Top 12 Apps Similar to School Of Christ - التلمذة

MathGames Elementary School 1.2.5
MathGames helps your child to learn math in a fun way.
Basic Math Operations 1.8.1
It is an easy and funny application for kids to developtheirmathskills. Your kids can improve their math ability byusingthisapplication. Help Your child tolearnquicklyaddition,subtraction,multiplication and division. Testyourmentalmath and exercise your brain once aday.Educational,Mentalist,Brain storming, mental exercises, learnandtest quickly.
Math games for kids - lite 3.9.14
Fun mental math games for children from 5 to 10 : additions,timestables
Ruimtesommen (gratis) 1.0.5
Verdedig je ruimteschip methoofdrekenen!Schiet op de asteroïden met de juiste antwoorden enprobeer zo dehighscore te halen. Haal je de highscore niet? Dan kanje hetmorgen nog eens proberen want alleen de highscore van vandaagwordtbijgehouden.Ruimtesommen is gemaakt voor kinderen van de basisschool maarookleuk als je al wat ouder bent. Ruimtesommen kent viercategoriënsommen:- Optellen / erbijsommen- Aftrekken / erafsommen- Vermenigvuldigen / keersommen- Delen / deelsommenMet de gratis versie van Ruimtesommen kan er gespeeld wordenophet eenvoudigste niveau.Defend your spaceshipwithmental arithmetic! Shoot the asteroids with the correctanswers andtry to get the highscore. Do not Get your highscoreThen you can tryagain tomorrow because only the highscore today iskept.Space Ommen is designed for children of primary school butalsofun if you what you already older. Space Ommen has fourcategoriesof exercises:- Addition / there payments- Subtract / off payments- Multiplication / time payments- Parts / partial paymentsYou can use the free version of Space Ommen played on theeasiestlevel.
Hudriks Math For Kids Lite 1.0
The aim of the game is to make learning funandenjoyable for kids by turning it into a kind of adventure gamewithdifferent worlds, enemies and bosses.Hudriks Math is based on a story of a Viking family thatwascalled to help to save the world from red dragons. On the waytheymust overcome challenges by giving the correct answerstomathematical questions. Tasks are given in ascending orderofdifficulty illustrating the basic principals ofmathematicaloperations.Colourful graphics, visual effects, cartoon-like 3Danimationsand short video clips are very engaging, and makechildren want tospend more time playing the game, and motivate themto learnmore.The game has two sections. At the beginning you have a chancetopractice counting, addition, subtraction and evenmultiplicationand division of various levels.Illustrations of the basic principles of the operations will helptopass first tasks.If you enjoy the game, please leave your comment and ratethegame, it encourages us to work on new exciting products.Our Facebook page:
Tafels trainen FREE 1.1
Het beste adaptieve oefenprogramma indeAndroidMarket om de tafels te trainen.Deze app is ontwikkeld door RT Amersfoort (eeninrekenengespecialiseerde praktijk voor Remedial Teaching)waardagelijkskinderen met rekenproblemen worden geholpen.Doordatditoefenprogramma de sommen precies op maat aanbiedt enindiennodighulp biedt, is het ook zeer geschikt voor kinderen diewatmeermoeite hebben met het automatiseren van de tafels.Integenstellingtot bij vele andere apps krijgt je de sommen ineenspelletjeaangeboden dus je oefent spelenderwijs!De tafeltrainer bevat:* Mogelijkheid om sommen voor te latenlezen(geencomputerstem!)* Automatische aanpassen van de sommen aan jouw niveau* Je krijgt hulp als je de som niet meteen weet* Je kunt alleen punten halen en nooit afgaan(dusgeenfaalangst).* Rapportage van je voortgang aan het eind van ieder spel* In de FREE-editie zijn kunnen alle tafels op volgordevanmakkelijknaar moeilijk geoefend worden. Zodra je voldoendepuntenhebtgehaald, komt de volgende tafel beschikbaar.(Er is ook een FULL-versie van tafels trainen beschikbaarindePlay Store. Deze versie bevat geen reclame en nainstallatiezijndirect ALLE tafels vrijgespeeld zodat je direct kuntkiezenwelketafel je wilt oefenen).Doelgroep: basisonderwijs, voortgezetonderwijs(onderbouw),leerlingen metautomatiseringsproblemen(dyscalculie).Ontwikkeld door: Stephan Vermeire (RT Amersfoort)Jaar van publicatie: 2013The bestadaptiveexercisein the Android Market to train the tables.This app is developed by RT Amersfoort (a specializedpracticeinarithmetic for Remedial Teaching) where children arehelpedeveryday. Computational problems with Because this exercisesumsexactlyoffer customized offers and if necessary help, it isalsogreat forchildren who have more difficulty in automatingthetables. Unlikemany other apps you get the sums in a gameofferedso you practicewith ease!The table trainer includes:* Ability to read sums for (no computer voice!)* Automatic adjustment of the amounts to your level* You get help if you do not immediately know the sum* You can only get points and never go off (no anxiety).* Reporting your progress at the end of each game* In the FREE edition, all tables can be ordered fromeasytodifficult in practice. Once you have gathered enoughpoints,thenext available table.(There is also a FULL version of train tables availableinthePlay Store. This version contains no advertisingandafterinstallation immediately ALL tables unlocked so youcandirectlychoose which table you want to practice).Target group: primary, secondary (lower),studentswithcomputer-related problems (dyscalculia).Developed by: Stephan Vermeire (RT Amersfoort)Year of publication: 2013
Rechenmeister 0.1.4
Rechenmeister ist eine Rechen-Lern-App fürdieGrundschule.Die Basis-Version des Rechenspiels unterstützt allevierGrundrechenarten sowie einen zufälligen Modus. Außerdem kanneinZahlenbereich aus folgenden ausgewählt werden: 10, 20, 50,100,1000. Geeignet ist die App damit für alle Klassen derGrundschule.Rechenmeister kominiert die Nutzung von digitalen Geräte mitdemÜben verschiedener Rechenarten, sodass Kinder Spaß daran haben.DieApp ist die ideale Ergänzung zu Hausaufgaben, um mit Kindern inderGrundschule Rechnen und Mathematik zu üben.Die App ist jedoch auch für Besucher höherer SchulenundErwachsene geeignet, welche ihre Kopfrechenfähigkeitentrainierenwollen.Die Bedienung der App wurde bewusst sehr einfach gehalten, umdievolle Konzentration sicherzustellen. Außerdem verzichtet dieAppauch in der kostenlosen Version auf Werbung und benötigtkeinerleiBerechtigungen.Features:- Auswahl aus den Rechenarten Plus, Minus, Mal,Geteilt,Gemischt- Auswahl der Zahlenbereiche 10, 20, 50, 100, 1000- Geeignet für Klasse 1, Klasse 2, Klasse 3 und Klasse 4Tags: Rechenmeister, Rechenspiel, Rechnen,Grundschule,Rechenlernspiel, Klasse 1, Klasse 2, Klasse 3, Klasse4, Klassen 1bis 4, Klassen 1-4, Plus, Minus, Mal, Geteilt,Addition,Subtraktion, Multiplikation, Division, Lernen,Lernspiel,SchuleReckoner isacomputational learning app for the elementary school.The basic version of the computing game supports all fourbasicarithmetic operations and a random mode. In addition, a speedrangemay be selected from the following: 10, 20, 50, 100,1000thSuitable the app is so for all grades of primary school.Reckoner kominiert the use of digital devices with thepracticeof various arithmetic, and children can enjoy it. The appis theperfect complement to homework to practice with childreninelementary school arithmetic and mathematics.However, the app is also suitable for visitors ofsecondaryschools and adults who want to practice their mentalarithmeticskills.The operation of the app has been deliberately kept simpletoensure full concentration. The app also dispensed with in thefreeversion on advertising and does not require anypermissions.Features:- Selection of the arithmetic plus, minus, times,Shared,Mixed- Selection of the number of regions 10, 20, 50, 100, 1000- Suitable for Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 and Class 4Tags: Reckoner, calculation game, arithmetic, elementaryschoolarithmetic learning game, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4,Class1-4, grades 1-4, plus, minus, times, Shared, addition,subtraction,multiplication, division, Learning, Educational Toys,School
Divide 1.3
Divide is a simple game.Children will learn simple divisions.You can practice all tables at once, or select a table, orselectmultiple tables.The graph shows what has been learned so far.Everyone can learn.
King of calculation 1.1.5
Become "King of calculation"!This application is a funny way for your children topracticecalculating. Especially the mental arithmetic issupported.Try this free lite version!"Calculation King" is a collection of different games forprimaryschool children. In various games the arithmetic operationscan betrained.Features of full version:- Currently 5 different games for practicing the basicarithmeticoperations (e. g. arithmetic triangle, calculation wall,computinghouse, etc.)- Different difficulty levels (from very easy to difficult)- Maximum value for calculating (e. g. level to 10, 20,100,1000)- Arithmetic operations depending on the level of difficulty- No advertising- No external linksArithmetic triangle:In arithmetic triangles a number is located in each corner ofthetriangle. At each side of the triangle the sum of its twonumbersof the must be entered in the box.Computing wall:In a computing wall each field contains the sum of the twonumbersbelow it. Depending on the difficulty level, 3 or 4 basicstonesare placed.Computing house:In a computing house the calculation rule is given in the roof.Thenthe number in the left or in the right hand side mustbecalculated.Computing circle:In a computing circle the arithmetical operations are given inthecircle segments. The results have to be calculated clockwiseandmust be entered in the box next to the circle segment.Computing flower:The calculation flower contains a number in the flower stamp.Eachpetal contains an arithmetic operation that must be applied tothatnumber. The result must be entered into the box next tothepetal.If you have any questions, comments or suggestionsforimprovement? Then get in touch with me. Either by e-mail or viathecontact form on the homepage. I look forward to yourmessage.
Kiddo Math - fun math for kids 1.4
This math for kids game is designedforpreschool (3-7 years old) and the main target of the game istodevelop the kids abilities to learn and recognize thenumbers,visualize the number of elements and understand thebasicoperations by interacting with the application.For the small kids, the parents have the option to recordtheirvoices when saying the numbers, and so make the applicationmorefamiliar to their kids.Game is designed to adapt automatically to the level requiredandwill increase difficulty as soon as a number of quizzesarecorrectly answered. The game is designed to attract and appealtothe little ones, but avoids distractions and doesn´t causestresswith strong music or visual effects.Go and discover the secret leaf “The Challenge” by goingthrougheach of the basic levels - you will receive a ladybug oneach leafonce you enter in any of the level. Statistics are alsoavailablefor the "The challenge" mode in order to check the kidperformanceduring the last 10 challenges.Note:- In case fresh start is needed for the game, please clearlocalvariables in game options menu.- statistics are available for the "Challenge" module andareaccessible through the game options menu.
Math Loops: The Times Tables f 9.8
Times Tables Quiz Best free game for kids to practicethemultiplication tables
Let's have fun studying mathwithcuteanimals!!Good practice for calculation beginners.You can learn basic math and interesting animals' tips!Solve problems and complete animal collection.You may get new information about familiar animals too!Upper levels and stages' calculations willbemorecomplicated.But don't give up and try to finish before targeted time.Different approaches of calculations let yourbrainmoreflexible.Enjoy simple math with your kids!Target Age:6 to 9 years old.25 to 50 years old.(Everyone can enjoy)*This app is not only for children but for adults torefreshyourbrains.[How To]This app is a simple calculation game.Finish the level faster than targeted time with fullcorrectiontoclear.* There are 4 levels in each stage.* When you clear the level, an animal will addtoanimalcollection.* When you clear all of 4 levels in each stage, youwillgetadditional animals for each stage.* Buttons on right side indicate stages.* More than 2 digits number has one second interval fromfirstinputtill next.*Able to store in SD card*Sample size of kid in Animal Collection110 to 120 cm / 3.6ft to 3.9ft