Top 24 Games Similar to Game of War - Hercules Warrior

一二三国志【見た目は可愛いのに本格RPG】 1.0
◆ゲーム紹介◆2015年の最高傑作《一二三国志》は三国志の世界が舞台。猛将の激しい戦いが3DディレクションRPGになって生まれ変わった!好きな武将を集め、チームを結成しよう!メンバーにペットを参加させることも……!【公式サイト】【公式Twitterサイト】【公式Facebookサイト】◆ゲームの特徴◆フル3Dで三国志の世界を体感!ゲーム内すべてが3D!武将たちが躍動する新しい三国志の世界をお届けいたします。キュートなペットを連れて一緒に戦へ!?なんと今回は幻想的でかわいいペットと一緒に戦えます。「ペット」だからといってなめてはいけません、いざとなったら必殺技で猛将以上の活躍も!?ディレクションRPGだから簡単操作!ボタンひとつで必殺技を発動!組み合わせによって敵将に大ダメージを与えることが可能!武将を自由に組み合わせ可能!史実ではありえない!?絶対に協力しないであろう武将との連携をゲーム内で体験!リアルな三国志武将では絶対に描かれないゲームならではのフィーチャーで目指すは三国統一!【問い合わせ・ご意見・ご要望はこちらへ】[email protected]
少年三國志 3.3.64
일이삼국지 for Kakao 1.0
■ 게임소개영웅들의 독한 전쟁이야기가 펼쳐진다!지금 바로 삼국지 속 최강의 장수들을 모아 당신만의 독한 전투 이야기를 펼쳐주세요!■ 게임특징▶ 기존게임과 비교를 거부한다! 차별화 된 게임 시스템!폴짝~폴짝! 귀여운 생김새와는 다르게 전장에서는 엄~청 강한 펫!내 캐릭터만큼은 특별하게! 무기 이펙트 효과!첫 전투부터 편리하게! Full 자동전투모드!다양한 이벤트를 즐길 수 있는 미니게임!이외 기존에 없던 다양하고 재미있는 시스템을 게임에서 만나보세요!!▶ 수십 여 종의 개성과 특색 있는 삼국지 영웅들!탱커인 장비, 힐러인 화타, 마법사인 제갈량!!! 각 장수들의 특징과 성격을 게임 캐릭터 및 직업에 담아 더리얼리티와몰입도가 더 높아졌어요!!▶ 귀여워?! 하지만 엄~청 강한 펫 시스템!영웅과는 별개로 육성과 교배, 레벨업 등을 할 수 있으며, 전투 참여 시 스킬을 사용하고, 속성을 잘 이용하여영웅의전투를 더 강하게 돕게 할 수도 있어요!무서운 전투를 외롭지 않게 도와주는 펫 한마리! 몰고 가시는 건 어떠세요?▶ 나만의 팀을 만들자! 최고의 팀 구현 가능!각 영웅들의 배치 포지션과 속성을 잘 맞춰 자신에게 맞는 육성을 집적 할 수 있으며, 자신이 좋아하는 영웅들을 모아한팀을 꾸려 최강의 군대를 만들 수도 있어요!각 보스와 던전 속성에 따라 여러가지의 팀을 구현하여 더욱 멋있는 전투를 펼쳐보세요!■ 청약철회 안내- 사용하지 않은 유료 콘텐츠는 구매 후 7일 이내에 고객센터를 통해 청약철회 신청을 할 수 있습니다.- 월정액 상품 경우, 구매 이후 바로 사용이 되는 상품으로 환불이 불가합니다.- 회원의 단순 변심으로 인한 청약철회는 결제대행사 수수료를 제외한 금액으로 환불됩니다.- 환불은 단말기에 따라 제공되는 앱스토어의 환불 정책에 따라 진행되며, 환불 신청자에게 사실확인 및 추가 증빙 자료등을요구할 수 있습니다.■ 고객센터 안내- 고객센터: 1670-1435 (평일 오전10시~오후6시)- 고객문의: 공식카페: 게임 관련 문의는 [캐릭터정보]→[설정]→[고객센터]를 이용하여 주시기 바랍니다.----개발자 연락처 :(주)룽투코리아서울특별시 금천구 가산디지털1로 137, 아이티캐슬 2차 13층사업자등록번호: 107-81-49583통신판매업 신고번호: 제2013-서울금천-0839호■ About the gameThe bitter war unfolds the story of a hero!Right now gathered in ultimate longevity of the ThreeKingdomsPlease spread the story of a bitter battle just for you!■ Game Features▶ rejects comparison with the previous game! Differentiatedgamingsystem!And down all ~ and down all! Unlike the cute appearancebattlefieldMoth ~ Zheng strong pet!To my character as much as special! Weapons Effect Effect!Conveniently from the first battle! Full Auto Battle Mode!Mini-games that you can enjoy a variety of events!Meet the diverse and interesting than the existingsystemunprecedented in the game!▶ personalities and heroes of the Three Kingdoms featured indozensof different species!Tanker equipment, the healer Hua Tuo, a wizard Zhuge Liang !!!Servethe characteristics and personality of each character andcareerlongevity in the game more reality and commitment aregonehigher!▶ cute ?! However Moth ~ Zheng strong pet system!Hero and is capable of such training and breeding, levelupseparately, using the combat skills during participation, anduseof the property well and I can help combat hero stronger!One pet to help prevent the terrible battle alone! How aboutdrivingvisibility, right?▶ Create your own team! The best possible implementationteam!Guess the placement positions and attributes of each hero canbewell integrated upbringing that suits you, a team packed uptheirfavorite heroes gathered'm also create the mostpowerfularmy!Please unfold the battle with more wonderful by implementingtheteam's various dungeons with each boss and property!■ cancellation guides - Paid content will not be using the cancellationrequestthrough the customer center within 7 days afterpurchase. - If monthly merchandise, buying goods directly afterthisrefund should not be used. - Cancellation due to a simple change of mind of themembersother than the payment amount will be refunded to theagencycommission. - Refunds will be conducted in accordance with therefundpolicies of the App Store that are provided in accordancewith theterminal, you can ask the applicant to refund confirmationandadditional proof of such facts.■ Contact Information - Customer Service: 1670 to 1435 (during weekdays from10:00am to 6:00 pm) - Contact Us: - Official Cafe: - Game-related inquiries, please use the[CharacterInformation] → [Settings] → [us].
영웅어디가:삼국x삼국 1.0.36
9Splay Korea
다양한 무장 양성 시스템!- 무장강화, 무장초월, 무장조합 등 다양한 무장 양성 시스템으로.- 삼국을 호령할 무장을 직접 양성!쉽고 빠른 광속 레벨업!- 초보자도 쉽게 즐길 수 있는 쉬운 조작법과 상상을 초월하는 빠른 레벨업!짜릿하고 강력한 PVP시스템- 보물뺏기, 경기장, 결투장 등의 짜릿하고 강력한 PVP시스템 등 풍부하고 쉴틈없는 콘텐츠!선명한3D화면과 통쾌한 타격감- 화려한 스킬을 자랑하는 3D효과와 눈과 손이 즐거운 통쾌한 타격감으로 액션 RPG의 정수를 느껴라!
三国真龍伝ー覇王の大陸 1.0.2
■三国バトルRPG「三国真龍伝ー覇王の大陸」は新登場!登録不要!やり込み度MAX!初心者も楽しめる!乱世の英雄達を集め、、天下統一の戦場へ飛び込め!■「三国真龍伝ー覇王の大陸」の特徴■■いつでも手軽に!難しい操作は一切不要。いつでも誰でも手軽に遊べ、空いた時間で少しずつでも楽しめます。◆やり込み度満載!遊園地・競馬場・軍団戦・覇王大陸などのやり込みシステム満載、仲間同士と一緒にわあわあとプレーしよう!◆三国志の武将たちを集めて最強部隊を結成!クエスト中は、たおした敵武将が仲間になることも!武将同士を組み合わせて強化することで、武将が成長するよ!さまざまな三国志の有名武将を集めて、天下統一への道のりを駆け抜けよう!■大規模な軍団ギルド戦!仲間を集めて「軍団」を結成してゲームを進めよう!「軍団」に所属すると、いろんな恩恵が受けられるよ!更に週二回で「軍団戦」が開催され、同盟スキルを利用して、自軍の勢力を勝利に導くと、豪華な賞品が手に入る!多くのユーザーと戦友になって、一緒に乱世を切り拓こう!!■城を攻略して、軍勢を強化しよう!軍団同士と協力していろんな城を占有し、毎日資材をゲットします!◆壮大な三国志の歴史がキミの手の中で再現される!プレイヤーは真龍天子として、史実に基づいた三国志の世界を舞台に、さまざまな敵武将とバトル!【動作確認端末】Android4.0以上推奨端末以外でのサポート、補償等は致しかねますので何卒ご了承くださいませ。◆◇新バージョンにて更新された内容◆◇一部文字表示の修正新機能「覇王大陸」開放!新機能「飛昇挑戦」開放!新武将登場!新サーバー「三分帰晋」開放!【公式サイト】【公式ツイッター】@sangokusinryu【お問い合わせはこちらまで】[email protected]
Evostar: Legendary Warrior RPG 1.9.8
Fight & Defeat legendary Dragon Warriors and become a god inaMultiplayer RPG.
亂鬥三國志(英雄PK 決戰江湖) 1.01
三国真龍伝 1.0.3
Epic Knights
Long awaited Epic Knights is finally hereonGoogle Play! Help Hercules complete his 12 Labors andrestoreorder. Join today in an action-packed adventure to explorethemythological world of ancient Greece.Storyline:In a burst of anger and jealousy, Hera has cursed Hercules.YOU,a promising warrior, are handpicked by the Goddess ofwisdom,Athena to save Hercules. Monster Boars, Stone Giants, GreekPhalanxand hundreds of villains secretly supported by Hera arewaiting toundermine you. The very fate of Hercules rests on yourshoulders.Will you successfully break the curse and bring Herculesback toMount Olympus?Become a Knight in the true sense of the Greek meaning“Hippeus”:a prestigious Royal Guard of Honor, as you defeatmystical creaturesand help Hercules save ancient Greece!Features:• Awaken Your Knights - Unlock and train yourchiefcommander and five knights, each with their unique powerelements –ice, fire, thunder, lighting and earth.• Forge & Fuse - Forge items with the help ofthesmithing God Hephaestus. Use Fusion Stones to transform themintodevastating weapons and unleash brutal damage.• Fight with Brains and Brawn - Be vigilant againstthehordes of enemies on your way to help Hercules. Strategicallycrushenemies with your powerful elemental abilities. Assembleanindestructible team that suits your battle style.• Conquer Epic Bosses - Face off against brand new,scaryEpic Bosses in limited-time quests. The more times youobliteratethe enemies, the rarer materials you are rewarded tolevel up yourweapons.• Lead the Guilds – Join in on guild missions withplayersworldwide. Team up with guild members to defeat powerfulenemiestogether.• Dominate the Arena - Fast track your way up totheleaderboards and define yourself with glorious gold &silvermedallions.• Highly-Polished Graphics - Witness the dazzlingdisplayof authentic Ancient Greek Wars – and more![Note]A stable network connection is required to play.Join our Facebook community and visit our forums to expandyouradventures even further!• Official game website:• Official Facebook page:• Official game forums:
Devil Twins: Auto RPG 3.6.7
Achieve 2 million downloads! Really fun RPG!
Three Kingdoms Hero 1.856.0
Xiao Junyun
◎Introduksi Game◎《Three Kingdoms Hero》 adalah sebuah game MMORPG bertipestrategi.Dilengkapi ratusan Hero klasik asal Legenda Tiga Negara,sepertiZhao Yun, Guan Yu, Lu Bu dan Zhang Fei. Juga tidakketinggalan HeroWanita yang terkenal akan kecantikan mereka disejarah Tiga Negara,seperti Diao Chan, Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao, Zhen Jidan masih banyaklagi.Variasi gameplay tiada duanya, dengan berbagai fitursepertiSummon Hero, Enhance, Awaken, Evolve, Armor, Faem dan masihbanyaklagi. Uji kekuatanmu dengan menantang jutaan pemain dariseluruhDunia di Arena, kalahkan juga Demon yang sedang menguasaiduniamanusia.Temukan juga komunitas permainan yang ramah dan meriah,disertaipersaingan sehat yang tidak kalah serunya.Semua pada ditemukan di “Three Kingdoms Hero”. Startyourincredible journey now!Download Sekarang:☆☆☆ Hero Klasik Three Kingdoms☆☆☆ Perang & Duel Strategi☆☆☆ Fairy Cantik Tiada Duanya☆☆☆ Strategi Elemental & Formasi☆☆☆ Bonus Unlimited Dari Dungeon◎Spesialisasi Game◎★Free Summon Hero★Gratis Summon Hero 3☆ setiap hari, yang juga bisa didapatkandariDungeon!5 Elemen Api, Air, Angin, Holy, Demon dengan total lebih dari500Hero!★Grafis Hero Memukau★Detil grafis yang spesifik, jaminan kualitas HD dengantingkatspesifik 99%!Grafik combat yang tiada duanya, mulai dari seranganhinggarecovery.★Enhance Evolve Awaken★Perkuat Hero dengan ribuan kombinasi mulai dari Enhance,Evolve,Awaken, Armor dlsb!Jadi Summoner terkuat di dunia, dengan kombinasi Armor danFormasiunik milikmu!★Kombinasi Ribuan Formasi★Ratusan total Armor yang dapat dikombinasi sesuai kebutuhandanstrategi.Puluhan set Armor, dengan bonus atribut tambahan. Ribuankombinasisesuai keinginanmu!★Strategi Penggunaan Skill★Setiap Hero, setiap Elemen, setiap Level, memiliki efek Skillyangberbeda, sesuai kebutuhanmu!Grafik Skill yang cinematic, membawakan impact visual yangtiadaduanya.★Strategi Nomor Satu★Turn-based RPG Klasik, semua sesuai perintahmu!Keseimbangan Game, mementingkan strategi Formasi dan Skill!★Easy to Play★Newbie Guide oleh para Fairy, langkah per langkah.Sistem Operasi simpel, cocok untuk Newbie hinggaHardcoreplayer!★Total Hero Klasik 500+★Kumpulkan seluruh Hero di Legenda Three Kingdoms!Jadilah Summoner terkuat, Raja Terkuat di Three Kingdoms Hero!Contact Three Kingdoms Hero @Line ID : threekingdomsheroEmail : [email protected] FB : Game ◎ ◎"Three Kingdoms Hero" is a MMORPG type of strategy.Equippedhundreds Hero Legend of the Three Kingdoms classic origin,such asZhao Yun, Guan Yu, Lu Bu and Zhang Fei. Women also do notmiss thefamous Hero will their beauty in the history of the ThreeKingdoms,like Diao Chan, Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao, Zhen Ji, and manymore.Variations gameplay is second to none, with a variety offeaturessuch as Summon Hero, Enhance, Awaken, Evolve, Armor, Faemand muchmore. Test your strength by challenging the millions ofplayers fromall over the World Arena, defeat the Demon also beingmastered thehuman world.Discover the community also play a friendly and festive,withhealthy competition that is not less thrill.All the found in the "Three Kingdoms Hero". Start yourincrediblejourney now!Download Now:☆☆☆ Hero Classics Three Kingdoms☆☆☆ War & Strategy DuelSecond To None None Beautiful Fairy ☆☆☆☆☆☆ Elemental Strategy & Formation☆☆☆ Unlimited Bonus From DungeonGame Specialties ◎ ◎★ ★ Free Summon HeroFree Summon Hero 3 ☆ every day, which can also be obtained fromtheDungeon!5 Elements of Fire, Water, Wind, Holy, Demon with a total ofmorethan 500 Hero! Riveting graphics ★ ★ HeroDetailed specific graphics, HD quality assurance with aspecificrate of 99%!Graph combat like no other, ranging from assault to recovery.Enhance ★ ★ Evolve AwakenStrengthen Hero with thousands of combinations ranging fromEnhance,Evolve, Awaken, etc. Armor!So Summoner strongest in the world, with a unique combinationofArmor and Formation yours!Thousands Combination ★ ★ FormationHundreds total Armor that can be combined according to the needsandstrategies.Dozens of sets of Armor, with the bonus of additionalattributes.Thousands of combinations as you wish!★ ★ Strategies Skill UsageEach Hero, every element, every level, has the effect ofdifferentskills, according your needs!Skill charts are cinematic, bringing unparalleled visualimpact.★ ★ Strategy Number OneClassic turn-based RPG, all in accordance orders!Game balance, centered strategy and Skill Formation!★ ★ Easy to PlayNewbie Guide by the Fairy, step by step.Operating system is simple, suitable for a Newbie to theHardcoreplayer!Total Hero Classics ★ ★ 500 +Collect the entire Hero in the Legend of the Three Kingdoms!Be Summoner strongest, King Strongest in Three Kingdoms Hero!Contact Three Kingdoms Hero @Line ID: threekingdomsheroEmail: [email protected] Fanpage:
Warrior Heart 0.7.3
Traditional roguelike game with pixel art and simple interface
武俠風雲傳 - 這是你的江湖! 1.3
☆金庸VS古龍 正宗武俠原味重現☆☆正邪分說 百大群俠 任憑差遣☆☆神兵寶甲 兵器譜上 谁與爭鋒☆☆蓋世神功 武林絕學 重現江湖☆☆臨兵佈陣 智取天下 笑盡英雄☆《武俠風雲傳》是一款同時包含金庸與古龍元素的3D武俠遊戲,超越時空與背景的束縛,一次解決所有武俠迷的疑惑,究竟東方不敗若不去救楊蓮亭是否會輸給令狐沖!?為什麼武功高明許多的葉孤城會被西門吹雪一劍刺死!?獨孤求敗與掃地僧到底是不是同一個人!?武俠世界中最強的角色又會是誰!?這些問號與未解之謎,將於本遊戲中,得到答案。而在遊戲中,玩家將選擇正邪兩方的門派,化身為一派掌門,統領門派,募集弟子,帶領其闖蕩江湖,懲惡揚善,剿匪除魔,更可參加論劍,稱霸江湖!【遊戲特色】正邪對立:玩家自創建角色之時,即可選擇正派或邪派,區別於其他遊戲,正邪兩派在日後遊戲中將形成多領域玩法的競爭與抗衡,讓你體驗真正的江湖對決!豐富互動:MMORPG模式主城交互,同全屏玩家切磋、交友,甚至綁架他人,極大增加遊戲趣味性。個性展示:角色外觀avatar效果,直觀展現你的武林盟主地位!戰術多變:靈活的俠客搭配,多變的陣形排布,發揮不同戰鬥效果,制霸武林!全面養成:裝備收集、強化、精煉,角色升級、習武、元氣、培養……諸多提升戰力的途徑盡在《武俠風雲傳》!【主要功能】角色&弟子:弟子可分為丙、乙、甲三個等級。甲級弟子又分為1-2-3星。武功&裝備:通過精煉可以提升裝備的強化等級。精煉消耗裝備或裝備碎片。副本:按章節分為多個副本,豐富的劇情讓你體驗行走江湖的快感。活動:單人或多人闖關模式,可以同好友一同闖蕩江湖,論劍、黑木崖、除魔、禁地、段天、藥圓……多種玩法任你選!幫會:攜眾多江湖人士打造屬於自己的武俠夢!奇遇:偶遇江湖豪俠,切磋指點,提升武學,贏得神兵!事件:豐富玩法每日不斷,福利贈送high翻天!Facebook粉絲頁:官方網站:☆ VS Jin Yong GuLongauthentic martial arts flavor to reproduce ☆☆ good and evil Takahashi sent Baida Heroes despite ☆☆ ☆ rival the arsenal of magic treasure☆ matchless magic martial arts secret comeback ☆☆ Pro lineup outsmart soldiers to make the world laugh hero ☆"Martial arts situation Biography" is one that containsbothelements of Jin Yong and Gu 3D martial arts game, beyondtheshackles of time and space with the background, resolve onceallWuxia Mi doubts, if not to save what unassailable whetherYangLianting will lose Linghu! Why? Many Ye Gucheng wise martialartsXimen sword is stabbed to death!? uncontested top dog andsweepingmonk in the end is not the same person!? martial arts worldwhowill be the strongest character!? These question marksandmysteries will this game, get an answer.In the game, players will choose both good and evil sects,theincarnation of faction head, commanding sects, raisingdisciples,led it wherever they went, good and evil, bandits slayer,but mayparticipate swordfight, dominate the arena![Game Features]Confrontation between good and evil: the time since the creationofthe role of the player, you can choose upright or Xiepai,differentfrom other games, good and evil factions compete and tocompete inthe future in various fields play a game, so youexperience thereal arena showdown!Rich interactive: MMORPG interactive mode the main city,withfull-screen players learn, make friends, and evenkidnappingothers, greatly increasing the game interesting.Personality show: Role avatar appearance effect, visually showyourMartial status!Changing tactics: knight with flexible, varied lineuparrangement,play different combat effects, system of hegemonymartialarts!Fully develop: equipment to collect, strengthen, refining,upgradingthe role, martial arts, strength, training ...... manyways toenhance the combat capability of all in "martial artssituationBiography"![Main function]Roles & Disciple: Disciples can be divided into C, B, Athreegrades. Class A disciple is divided into 1-2-3 stars.Martial arts & Equipment: You can upgrade by refiningenhancedlevel of equipment. Refining consumption equipment orequipmentdebris.Copy: by chapter is divided into multiple copies, rich story toletyou experience the thrill of walking dead.Activities: single or multiplayer mode checkpoints, cantogetherwith friends wherever they went, swordfight, dark woodCliff,slayer, forbidden, Duan days, drug round ...... variety ofplay nomatter how you choose!Gang: to bring many rivers and lakes to create their ownmartialarts dream!Scrubs: occasional gallant rivers and lakes, learn pointers,liftingmartial arts, magic win!Event: rich continue to play daily, welfare Gethighearthshaking!Facebook fan page: https: // website: http: //
Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes 0.33.1401939
May the Force be With You! Unlock & battle with yourfavoriteStar Wars™ heroes.
Fantasy War Tactics R 0.640
Fantasy War Tactics R: Conquer the vast and diverse RPG world!
Dragon Blade - New Version War
(This game can choose Chinese orEnglishlanguage)The most popular State War mobile game in the world!Famous as the top 3D action mobile game of State War,Dragon Blade is awarded the honorable title——No.1 MMOARPG of 2016! Come and join us!On the battlefield, you can fight with historic heroes!On the state war, you can also get the fantastic gifts!Hurry Up! Summon your bros and build your empire!Let’s witness the top 3D technology and awesome HDimagequality!Lv Bu, Zhao Yun, Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, Guan Yu,ZhangFei…Various strategists and beauties are coming!Warrior, Ranger, Archer and Mage, four professions are allavailableto form your strongest army![Grand Bonus]Fantastic gifts for novices! Login for 2 days and get free heroLiuBei!Login for the first 7-day and get thousands of ingots![Real-time PVP]The craziest PK experience!Real-time PVP for thousand players unlocks at Lv.15. You canrevivewith no CD![State War]Unique State War system of Three Kingdoms enables you tobeworshipedbymillions of people as the state general![Seize Beauty]Cluster of beauties in your harem allows you to live likeaking!Come and seize others' beauties![Hero Link]Hero link can add attribute bonus to kings of three states.Crownedas a real king![Legion System]Invite friends to join legions! Challenge legion boss andconquerthe world![Three Kingdoms]Original story of the Three Kingdoms with newtime-travellingplots!You can never imagine what will happen until you play it!——◆Game Features◆——●Feature 1: Carefree Operation and Fighting PleasureHistoric vice generals will fight with you! Enjoy bloody fightsandstunning skills!Top 4K image quality and splendid special effects create thisbestMMOARPG;Show your power and unify the chaotic world!●Feature 2: Thousands of Players PK inReal-time PVP WarSay goodbye to PC game! Cutting-edge real-time technologyfullyrestoresa real era of Three Kingdom!Fight with thousand players on one screen in this gorgeousstatewar!Follow the drumbeat and bugle to conquer the city!●Feature 3: MOBA on Fingertip! Brand New Guandu War!Guandu War, real 3V3 and 5V5 MOBA, satisfies all yourexpectationabout fighting!Enjoy face-to-face Wi-Fi PK with friends in your leisuretime!Download the game now! Enjoy MOBA fighting anytime, anywhere asyouwant!●Feature 4: Create The Strongest Legion! Lead TheWholeServer!Global Aces, top legions gather here for the wonderful Palace PKandState War!Show your strength at legion war and arena PK in front of playersofthe whole server!You can invite Facebook friends to play togetherforcompetition!●Feature 5: Numerous Historic Heroes and InnovativeTrainingSystemHistoric heroes all under your control! The most controllableheroesin a mobile game ever!More than 50 heroes available! Lv Bu, Guan Yu and Zhao Yunarewaiting for you!Various gameplays - forge equip, inlay dragonsoul, star up,Gemsystem and so on!Facebook fan page: (Latest activitynews,novice gift, Q&A)Facebook Group:,Gameexperience)Official website:, Strategy, Event)CS email:[email protected] you like this game,You can share with your friends,line for pad,Line、Kakao、Wechat、Facebook、QQ and other!This game is part of the character wearing highlightthechest,hip's clothing, violent plot,Cartoon characters Arena,Part of the contents to be subject to payment of fees, pleasedon'taddicted in the game.Drawn background story of the Three Kingdoms,Similarly, if the other famous story, is purely coincidental!This Is The Real PVP Fight!Who is your under General? We are all waiting for you inDragonBlade!
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
This game is optimized for tablets.The dawn is especially cruel this morning...For as long as you can remember, your view of the world hasbeenlimited to the heavily fortified walls of Candlekeep. Yourfosterfather, Gorion, has done everything in his power to protectyou andkeep you out of harm’s way.All of that is about to change. Forced to leave your homeundermysterious circumstances, you find yourself drawn into aconflictthat has the Sword Coast on the brink of war. An ironshortage ofunknown origin threatens to plunge the city of Baldur’sGate intoconflict with Amn. Meanwhile, there is something else atwork, farmore sinister than you can even begin to fathom...Since its release in 1998, this classic saga of mystery,intrigue,and adventure has set the standard for Dungeons &Dragons™computer roleplaying games. Customize your hero’s traitsandabilities, recruit a party of brave allies, and explore thefarcorners of the Sword Coast in your search for adventure,profit…and the truth.Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition contains the original 60-hourepic,as well as the following expansions:* Tales of the Sword Coast: Explore the fabled Durlag’s Towerandmore locations from the original Baldur’s Gate expansion.* The Black Pits: You have been captured and forced to fightinBaeloth’s marvelous arena. A myriad of monsters await, as wellascountless other adventurers who face the same fate. Maim,murder,and maul your way to freedom… if you can!* Discover countless improvements we’ve made to the originalgame,including high-resolution fonts, an improved interface,dynamiczooming, and more!* Brothers Lost: Lend your aid to Rasaad yn Bashir, the SunSoulmonk, as he scours the Cloud Peaks in search of hislostbrother.Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition also offers the followingpremiumcontent available for purchase:* Neera and the Red Wizards: Save the wild mage Neera from thecruelmachinations of Thay’s dreaded Red Wizards.* Path of the Bloodied: Join the blackguard Dorn Il-Khan intakingrevenge against those who betrayed him in Luskan.* Gallery of Heroes: Reimagine your character withelevennever-before-seen character portraits from acclaimed IcewindDaleartist Jason Manley!* New professionally recorded voice sets to choose from tofurthercustomize your character.
人在江湖-戰戰戰! 1.7.5
RPG Asdivine Dios 1.2.1g
A tale about divine encounters with mankind! The new worldofAsdivine unfolds!
夢回江湖 1.0.15
2015/3/27 16:00 預計進行線上更新,更新期間不影響登入登出。2014年榮獲百萬玩家肯定的《夢回江湖》,完美移植至手機平台了,「超精透3D視覺畫面」、「即時操控720度零死角透視」的超震撼遊戲體驗,將再次席捲武林!你,準備好了嗎??☆★遊戲特色★☆◎ 百萬玩家肯定 移植手機平台再進化◎ 三大門派鼎立 施展精彩獨門武功◎ 10 vs 10真人實戰 跨服爽快擊殺!◎ 超華麗武俠技能 上千種武林絕學◎ 720度HD畫面 超精透3D呈現!◎ 豐富遊戲內容 多樣遊戲玩法◎ 簡單容易上手 江湖一指任我行官方網站:臉書粉絲團: anticipated for online updates during the updatedoes notaffect Sign out.2014 won millions of players for sure, "Dreaming Wild World",aperfect transplant to the mobile platform, and "ultra-finethrough3D visuals", "immediate control 720 degree perspective zerodead"is a stunning gaming experience, will once again swept themartialarts! Are you ready ??★ ☆ ☆ ★ Game Features◎ mobile platform migration of millions of players certainlyevolvedagain◎ Three Kingdoms cast wonderful unique martial arts martial◎ 10 vs 10 combat cross-service real refreshing to kill!◎ thousands of martial arts secret super gorgeous martialartsskills on◎ 720 degree HD ultra-fine screen through 3D rendering!◎ game content rich and varied gameplay◎ simple and easy to use rivers and lakes wind took a fingerOfficial Website: http: // on Facebook: https: //
ZENONIA S: Rifts In Time 3.5.1
The world’s most popular mobile RPG,ZENONIA®,is now online! !Travel across nine treacherous realms to uncover the mysterybehindthe portal.Assist the Celestial Kingdom and expose the horrifying truth.Chat and play with your friends in real-time! Join a co-opraidparty and fend off vicious monsters in Raid mode. EnterPVPmatchups to destroy your competition.[Real-time Action]Battle monsters, make friends, and punish challengers all fromyourmobile device.Explore the world of ZENONIA S: Rifts in Time across theninerealms.Test your survival skills in the Monster Wave mode.[Classes]Choose from your favorite ZENONIA® characters.Slasher/ Ranger/ Fighter / Magician / AssassinAwaken your hero and break the limit.[Customize]Customize you character with over 300 different piecesofequipment.Increase the effectiveness of your weapons, armor, andaccessoriesthrough various enhancementsPut your skills to the test in ZENONIA S: Rifts in Time.Becomelegendary!* This game requires the following permissions foroptimalgameplay.- Permission to sync your Address Book and access device statusforFriend Invites[READ_CONTACTS, READ_PHONE_STATE]- Permission to sync your Google account[GET_ACCOUNTS]- Permission to save necessary game data externally[READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]** This game is available in English.** There may be additional costs when trying to obtaincertainitems.* GAMEVIL Official Website :* GAMEVIL Customer Support: ofService:
Star Wars™: Uprising 3.0.1
Star Wars™: Uprising is the first Star WarsRPGset between Star Wars™: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi™ andStarWars™: The Force Awakens™.Seek The Force and wield its power to lead The Uprising!Joinmillions of players worldwide in a brand new fight againsttheEmpire. Engage in massive Sector Battles to dictate theexpansionof in-game content, create your own powerful character andcrew,and play real-time co-op with friends.The Galaxy Needs a New Hero. What Kind Will You Be?THE FORCE COMES TO STAR WARS UPRISINGEmbark on a quest to unlock the power of the light and dark sidesofthe Force, as you seek your path to the Galaxy’s ultimateweapon,the lightsaber.CREATE THE HERO THE GALAXY NEEDSChoose from a wide range of abilities, species,visualcustomizations and classic Star Wars™ gear to become the nextHanSolo, Boba Fett or entirely unique hero of your own design withaunique open class system.SHAPE THE FUTURE OF THE GAME UNIVERSEJoin players worldwide in massive Sector Battles to dictatetheexpansion of in-game content, including new planets,exclusivegear, higher level caps and unique crew members.A NEW CHAPTER IN STAR WARSPlay the first mobile game in the Star Wars universe thattakesplace between Star Wars™: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi™ andStarWars™: The Force Awakens™.REAL-TIME CO-OP AGAINST THE EMPIREExplore the secrets of the sector, build a powerful cartelwithallies, and play alongside friends in synchronouscooperativeplay.BRAVE CHALLENGES ON CLASSIC AND NEW WORLDSBattle your way through missions on Hoth, Cloud City andmore,fighting against powerful bosses led by an ominousnewadversary.**************Important**************Note: A network connection is required to playBy downloading this game, you agree to the Terms ofService,Privacy Policy, License Agreement and Short Notice********************************
마녀의 샘 1.9.8
100 days & RPG development project of a cute witch!
新三国伝説 時空のX(クロス) 1.2.1
・5V5のFull 3Dバトルで前列と後列の戦術的な組み合わせを採用。視点は360度 




・各武将の個性に生かしたスキル、武将と武将間の絆、それをどうやってうまく利用することによって、ゲームがスムーズに進む。☆毎日ログインボーナス・今からゲームをプレイすると 武聖関羽が必ず貰える・7日間ログインすると 小喬を三ツ星まで昇格できる・さらに期間限定の神将降臨で 神将がゲットできるようになりました。・武将を集め 強化し 自分だけの最強部隊を作れ☆バージョンアップ、陣営戦とPM機能搭載・新しいバージョンに、さらに新たなPvP機能陣営戦が搭載されました。ほかのプレイヤーとワクワクする大乱闘。・チャット機能も一新されました、PMで友達とコミュニケーションできる。
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※ご利用前にアプリログイン画面から利用規約を必ずご確認の上ご利用ください。The work of thisadventurearena chaos magic, space-time is the Three Kingdomsperiod, whichcrossed, each warlords because of their own cause,you are fighting,and spectacular hot-blooded a curtain of largebrawl is opened. Eachhero is making his own camp, justice isfighting evil, violentMikuni domination battle to incandescentreduction. And, who is alsoa big conspiracy without knowingapproaching the warlords ...---------- Game Features ---------- ☆flashy skills and exhilaratingfeeling 200 percent today heat Adopta tactical combination of thefront row and the back row in Full 3DBattle of Battle card RPG ☆ ·5V5. Point of view can be realisticcombat experience to be rotated360 degrees! ☆ anytime easilyphysician! ☆ · difficult operation isabsolutely unnecessary. Usingan automatic combat and semi-automaticcombat, deadly skillstriggered by a simple tap operation! Only oneminute stage cleartime! We can enjoy even little by little sparetime. ☆ warlordstraining ☆ · all the warlords of freedom MAX can bepromoted up to5 stars. And to eliminate the ability of thetraditional located inthe Three Kingdoms 演义 game tend famouswarlords and minor warlords,any warlord also become stronglydepending on how grow! • All ofthe warlords in has a uniquefinishing move, it will rapidly defeatthe enemy to good use thefeatures of the warlords! Full ☆ · funcontent ☆ "corps warfare","demonstration field", such as the"Tower of the ordeal", pleaseswells fun content and events. · PvP,also combat based content,such as PvE enhancement. ☆ five peoplesortie on the deck, skillsthat are taking advantage of thedifferent effect ☆ · individualityof each military commander witha combination of different, tiesbetween the warlords and militarycommanders, by How do I takeadvantage to it, the game progressessmoothly.☆ daily login bonus- To play the game from now and TakeKiyoshi Guan Yu isalwaysNowak• The 7 days When you log can promote the small Qiao untilthreestars· In addition KamiSusumu can now get in KamiSusumu advent oflimitedtime.· Warlords collected to strengthen and make the strongest troopsofyour own☆ version up, equipped camp warfare and the PM function• The new version, even more new PvP features camp game hasbeeninstalled. Large brawl to be exciting and the otherplayers.Chat function has also been redesigned, I can communicate withmyfriends in the PM. Is scheduled to be rapidly installednewfeatures in the future, we enjoy.☆ various campaign, during the event implementationYou can easily find, now, in various events and campaigns, suchasthe purple of equipment and powerful items I get for free. Crymissthis opportunity.[Inquiry] official website: FaceBook: CustomerSupport E-mail: [email protected][price]application body: Free ※ There is some paid items.[Recommendedterminal] android4.0 after ※ support in other than therecommendedterminal, compensation, etc. I can not do so pleaseunderstandkindly. ※ To enjoy a comfortable game, it is recommendedto play inthe Wi-Fi environment. ※ by some environmental andterminal usage,there are times when the game does not worksmoothly. To terminatethe app, turn off the power to the terminal,there is a possibilityto improve the cache clear, and the like. ※Please use afterconfirming your certainly Terms from theapplication login screenbefore use.