Top 15 Apps Similar to Revista ABCS

Revista Casa&Arte 3.0.1
Revista focada no segmento de decoração,arte,design, móveis e construção civil.Magazine focused onthesegment of decoration, art, design, furnitureandconstruction.
Revista CARAS Brasil 4.524
Baixe gratuitamente o aplicativo daRevistaCaras Para O Seu tablet Android e tenha o Conteúdo daMelhorRevista de Celebridades da América Latina NA SUA Mao!Instale um application e Fique POR Dentro das Últimas Notícias equeglamour do Mundo dos famosos. E ainda Vê galerias de fotos,vídeos eConteúdo Altamente Interativo.Download the freeappRevista Caras For Your Android tablet and get the BestContentMagazine Celebrity Latin America IN YOUR Mao!Install an application and Stay current on the latest News andWorldglamor of famous. And See photo galleries, videos andHighlyInteractive Content.
Revistas 11
- Access to the portals of the magazines . - Delivery of the Newsbyemail . - Access to Twitter & Facebook
Revista Época 3.4.9
Editora Globo
ÉPOCA é a revista que te informa, te ajudaaentender e abre espaço para você opinar sobre osacontecimentos.Neste novo aplicativo, além de receber semanalmenteo conteúdo daedição impressa, você será atualizado todos os diascom asprincipais notícias do Brasil e do mundo. Todo conteúdo comachancela de qualidade da revista que fiscaliza o poder e contaahistória por trás dos fatos sem fugir da polêmica.Se você já é assinante da edição impressa, basta usar seu loginparater acesso à edição digital sem custo adicional. Se você aindanãotem seu login, acesse:ão conseguimos dar retorno de seu review. Pedimos a gentilezadecomunicar-se conosco através de email ou de nossa Centraldeatendimento telefônico.E-mail: [email protected]: 4003-9393 (de segunda a sexta-feira, das 8 às 21horas.Aos sábados, das 8 às 15 horas)EPOCH is the magazinethattells you, helps you understand and makes room for you opineaboutevents. In this new application, and receive weekly contentof theprint edition, you will be updated every day with the mainnews fromBrazil and the world. All content with the seal ofquality magazinethat monitors the power and tells the story behindthe facts withoutescape from the controversy.If you are already subscribed to the print edition, just useyourlogin to access the digital edition at no additional cost. Ifyoudo not have your login, pleasevisit: can not give return their review. We kindly ask you tocommunicatewith us via email or phone our call center.E-mail: [email protected]: 4003-9393 (Monday to Friday, from 8 to 21 pm OnSaturdays,from 8 to 15 hours.)
Science & Tech News 1.3.0
Kiss My Apps
A selection of the most importantnewsregarding interesting technology and science.The Science & Technology section includes:TechcrunchWired MagazineHowStuffWorksNasaDiscoveryLive ScienceSpaceNatureNew ScientistScience MagHave fun with reading the hottest technology & sciencenewsin the world! :)Be an expert on the Science world! New discoveries,research,interesting interviews and studies. All you wish to knowabout thecurrent science world brought to you in an easy to use,simple andefficient app!This app keeps you up to date, maybe you are aenvironmentalscientist, Hydrologist, Geoscientist, Medicalscientist, Biochemistand Biophysicist, Atmospheric scientist,Materials scientist,Physicist, Astronomer or Biologicalscientists?In any university, highschool or science class, theteacherexpects from the students to have a hunger for knowledge.Manyteachers or professors see it as a big plus to have studentswhoare motivated and keep an eye on new developments. When you askaprofessor or teacher if he knows the latest news on a subjectheteaches or is interested in, he will consider you ainterestedstudent. Maybe it can make a difference at the end of theyear!If you are doing your PHD, being up-to-date is not justanoption, it is essential. PHD students will need to read thelatestarticles, as they will likely have to publish their ownarticlessoon!Science & Tech News is updated every day.The most important topics are:- Technique- Research- Space- Health and Medicine- Archeology- Auto- Business- CultureAre you curious about the world? Do you want to besmarter?You want to be up-to-date on the latest breakthroughsandcutting-edge technologies and understand the meaning behindtheheadlines everyone is talking about. Your favoritesciencemagazines & technology magazines.This app is totally free, forever. No ads will blockcontent.
CAR AND DRIVER Revista 4.3.501
Ya en tu tableta Android la revista númerounodel motor en el mundo. Disfruta de la edición digital de larevistaCar & Driver, con los mismos contenidos que la ediciónimpresay los beneficios del formato digital. Ponemos a tu alcanceunanueva forma, sencilla y rápida, de disfrutar de la revista conmásprestaciones, pensada para aquellos a los que les gustadisfrutarde los coches, con una información completa, un lenguajeclaro y unatractivo diseño.Elige la opción que prefieras:1.- Un número suelto por 1,79€2.- Suscripción anual (12 números) por 16,99€El cobro se cargará en la cuenta de Google Play registrada enelmomento de la compra.No se puede cancelar una suscripción durante el período duranteelque la misma esté activa. Las suscripciones pueden sergestionadasdesde la cuenta del usuario y las suscripciones autorenovablespueden deshabilitarse desde la misma en cualquiermomento.Para más información legal y de protección de datosconsultar: dudas o sugerencias puedes enviar un correo a ladirección:[email protected] on your Androidtabletmagazine number one engine in the world. Enjoy the digitaleditionof Car & Driver magazine, with the same content as theprintedition and the benefits of the digital format. We can reacha newform, simply and quickly, to enjoy the magazine with morefeatures,designed for those who like to enjoy the car, with afull, clearlanguage and an attractive design.Choose the option you prefer:1. - A single issue for € 1.792. - Annual subscription (12 issues) for € 16.99Be debited to the account of Google Play recorded at the timeofpurchase.You can not cancel a subscription during the period for which itisactive. Subscriptions can be managed from the user's accountandauto-renewable subscriptions can be disabled from the same atanytime.For more legal information and data protection see: questions or suggestions please send an email to: [email protected]
Revista Proceso 8.0.8
Magzter Inc.
Enjoy FREE reading for 7/30 days when you download the app!
Revista Placar 1.0.4
Desde 1970, Placar é a principal revistadeesporte do Brasil. Análise, profundidade, informação,humor,estatísticas - todo mês nas bancas, a revista traz imagensereportagens sobre o esporte mais popular do mundo. Agora,notablet, você encontra conteúdos extras, como:- vídeos- jogos- links que remetem ao vasto conteúdo do site é Placar. A maior paixão dos brasileiros, contadaporquem mais entende dela.SAC:Por email: [email protected],no site: por telefone: Grande São Paulo: 3347-2121 Demaislocalidades:0800 775 2828 De 2ª a 6ª, das 8h às 22hSince 1970, Score istheleading sports magazine in Brazil. Analysis, depth,information,humor, statistics - every month on newsstands, themagazine bringsimages and reports on the most popular sport in theworld. Now, onthe tablet, you will find extra content, suchas:- Videos- Games- Links that refer to the vast contents of is score. The greatest passion of Brazil, told bywhoelse understands it.SAC:Email: [email protected],at: by phone: Greater São Paulo: 3347-2121 Other locations: 08007752828 From 2nd to 6th from 8 am to 22h
Revista Bem-Estar 2.5.7
A Revista Bem-Estar aborda temas relacionadosaSaúde, beleza, moda, decoração, eventos e muito mais... Temasdeinteresse amplo, com qualidade jornalística e um lindoprojetoeditorial. Tenha sempre a mãos nosso conteúdo, simples,direto egratuito, isso é Bem-Estar!www.revistabemestar.comThe WellnessMagazinecovers topics related to health, beauty, fashion, decor,events andmore ... Topics of broad interest, with journalisticquality and abeautiful editorial project. Keep hands to ourcontent, simple,direct and free, that's Wellness!
Revista Reformador 11
Editado pela Federação Espírita Brasileira desde janeirode1883,traz artigos, históricos e novidades sobre oMovimentoEspírita noBrasil e Exterior.
Revista Administradores 2.6.1
A revista Administradores éumapublicaçãototalmente inovadora e fora do quadrado, que trazumaabordagemdescomplicada dos mais diversos assuntosrelacionadosaAdministração, Marketing, Carreira,Liderança,Estratégia,Tecnologia e todos os assuntos pertinentes aomundo dosnegócios.A Administradores conta com um projeto editorial único ecomumalinguagem leve e dinâmica. Suas páginas contam comtextosderenomados colaboradores e de instituiçõesnacionaiseinternacionais.A Administradores é uma publicação do,omaiorveículo online do mundo voltado à Administração e negóciosemlínguaportuguesa.Baixe agora e fique por dentro de tudo o que acontecenouniversoda Administração.The Managementmagazineisa totally innovative and publishing outside of thesquare,whichbrings an uncomplicated approach to various issuesrelatedtoManagement, Marketing, Career, Leadership, Strategy,Technologyandall relevant matters to the business world.The Administrators account with a unique editorial anddesignwitha lightweight dynamic language. Its pages feature textsbyrenowneddevelopers and national andinternationalinstitutions.The Administrators is a publication,theworld's largest online vehicle facing theadministrationandbusiness in English.Download now and stay on top of everything that happensintheuniverse of Directors.
Revista Minha Casa 1.0.6
Baixe gratuitamente o aplicativo darevistaMINHA CASA para o seu tablet! Ela traz dicas de decoração,reformae construção para quem busca ideias econômicas.São soluções práticas e bonitas para espaços compactos e acustosacessíveis.SAC:Por email: [email protected],no site: por telefone: Grande São Paulo: 3347-2121 Demaislocalidades:0800 775 2828 De 2ª a 6ª, das 8h às 22hDownload the free appMYHOME magazine for your tablet! She offers tips fordecorating,renovating and building for those seeking economicideas.Are practical and beautiful solutions for compact spaces andataffordable costs.SAC:Email: [email protected],Site: by phone: São Paulo: 3347-2121 Other locations: 0800 7752828From 2nd to 6th from 8am to 22h
Revista Decorar 3.0.4
DECORAR magazine is a decoration magazine aimed at thefinalconsumer
niuss - Leer y enviar noticias 1.2.3
Jesús Romero
Aplicación móvil de para smartphonesytablets Android, con la que puedes estar al día de todo lo quepasaa tu alrededor: Política, Cine, Series, Libros, Ciencia,Economía,Deportes, Tecnología, Videojuegos... niuss lo tiene todo.Y si no encuentras lo que buscas, o simplemente quierescompartirtu propia noticia también puedes hacerlo de forma rápiday sencilla,y lo más importante completamente ¡gratis!En 5 minutos puedes tener tu noticia publicada en web,redessociales y aplicaciones móviles, y dar a conocerte antenuestrosmiles y miles de lectores.Descarga hoy mismo niuss y comienza a disfrutar de unanuevaforma de hacer periodismo:• Lee noticias plurales y diferentes.• Gestiona tus noticias favoritas, y marca con una estrellaaquellasque más te gustan.• Ve a Últimos artículos para acceder a la últimas noticias.• Date a conocer con tu perfil público dónde la gente se puedasabermás de ti y contactar contigo (quién sabe puede estar leyendoeldirector de una revista).• Controla la información que compartes desde nuestro intuitivomenúen• Si vas a salir de viaje y no vas a tener conexión,puedesdescargar tus noticias y acceder a ellas offline.• Puedes personalizar la aplicación a tu gusto, cambiar el tamañodela letra, modificar el aspecto de las tarjetas de noticias(Grilla,Lista, Revista) e incluso cambiar el tema y loscolores.• Comparte fácilmente las noticias por WhatsApp, redes socialesocorreo electrónico.• Publica tus propias noticias. Puedes comenzar a redactarlasdesdeel móvil, seguir en la tablet y terminarlas en el ordenador,todoestá sincronizado.Para más información y no perderte nada, visita nuestro sitioweb y síguenos enTwitter:@niussweb, Facebook: oGoogle+:ñ mobile appforAndroid smartphones and tablets, with which you can keep abreastofeverything that happens around you: Politics, Film, Series,Books,Science, Business, Sports, Technology, Games ... niuss it Hehas itall.And if you do not find what you are looking for, or just wanttoshare your own story you can do so quickly and easily, andmostimportantly completely free!In five minutes you can have your news published in web,socialnetworks and mobile applications, and give to know beforeourthousands of readers.Niuss download today and start enjoying a new formofjournalism:• Read plural and different news.• Manage your favorite news, and marked with a star thoseyoulove.• Go to Last items to access the latest news.• Make yourself known to your public profile where people canlearnmore about you and contact you (who knows may be reading amagazinedirector).• Control the information you share from our intuitive menu• If you are going on a trip and you will not have a connection,youcan download your news and access them offline.• You can customize the application to your liking, change thefontsize, change the appearance of the cards News (Grid,List,Magazine) and even change the theme and colors.• Easily share the news for WhatsApp, social networksoremail.• Post your own news. You can start writing them from the phone,goin and finish them on the tablet computer, everythingissynchronized.For more information and not miss anything, visit our website andfollowus on Twitter:niussweb, Facebook: Google+ or https://plus / + NiussEspaña.
Revista Selecciones en español 2.0.3
Digital and interactive Spanish version of the magazineReader'sDigest