Top 4 Apps Similar to Florencia guía mapa offline

Firenze: La guida 5.0
Angelo Orabona
Guida alla cose più belle di Firenze,conitinerari consigliati, cosa comprare a Firenze, cosa gustareaFirenze, uscire la sera a Firenze,muoversi a Firenze,eventi,parcogiochi e info. Essa ha una guida vocale che tispiegherà in manieradettagliata i monumenti artistici che vorraivisitare e tiaccompagnerà per mano per trovare monumenti, hotel,ristoranti emolto altro. Questa sarà arricchita sempre di più erenderà ilvostro soggiorno a Firenze una cosa piacevole espensierata.Questaapplicazione è la prima guida vocale per android;infatti una vocenarrantevi consentirà di godere appieno tutte le bellezze artistichenondistogliendo mai lo sguardo da esse. I tanti contenuti off linevipermetteranno di usarla anche senza connessione dati esenzaspendere un cent. Non perderete mai la bussola e sapretesempredove siete e dove andare, grazie al navigatore integrato chesiappoggia a Google Maps.Possibilità di condividere foto, foto con messaggi e messaggi conipiù noti Social Network. Guida alla Bella Firenze, l'unicaguidaturistica con descrizioni audio indispensabile perogniviaggiatore.Guide to the bestthingsin Florence, with suggested itineraries, what to buy inFlorence,what taste in Florence, go out at night in Florence,moving toFlorence, events, playground and info. It has a voiceguide thatwill explain in detail the artistic monuments you arevisiting andwill accompany you by the hand to find monuments,hotels,restaurants, and more. This will be enhanced more and moreand makeyour stay in Florence a pleasant thing andspensierata.Questaapplication is the first voice guidance forAndroid; In fact, anarratorwill allow you to fully enjoy all the artistic not their eyesfixedon them. The many off-line content will allow you to use itevenwithout a data connection, and without spending a cent. Youwillnever lose the compass and you will always know where you areandwhere to go, thanks to the integrated browser that relies onGoogleMaps.Ability to share photos, photos with messages and posts withthemost famous Social Network. Guide to Beautiful Florence, theonlyguide with audio descriptions indispensable foreverytraveler.
Guía de Florencia, Viaje 1.1.2
2steps presenta la audio guía de Florencia100%offline más completa, mapa, GPS, rutas, itinerarios,contenidoaudiovisual único, callejero y mucho más. Creada porprofesionalespara amantes de los viajes. Escucha lo más interesantede tusciudades preferidas en una atmósfera refrescante y diferente.Hemosañadido una banda sonora que hará tu viaje más emotivoeinolvidable.Incluye mapa de la ciudad, itinerarios dentro y fuera de laciudad,GPS, cálculo de rutas (offline), búsqueda de todas lascalles delárea del mapa (callejero), audio con música e informaciónútil delos sitios de más interés. Todos los contenidos sonoriginales,escritos por nuestros autores exclusivamente para2steps. Así comolos itinerarios por Florencia propuestos han sidoestudiadosdetalladamente por el autor. Incluye las rutas fuera deFlorenciade Pisa y San Gimignano.Una vez enciendas el GPS, la app te irá mostrando lasatracciones(POIs) que hay alrededor tuyo sobre el mapa. Podrás irandandolibremente mientras escuchas las atracciones que terodean.AVISO: La primera vez que enciendas en GPS en la ciudad,algunosdispositivos pueden tradar varios minutos en captar laposición, apartir de ahí volver a captar la posición es muyrápido.Después de su descarga, no es necesaria conexión a internet parasuuso. Así evitas las tarifas roaming en el extranjero.Cada App proporciona la guía offline de una ciudad. Los datosseinstalan en la SDcard, evitando sobrecargar la memoria detuSmartphone. Cada actualización de la app se descargagratis.La guía ofrece audio sobre cada punto de interés, itinerarioehistoria de la ciudad de Florencia. Puedesseleccionarlosindividualmente según tus preferencias y mostrarlosen el mapa oseguir las rutas propuestas. Las fotos de altaresolución teayudarán a identificar los sitios.Si tu viaje es breve y no quieres perderte los más importante,lositinerarios Top 5 stars y Top essentials son para ti puesaglutinanlas atracciones imprescindibles de Florencia.2steps publica periódicamente actualizaciones de todas sus guíasdeviaje de forma que siempre se mantienen actualizadas y enconstantemejora.También pueden interesarte nuestras guías de Roma y Venecia.De parte de todo el equipo de 2steps te deseamos buen viaje.2steps presents theaudioguide of Florence 100% offline fuller, map, GPS,routes,itineraries, audiovisual content only, street and more.Created byprofessionals for travel lovers. Listen to the mostinteresting ofyour favorite cities a refreshingly differentatmosphere. We'veadded a soundtrack that will make your trip moreemotional andmemorable.Includes city map, routes in and out of the city, GPS,routecalculation (offline), search every street of the maparea(street), audio with music and useful information mostinterestingsites. All are original content written by our authorsexclusivelyfor 2steps. Just as Florence suggested itineraries havebeenstudied in detail by the author. Includes routes outsideofFlorence Pisa and San Gimignano.Once you turn on the GPS, the app will show you the sights(POIs)'saround you on the map. You can walk freely while listeningto theattractions around you.NOTE: The first time you turn on GPS in the city, some devicesmaytradar several minutes to capture the position from theretorecapture the position is very fast.After download, no internet connection is required for use. Soyouavoid roaming charges abroad.Each app provides offline for a city guide. The data on the SDcardare installed to prevent overloading the memory of yourSmartphone.Each update of the app is downloaded free.The audio guide provides about each point of interest, routeandhistory of the city of Florence. You can select themindividuallyaccording to your preferences and display them on themap, orfollow the proposed routes. The high resolution pictureswill helpyou identify sites.If your trip is short and want to be the most important,itinerariesTop 5 stars and Top essentials are for you then bringtogether theessential attractions of Florence.2steps periodically releases updates of all guidebooks so youalwaysare kept updated and constantly improved.They may also interest our guides in Rome and Venice.On behalf of the entire team we wish you bon voyage 2steps.
Game in Florence 1.1.0
Do you dare to play ?.Discover Florenceasneverbefore. An app that lets you travel back in time inthisbeautifulcity. Dante, Brunelleschi, Michelangelo, LeonardoDaVinci, theMedicis, and others are waiting for you. Live theCity"In Search ofthe Fifth Element" in a unique period:TheRenaissance. And enrichesyour travel experience while surprise.In this app you will find puzzles that you will have toresolvetoprogress through the story. The trip to Florence will beadifferentexperience. A time travel that brings you closertoundisputedgeniuses of painting, architecture, sculptureandliterature.Political and patrons. Intrigues andconspiracies.Friendship andcreativity.An adventure you won't forgetOffered by this app?- A different city guide- An itinerary full of places, characters and information- Culture- History- Art- Fun and Entertainment- Challenges that will test you- Excitement in your visit- You choose the time. Before, during and after your trip- A new travel experienceIf you like to go at your own pace. If youwantsomethingdifferent from the conventional guides. If you wanttosave moneyon tours, or just want to supplement them ...!See more:
Florence city guide(maps) 1.0
Are you going to Florence? TakethisFreeFlorence city guide in your pocket. “Florence city guide”helpsyoufind all of things about Florence. With any kindofrestaurants,night-life, attractions, shopping area andmoreoverconveniencefacilities saved in the “Florence city guide”,makesyour travelperfect!The reasons why you should use this:FreeNo need to say anymore! Take this app in your pocket. Youwillloveit and have perfect travel!ReliabilityNo advertisements! You can meet objective andreliableinformationwith thousands of real-user reviews.Easy to useMake you get the information you want with only several clicks.