Top 21 Apps Similar to 4 Pictures 1 Word [Arabic]

لعبة كلمة السر
لعبة كلمة السر: ببساطة لعبة السنة كل منلعبهاأحبها وادمنها!.. قمة التسلية والفائدة. افضل الالعابالعربيةلعبة قضينا معها احلى الاوقات في الصحف والمجلات الان متوفرةمجاناوبجودة عالية على جهازك.اللعبة المشهورة للصغار والكبار, تعرف ايضا ب "لعبة الكلمةالمفقودة"أو "لعبه الكلمة الضائعة" "لعبه البحث عن الكلمات"العاب ذكاء جديدة شيقة مجانية*** ميروك لكلمة السر 3 مليون تحميل وهذا الاعجاب الهائل... 3مليونشكراً ******* اذا وصلت هذه الصفحة ولم تتثبت اللعبة بعد فلا تضيع الوقتواضغطعلى تثبيت, ولن تندم ابداً. ماذا تنتظر؟! :)عليك العثور على الكلمات المبعثرة في الجدول وشطبها. في النهايةتتبقىمجموعة احرف ورمز عليك معرفة وفك كلمه السر.في هذه اللعبة هدفنا الى استعمال اللعبة بحالة استرخاء فلا يوجدتوقيتاو نقاط. فاستمتع بوقتك مع عشرات المراحل.المراحل بنيت بعناية ليغطي كل لغز موضوع معين لزيادة التشويق. وفيقسممن المراحل على اللاعب اكتشاف الكلمات بنفسه.تتميز اللعبة بالتنوع والاثراء الثقافي في شتى المجالات. فيهاخفةوافادة وتسلية.اللعبة بنيت بعيدا عن الضغط والتوقيت والسرعة, ويمكن لعبها في ايوقتباسترخاء, ويمكنك التوقف ومعاودة اللعب في اي لحظة مناللعبة.لعبة كلمه السر الان متوفرة ايضا على الايفون. الرابط: Password: simplyGameof the Year both played and loved Adinmha! .. Summitentertainmentand interest. The best Arab GamesGame spent with Best Moments in newspapers and magazines arenowavailable for free and high quality on your computer.The famous game for young and old, also known as the "Game losttheword" or "game missed the word" the "game search forwords."Games new intelligent interesting free *** Mirok password three million download this Likesmassivethree million ... Thank ******* If you reached this page did not satisfy itself after thegamedo not waste time and click on the install, and will neverregret.What Are You Waiting For?! :)You'll find scattered words in the table and written off. Intheend, remaining character set and the code you know and decryptthepassword.Our goal in this game is to use the game relaxed condition, thereisno timing or points. , Enjoy your time with dozens ofstages.Stages carefully built to cover a certain topic each puzzletoincrease the suspense. In a section of the stage for the playertodiscover his own words.The game is characterized by diversity and cultural enrichmentinvarious fields. Where lightness and testimonyandentertainment.The game was built away from the pressure, timing and speed, andcanbe played at any time, relaxed, and you can pause and resumeplayingat any moment of the game.Game password is now also available on the iPhone. Link:
لعبة الألغاز الإسلامية 1.5
Tamatem Inc.
لعبة الالغاز الاسلامية جديدة وفريدة من نوعها وليست كغيرها منالالعابالدينية، لعبة شيقة وممتعة تتحدى ذكاءك ومعرفتك بالاسلام! هلتستطيعالاجابة عن اسئلة تتطلب ذكاء ودراية واسعة بما يتعلق بمعلوماتالدين؟تحدى نفسك واصحابك واكسب معرفة جديدة تضاف الى معرفتك وتعلماشياء لمتعلمها من قبل! جدد ايمانك مع الالغاز الاسلامية اليوملعبة الالغاز الاسلامية واحدة من الالعاب الاكثر شعبية علىمتجرأبل، ساعات لا تنتهي من المتعة وتحفيز العقل للاجابة عن اكثرالاسئلةتعقيدا والتي تتطلب منك التفكير والتحليل للوصول الىالاجاباتالدقيقةما اسم اول معركة في الاسلام؟ ما اسم الغار الذي نزل على سيدنامحمدفيه القرآن؟ من هو ابو الانبياء؟ بالاضافة لمئات من الاسئلةالاخرىالمتنوعة والمتفاوتة الصعوبة! هل تستطيع الاجابة عنها؟؟— لعبة مفيدة وممتعة لجميع افراد العائلة— مئات الاسئلة المتفاوتة الصعوبة— تحديثات متتابعة— اختبر معلوماتك الاسلامية— شارك مع اصحابك وتحداهم— مجانية الى الابد— عربية مئة بالمئةهذه اللعبة تاتيكم من طماطم ناشر الالعاب العربية الاول! نشكرلكمدعمكم المتواصلIslamic Riddles GameTest your knowledge in Islam! Do you think you know alltheanswers to all the hard question? try the Islamic Quiz game nowandsee for your self! Whats the name of the Prophet’s father? Whowasthe leader in a famous Islamic battle? and hundreds ofotherquestions that will trigger your mind!This game is suitable for all family member, available inArabic,it will ensure you connect back to all the questions youhavelearned as a child plus teach you new things you didn’tknowDownload and rate the game TODAY Free for ever!This game comes to you by Tamatem, the Arabic mobilegamespublisher!
لعبة اللغز الخفي 1.6
Tamatem Inc.
لعبة اللغز الخفي لعبة عربية تتحدى معرفتكومستوىذكاءك، هل تستطيع الاجابة عن الاسئلة الاكثر تعقيدا؟ مئاتالمراحلالمتفاوتة الصعوبة مع ساعات من التفكير والمرح في واحدة مناكثرالالعاب تشويقاً في متجر الألعابتحدى اصحابك واصدقاءك لايجاد اجابة للغز الخفي! هل تستطيعالتفوقعليهم بمهارتك وثقافتك ام سوف تستسلم؟ تستطيع سؤال اصحابكعلىالفيسبوك ليساعدوك في ايجاد الاجاباتلعبة اللغز الخفي*** ابدأ اللعب فورالا تحتاج منك لتسجيل او اي تعقيدات، قم بتحميل اللعبة صغيرةالحجموابدأ اللعب بشكل فوري الآن*** لعبة مسلية ومفيدةلن تستمتع باللعب فقط، بل سوف تتعلم الكثير من الاشياء المفيدة التيلمتفكر بها من قبل. شارك بها افراد عائلتك واختبر مستوى معرفتهم*** شارك اصحابك المتعةتحدى اصحابك لتعرف من هو الأذكى بينهم وأرهم انك الذكي بينهم،اعرفمستوى ذكاءك من خلال مركز الالعاب على جهاز الآيفون والآيبادايضا*** عربية مئة بالمئةبحث دؤوب لايجاد اسئلة مثيرة تستفز ذكاءك من خلال فريق عربيقامبالتصميم والبرمجة يتحدى به الالعاب العالمية*** مئات المراحل المجانيةاستمتع بساعات طويلة من اللعب بهذه اللعبة الفريدة من نوعها، مئاتمنالمراحل التي تتحداك في كل مرحلةهذه اللعبة تأتيكم من طماطم ناشر الألعاب العربي الأول، نتمنىانتنال اعجابكمThe Mysterious Quiz GameCan you beat your friends in this quiz game, are youknowledgableand smart enough? beat your high score nowHundreds of levels in this amazing game! stunning graphicsandanimations that will impress you for sureThis game comes to you from Tamatem, the Arabicgamespublisher
سبع كلمات - لعبة معلومات عامة 2.5
Game of knowledge and culture in a modern and interesting.
وصلة 2 - لعبة كلمات متقاطعة 1.0
Sabih Agbaria
وصله لعبة الكلمات المتقاطعة الجزء الثانيمناجمل العاب الذكاءوصلة ٢ لعبة الكلمات المتقاطعة المعروفة ولكن بصورة عصريةومسليةأكثر.. جربها !!في كل مرحلة مجموعة من اسئلة المشوقة والممتعة, وراء كل سؤال لغزحولصورة أو معلومة او جملة. حروف الاجوبة تتقاطع - بأحرف مشتركة -ممايتيح لك كشف حروف عن طريق حل اسئلة متقاطعة.هذه اللعبة بجودة اسئلتها تعتبر دورة ثقافية شاملة ستثريمعلوماتكبشتى المجالات,وهناك الكثبر من الاسئلة الخفيفة التي تعتمد على فطنتك وذكاءكولا يخلو اي سؤال من متعة التفكير والتشويق.اسئلة متنوعة مناسبة لجميع الاعمار- معلومات عامة في شتى المجالات- اكمل الجملة, المثل, الاية- اسئلة تفكير وذكاء- على الشاشة- سيارات وماركات- اسئلة دينية, رمضان- مشاهير ولاعبي كرة قدم- خرائط واعلام ودول- صور مكبرةوصلة هي تطوير للعبة كلمات متقاطعة- اسئلة حديثة ومتنوعة- اسئلة مصوّرة- عند محاولة حل كل سؤال يتم فحص الجواب مما يمنع الاخطاء التيتفسداللغز- طريقة اللعب مطورة تلائم الاجهزة الذكية- الالغاز بنيت بعناية وذات جودة عاليةcrosswordsوصلة وصل connect link يوصل crosswordLink game Crosswordsecondpart of the nicest IQ GamesLink 2 game Crossword known, but in a more modern andentertaining.. Try it !!At each stage a series of exciting and interesting questions,andeach question behind the mystery about the picture orinformationor phrase. ABC answers intersect - common letters -allowing you touncover letters by solving crossword questions.This game is the quality of her questions is acomprehensivecultural cycle will enrich your knowledge in variousfields,There Alkthber light of questions that rely on your intelligenceandAftntekNot without any question of thinking fun and suspense.A variety of questions suitable for all ages- General information in various fields- Completed the sentence, ideals, Verse- Thinking and intelligent questions- on the screen- Car and brands- Religious questions, Ramadan- Celebrities and football players- Flags and maps states- Enlarged imagesLink is the development of the game crossword- Modern and diverse questions- Pictorial questions- When trying to solve each question the answer is checked,whichprevents mistakes that spoil the puzzle- How to play and an upgraded suit smart devices- Puzzles carefully built and of high qualitycrosswordsAnd link connect link connects crossword
لعبة سؤال وذكاء 1.2.2
تطبيق سؤال وذكاء عبارة عن تطبيق لزيادةالثقافةوالمعرفة واختبار للذكاء فهو تطبيق مسلي مليء بالاسئلةالمختلفة فيمجالات متعددة منها :-الاسئلة العامة- طب وصحة- رياضة- اسلام ودينفهو يعتبر لعبة شبيه ب من سيربح المليون والعاب الذكاء للكباروايضالعبة بنات فهو مناسب للمراهقين والكبار لكي يزيدو من نسبةثقافتهمومعرفتهمويستطيع المستخدم ان يلعب اللعبة بدون انترنت وهناك ايضا الغازولعبةتذكر ولعبة تركيبيحتوي التطبيق على :- اسئلة واختيارات يتم الاجابة عليها وكل سؤال له نقاط يتم تجميعهاحتىيصل المستخدم الى عدد من النقاط- لعبة تركيب الصور بعدة مستويات (3 مستويات )- لعبة التذكر (للاذكياء واصحاب الذاكرة القوية)فهي مليئة بالكثير من الاسئلة الثقافية والدينية والاسلاميةوالاسئلةالطبية والاسئلة الرياضيةفهناك مثلا اسئلة عن كأس العالم وكأس اسيا ودوري ابطال اوروباوالكثيرمن الاسئلة الشيقةارفع مستوى ذكائك وتحدى اصدقائك باعلى النقاطاسأل الله عز وجل المثوبة في هذا التطبيق واسأل اللهالفائدةللجميعتحياتنا لكمEngLookAppsThe applicationofintelligent question and an application to increase theculture,knowledge and a test of intelligence is the application ofvariousfun filled with questions in multiple areas,including:Public -alasilh- Medicine and Health- Sport- Islam and religionIt is considered a game similar to Hotspot Shield games IQforadults and also for the girls game is suitable for teenagersandadults to Izido proportion of their culture and knowledgeThe user can play the game without the Internet and there is alsoagas and a game to remember and play installationThe application to contain:- Questions and choices are answered every question his pointsarecollected until the user up to the number of points- Game installation of images and several levels (3 levels)- A game to remember (the owners are smart andpowerfulmemory)They are filled with lots of cultural, religious andIslamicQuestions Medical Questions and sports QuestionsExample, there are questions about the World Cup and the AsianCupand the Champions League and a lot of interestingquestionsIncrease the level of your intelligence and challenge yourfriendsto the highest pointsI ask God Almighty reward in this application and ask God forthebenefit of allGreetings to youEngLookApps
Lost Words Game 1.0
The game is famous for young and old, also known as "missedwordgame" and "search words game"Underline the words within the network and anywhere you seewhereand in what form, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, whether Mtlhorupside down. Then arranged for the remaining characters get lostonthe floor.The game is characterized by diversity and cultural enrichmentinvarious fields.Intelligent interesting new games free
Word Search 3.0.7
Great Word Search game! You can play from easy 5x5 gamestochallenges of 20x20!
4 Images 1 Mot 61.65.1
Lotum GmbH
4 images that have 1 word in common - which one?
4 Pics 1 Word 31.1-4332-en
THE #1 HIT WITH OVER 220,000,000PLAYERSWORLDWIDE!4 pictures that have 1 word in common – what is it?Find out why everyone loves this game and JOIN THE FUN NOW!★ENDLESS FUN WITH NEW PUZZLES!★Can you guess the words and unlock the levels? Countlesspuzzlesfrom easy to tricky are waiting for you! New puzzles areaddedcontinuously for endless word fun!★PURE, INSTANT FUN★No registration, no complicated rules. Just start playing andhavefun!★SIMPLE AND HIGHLY ADDICTIVE GAMEPLAY★Which word are we looking for? Look at the four pictures; findoutwhat they have in common. Win!★THE MOST ADDICTIVE BRAINTEASER IN THE WORLD!★There are over 220,000,000 4 Pics 1 Word enthusiasts playingacrossthe globe in 8 languages. Join them!
4 Images : Trouvez le Mot 1.3.0
Pourrez-vous trouvez le mot représentéparles 4 photos?«4 Images : Trouvez le Mot» est un jeu simple,éducatif,amusant et conçu pour toute la famille. Si vous aimez lesjeux dustyle "4 images 1 mot" vous allez adorer ce jeu!★★★ COMMENT JOUER? ★★★Observez les 4 images qui vous sont présentées. Trouvez le motcachéen découvrant ce qu'on en commun les 4 photos. Choisissezleslettres dans la grille afin de former la bonne réponse.Vousrecevrez des pièces pour chaque bonne réponse. Dépensez cespiècespour vous aider avec les énigmes complexes.Si vous êtes bloqué, utilisez les boutons à droite deslettressoit pour : éliminer une lettre qui ne fait pas parti de laréponseou encore dévoiler une lettre de la réponse.Pour gagner de nouvelles pièces, appuyez sur l'icône de piècesenhaut à droite de l'écran de jeu. Quelques tâches simples àcomplétervous seront présentées et vous pourrez obtenir facilementdenouvelles pièces en les accomplissant.★★★ FONCTIONNALITÉS ★★★- Plus de 200 mots à deviner- Différents niveaux de difficulté- Utilisez des pièces pour vous aider à découvrir les énigmessivous êtes bloqués- Pour les amateurs de jeux de mots, de casse-tête et dequiz!- Conçu pour les 7 à 77 ans! Parfait jeu pour enfants et lesgrandspour améliorer ou tester le vocabulaire.- En français! Developpée par des francophones, ce n'est pasqu'unetraduction bâclée d'une application anglaise!★★★ AVERTISSEMENT ★★★Les permissions demandées sont requises pour afficher lespublicitésafin de soutenir le travail des développeurs qui vousoffrent ce jeugratuitement. Merci!Toutes les images, photos, polices de caractères et autresmédiassont la propriété de Gypmo ou disponible gratuitement surInternetsous une license "Creative Commons".Can you find thewordrepresented by the 4 photos& # 171; 4 Images: Find the Word & # 187 is asimplegame, educational, fun and designed for the whole family. Ifyoulike games like "4 pictures 1 word" you will lovethisgame!★★★ HOW TO PLAY? ★★★Observe the four images that are presented to you. Find thehiddenword by finding out what we share 4 photos. Choose theletters inthe grid to form the correct answer. You will get coinsfor everycorrect answer. Spend these pieces to help you withcomplexpuzzles.If you get stuck, use the buttons to the right oftheletters is to: remove a letter that is not part of the answer,ordisclose a letter of response.To win new parts, tap the icon of rooms on the top rightofthe game screen. Few simple supplement will be presented and youcaneasily get new pieces by accomplishing tasks.★★★ ★★★ FEATURES- More than 200 words to guess- Different levels of difficulty- Use coins to help you discover the puzzles if youarestranded- For lovers of word games, puzzles and quizzes!- Designed for 7-77 years! Perfect game for childrenandgrandparents to improve or test vocabulary.- In French! Developped by francophones, it is not a translationofan English sloppy application!★★★ ★★★ WARNINGThe requested permissions are required to display the ads tosupportthe work of developers who offer this game. Thankyou!All images, photos, fonts and other media are the property ofGypmoor available free on the Internet under a license"CreativeCommons".
Words With Friends – Play Free 16.212
Now play the World’s Most Popular MobileWordGame in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian,BrazilianPortuguese and British English. Words With Friends is thefun, freesocial word game where your word building skills aretested.Challenge your Facebook friends to a game or make newfriends withSmart Match. Play anytime and anywhere to sharpen yourskills withoffline Solo Play. May the Best Friend Win.™• CHAT with your friends in-game• TRACK your performance and improvement with detailed stats• EXPAND your English vocabulary with Dictionary and Word oftheDay• CHALLENGE your friends to think and play faster in EnglishwithFast Play• FIND your best English opponent by browsing players’ profilesinCommunity Match• ACCESS your games on your phone, tablet, and computer**Play Words With Friends without third party ads between movesifyou previously purchased Words With Friends on any mobiledevice.Be sure to login with Facebook or the email account you usedtomake the previous purchase to continue to play without thirdpartyads between moves.Already an accomplished Wordie? Like us on Facebook or follow usonTwitter to stay up-to-date on game news, contests, pollsandmore. love hearing from you! Have a question? Ask ithere: Or do you have a suggestion? Pleaseshare ithere: you for playing Words With Friends!ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES• Use of this application is governed by the Zynga Terms ofService.These Terms are available through the License Agreementfield below,and at• For specific information about how Zynga collects andusespersonal or other data, please read our privacy policyat Zynga’s Privacy Policy isalsoavailable through the Privacy Policy field below.• The game is free to play, however in-app purchase areavailablefor additional content and premium currency. In-apppurchases rangefrom $0.99 to $99.99.• This game does permit a user to connect to social networks,suchas Facebook, and as such players may come into contact withotherpeople when playing this game.• Terms of Service for Social Networks you connect to in thisgamemay also apply to you. You will be given the opportunitytoparticipate in special offers, events, and programs fromZynga,Inc. and its partners.• Must be 13+ to play.• Use of this application requires a Facebook or Games WithFriendsaccount.
وصلة - لعبة كلمات متقاطعة 1.6
Game cultural comprehensive in various fields introductionofinnovative and entertaining way Link and a link words
Classic Words Plus 2.4.5-Plus
Lulo Apps
Classic Words Solo is the number one wordgameto play against your smartphone or tablet (solitairemode).Enrich your vocabulary thanks to the built-inworddefinitions!6 difficulty levels and many languages are supported:English,Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch and Polish.Tired of stumbling across cheaters or waiting hours for youronlineopponent to play on Scrabble, Words with friends orWordfeud?Try out Classic Words Solo for instant fun, no matter if you areabeginner in crossword games or a Scrabble tournament player!★ Classic Words Plus exclusive features ★• Pass-and-Play mode for 2 players• Ad-free experience• Preview your score before validating a moveChoose the skill level of the computer (from beginner toexpert),pick a word list (English word lists include Scrabble - TWLandSOWPODS - official lexicons), and use your strategy skillsandvocabulary to try and defeat the Droid.Classic Words Solo gameplay is classical to crosswords boardgames:create and place words on the board and boost your score byplacingletters on the high scoring Double Letter, Double Word,TripleLetter and Triple Word squares.Use all 7 letters from your rack to play a Bingo and get a 50pointsbonus.This game is a great time killer for all fans of board gamesandstrategy games. It is also an educational game that will allowkids(and adults) to improve their spelling and vocabulary.Thanks to the fast reactivity and variable skill of the computerandofficial word lists, Classic Words can is used by manyScrabbleenthusiasts to play quick training matches and learn newwords fromthe computer's moves.Unlike with multiplayer board games where some dishonest playersuseanagram solvers, there is no cheating possible whenplayingsolitaire... Letters and blanks are always picked randomly,and thecomputer's artificial intelligence does not have moreinformationthan you do.Only your tactics and creativity can make the difference...Will you play strategically enough to outwit the computer anditsextensive vocabulary?★ Features ★• 6 levels of difficulty• Display the definition of words by swiping them• Quit and resume game whenever you want• Shake to shuffle• Languages and dictionaries supported:- English- SOWPODS 2015 (Official English tournament list)- TWL 2014 (Official list)- German (with support of Umlauts, and Ezset to be replaced bytwo'S')- French- Italian (based on Zingarelli)- Spanish (DRAE)- Dutch- Polish• Distribution of letters and points is adapted tothelanguage• Supports offline play
4 Fotos 1 Palabra 60.6.2
¡EL HIT NÚMERO #1 CON MÁS DE220.000.000JUGADORES EN TODO EL MUNDO!¿Cuatro fotos con una palabra en común - cual es?¡Descubre por qué todos juegan a "4 Fotos 1 Palabra"yPARTICIPA!★¡LA VERSIÓN ESPAÑOLA OFICIAL DEL JUEGO N°1 EN EL MUNDO "4 PICS1WORD"!★¡Puzzles en español hechos a medida para tí!★¡DIVERSIÓN INFINITA CON NUEVOS PUZZLES!★¿Podrás adivinar las palabras ocultas y pasar todos losniveles?¡Millones de puzzles de diferente dificultad te esperan!¡Yanadimos puzzles contínuamente para que la diversión noacabenunca!★PURA DIVERSIÓN AL INSTANTE★Sin cuentas ni reglas complicadas. ¡Simplemente comienza a jugarypásatelo en grande!★UN JUEGO FÁCIL Y MUY ADICTIVO★¿Qué palabra estamos buscando? Mira las cuatro fotos, encuentraquétienen en común y gana.★¡EL ROMPECABEZAS MÁS ADICTIVO DEL MUNDO!★Ya hay más de 220.000.000 entusiastas de "4 Fotos 1 Palabra" enelmundo disfrutando de este juego en 8 idiomas diferentes. ¡Úneteaellos!★DÉJATE AYUDAR POR TUS AMIGOS!★Más posibilidades de intercambiar con tus amigos y recibir pistas-Facebook, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger y mucho más!The number # 1 HITWITHMORE THAN 220,000,000 PLAYERS WORLDWIDE!Four photos with one word in common - what is it?Discover why everyone plays "4 Photos 1 Word" andPARTICIPATE!★ OFFICIAL SPANISH VERSION The No. 1 GAME IN THE WORLD "4 PICS1WORD"! ★Puzzles in Spanish tailor made for you!★ NEW Limitless FUN WITH PUZZLES! ★Can you guess the hidden words and pass all levels? Millionsofpuzzles of varying difficulty await you! And we addpuzzlescontinuously for the fun never ends!★ ★ INSTANT PURE FUNNo accounts or complicated rules. Just start playing and havefunbig!★ an easy game and very addictive ★What word are you looking for? Look at the four pictures, findwhatthey have in common and wins.★ THE MOST ADDICTIVE PUZZLE WORLD! ★Already more than 220,000,000 enthusiasts "4 Photos 1 Word" intheworld enjoying this game in 8 different languages. Jointhem!★ Motivate by YOUR FRIENDS! ★More chances to exchange with friends and receive tracks -Facebook,WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and more!
Ouvrir une photo 1.0.12
Look at the four pictures and guess what word.
اسم جماد حيوان نبات بلاد
Game Name - inanimate - animal - plant - the country withthebroadest eight stages
What Word? 4 pics 3.1
Guess the word representing four photos? A 4 pics 1 wordclassicpuzzle!
Word Fit Puzzle 3.2
Can you solve these fun puzzles by working out where all thewordsfit?
Classic Words Solo
Lulo Apps
Classic Words Solo is the number one wordgameto play against your smartphone or tablet (solitairemode).Enrich your vocabulary thanks to the built-inworddefinitions!6 difficulty levels and many languages are supported:English,Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch and Polish.Tired of stumbling across cheaters or waiting hours for youronlineopponent to play on Scrabble, Words with friends orWordfeud?Try out Classic Words Solo for instant fun, no matter if you areabeginner in crossword games or a Scrabble tournament player!☆ Buy Classic Words Plus for exclusive features ☆• Pass-and-Play mode for 2 players• Ad-free experience• Teacher• Preview your score before validating a moveChoose the skill level of the computer (from beginner toexpert),pick a word list (English word lists include TWL andSOWPODSofficial lexicons), and use your strategy skills andvocabulary totry and defeat the Droid.Classic Words gameplay is classical to crosswords boardgames:create and place words on the board and boost your score byplacingletters on the high scoring Double Letter, Double Word,TripleLetter and Triple Word squares.Use all 7 letters from your rack to play a Bingo and get a 50pointsbonus.This game is a great time killer for all fans of board gamesandstrategy games. It is also an educational game that will allowkids(and adults) to improve their spelling and vocabulary.Thanks to the fast reactivity and variable skill of the computerandquality word lists, Classic Words can is used by manyScrabbleenthusiasts to play quick training matches and learn newwords fromthe computer's moves.Unlike with multiplayer board games where some dishonest playersuseanagram solvers, there is no cheating possible whenplayingsolitaire... Letters and blanks are always picked randomly,and thecomputer's artificial intelligence does not have moreinformationthan you do.Only your tactics and creativity can make the difference...Will you play strategically enough to outwit the computer anditsextensive vocabulary?☆ Features ☆• 6 levels of difficulty• Display the definition of words by swiping them• Quit and resume game whenever you want• Shake to shuffle• Languages and dictionaries supported:- English- SOWPODS 2015 (Official English tournament list)- TWL 2014 (Official list)- German (with support of Umlauts, and Ezset to be replaced bytwo'S')- French (Official list used in Scrabble tournaments)- Italian- Spanish- Dutch- Polish• Distribution of letters and points is adapted tothelanguage• Supports offline play
Ruzzle Free
- Top 10 word game in 145 countries- Over 70 million players- So addictive, it has been played for a total of 100000years- Now with Team Play!Ruzzle is a fast-paced and addictively fun word game. Challengeyourfriends or random players to find as many words as possible intwominutes.Swipe over the scrambled letters to form the words and usebonustiles to collect more points than your opponent. The game isplayedin three rounds, each played whenever suits you.Have two minutes to spare? Challenge yourself and your friendsinRuzzle!Ruzzle can be played in 14 languages.--Ruzzle has been lovingly created by MAG Interactive, where wetakefun seriously.Join a global audience of more than 100 million players andcheckout some of our other chart-topping hit games likeWordBrain,Wordalot, or WordBrain 2!We really value your feedback, goto and say what's onyourmind!More about MAG Interactive at www.maginteractive.comGood Times!