Top 2 Games Similar to Gr.Lg: Odyssey - Journey - Lit

Gr.Legends: Odyssey - Journey 1.1
Odysseus, the mastermind of the Mycenaeans,islonging for his wife, his son and his homeland. Leaving behindtheonce magnificent, now razed to the ground Troy, the chosen ofthegoddess Athena and his companions with their morale boosted bythegreat win in the Trojan war, set sails for their beloved islandofIthaca. But their journey back home is full of surprisesandsorrow.Can you help Odysseus outsmart the King of Seas, Poseidon?Canyou help him avoidmythical creatures like Scylla, Charybdis or the giantPolyphemus?Will you escort him to the underworld, on his search foranswersfrom the dead? Are you the one that will stir his raft tillhereaches Ithaca?Play Greek Legends : Odyssey the Journey and enjoy thelongestadventure a man has ever had in order to return home.Odyssey theJourney is an easy and entertaining way to learn Homer'sOdyssey ifyou didn't have the chance before or refresh yourmemory.Greek Legend series will be updated constantly withmorequestions, (although it already has more questions than anyotherquiz game) features and modes. We are looking forward toyourfeedback in order to make the series even better.Have fun and beware of the sirens' song!
LIT 1.0
An original horror puzzler game with 16 stages, 2 speedrungoals,and 2 endings.