Top 7 Apps Similar to Fine bracelets

Top bracelets 1.0
Fast tutorial
With our app you will be able to complement theirimage,toemphasize their individuality. Also, it is possible andtomakebracelets, I suggest you learn to improvise and createtheirownjewelry to be a little artist! We can offer you a detailedstepbystep instructions. Just for clarity, there is aphotocreationinstruction brasleta.Poprobuy make a braceletitself,surprise yourfriends and loved ones, and our instructions inthepictures tohelp you with that.- Stand out with friends, its own style- All of this is very original- Modern and classic styles
Weave stylish bracelets 2.0
Smart Choise
You will be an unforgettable journey into the world ofbraceletsthat will tell you how beautiful weave with gumuniquemasterpieces! You can create your own beautiful weaving,which willbring you to the point of DIY. Start creating braceletsthat youcan at least every day, and show everyone what a realbeauty. Youcan create these bracelets made of rubber bands, ropes,leather,scrap materials, but together with our application. Beginyourbraiding now! Do yourself a unique bracelets, and beautifulgoforward with fashion accessories! You will be a master ofcraftsjewelry, along with our app!We will teach you how to weave on the step bystepinstructions:- Best video lessons on weaving;- Photo guide on the development of jewelry;- Learn how to be able to even the child;- The most interesting kinds and types of weaving!
Cómo hacer pulseras DIY 5.0.0
La aplicación perfecta para empezar aaprenderyhacer pulseras y pulseritas de plástico, de gomas, degomitas,dehilo, de nudos, de gomitas, de hiyo y piedras, dedecoupage,debisutería, de papel, de palitos de helado, de lana yde macramé.¿Quieres aprender a hacer pulseras de gomitas decolores?Laaplicación de moda de las pulseras con gomas.Vídeos y tutoriales sobre cómo hacer pulseras de moda.¿Te atreves a hacer una pulsera?The perfectapplicationtostart learning and making bracelets and braceletsofplastic,rubber, gummy, yarn, knots, gummy, HiYo andstones,decoupage,jewelry, paper, popsicle sticks, of wool andmacramé.Want to learn how to make bracelets colorful jellybeans?Fashionapplying rubber wristbands.Videos and tutorials on how to make fashion bracelets.Do you dare to make a bracelet?
Lovely bracelets 1.0
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Learn to make jewelry, to invent new kinds of style and standoutfrom the crowd! The more we are able to attract attention -thebetter. Nothing could be simpler and more accurately thantoexpress themselves through decoration that you made yourself!Wewill teach you to work with different materials withdifferentlength of the bracelet, and you'll learn all aboutweavingbracelets, jewelry and craft! We will teach you the uniqueweavingtechniques and tricks! Here is a software product that willassistyou in training and will be able to carry out all your wishesinthe exciting world of jewelry! Join the club with fansweavebracelets. All you need to do - download our app and enjoytheprocess!Create a bright, unique, elegant bracelets with us!- Very simple scheme of weaving;- Use a variety of materials;- The most interesting tricks of weaving;- You will create many different ornaments;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Interesting crafts 1.0
Fast tutorial
Creating things can be easy and favorite pastime for youandyourchildren. Increasingly vstechayutsya objects made by hand.Inthiscategory we will tell you how you can quickly createcraftsfromvarious objects and materials. Not necessarily to buyjewelry,theycan be created from materials at hand. They surroundyou, andalwaysat hand! What is interesting is the material, themorebeautiful andunusual turn hack. Do not miss the chance totakeadvantage of thisfun and easy app!Creating things can be easy and favorite pastime for youandyourchildren!- The most clear-step scheme crafts;- You will be the most original gift;- You will learn so much, using our advice;
Tus Pulseras 5.0.0
Con esta app podrás hacer tus propiaspulserasde hilo, hilo encerado o macrame, para esta a la ultimamoda.Tendrás fantásticos video-tutoriales, con los que podrásaprenderdesde las mas sencillas pero preciosas, hasta algunasmascomplicadas y espectaculares.With this app you canmakeyour own bracelets of thread, waxed thread or macrame, forthis inthe latest fashion.Have great video tutorials with which you can learn from themostsimple but beautiful, even some more complicatedanddramatic.
Homemade bracelets 1.0
Who would not want to be unique? It is this uniquenessrepresenta bracelet Made his own hands! By the way, they are nowveryfashionable. They enable each of us to feel a little designer,tocreate the image, fully meets the inner world of its owner. Youcanchoose your own image: a glamorous and sporty, strong andelegant,alternating ethnic suspension glamorous, and you'll alwaysbestylish and original. Try to make the bracelet itself, surprise your friends andlovedones, and our instructions in the pictures to help youwiththat.- Stand out with friends, its own style- All of this is very original- The application is absolutely free.