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Mutant Block Ninja Games 2 C10.1
Brace yourself for a battle that willrockthenations in Mutant Block Ninja Games 2. Mutant enemynumberone,Blockadious and the nefarious dark warlord are set torecruittheirown mutant army in exposing the human race totheiradvancedradiation technology that alters the mind and bodiesofthoseexposed.**** PREPARE FOR MASSIVE GAME PLAY *****Mutant Block Ninja Games 2 bring you a most explosivelyepicFPSexperience like you've never seen before. This super hitgamehaslevels that are MASSIVE and is jam packed withpowerfulenemies,vast weaponry, and extensive terrain. Because ofthis, loadtimecan often take awhile…Rate kindly! Please don't penalize Mutant Block Ninja Games2witha one-star review, after all, this is a FREE game, and wejustwantedto ensure you enjoyed an action-packed, thrill-ride ofagame. Wejammed as much epic combat as we could into this#1highlyanticipated sequel.**** POWERFUL ENEMIES ****Once a pupil to the revered Sensei, you lived and trainedwiththeChosen Ones. Under his guidance you became an elitefighter,poisedto lead your class in a war against the nefariouswarlord andhisdark war clans, but when a powerful enemy and hisfootclansbesieged the camp, your classmates and Sensei lost thebattlewhileyour sheer force of will drove you to continue to fighttothebitter end. Or at least, what you thought was thebitterend...The dark warlord is back and he is not alone. Althoughyougreatlycrippled his defenses, his intent to rise to glory hasonlyincreasedin the many years since you foiled his attacks. Fromafarthis warmaster has kept a keen eye on you and the secretschoolyou amassedin Sensei's honor.In a repeat of history, this warlord has seen to it thatthatnoninja will dare threaten his ascension to domination. Thistime,hehas brought an entirely new breed of enemies with thehelpofBlockadious and his devious radiation technology.Withthispowerful device the warlord can amass his armyfromvirtuallyanywhere as he bends the minds and bodies of theeverydayman tohis will.**** YOUR MISSION ****Your mission begins in the remote hills of a small village,muchlikethe one where you yourself grew up. Although theattackwasunexpected, your quick thinking leads to your survival andthefallof your enemies. As the mission progresses, you aretaskedwithfinding and eliminating the threat of all of theremainingmutanttechnology. This part of your mission involvesthebrutalassassination of a plethora of devastating enemies. Astheclimaxof battle draws near, your quest to ensure the dominationofthenation does not come to pass leads you straight to the lairofthedevious warlord where you have a bounty upon your headandeveryevil foot clan is set to see your defeat.**** EPIC LEVELS ****Amazingly crafted, each intense level is rife with its ownsetofchallenges. Set against stunning backgrounds, you'll havetoforceyourself to keep your eye on the prize and not let yourgazewonderover the rolling expanse of awesome pixilatedgraphicscenery.Danger looms large, so keep watch on your healthlevel andtheentity map provided to you. Locate and utilize perkssuch asammo,health and speed pickups to aid you in your quest. Plantodominatethe battlefield, you are the hero of this bravefrontier.Surviveand thrive.Features---Immersive first-person shooting experience-Large arsenal of weapons to choose from-Hand-to-hand combat option-Precision aiming-Block world style graphics and tight controls-Three challenging levels:*Village*Medieval Castle*Training Facility