Top 46 Games Similar to Kids Learn to Read

Kids Learn to Read (Lite) 3.8.3
Already enjoyed by over five millionfamilies,Kids Learn to Read is a delightful game that invitespreschool-agedchildren to blend sounds into words, read and formsimple words,identify spoken words and learn word families.Its six sections include:★ Magic Letter Bridge: kids learn to blend letter soundsintowords by moving Tommy the Turtle across the letterbridge★ Skateboards and Helmet: children practice reading astheyare asked to fit Tommy's animal friends with skateboardsandhelmets.★ Turn the Blocks: kids make words in a way that's funbyturning real-looking blocks with letters on each side untiltheword is spelled out.★ Word Ball: children learn to identify spoken wordsbyhelping Tommy bat the right ball (only available infullversion)★ Word Magic: kids learn about word families as they fillthecorresponding pot with potion and watch magic happen (onlyavailablein full version)★ Rocket Words: children get to practice word familiesasthey assemble and launch a rocket into space (only availableinfull version)If your children do not know the alphabet sounds yet, werecommendour Kids ABC Phonics app. And if your kids need to learnorpractice the names of the letters, try our Kids ABCLettersapp.Every section is designed to let children enjoy success timeaftertime and receive positive reinforcement from the likableteacher,so they want to keep learning. Once your child is involvedandhappy, you can relax, with the assurance that he or she ishaving agreat time - and learning.
Kids Numbers and Math
Wouldn't it be just wonderful if there wasasimple game for preschoolers that made learning numbers andbasicmath skills enjoyable? There is! It's called Kids NumbersandMath.By playing the activities, kids earn puzzles pieces for theirBugCollection Puzzles.The paid version enables the number ranges to be set, withnumbersgoing up to 20.Just to make sure, you know we also have a readingcurriculum,right? It consists of Kids ABC Letters, Kids ABC Trains,Kids ABCPhonics and Kids Reading.Your child will love playing Kids Numbers and Math, and you'llbeable to relax, knowing your child is learning while havinggreatfun.Let's do the rest of the description in aquestion-and-answerform.★ What activities are included?✔ learning numbers✔ choose max/min number✔ addition✔ subtraction✔ find a match✔ advanced exercisesThere are more advanced exercises, too, and a surprising numberofchildren enjoy the game so much they do them, too.If you want your child to learn math – and enjoy it – you can'tfinda better choice than Kids Numbers and Math.★ What will my children learn?Your child will learn to compare, add, subtract andmatchnumbers.★ What won't my children learn?The game does not overload children and parents with too manyaudioand visual stimuli. Coping with stress and over-stimulationistherefore one skill that your kids won't be practicing duringthisgame. Its clear focus makes the game a delight for children andawinning choice for parents.Once your child is involved and happy, you can relax, withtheassurance that he or she is having a great time –andlearning!If you'd like to test the game yourself before you buy it, weoffera free lite version.★ Hey, how did you take the top four spots in theEducationsection?✔ Kids love our games. Parents love to see theirpreschool-agedchildren being both educated and quietly happy.Google noticed ourgreat reviews and then featured and promoted ourapps.✔ Our games are laser focused. For example, the numbers gamedoesn'tteach letters, and the letters game doesn't teach math. Wekeep thegames simple but magically inviting and nourishing.✔ We strive to give children just the right balancebetweeneducation and fun. So our games don't feature fun at theexpense ofeducation – or education at the expense of fun. We alsoknow gamesthat are too complicated don’t involve and delightkids.We hope your children enjoy all the fun and education we'vebuiltinto our game of Kids Numbers and Math – and that you'll enjoyourother kid-friendly games, too.
Kids Connect the Dots
Keep your preschoolers occupied while theygainand improve their number and letter recognition skills withKidsConnect the Dots, the acclaimed digital version of the classicgame.Millions of children have already enjoyed the friendlythemes,bright illustrations, and encouraging vocal cues of itsliteversion. While the free version contains 25 puzzles, this paidappfeatures more than a 100 simple connect-the-dot puzzlesandpromises to keep your little one enthralled.Choosing the play button immediately begins aconnect-the-dotadventure. With a preschool-friendly interface, theapp is simpleenough for your child to play without any help. Thedots may becustomized to display upper or lower case alphabetletters, and oddor even numbers. The child can connect the dots byeitherfinger-drag drawing or single tapping from dot-to-dot. As heor sheprogresses, the next dot lights up. This hint command maybecontrolled to occur immediately or after the screen has beenidlefor three seconds.When children succeed in connecting all of the dots, theoutlineis delightfully transformed into a colorful graphic. Itmight be abird or muffin, a giraffe or a treasure chest.Preschoolers aresurprised and filled with wonder to see thecreatures and objectsthey have created "come to life".Parents can emphasize the importance of following a sequencebyactivating the app's audio cues. When the audio mode is selected,apleasing narrator guides your preschooler through theactivity,naming each letter or number he touches. The narrator alsogivesyour budding genius an upbeat affirmation before the childmoves onto the next puzzle.The images that appear when your child completes a picturearenot always easy to guess. This lends an element of mystery totheactivity, developing your preschooler’s imagination and loveoflearning.
Kids Draw with Shapes
The classic pattern blocks games whichwe'veall loved as kids have morphed into a fun touch screen app.Withthe “Kids Draw with Shapes” app, children can makecreativeimages using only ten basic shapes, which come in sevendifferentcolors.  There are two modes in this game - children can either choosetodesign free-style, or using a template. There are 5 templatesineach of the following 10 categories:- Aircraft- Animals- Birds- Dessert- Food- Kitchen- Plants- Ships- Transportation- UnderwaterThis full version of the game contains all 10 categoriesofimages.Children can save and view their artwork in the app’sGallery.
Kids Reading Sight Words Lite 2.1.4
In our "Reading Games for Kids" series, Kids Reading SightWordsisthe next step after our Kids Learn to Read game. JoinTammythefrog on a journey through four exciting activities(thisLiteversion contains only two activities) as she hops fromonescreento the next to learn and review commonly used Englishwordsfromthe list of 220 Dolch sight words. There are fivelevelsofvocabulary for the child to learn and review. In KidsSightWords,children will: - listen to common words and identifythecorrectsight word - learn to recognize common words attheirreading level- improve reading skills by practicing words thattheymay haveseen or are familiar with - improve reading fluencyKidsSightWords is the newest addition to our "Reading GamesforKids"series. It is for children who are already familiarwithlettersounds and blending words. If your children are not atthislevelyet, we recommend downloading Intellijoy apps such as,KidsABCLetters, Kids ABC Trains, Kids ABC Phonics, and Kids LearntoReadapps. Intellijoy's educational games delight childrenthroughfunand learning. Children and parents love ourdistraction-freegames.All of the apps focus on specific learningconcepts. They arenotdistracted by unnecessary sounds or images onthe screen, orbyads, pop-ups, and unrelated subject matter. In our"ReadingGamesfor Kids" series, children are motivated to learnphonicsandreading skills, due to attractive graphics, easyinstructionsandinteresting challenges.
Kids Preschool Puzzles (Lite)
Kids learning games is all we do!The most downloaded of all the kids educational apps on GooglePlay,Kids Preschool Puzzles Lite, contains two categories ofpuzzles totry out (Animals and Food), before you buy the fullversion (whichcontains Animals, Food, Transport, Sports,Professions, GeometricFigures, Numbers, Letters, andAssorted).Your child will slide and snap the colorful puzzle pieces intoplaceto reveal the delightful image.Once kids complete the puzzle, the pleasant voice of aladyannouncer congratulates the child on an excellent job and tellsthechild what the image depicts.Children enjoy success time after time and receivepositivereinforcement from the likable teacher. So they want tokeeplearning.★★★ What will my children learn? ★★★Like all Intellijoy games, the game focuses on aspecificeducational lesson, so children and their parents find thegamereally inviting and distraction-free. Kids Preschool Puzzleshelpschildren build and practice cognitive skills, visualspatialskills, shape recognition, as well as tactile and finemotorskills.★★★ What won't my children learn? ★★★The game does not overload children and parents with too manyaudioand visual stimuli. Coping with stress and over-stimulationistherefore one skill that your kids won't be practicing duringthisgame. Its clear focus makes the game a delight for children andawinning choice for parents.Although it's perfect for preschoolers, who just love the game,manychildren of kindergarten age and in the early grades alsoenjoysnapping the puzzle pieces into place and learning the100-plusimages (in the full version) the puzzles represent.✔ Our games are laser focused. For example, the numbers gamedoesn'tteach letters, and the letters game doesn't teach math. Wekeep thegames simple but magically inviting and nourishing.✔ We strive to give children just the right balancebetweeneducation and fun. So our games don't feature fun at theexpense ofeducation – or education at the expense of fun. We alsoknow gamesthat are too complicated don’t involve and delightkids.
Kids Learn Shapes FREE 1.6.5
A hands-on, real-life way for kids to learn shapes. Wouldn'titbejust wonderful if there was a simple game forpreschoolersandkindergarten-aged children that made learningshapesenjoyable?There is! It's called Kids Shapes. ★ Whatactivities areincluded?✔ Learning shapes using real-life objects ✔Recognizingshapes intheir real-life settings ★ What will mychildren learn?Your childwill learn to recognize shapes in theirreal-lifecontext. Theshapes currently included are circle,rectangle,triangle, square,rhombus and oval. ★ What won't mychildren learn?The game does notoverload children and parents withtoo many audioand visualstimuli. Coping with stress andover-stimulation istherefore oneskill that your kids won't bepracticing during thisgame. Itsclear focus makes the game a delightfor children and awinningchoice for parents. ★ Hey, how did youtake the top spots intheEducation section? ✔ Educational games foryoung children is allwedo. Our mission is: "Delight childrenthrough learning." ✔Ourgames are laser focused. For example, thenumbers gamedoesn'tteach letters, and the letters game doesn'tteach math. Wekeep thegames simple but magically inviting andnourishing. ✔ Westrive togive children just the right balancebetween education andfun. Soour games don't feature fun at theexpense of education –oreducation at the expense of fun. We alsoknow games that aretoocomplicated don’t involve and delight kids.
Kids Numbers and Math FREE 2.5.1
★★★ Important Announcement ★★★We now offer an All-in-One Pack, which includes access to thefullversions of all of Intellijoy's existing and future apps andcomeswith a free 3-day trial. Get ithere: will learn to:✔ Count✔ Compare numbers✔ Add✔ Subtract✔ Match numbersWouldn't it be just wonderful if there was a simple gameforpreschoolers that made learning numbers and basic mathskillsenjoyable? There is! It's called Kids Numbers and Math - anditwill teach your kids how to count, as well the basics ofaddition,subtraction and much more!By playing the activities, kids earn puzzles pieces for their"BugCollection Puzzles".The paid version enables the number ranges to be set, withnumbersgoing up to 20.The game is from Intellijoy, where we specialize ineducationalgames with the fun built right into them.Your child will love playing Kids Numbers and Math, and you'llbeable to relax, knowing your child is learning while havinggreatfun.If you want your child to learn math – and enjoy it – you can'tfinda better choice than Kids Numbers and Math.
ABC Kids - Tracing & Phonics 1.7.0
RV AppStudios
Looking for a fun, free, and simpleeducationalapp to help your toddler learn phonics and traceletters of thealphabet? Look no further than ABC Kids.ABC Kids is a free phonics and alphabet teaching app thatmakeslearning fun for children, from toddlers all the waytopreschoolers and kindergartners. It features a series oftracinggames to help kids recognize letter shapes, associate themwithphonic sounds, and put their alphabet knowledge to use infunmatching exercises. Any toddler, kindergartener or preschoolagechild can learn English and the English alphabet simplybyfollowing the arrows with their finger. They can evencollectstickers and toys as they complete tracing games!ABC Kids is more than just a kid-friendly educational app, itwasdesigned with adult participation in mind, too. The interfacekeepstoddlers focused on alphabet reading and writing, tuckingmenucommands away from moving fingers. Adults can easilyaccesssettings to engage Teacher Mode, look at report cards, ortoggletracing and phonics games to better facilitatelearning.Best of all, ABC Kids is full-featured and free fromin-apppurchases and third party advertisements. Toddlers and adultscanenjoy learning together without interruption.Features:- A colorful early education app that helps children learntheEnglish alphabet.- Includes ABC tracing games, phonics pairing, letter matching,andmore.- Uppercase and lowercase letters to trace, listen to,andmatch.- Smart interface helps kids focus on phonics and letterswithoutaccidentally exiting the game.- No third party ads, no in-app purchases, no tricks. Justpureeducational fun!Note to Parents:When creating ABC Kids, we wanted to build the bestexperiencepossible for both adults and for children. We're parentsourselves,and we know how paywalls, in-app purchases, and intrusivethirdparty advertisements can detract from the learning experience.WithABC Kids, we put the features of a paid app into apreschoolfriendly package, leaving out frustrating pop-upsandmicrotransactions. The end result is exactly theeducationalexperience we want for our children. We think you andyour familywill enjoy it, too!- Best wishes from the parents at RV AppStudios
Kids ABC Letter Phonics (Lite)
★★★ This lite version has the first four outofthe eight activities (see below). ★★★★★★ Preceded by: ★★★Kids ABC Letters and followed by Kids ABC TrainsKids ABC Letter Phonics is the second app in our ReadingCurriculumSeries.✰ Have Suggestions or Issues?Email [email protected] and you'll get apromptresponse.★★★ Intended for: ★★★Kids ages 2-7 (Yes, parents tell us even two-year-olds areusingit!)★★★ "I couldn't get my phone back!" ★★★This delightful game invites preschool-aged children to listenandlearn the ABCs in ways that enchant them.★★★ What will my children learn? ★★★With Kids ABC Phonics, your kids will learn the alphabetlettersounds – guaranteed!★★★ What won't my children learn? ★★★Kids ABC Phonics teaches letter sounds and the basics ofblending,but does not teach the next step, which is fluency inactualreading. Developing reading skills is a separate educationalgoal,which is covered in a separate game, called Kids Learn toRead,which was featured at the Google I/O on May 11th.Includingin-depth reading skills in Kids ABC Phonics would detractfrom thefocus of this game and make it too complex to invite anddelightchildren.★★★ What activities are included in this game? ★★★This lite version has the first four out of the followingeightwonderfully child-friendly sections.- Learn Letter Sounds. Kids hold and turn a picture-filledletterblock and hear the ABC phonics being pronounced.- Build Letter Blocks. Children have fun buildingphonicsrecognition skills by making their own ABC blocks.- Pop Letter Bubbles. Kids love to pop bubbles. But don't befooled.By the time children are done with this game, they willknow whatletter goes with which sound by heart.- Make Words. While putting puzzles together, kids learn thebasicsof phonics blending. These skills will be further exercisedandexpanded in the upcoming Kids Reading game.- Let's Get Rhyming. Children roll the bowling ball and learntoclearly distinguish word-ending syllables.- Ride the Ferris Wheel. Kids get more practice for theendingsounds.- Squirt the Duck. Children learn the concept of vowels.- Wack-a-Mole. This old time favorite is a new way topracticeletter sounds.Every section is designed so children enjoy success time aftertimeand receive positive reinforcement from the likable ladyteacher.So they want to keep learning.
Kids Preschool Learning Games 15.3
Educational kids games for Kindergarten, pre-k &Preschoolchildren and Toddlers
Kids Preschool Puzzles
Kids learning games is all we do!In addition to the two categories of puzzles contained in theliteversion (i.e. Animals and Food), this full version ofKidsPreschool Puzzle also contains Transport, GeometricFigures,Numbers, Letters, Sport, Occupations, and Assorted - over a100puzzles in total.Your child will slide and snap the colorful puzzle pieces intoplaceto reveal the delightful image.Once kids complete the puzzle, the pleasant voice of aladyannouncer congratulates the child on an excellent job and tellsthechild what the image depicts.Children enjoy success time after time and receivepositivereinforcement from the likable teacher. So they want tokeeplearning.★★★ What will my children learn? ★★★Like all Intellijoy games, the game focuses on aspecificeducational lesson, so children and their parents find thegamereally inviting and distraction-free. Kids Preschool Puzzleshelpschildren build and practice cognitive skills, visualspatialskills, shape recognition, as well as tactile and finemotorskills.★★★ What won't my children learn? ★★★The game does not overload children and parents with too manyaudioand visual stimuli. Coping with stress and over-stimulationistherefore one skill that your kids won't be practicing duringthisgame. Its clear focus makes the game a delight for children andawinning choice for parents.Although it's perfect for preschoolers, who just love the game,manychildren of kindergarten age and in the early grades alsoenjoysnapping the puzzle pieces into place and learning the100-plusimages (in the full version) the puzzles represent.✔ Our games are laser focused. For example, the numbers gamedoesn'tteach letters, and the letters game doesn't teach math. Wekeep thegames simple but magically inviting and nourishing.✔ We strive to give children just the right balancebetweeneducation and fun. So our games don't feature fun at theexpense ofeducation – or education at the expense of fun. We alsoknow gamesthat are too complicated don’t involve and delightkids.
Kids Educational Game 3 4.2
12 educational and fun games for kids: numbers, animals,paint,puzzle...
Colors learning games for kids 5.6.47
Learn colors with coloring games, drawing and learning forkids,toddlers.
Balloon Pop Kids Learning Game 18
Preschool Kids Learning game with Alphabet, Number, Animal&Piano. Balloon Pop
Kids Painting (Lite)
Preschool children will love creatingandsaving their art from three activities in Kids Painting:- Drawing: the child can use many colors to free-styledrawanything!- Coloring: select a picture and fill in spaces by switchingthepaint colors until it looks just right! (13 categories in thefullversion, two in the lite version).- Train Your Memory: children are challenged to remember thecolorsthey see in a picture, and then recreate it using the colorsthatthey initially saw (30 pictures in the full version, four inthelite version).-Gallery: view the art that was saved
Kids ABC Letter Trains (Lite) 1.10.4
Kids ABC Letter Trains Liteinvitespreschool-aged children to learn and become familiar withtheEnglish letters using trains and railroads as their tools.With Kids ABC Letter Trains Lite, kids can:1. Learn alphabet letters: As children build railroads, theylearnthe names and shapes of the letters in the alphabet.2. Write the letters: Using their train car, children traceupperand lower case letters on its railroad track.In the Kids ABC Letter Trains full version, children will alsogetto:3. Identify alphabet letters: Children aim their engines to findthecorrect letter on a garage door. When correct, their enginedrivesinside and pulls out a surprise!4. Identify letter sounds: In the phonics cargo train,childrenidentify first-letter sounds of words with pictures oncargo boxes,and then load the correct cargo boxes onto thetrain.5. Match lower and upper case letters: Children match lettersbeforethe trains move away.
Kids Learning Box: Preschool 2.0
Kids learning games for Preschool and Kindergartenchildren.Educative Fun Games
ABC Flash Cards for Kids 28
An educational flashcard game designed to teach the basicEnglishAlphabet!
Kids Connect the Dots (Lite) 3.7
Educational games for kids is all we do.Kids Connect the Dots Lite contains 25 images to try it outbeforeyou buy the full version.Preschoolers really connect with our Kids Connect the Dots game.Itteaches children to recognize and pronounce numbers and lettersofthe alphabet in a kid-friendly way.Your child will love playing Kids Connect the Dots, and you'llbeable to relax, knowing your child is learning while havinggreatfun.Children tap on a series of dots that outline an animal or anobjectthat the child usually can't quite identify. As they tap onthe dotsor connect the dots, the numbers and ABC alphabet lettersarepronounced. When children succeed in connecting them all,theconnected dots are delightfully transformed into a colorfulgraphicof whatever the child has outlined. It might be a bird ormuffin, agiraffe or a treasure chest.Preschoolers are surprised and filled with wonder to seethecreatures and objects they've created "come to life" – and wanttogo on to create more and more of them.There are over 100 images in the full version for your childtoenjoy.★★★★★ What will my children learn? ★★★★★Your child will learn to recognize and pronounce the numbersorletters in the dots. So the game is a wonderful way for childrentolearn to count and learn the alphabet. Kids also learn toidentifythe creatures and objects they create by connecting thedots.★★★★★ What won't my children learn? ★★★★★The game does not overload children and parents with too manyaudioand visual stimuli. Coping with stress and over-stimulationistherefore one skill that your kids won't be practicing duringthisgame. Its clear focus makes the game a delight for children andawinning choice for parents.✔ Kids love our games. Parents love to see theirpreschool-agedchildren being both educated and quietly happy.✔ Our games are laser focused. For example, the numbers gamedoesn'tteach letters, and the letters game doesn't teach math. Wekeep thegames simple but magically inviting and nourishing.✔ We strive to give children just the right balancebetweeneducation and fun. So our games don't feature fun at theexpense ofeducation – or education at the expense of fun. We alsoknow gamesthat are too complicated don’t involve and delightkids.
PBS KIDS Games 4.2.8
Play fun games & learn school subjects with Daniel Tiger,WildKratts & more!
Educational Games 4 Kids 3.3
Educational and fun games for toddlers: puzzles, piano, paint,maze,emotions...
Baby Phone - Numbers, Animals 3.1.0
Baby Phone - Numbers, Animals is one ofourlearning and entertaining games for kids. The baby phonenumberanimals helps parents turn an ordinary smartphone into a toyphonefor babies. The animal phone game provides both kidsentertainmentand education. The young player will get acquaintedwith variouswild and domestic animals for kids and animal soundsfor babies, aswell as learn numbers.Killer features of our baby phone app free:• Playing this baby first play phone your kid can explore 11animalsand hear the sounds they produce. In our baby telephoneyour kidwill find a horse, a goat, a dog, a cat, a chicken, amouse, a cow,a pig, a duck and a sheep. All the animals in ourbaby animal phoneare presented by funny pictures. Contact with theanimals of thechildren phone helps develop communication skillsandcuriosity.• There is an ability to pretend phone calls for kids - themostexciting part of the animal phone when your baby calls acertainanimal and it answers! I The presentation of the sounds ofourlearning animal games for kids in the form of a toddler phonecallwill give a greater effect than a simple explanation.• Learning numbers for preschoolers from 0 to 9.• Like in all musical games for kids there are songs andmusicmelodies in our kids phone app. The babyphone game willdevelopyour toddler’s musical ear. Your baby will love to playphone forkids.• Little kids can play phone for kids call in severalwidespreadlanguages - English, Spanish, Russian and some others.So, our babycell phone app gives an opportunity to learn animalsand numbersnot only in the native language, but in foreignlanguages as well.Such educational games for kids baby phone 3 4years will beespecially useful for those children who are going tostudylanguages in the future.• The baby mobile game is really simple, fun and interactive.Eventhe smallest kids will be able to play baby animal games ontheirown.• All our educational games for kids kindergarten are freetodownload, including this baby mobile phone.Our kids phone games can be recommended as:- learning games for toddlers age 2;- learning games for toddlers age 3;- free learning games for kids 3 to 4 years old;- learning games for 4 year olds (kids learning games free for a4year old);- learning games for kids 5 years of age.How to play our educational games for kids nursery in whichbabylearn animals:- Call up an animal - make a fake phone call for baby. To playphonebaby first, hit the call button to see a full list of theanimals inthe phone book. The kid touches any picture and theanimal takes thecall on the baby cell phone within a fewseconds.- Play with buttons and learn numbers for toddlers - 123learningnumbers. This mini-game of the baby phone for kids focusesachild’s attention on the buttons shown on the screen. When the123games for kids free begins, one of the buttons starts tilting.Thetask of this part of babyphone mobile is to hit the wobbling onetoscore.- Take calls from the animals playing the animals phone. Nowandthen, your kid will receive calls from animal friends thankstobaby mobile with sound and lights! The baby mode for your phoneisautomatically programmed to send calls to your phone so thatyourkid can answer them and hear animal sounds for kidslearningfree.Featuring a toy phone for kids with a lively and colorfulinterface,this phone game with real phone calls for kids free appwill be agreat helper in learning animals for kids, animal voicesfor kidsand numbers for toddlers free!The creation of our educational games for kids Baby Phoneinvolvedchild specialists all focused to create a game that willprovidevaluable lessons to learn animals and numbers with fun. So,ourbaby phone games for babies with numbers are carefully madetoprovoke interest and positive emotions while children playthetoddler phone.
Educational games for kids 7.6
Best educational games for kids
Kids Painting
Preschool children will love creatingandsaving their art from three activities in Kids Painting:- Drawing: the child can use many colors to free-styledrawanything!- Coloring: select a picture and fill in spaces by switchingthepaint colors until it looks just right! (13 categories in thefullversion; two in the lite version).- Train Your Memory: children are challenged to remember thecolorsthey see in a picture, and then recreate it using the colorsthatthey initially saw (30 pictures in the full version; four inthelite version).-Gallery: view the art that was saved.
Shapes for Kids and Toddlers 1.3.5
Shapes is one of our educational gamesfortoddlers in which your child can learn shapes and play shapegames.Invite your baby to a fabulous world of shapes for kids toacquirenew knowledge and skills. The game teaches to distinguishdifferentgeometric shapes and compare shapes for babies with thesurroundingobjects in real life.Features of shapes games:- Shape games for toddlers present 7 shapes for toddlers: acircle,a rhombus, a square, a rectangle, an oval, a polygon, atriangle, aheart, a human footprint and a flower.- Study geometry for kids with fun - there are 3 catchy andfunnypictures of objects of corresponding forms attached toeachgeometrical shape. The name of each object in educational gamesforkids kindergarten is pronounced clearly and distinctly bynativespeakers.- Kids learn shapes playing 3 shape games for kids:1) learning toddler shapes of everyday life objects;2) shapes matching games for toddlers to consolidatetheirknowledge;3) awesome shape puzzles games that will show your childthatobjects of complex forms for kids often consist of simpletoddlershapes lite.- Educational games for kids nursery are very colorful and brightsothis is not only learning shapes for toddlers free but alsolearningcolors and shapes as well.- The names of all kids shapes and items can be learned in6languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese,German.Such a game teaching kids shapes and colors preschool isuseful forfuture study of foreign languages.- All our educational games for kids have intuitive interfaceswhichmakes it easy to play even for toddler age 2, for toddler age3 andfor 4 to 5 year kid, of course.- You can download our shapes games for kids for free. Kidsshapesgames free allow to save family budget and get an educationalappof high quality.How to play shape sorting games for kids free:- Learn smart baby shapes. The 1st icon of the shapes andcolorgames for kids leads the young explorer to a deserted land.Pressthe arrows in the top of the screen to switch between kidsshapespreschool and the 3 objects from everyday liferepresentingeach.- Practice knowledge of kids shapes and colors preschool. The2ndgate of the toddler shape games free brings the adventurer toatropical lake shore. Here learning shapes and colours isimprovedby shifting the shape cards into matching cutouts. Ineducationalgames for children a toddler won't be able to muff astroke. Whenthe child manages to fit the shape of the kids shapepuzzle, thedevice vibrates. Word of appraise is heard to encouragefurtherpractice of shapes and colors for toddlers.- Play puzzles to strengthen the knowledge of geometricfigures.Upon going through the 3d portal of learning games forkids, theyoung player learn shapes and colors finding himself on asandybeach, to play an entertaining shape puzzle game. Five riddlesarerepresented here to learn colours and shapes for kids. Firtree,frogling, house, loco train and helicopter will help yourbabylearn colors and shapes. While learning shapes and colors thekidshould drag variously shaped elements to their places withinthepicture. Only after the baby copes with the first block puzzleofthe learning apps for kids, the next one is available,whichpropels interest to play shapes and colors games for kidsfurtheron.The children educational apps for free can be recommended as:- learning games for toddlers age 2;- learning games for toddlers age 3;- learning games for toddlers age 4;- learning games for toddlers age 5.Shape games for kids free like shape builder and shape puzzlescanendow immensely. Our game which is a colors and shapes for kidsappfree preschool is full of adventures and fun. Playing shapesandcolor games for kids will enable to understand the shapedesignconcept and teach to differentiate between basic shapesforchildren, which is also essential for remembering lettersandnumbers.
ABCD for Kids – Learn Alphabet 1.5.23
ABCD for Kids - Learn Alphabet is one ofourbest educational games for kids which provides learningalphabetfor kids and tracing letters in a playful manner sothatpreschoolers learn abc and letter sounds quickly, easily andwith alot of fun.What does our alphabets learning app for kids teach yourbaby?- Our alphabet games for kids to learn make your kid learnlettersof english alphabet, learn russian alphabet and alphabets ofsomeother languages;- Alphabet sounds learning app teaches to pronounce correctlyvowelsand consonants of the abc for toddlers;- Practice writing letters: our kids alphabet games include tasksinwhich a toddler learns to trace letters;- Playing our alphabet games your child will developphonemichearing;- Abc toddler games contain a lot of new words, so your babywillexpand vocabulary;- Baby abc learning games for infants stimulate finemotorskills.Killer features of our a to z alphabet for kids:1) Our toddler abc includes 100 vivid and memorable cardswithimages to illustrate words that begin with differentletters;2) This abc toddler provides sequential study of eachletter:listen, recite, write uppercase and lowercase letters, learnthewords that begin with this letter;3) Such abc baby games as learning abc has tasks to consolidatethelearned letters: outline puzzles in which kids move the lettertothe correct shape, and a quiz;4) Learn letters and sounds for kindergarten:professionaloff-screen voice with perfect pronunciation spell theletters sothat your kid receives learning the sound and letters ofthealphabet for free, and perceives all the sounds to the earandutters them correctly;5) Our educational games for kids kindergarten like abclearninggames make the alphabets of 4 languages available: Russian,English(english alphabet for kids learning free), Spanish andPortuguese.The knowledge of ABCs of foreign languages is useful forfuturestudy at school. Apart from ABCs your baby will study manyforeignwords.6) Our ABC for baby can be downloaded for free. Our freevirtualabcd book will save your family’s budget and providevaluableeducation for your baby.Our abc for children can be recommended as:- learning games for toddlers age 2;- learning games for toddlers age 3;- educational games for 4 to 5 year kid;- learning games for kids 5 years of age.How to play our abc learning games for kids preschool:Recognizing alphabet for kindergarten: let’s learn letters!1) Our abc learning letters toddler begins in the bathroomwithbubble letters. At first, there are only A, B, and C lettersopenedin the educational games for kids nursery. But upon learningabcdfor kids, the child will unlock other letters. After choosingaletter in our abc games for toddlers and babies there will begiven3 hilarious pictures of objects that start with it. The kid istolisten to the voice and repeat the words illustrating abcforbabies.2) Learning abc for baby - tracing and writing letters.Our alphabet tracing games for kids offer to learn to writeletterson the fence tracing the prompts. In order to abc learn andtraceletters just take the brush and start tracing letters andnumbersfree with 3 capital and 3 small letters with yellowpaint!3) Guessing - a quiz.Once you are finished, the education apps for kids withwritingletters and numbers for kindergarten take your baby to thekitchenplayroom. Here the task is to guess the picture that startswiththe letter which your kid is currently learning.4) Play with toddler alphabet writing and learning -cut-outs.The last game among our learning games for kindergarteners istoposition the letters into their cut-outs. Besides fixingtheknowledge of ABC this game will train your baby’s fine motorskillsand develop attentiveness.The game, full of bright colors and amusing virtual toys, hasveryclear and intuitive interface, so your toddler will cope withiteasily.
Kids' Fun Math Learning 1.9.4
A fun-filled journey into math! Learn to add, subtract,multiply,and divide!
Preschool & Kindergarten Games 8.6
30 educational games for Preschool and Kindergarten!
Hello Kitty All Games for kids 12.1
Hello Kitty magic dress up, paintbox and more than 30educationaland fun games.
Educational Games for Kids! 3.6.6
Wow Kids
ABC Games for kids 3 years old & Math. Kindergartenlearninggames for toddlers
0-100 Kids Learn Numbers Game 17
Learning the English numbers with flash cards is fun!
Learning Games - EduKidsRoom 9.2
Preschool Educational Games & Puzzles for Preschoolers&Kindergarteners
Kids Learn to Read Rhymes
Nimble Minds
Rhyming is creative and a fun way to playwithlanguage. In Kids Learn to Read Rhymes, kids will learnwordfamilies, CVC, short and long vowel words through threewonderfulgames. Kids Learn to Read Rhymes is a delightful game thatinvitespreschool-aged children to blend sounds into words, read andformsimple words, identify spoken words and learn wordfamilies.Rhyming is a precursor to learning how to read and write.With asuccessful completion of each level in Kids Learn to ReadRhymes,kids will have a strong sense of phonemic awareness and asolidgroundwork for written language.It's rhyme time!Kids love to rhyme words. Kids who read English nursery rhymeswilllove these rhyming games and they will learn new rhymes thatwillhelp them in reading English, especially the nursery rhymes.Letthe kids pick & click or catch the match in 3 wonderfulrhyminggames, which covers 39 word families through more than 225rhymingwords and pictures.Word Families:It enchants learning through selecting a vowel and a wordfamily,then its time to match the pictures or objects to the words.Itpromotes object identification, increases vocabulary,readingskills and interactively enhances properpronunciation.Pick & Click:It is the most thought provoking activity, as the kids are askedtomatch the pictures of rhyming words. This game acts asareinforcement of the 'word families' in an engaging andintuitivemanner peaking your child's curiosity.Catch the Match:Bud is set out on an adventure to explore the ocean bed in searchofthe rhyming words. Meet the fishes and Octopus but beware ofthewrong words.Do not forget to try your best and receive the muchdeservedpositive responses from a job well done (Thumbs Up!)After Words for Kids, this is the latest addition in our seriesofEarly Language Development apps for kids. Download these appsandhelp your children pick key concepts of English from a veryearlyage.How will it benefit kids?- Develops phonemic awareness- Enriches vocabulary- Helps progress with reading- Develops literary skills- Teaches recognition of word patterns- Teaches recognition of letter and word sounds- Motivates learning and above all- Makes English learning easy and fun!Other key points:- Ideal for children between the ages of 4-9.- Activities in this game are aligned with the Common CoreStateStandards- Suitable for both school and home setting- Great tool for children with learning difficulties such asspeechdelay, autism and adhd. - Perfect for ESL learners aswell.Privacy Policy:Privacy is an issue that we take seriously. To learn more abouthowwe work with these matters, please read our privacypolicy: our educational apps, we follow these rules:- No 3rd party ads- No in-app purchases- No social media links without parental gatesFor any support, queries or feedback, we're just an [email protected]
Preschool Games For Kids 9.4
Queleas LLC
Distance Learning for kids in preschool and kindergarten
Kids Brain Trainer (Preschool) 2.9.1
Preschool brain trainer games for kids: learning game,memory,matching, puzzles
Educational games for kids 2-4 5.6.5
Wow Kids
Toddlers games for 3 year old with smart baby shapes -earlyeducation for kids!
ABC Reading Games for Kids 12
Kids getting A+'s in school starts with fun ABC preschool gamesforkids
Kids Learn Colors
Your child will learn:✔ The names of colors by splashing colors onto an easel.✔ How to recognize colors by being asked to do thingslike"Choose the purple jellyfish."✔ Build memory skills by matching a color they've just seen.Kids Learn Colors lets toddlers and preschoolers learntorecognize colors and name them in ways that are really fun.In the first lesson, children listen to the names of colorswhilea fun brush puts a big splash of the color on an easel,accompaniedby an entertaining sound effect that makes the splashagainst theeasel sound real.Then children learn how to recognize colors with a seriesofcolorful jellyfish that float down with likable expressionsontheir faces. The pleasant lady announcer asks kids to choosetheblue, yellow, purple, or black jellyfish. Each time childrenchoosethe correct one, she congratulates them with encouragingwords like"Perfect!" and "You're Good!"Next, children discover how to build their color memories.Anidentical, pretty design shows up on the screen in rows. Whenkidstap on one of the designs, a color is revealed. Then thecolordisappears behind the design. Kids keep tapping until theyrememberwhere some of the colors are. Then when they tap on adesign thatmatches one of the colors they remember the location of,they goback and tap it.★★★★★ Hey, how did you take the top spots in the Educationsection?★★★★★✔ Our games are laser focused. For example, the numbersgamedoesn't teach letters, and the letters game doesn't teach math.Wekeep the games simple but magically inviting and nourishing.✔ We strive to give children just the right balancebetweeneducation and fun. So our games don't feature fun at theexpense ofeducation – or education at the expense of fun. We alsoknow gamesthat are too complicated don’t involve and delightkids.
Kids Reading Sight Words
Kids Sight Words is a delightful app acrosstheboard for children, parents and teachers!Join Tammy the frog on a journey through four exciting activitiesasshe hops from one activity to the next to learn and reviewcommonlyused English words from the list of 220 Dolch sight words.There arefive levels of vocabulary for the child to learn andreview.In Kids Sight Words, children will:- listen to common words and identify the correct sight word- learn to recognize common words at their reading level- improve reading skills by practicing words that they may haveseenor are familiar with- improve reading fluencyKids Sight Words is the newest addition to our dynamiccollectionof English apps. It is for children who are alreadycomfortable withthe basics of phonics and blending sounds. If yourchildren are notat this level yet, we recommend downloadingIntellijoy apps such as,Kids ABC Letters, Kids ABC Trains, KidsABC Phonics, and KidsReading apps.Intellijoy's educational games delight children through funandlearning. Children and parents love our distraction-free games.Allof the apps focus on specific learning concepts. They donotdistract the users with unnecessary sounds or images on thescreen,not to mention ads, pop-ups, and unrelated subjectmatter.
Caillou learning for kids
More than 150 fun games to learn with Caillou to check math,memoryand puzzles
Monster Trucks Game for Kids 2 2.9.69
Raz Games
Monster Truck Racing Game for young kids and toddlers! getReady,Set, GO!
LetterSchool - Learn to Write 2.6.1
Letter tracing & writing is fun for kids with this ABCalphabettracing game!
Kids Draw with Shapes Lite
The classic pattern blocks games whichwe'veall loved as kids have morphed into a fun touch screen app.Withthe “Kids Draw with Shapes” app, children can makecreativeimages using only ten basic shapes, which come in sevendifferentcolors. There are two modes in this game - children can either choosetodesign free-style, or using a template. There are 5 templatesineach of the following ten categories:Both lite and paid versions:- AircraftPaid version only:- Animals- Birds- Dessert- Food- Kitchen- Plants- Ships- Transportation- UnderwaterChildren can save and view their artwork in the app’sGallery.
Kids ABC Letters (Lite) 3.5.6
Note: This lite version of Kids ABC Lettershasaccess to two out of the seven letter sets.Kids ABC Letters invites your preschool-aged children to joinalongon an enchanting voyage through the alphabet waters, to learnthenames and shapes of the alphabet letters, practiceletterrecognition, and easily find letters in context of words andthealphabetical order. Each activity has a separate learningobjectiveand a different game.The game teaches the alphabet to the children one set of lettersata time. We split the alphabet into seven sets: ABC, DEF,GHIJ,KLMN, OPQR, STUV, WXYZ. As the children complete theactivities fora particular letter set, they build a specific boat.This givesthem motivation to play and learn.This app does not teach the phonetic sounds that thealphabetletters make. Knowing how the letters are pronounced is aseparateeducational goal, which is covered in Intellijoy's separateapp,Kids ABC Phonics. Including phonics in this app would detractfromthe focus and delight of this game.This game covers seven activities:✔ Naming Letters: A delightful way for kids to learn the namesandappearances of each ABC alphabet letter at their own pace.✔ Forming Letters: Kids assemble alphabet letters withcolorfulpuzzle pieces to recall the familiar letters they'velearned.✔ Recognizing Letters: Fishing for alphabet fish as they swimbyreinforces letter familiarity and its pronunciation.✔ Identifying Letters in Context: This simple game teaches kidstorecognize the alphabet letters as they appear in words. Asaresult, they learn that words are made up of letters.✔ Matching Upper Case to Lower Case Letters: Thisactivityreinforces that each letter has two variations; one upperand onelower case letter. The child will enjoy matching the letterstoeach other to build a raft.✔ Distinguish between Upper Case and Lower Case Letters: Listenandsearch for the upper case or lower case letter and toss it tothedolphin for some fun!✔ Ordering the ABC's: The child explores the deep sea tofindletter-coins, and uses these to create a segment of fourletters ina row within the alphabet.Kids ABC Letters is the first app in our Reading CurriculumSeries.It is followed by Kids ABC Trains, Kids ABC Phonics, KidsLearn toRead, and Kids Sight Words.
Drawing for Kids and Toddlers!
Bini Bambini
Drawing games for kids is a child drawingfun!Create animals that come to life in drawing games free. Learntodraw in coloring games for kids and fun drawing apps!Kids drawing games for free is an app which gives littlechildrena wonderful opportunity to create and explore the creativeprocessof visual art.Your child will learn to draw kids cute characters in a funandplayful manner.The intricate combination of animations and drawings makesthisdrawing apps for toddler simply unique!🎨🎨🤗🤗In kids drawing apps for free your toddler drawingcharmingcharacters such a butterfly, a frog, a car and many otherobjects.Every character comes to life after you finish drawing it.It'slike magic! Not many kids drawing games have thisfeature!The butterfly happily flaps its wings, the hedgehog rolls intoaball, the rocket flies into space, and the frog is jumpingmerrilyaround… It’s unique for all kids drawing apps forfree.Kids drawing games for free is unique drawing apps for toddlerwithanimations. Even the youngest toddler drawing all thecharacterseasily. Delightful sound effects as well as funanimations willbring lots of joy to the little artists!KEY FEATURES:(kids drawing games have some unique features)• 30 charming characters for toddler drawing games in englishforkids• Kids paint free in toddler drawing games• Trace the lines and learn to draw kids drawing andcolouringapp• More than 100 fun animations and sounds in fun drawing apps• Developing fine motor skills (child games for education)• Simple and easy interface of toddler drawing apps freeforpreschoolers from 3 to 4 years old• Amusing characters with lots of animation and interaction inchildgames in English• Preschool and kindergarten games for kids download for free• Develop pre-writing skills• Kids drawing and colouring app (coloring book for kids)• Fun sound effects (games in english for kids)• Develop creativity in fun drawing apps• Amazing graphics for kids• Drawing app for kids from 2 to 5 years old (let draw kids)• Possibility to save your drawings (magic painting games)• Basic skills: attention, memory and thinking• Parental control• No third-party advertising (kids paint free!)• Develop pre-writing skills"Drawing for Kids & Toddlers!" is a free drawing app forkidsthat will develop your child's creativity, fine motor skillsandimagination. The most important thing is that drawing willturninto fun and intriguing process which will bring a lot of joyanddiscoveries to your draw kids. It’s like magicpaintinggames!Drawing games for kids is a child drawing fun! Create animalsthatcome to life in drawing games free. Learn to draw in coloringgamesfor kids and fun drawing apps!Enjoy your drawings! Have fun!🌟About BINI BAMBINI:🌟Toddler drawing apps free have been created by Bini Bambini,asoftware company which develops fun learning apps andinteractiveeducational games for young children and toddlers.Our kindergarten and preschool apps are distinguished byhighquality content with particular attention to design. The simpleanduser-friendly interfaces of our apps have been especiallycreatedfor little ones. The purpose of all our apps is aimed foryourchild's all-round development.With our apps kids learn the alphabet, letters, numbers andphonics.The apps help preschoolers to develop memory, attentionspan,vocabulary and speech, as well as other basic skills.Children areexposed to writing and counting through buildingpuzzles and doingsimple math. Color book for kids.As a company we strive to make our apps practical, instillingadesire for knowledge, interest in reading and studying. Ourappscontain no third party advertising and comply with thestandards of“Designed For Family”.