tours or guided tours backpacker mode.Styles and History: Renaissance, Flamboyant, Art Nouveau,Baroque... You will recognize all architectural styles and impressyourfriends. A monument was built over several periods? youwillrecognize the signs.Missions: Discover the monuments of southern Corsica and havefunduring your trip. This is the concept of the mobile guideMonumentTracker. Leave your phone to your children for treasurehuntingmissions, complete weekly missions, collecting virtualitems,check-in, photo contest, answer the challenges and testyourknowledge with the Quiz. Earn points for each successfulmission,share your successes, publish selfies points to progressfrom levelto level to move from amateur to master! You can publishyour ownchallenges as expert status.Interactivity: Planning visit, Enjoy the many interactivity oftheapplication by sharing the route of your trip route in supportofyour stay, illustrate your own photos positioned on the plan.Areyou planning to leave? Use the application to optimize theoutputsof registering your route in advance.Photo contest: Shoot secret locations in SouthernCorsica,reinterpret photos of the greatest photographers, bepublished onthe Facebook page of Monument Tracker and become thephotographerof the week.Offline Version: Get embedded maps of the city to avoidadditionalroaming costs during the stay abroad.