Top 16 Apps Similar to Hechizos Conjuros Magia Blanca

White Magic Spells 1.0
White magic is good magic. With white magic spells andgetbeneficial results Keep far from black magic, bad magic.Youtransform your negative energy into positive, you willattractpeople. White magic is a positive magic. Magic is good orbaddepending on the use you give it. If you make magic withgoodintentions you do white magic. In this application you willfindwhite magic spells to find love, to increase the beauty,moneyspells, spells good luck and protection spells. Theself-confidenceis very attractive to others. The materials used aresimple andeasy to get. Potions help you to have beneficial resultsfor you.Make these spells and start seeing results. With thesespells youwill increase your positive energy. The world of magic,witches,witchcraft is very effective in getting what you propose.With thisapplication you will find easy and safe android spells:Love spellsHealth and beauty spells Luck charms Money spells.Protectionspells Find in this spellbook the potion you need.Contact: Yourquestions, suggestions and comments are alwayswelcome. To continueimproving send your message [email protected] before voting inthe negative. We appreciateyour support.
Luck Spells 1.0
Is it just bad luck, coincidence, a bad time? Away badluckwiththese recipes. With spells of luck you can get thatfortunewillsmile. With these good luck charms you get reverse thebadluck.When the circle of good luck is broken, it is not wrongtousespells to replenish its flow. The can make yourself athomeinorder to attract good luck. The materials used are simpleandeasyto get. Potions help you begin to see results. Dothesepowerfulrituals, if you do well you will provide success. Theworldofmagic, witches, witchcraft is very effective in gettingwhatyoupropose. Transform your negative energy into positive.Withthisapplication you will find easy and safe android spells:Spelltopass an exam Lucky in love Luck in the game InvestingbadluckSpell apple Spell for good luck Spell luck at work SpellwithriceSpell with honey Spell with trefoil Spell salt Findinthisspellbook the potion you need. White Magic spells will helpyougetwhat you propose. Contact: Your questions, suggestionsandcommentsare always welcome. To continue improving send [email protected] before voting in the negative.Weappreciateyour support.
Beauty and Health Spells 1.0
With health and beauty spells you can attract people to yourlife.With these spells health and beauty you can see moreattractive andbeautiful to others. Transform your negative energyinto positive,you will attract people, your true love can and dohave partner,your love will always look attractive. Theself-confidence is veryattractive to others. If you feel confidentand happy withyourself, then you will radiate an attractive image.These powerfulspells will make you radiate beauty. The can makeyourself at homefor a love or keep your love partner. The materialsused are simpleand easy to get. Potions help you to approach theperson you love.Make these spells health and beauty and startseeing results. Withthese spells will not change your body orappearance, you willincrease your positive energy and radiatebeauty. The world ofmagic, witches, witchcraft is very effective ingetting what youpropose. With this application you will find easyand safe androidspells: Beauty for love Increase natural beautyCalmar someone'scharacter Sleeping spell welcome be IrresistibleIncrease yourattractiveness Spell for happiness Spell to have gooddreamsProtection spell Find in this spellbook the potion you need.WhiteMagic spells will help you achieve what you set out on love,beautyand health. Contact: Your questions, suggestions and commentsarealways welcome. To continue improving send your [email protected] before voting in the negative. Weappreciateyour support.
Brujeria y hechizos faciles 3.0.0
App en dónde encontrarás toda una grancantidadde hechizos de brujería que te ayudarán a poder cambiarciertosaspectos de tu vida.Lo mejor de todo es que los ingredientes que vas a utilizarsepueden encontrar fácilmente en cualquier parte; por lo que nonostendremos que complicar demasiado la vida.Aplicación sobre brujería y hechizos fáciles que podránhacercualquier persona sin problemas.App where you will findawhole lot of witchcraft spells that will help you to changecertainaspects of your life.Best of all is that you will use ingredients can easily befoundanywhere; so we have to not complicate life too.Application witchcraft and easy spells that can make anyonewithoutproblems.
Hechizos Magia Blanca Vol. 2 1.0
!!!!! NUEVO VOLUMEN!!! Volvemos con mas hechizos de magia blanca(Magic White ) que puedes encontrar por la red. Todo tipodehechizos: - Amor - Dinero - Salud - Suerte - Proteccion Conelpoder de la Magia Blanca puedes solucionar tus problemas detodaíndole. Convierte tus deseos en realidad y transforma laenergíanegativa en positiva. Se trata de rituales sencillos quesólobuscan el bien. Los hechizos de Magia Blanca te ayudaránaconseguir lo que te propongas en el amor, el dinero, la salud ylasuerte. Fáciles de hacer. Actualizables!
Money Spells 1.0
With money spells you can attract money into your life. Withtheseyou get money spells prosperity and tranquility. When thecircle ofwealth and money stops coming breaks, it is not wrong touse spellsto replenish its flow. The can make yourself at home inorder toattract money. The materials used are simple and easy toget.Potions help you begin to see results. Do these powerfulrituals,if you do well you will provide success. The world ofmagic,witches, witchcraft is very effective in getting what youpropose.Transform your negative energy into positive. With thisapplicationyou will find easy and safe android spells: increasemoney Spellwith rice Spell with sugar Ritual Trinka five Spell withhoneyHechzo to win the lottery To attract fortune Spell Stone Spellwithred bow spell prosperity Find in this spellbook the potionyouneed. White Magic spells will help you achieve what you setyourmind on money, wealth and financial prosperity. Contact:Yourquestions, suggestions and comments are always welcome. Tocontinueimproving send your message to [email protected] beforevoting inthe negative. We appreciate your support.
Hechizos de amor 2.1
¿Estás cansado de tu mala suerte enelamor?¿Tienes problemas con tu pareja y crees quenadafunciona?Posiblemente lo que haga falta sea un poco de suerte otalvezrealizar unos pequeños conjuros de magia BLANCA paramejorarlarelación o atraer a esa persona que siempre has deseadoatusbrazos.En la siguiente aplicación encontrarás diversas recetasparaquepuedes realizar varios hechizos simples y fáciles queteasegurarántener el amor de tu vida en poco tiempo.En esta aplicación encontrarás más de 30 rituales deamorparapoder realizar desde la comodidad de tuhogarcompletamentegratis.Are you tired ofyourbadluck in love? Do you have problems with your partnerandthinknothing works? Possibly it takes is a little luck ormaybemake alittle magic spells WHITE to improve the relationshiporattractthat person you've always wanted your arms.In the next application you will find several recipes youcanmakeseveral simple and easy spells that will ensure you havethelove ofyour life in no time.In this application you will find over 30 rituals oflovetoperform from the comfort of your home free.
20 Hechizos para el Dinero 1.2
En esta aplicación encontrarás 20Hechizosparael dinero que te ayudarán a encontrar latranquilidadfinanciera quetanto deseasIn thisapplicationyouwill find 20 Spells for money that will help youfindfinancialtranquility you want
Hechizos magia blanca 2016 3.0.0
Todos los conjuros y hechizos de magiablanca2016 para que los puedas hacer con materiales que tengas portucasa.¿No encuentras trabajo pese a que lo has intentado todo?¿Turelación de pareja no funciona y quieres ponerle una solución?¿Osimplemente necesitas darle un "giro de tuerca" a la suerte detuvida?Con estos hechizos magia blanca 2016 lo vas a lograr.All spells and whitemagicspells 2016 so that you can make with materials you haveathome.You can not find work even though you have tried everything?Yourrelationship is not working and want to put a solution? Or doyoujust need to give it a "twist" to the fate of your life?These spells white magic 2016 you will achieve.
Hechizos amor 2016 3.0.0
Descubre los mejores hechizos relacionadosconel amor en donde la magia negra y la magia blanca se dan de lamanopara obtener siempre los mejores resultados posibles.Podrás encontrar desde prácticos hechizos que te ayudarán a atraeraaquella persona que todavía no se fija en ti, hastaaquelloshechizos que la retendrán (que se convertirán en amarres)ycualquier otro uso que se te pueda llegar a ocurrir.Toda una colección de hechizos de amor que funcionan siempreycuando se sigan los pasos al pie de la letra y se creafirmementeen ello.Discover the bestrelatedto love where black magic and white magic are given out toalwaysget the best possible results spells.You can find everything from practical spells that will helpyouattract a person who is not yet fixed on you, even thosethatretain spells (which will become moorings) and any other useyoumight come up.a collection of love spells that work as long as the steps tobefollowed to the letter and firmly believe in it.
Magic Wand 2.12.0
Twipe Apps
Run your favorite spells with Magic Wand and be a greatmagicianfora moment. You can select different spells and run thewandtouchingthe wand or shaking the device. It also has a voicemodeto executespells just saying them.
Hacer Hechizos 1.0
Los Hechizos de brujeria negra es unaformadearte y ciencia antigua que utiliza los cinco elementos olaquímicavisible e invisible, la física, la biología, laelectrónicay eléter (espíritu universal) con el fin de sanar odañar alaspersonas. El corazón de toda la brujeria negra seencuentra enelmundo de los espíritus, también conocido como elmundo delosmuertos.Spells ofblackwitchcraftis a form of art and ancient science that uses thefiveelements orthe visible and invisible chemistry, physics,biology,electronicsand ether (universal spirit) in order to heal orharmpeople . Theheart of all black witchcraft is in the worldofspirits, also knownas the world of the dead.
Hechizos adelgazar 2.0.0
El verano se encuentra a la vuelta delaesquina y seguro que ya estamos haciendo todo tipo deejercicioscon el objetivo de poder quitarnos esos kilos de más deencima; sinembargo, nos daremos cuenta de que teníamos que haberempezadomucho antes ya que ahora no hay tiempo para que losresultados delentrenamiento sean positivo.Por esta razón, nosotros te queremos presentar estaestupendaaplicación de hechizos para adelgazar querealmentefuncionan.Summer is just aroundthecorner and sure we are doing all kinds of exercises with the aimtotake away those extra kilos off; however, we realize that weshouldhave started much earlier because now no time for trainingresultsare positive.For this reason, we want to introduce you this greatapplicationslimming spells that really work.
Bola de Cristal 1.0
Bola de cristal es la app para android que te responderá alaspreguntas sobre tu futuro.Piensa una pregunta, agita la bola y recibirás respuesta paratududa.Recuerda no hacer trampas y aceptar siempre la primera respuestadela bola de cristal ;)CrystalBall is the app for android you answer questions aboutyourfuture.Think of a question, shake the ball and receive a response toyourquestion.Remember not to cheat and always accept the first response ofthecrystal ball ;)
Magia Fácil 1.1
Magia Fácil es una excelenteaplicaciónparatodo aquel que le llame la atención la magia y elilusionismoydesee aprenderlo o simplemente saciar la curiosidad decomoserealizan los trucos. Podrás sorprender a tus amigos yfamiliaresenreuniones y fiestas, ser el centro de atención a dondequieraquevayas y quien sabe... quizás puedas convertirte enelpróximoHoudini.Magia Fácil está desarrollada con una mezclaentreexcelentecontenido muy didáctico y fácil de aprender, yunainterfaz graficaamigable y muy agradable a la vista.Características:• Podrás tener 10 trucos agregados en la sección de favoritosalavez.• Los trucos están separados en categorías,puedesvisualizarlostodos o una categoría en especifico.• Cada título cuenta con una imagen que hace referenciaalacategoría del truco, facilitando diferenciar entrelosdiferentestipos al visualizarlos todos a la vez.• Además, constantemente serán subidos nuevos trucos.Easy Magic isanexcellentprogram for anyone who catches your eye magicandillusion and wantto learn or just satisfy curiosity about howthetricks are done.You can amaze your friends and familygatheringsand parties, beingthe center of attention wherever you goand whoknows ... maybe youcan become the next Houdini.Easy Magic is developed with a mixture ofexcellentveryeducational and easy to learn content, andauser-friendlygraphical interface and very pleasing to the eye.Characteristics:• You can have 10 tricks added in the favorites sectionatatime.• The tricks are separated into categories, you can view themallora specific category.• Each game features an image that refers to the categoryoftrick,facilitating differentiate between different types todisplaythemall at once.• Also, constantly they are uploaded new tricks.