Top 9 Apps Similar to Footpaths of Valsequillo

Explora Gran Canaria 1.2
Esta app tiene por objeto ofrecerunaherramienta de ayuda para la exploración de senderos deGranCanaria y de toda la información temática de dichos senderos.Estáenfocada al descubrimiento de la exquisita naturaleza de laisla deGran Canaria. Facilita al usuario sobre el terreno laexploraciónde una ruta y de los puntos de interés que se encuentrana lo largodel recorrido. El usuario percibe mediante lanotificación delmóvil la cercanía a uno o varios puntos de interésde dicha ruta.Los puntos de interés se comparten, acumulan y sirvencomo elementode historial del usuario de la plataforma.- Conozca Gran Canaria desde su móvil- Valore y comparta nuestras rutas de senderos- Navegue en 3D por el territorio de la isla- Conozca puntos de interés, vea fotografías originales,estudienuestra geología, flora, fauna, etnografía etc.Explora Gran Canaria ofrece un amplio listado de rutas convariasopciones para que el usuario pueda elegir la que más seadapte a sugusto o a sus capacidades. Se puede seleccionar elnivel dedificultad, la distancia, la localización (norte, centro,sur) y eltipo de ruta (circular o de ida y vuelta). Se ofreceademás unadescripción de cada ruta y de sus puntos de interés y seañadenalgunas recomendaciones para los senderistas.La app de Explora Gran Canaria aporta además un novedosofiltrosensorial que nos permite encontrar rutas que satisfagannuestrasexpectativas, que se ajustan a lo que prefiramos sentir enellas:ver, oír, oler, saborear, tocar, relax o deporte.This app is intendedtoprovide a helpful tool for exploring trails Gran Canaria andallthe thematic information of those paths. It is focused onthediscovery of the unique nature of the island of GranCanaria.Facilitates the user in the field exploring a route andpoints ofinterest found along the route. The user receivesnotification viamobile proximity to one or more sites in the route.The points ofinterest are shared, accumulate and serve as userhistory elementof the platform.- Learn Gran Canaria from your mobile- Rate and share our hiking trails- Navigate in 3D through the territory of the island- Know attractions, see original photographs, study ourgeology,flora, fauna, ethnography etc.Explore Gran Canaria offers a comprehensive list of routeswithseveral options for the user to choose the one that suitsyourtaste or their capabilities. You can select the levelofdifficulty, distance, location (north, central, south) and thetypeof route (circular or round). It also provides a descriptionofeach route and its landmarks and some recommendations forwalkersare added.The app Explore Gran Canaria also provides a novel sensoryfilterthat allows us to find routes that meet our expectations tomatchwhat they feel prefer seeing, hearing, smell, taste, touch,relax orsport.
Offline Map Gran Canaria 10.0
This map of Gran Canaria is ready to go: just install and thismapis always with you whether you are connected or not.High-detailmap with many points of interest, such as hotels,museums,restaurants, shops, parks, viewpoints, banks. Or search foranystreet by name. High-detail map of Gran Canaria, Spain. Easytouse, no map downloads required, all data is packed inside.Worksentirely without internet connection. No data costs. Noexposure toinsecure wifi networks. Search for points of interest(hotels,museums, transport, banks etc). Alphabetic street index.Compassand line to destination for easy navigation: detailed routetodestination (new functionality: beta). Configurable mapdetail.Highest detail with topographic mode. Personalize withuserwaypoints and saved map views. No advertising. Noin-app-purchasesrequired. Minimal permissions. No access to yourprivate data(apart from your location). No spyware. Frequentupdates. Adaptedscreen layout for Android tablets. Improved fordevices withhigh-resolution screens. By selecting a map area youcan searcharound any point in the map to find the closest points ofinterest.You can save map views (area and zoomlevel) for easyorientation.And you can save waypoints to mark interesting spots onthe map. Wetake your privacy seriously. Our maps only requireaccess to yourlocation data to show your position on the map andread/writeaccess to cache map data for better performance. This mapdoes notaccess any other private data and does not transmit anydata fromyour phone. This map is based on data (C)OpenStreetmap( and contributors undera CreativeCommons Attribution/Share AlikeLicense( isa collaborative, wiki-like mapping project. It isparticularlyimportant to understand that the map data supplied byOpenStreetMapmight be incomplete or unreliable. The openly-editablewiki natureof the OpenStreetMap mapping system means that therewill always besome inaccuracies and omissions. You should make yourown judgementabout the accuracy of the supplied map. Always use ourmaps inconjunction with your eyes and your common sense. There isnowarranty for the quality of the map data. This map must not beusedin situations where inaccurate, misleading or missing data canleadto damage to assets, injury or loss of life. This program isfreesoftware: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under thetermsof the GNU General Public License as published by the FreeSoftwareFoundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at youroption)any later version. This program is distributed in the hopethat itwill be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even theimpliedwarranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License for more details. Othernames:西班牙大加那 - Gran Canaria, Espanja - Gran Canaria, Espagne -GranCanaria, Spagna - グランカナリア島、スペイン - 그랑의 카나리아, 스페인 -Гран-Канария,Испания - Gran Canaria, İspanya
Artenara Nature at its peak 25.0.0
Artenara is the highest village inGranCanaria. Its main urban center is right on the Island'scrowningpoint, representing a privileged location from where allthepanoramic perspectives of the island landscapes can be seen.Thus,the very best word that defines Artenara is balcony. In factfromany place at all in the municipality we will always encounterasurprising view over the pine forests, coastline, rocky landsandsummit ravines.Another trait that defines Artenara is the cave-dwelling. ThisisGran Canaria's Troglodyte Village where many of the neighborslivein modern cave-houses, construction that is present in all ofthemunicipality's farming estates.And of course Artenara also offers the visitor and touristotheraspects, given that it has preserved a rich ethnographictradition,manifested in the farming customs, pottery, diversecraftsmanshipand an extensive calendar of festivities, constitutinga valuablelegacy of heritage in their whole.Reaching Artenara is a matter of true joy and pleasure. And thisisbecause the Crowning point of Gran Canaria is the location withthegrandest perspectives, with unusual panoramic views andsurprisinglandscapes, covering the entire north-eastern side of theIslandand extending right over the sea, reaching the profiles ofTenerifewhere the majestic Teide stands out.The municipality of Artenara is buried deep in the middle ofthisSummit, and its territory extends from the Island's highestpointsright to the very shore. In the middle we find crags andpineforests, soaring mountains and the deepest of ravines. Atremendousvariety opens up before us, with corners dotted withfarmhouses,most of which open up to caves and natural balconiesthat turn thehighest village in Gran Canaria into a place that thetouristarriving on the Island must visit and become acquaintedwith.Discovering Artenara is satisfying to a maximum, as thislocationsomehow finds its way to our soul and the multipleproposals thatarise leave us anything but indifferent.Added to this we also find a rich tradition that is manifestedinthe ancient Canary Island customs, which range fromcraftsmanshipright through to gastronomy, and from the traditionalfestivitiesright through to a tremendous leisure offer immersed innature,accommodation in rural tourism houses or even trekking,thusconstituting a rich cultural heritage that represents the verybestgifts that the inhabitants of Artenara offer tourists andguestsalike. Welcome to Artenara.
Gran Canaria Airport LPA Info 14.4
Live Arrivals / Departures for LPA airport
Canary Islands - Travel Guide 1.5
Discover the best places in the CanaryIslandsand let yourself be seduced by this amazing archipelago, sofull ofdetails, options, and, above all, fun. Fuerteventura,Tenerife,Lanzarote, Gran Canaria, La Gomera, La Palma, and ElHierro areseven islands, but each with its own personality. TheCanaryIslands will be the best discovery you've ever made!➢ Fuerteventura, with its white sands and constant sun,isalso a Biosphere Reserve and will leave you speechless:sprawlingdunes, plains, volcanoes, and lava fields…If you’relooking to justrelax, there’s nothing better than Fuerteventura’sbeaches andcrystal-clear waters. It’s a traveller’s dream.➢ Tenerife is the archipelago’s biggest island. Crownedbythe Teide, Spain’s highest point, Tenerife has everything oneneedsto make everyday unforgettable: culture, cities, shows,beaches,theme parks, and, of course, a rich landscape of forests,volcanoes,tropical plantations, and hidden coves.➢ El Hierro, has always been off the mainstreamtouristmap and is a delight for nature-lovers; the island is one oftheBiosphere Reserves in Europe and has world-class marine life.It’sa special destination for scuba divers and its focus oncompletelyrenewable energies assures that it will be around toenjoy in thefuture. El Hierro is truly a privileged destinationwhich justwaits to be discovered.➢ La Palma is called ‘the pretty island’ for areason.Also declared a Biosphere Reserve, La Palma is covered inthickvegetation and forests ideal for hikers. Its ruralatmosphereinvites travellers to not only enjoy its flora, fauna,andspectacular landscapes, but also sample a slower pace oflife.Another highlight is the sky. Due to its clean air andgeographiclocation, La Palma is one of the world’s best placesforstar-gazing. It’s a must!➢ The great treasure of La Gomera is GarajonayNationalPark, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s amillennialforest filled with trails and a world-wide example forthesuccessful conservation of sub-tropical forests. Thelandscape,rocky ridges, black sand coves and stunning cliffs, ispracticallyuntouched. It’s impossible not to enjoy this littlenaturalwonder.➢ Gran Canaria is the Canary Islands second largestandmost populated island. Its western half is a Biosphere Reservewithactivities for those who prefer a relaxing trip in apristinenatural environment: beaches, coves, a rural atmosphere,and plentyof hiking. If you’re looking for the something moreexciting, therest of the island is oozing with life: museums,theatre,nightlife, concerts. No wonder they call it the “littlebitcontinent.”
Rossini Gran Canaria 0.0.2
Rossini italian restaurantArguineguinGranCanaria.
Visit Brembo 1.5.0
Take Val Brembana always with you
Mumbai Hiker 2.0
Mumbai Hiker is for all those people wholoveto explore the beautiful ranges of mumbai and pune.This appwillkeep you updated about the latest tidings.Your feedback is important to us so please be generous ingivingthe feedback and helping us to improve the application.