Top 5 Apps Similar to 스윙 포트폴리오 앱 - 스윙 네일샵

Photo Finish Salon 3.3
A & B Apps, LLC
Salon Software ♦ Client Profile SystemFor a one-time fee, Photo Finish will allow you to keep trackofappointments, color formulations, products and services for eachofyour clients from your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. Photo Finishisan easy-to-use, feature-filled application that will enhanceanduplift the hairdresser/client relationship. Created byaHairdresser for Hairdressers, Photo Finish was developed byanaward winning internationally acclaimed stylist / coloristplatformartist, J. Thomas Leaptrott III. Photo Finish gives youthecapability to instantly archive your work to your iPad / iPhone/iPod touch for access in any future moment in time. You willbeable to give clients an entirely new level of service usingPhotoFinish that will keep customers coming back for more, andtellingtheir friends to come too.★ A unique Client Profile and Scheduling System★ Created by a Hairdresser for Hairdressers★ Optionally synchronizes all your clients and appointmentstoour global servers sending automatic email and SMSappointmentreminders to your clients (subscription required)★ Show your clients exactly what they looked like at theirlastcut or color. Photo Finish can record years ofinformation.★ Easily store color combinations and other professionalnotesregarding your clients, including contact information,productspurchased and services rendered.★ Record client data and generate individualized email andaddresslists for birthday specials, selected salon events, or newproductintroductions★ Increase Salon loyalty and client retention★ Easy-to-Use Marketing System★ Personalize client relationships★ Maximize time management★ Email or Text Salon events, products, servicesandpromotions★ Immediate return on investmentFeatures:★ View and save appointments, formulas, photos and notes foreachclient★ See all past work in each client's photo history★ Email Appointment Reminders★ Email Birthday & Anniversary Greetings★ Home screen shows today's schedule, automatically centered tothecurrent time★ You need only enter a first and last name to add a new clientandbook an appointment★ Appointments organized in 15-minute increments★ View by:★ Month - a scissors icon appears on days withscheduledappointment★ Week - all appointment details organized under each day oftheweek★ Day - with hour-by-hour listFields for clients:★ First and last name★ Address★ 3 Phone numbers★ Email★ Occupation★ Birthday★ Referred by★ PhotosStyle factors:★ Hair texture★ Hair type★ Natural level★ Desired level★ Skin tone★ Percent gray★ Face shape★ Eye color★ NotesSearch through all clients using a variety of filters:★ All clients★ Appointments remaining today★ Days since last appointment★ Appointment on date★ Appointment between dates★ Birthday in month★ Between ages★ In city★ In stateWhen you have the list you want (all clients or filtered) youcanemail them or text message them.Thoroughly tested by third party professionals
Agendando Online 76.0
Nosso Sistema permite que vocêtenhacontroletotal do seu estabelecimento, de uma maneira ágil eonline.• Consultar o caixa, estoque, contasapagar/receber,faturamento,comissões, agendamentos externospelocliente doestabelecimento(via celular), agendamentosinternosnoestabelecimento.• Agendar dia e a hora disponível com o profissionaldesejadoparamarcações de horário. O cliente possui estaautonomia,conformeconfiguração pré estabelecida pela empresa.• Histórico de clientes com serviçosrealizados,produtosutilizados e quantidades. Débitos ou créditosdocliente.• Cálculo de Comissões automaticamente obtidosatravésdaagenda.• Relatórios de fácil compreensão que permitirãoconhecersuaempresa e seus clientes.• Controle de venda de PACOTES de serviços, o sistemacontrolaosutilizados com histórico de lançamento.• Débito do cliente consta no histórico e ao agendarumnovohorário. Diminuindo assim o prejuízo por esquecimentosporambas aspartes.• O sistema de caixa possibilita fechamentos diários,comsaldo,extrato de cobranças.• Gráficos de caixa permitem uma melhor visualização dotipodecobrança (dinheiro, cartão débito, cartãocrédito,cheques).• O sistema é controlado por login e senha de acessoparacadaprofissional.Tudo o que você precisa para acompanhar o desempenhodoseunegócio agora está em suas mãos.Cadastre-se e faça o TESTE GRÁTIS por 7(sete) dias,semlimitaçãoao sistema.Our system allowsyoutohave full control of your establishment of an agile andonlineway.• Consult cash, inventory, accounts payable /receivable,billing,commissions, external appointments for theestablishmentof thecustomer (via cell phone), internal scheduleson theproperty.• Schedule day and time available with thedesiredprofessionalfor time stamps. The customer has this autonomy,aspreconfiguration established by the company.• Client history with services performed, productsusedandquantities. Debits or customer credits.• Commissions calculation automatically obtainedthroughtheagenda.• easy to understand reports that will meet your businessandyourcustomers.• Control sales service PACKAGES, the system controlsusedwithrelease history.• Customer Debit part of the history and schedule a newtime.thusreducing the loss per oversights by both parties.• The mail system enables daily closures, withbalancebillingstatement.• Cash Charts allow a better view of the type ofcharge(cash,debit card, credit card, checks). • The system is controlled by login and passwordforeachprofessional.All you need to track the performance of your business nowisinyour hands.Register and make FREE TRIAL for seven (7) dayswithoutlimitationsystem.
icauno pos & beauty software 0.1
icauno management software for shops,outletmalls, clothing, bars, tobacco shops, beauty salons, spas,hairsalons, spas, sports centers and facilities managers. Bestsoftwarefor pos, open source database and free report manager,build and java tecnology. icauno cloud the perfect solutionforaccess to your data with any smartphone or tablet
Agenda Studio Control 1.0.9
Sistema para Salões de Beleza ,Clínicasdeestética, Escolas de Pilates,Maquiadores,Esteticistas,Massagistas, Espaços Holísticos,Sistema com mais de 10 ferramentas no pacote semlimitedefuncionários e clientes..O sistema Studio Control é um conjunto de ferramentas feitasparaseuespaçoNeste aplicativo você poderá administrar seu espaçoestendendoarecepção. Você pode deixar o computador na recepçãocomoprocessamento pesado e sair pelo espaço com otableteatendendoseus clientes realizando pagamentos,agendamentos,abertura efechamento de comandas, fazer a gestão depacotes esessões e muitomais.Studio Control é um conjunto de ferramentas paraalavancarseusnegócios. Este aplicativo é uma destas ferramentas.OProdutoStudio Control conta com Software paragerenciamento,Site,Agendamento pela WEB, Aplicativos para tabletese celulares(AgendaOnLine - faça o Download desta APP) para seucliente,Aplicativopara tabletes e celulares para seusprofissionais,hospedagem,e-mail, SMS, Google Cloud Messagee muito mais .Este APP conta com cadastro de clientes com foto,registrodeprocedimentos do cliente, cadastro de produtoseserviços,gerenciamento de pacotes e sessões, cadastrodefuncionários,parametrização de recursos, ficha deanamnese,controle de evoluçãoestética, club fidelidade, agenda,caixa,despesas diárias, GiftCard e muitos outros recursos.Conta com envio de SMS (pelo Software que trabalha emconjuntocomeste APP) que avisa os clientes do seu espaço deseusprocedimentosagendados. Inclui no pacote e-mail, hospedagem ,sitee outrosrecursos.Temos clientes em todo o brasil. conheça nossasoluçãoesurpreenda-se.Aguardamos seu contato. Visite nosso site.Tire suas duvidas. Ligue: 11-2275-5580 / 11-5594-1356.Se você estiver em qualquer estado da federação bastaenviare-mailpara [email protected] ou ligar fornecendoumtelefone FIXOque entraremos em contato. a ligação é gratuitaefornecemos todasas informações adicionais.Destinado a Salões de Beleza, Clínicas de Estética,EstúdiosdePilates, Espaços Multidisciplinares, Salões deBodyCulture,Esmalterias, Acupuntura, Cromoterapiadentreoutrosestabelecimentos, Estúdios de Tatuagens.System forbeautysalons,cosmetic clinics, Pilates schools, makeupartists,beauticians,Massage, Holistic spaces,System with more than 10 tools in the packageunlimitedemployeesand customers ..The Studio Control System is a set of tools made for your spaceIn this application you can manage your spaceextendingreception.You can leave the computer at the receptionwith theheavy processingand out the space with the tablet servingitscustomers performingpayments, schedules, opening and closingofcommanding, managepackets and sessions and more.Studio Control is a set of tools to leverage yourbusiness.Thisapplication is one of these tools. The ProductStudioControlincludes software for management, Site, schedulingtheWeb,applications for tablets and mobiles (Agenda online -makeDownloadthis APP) to your client application for tablets andmobilephonesto its employees, hosting, email, SMS, GoogleCloudMessageand much more .This APP has customer base with photos, customerproceduresofregistration, registration of products andservices,packagemanagement and sessions, registrationstaff,resourcesparameterization, anamnesis form, aestheticevolutioncontrol,loyalty club, calendar, box, daily expenses, GiftCard andmanyother features.Account with sending SMS (the software that works withthisAPP)that warns customers of their space fromtheirscheduledprocedures. It includes in the package e-mail,hosting,website andother resources.We have customers throughout Brazil. know oursolutionandsurprise yourself.We await your contact. Visit our website.Take your questions. Call: 11-2275-5580 / 11-5594-1356.If you are in any state of the federation just send e-mail [email protected] providing a FIXED phone wewillcontactyou. the call is free and provide anyadditionalinformation.For Beauty Salons, Aesthetic Clinics,Pilatesstudios,Multidisciplinary Spaces, Body salonsCulture,Esmalterias,Acupuncture, Color therapy among otherestablishments,TattooStudios.
Collezione 7.8.0
Collection for Hair and Beauty Salons