Top 9 Apps Similar to WiFi Scan

pfodAppV2 BT,BLE,Wifi,SMS pfodApp
pfod™ (Protocol For OperationsDiscovery)pfodApp V2.0.213+ uses pfodParser libraries V2.35+The latest version of pfodApp, V2 adds interactive drawingsandmenu and image caching as well as Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE)support in addition to SMS,WiFi and Bluetooth V2connections.Colour and text formatting as well as sliders and datalogging andplotting, are available so you can easily capture anddisplay thosemeasurements on your android, and with 128 bitsecurity so you cancontrol you devices over the internet easily andsafely.Use the pfodDesignerV2 to design your own Android menus tocontrolArduino outputs like the Fish Tank screen shown here. Nocodingrequired.Supports Ardunio 101 (Genuino 101), RFduino BLE, Itead BLEShield(HM_10 modules), Adafruit Bluefruit BLE Friends, ESP8266,FioV3,LinkIt ONE, Adafruit CC3000, Wildfire, SIM900 GPRS,ArduinoEthernet, and WiFi and Bluetooth V2 shields, etcControl Arduino and other microprocessor devices fromyourAndriod mobile via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Bluetooth V2,Wifior SMS each with optional 128bit security (Not all mobilessupportBLE)NO Android Programming required. All screens, colours, font sizeandstyle are completely controlled by your Arduino.InstallationGuide: the power of your Arduino or other micro projectwithpfodApp. Show people that you are not just playing withcircuitsbut building useful devices, like a garage door remotes,dimmableroom lighting, etc, that they can control from theirAndroidmobile. This one pfodApp can control multiple devices eachwithdifferent functions.see for examples of how to convertyourexisting projects to android control. Try out the pfodAppDemofirstto see how the sample screens will display on your mobile.See the YouTubeat foranexample of how pfodApp is being used to control Knight RiderLightswith an extensive set of options that required NOAndroidprogramming at all.Using the pfodApp on an Andriod mobile, your users can readtextprompts, send navigation commands, traverse menuhierarchies,choose from single and multi-selection lists, inputwith sliders,and numbers and text and view data sent by your micro,in their ownlanguage. This version of pfodApp supports non-Englishmenus andscreen texts.The contents of each screen shot here, including the language,iscompletely controlled by the microprocessor the app isconnectingto.The Protocol For Operation Discovery (pfod) issimplerequest/response protocol for use with micro-controllers.ThinkHTML replacement, but with a much simpler format and muchshortermessages designed for ease of coding in a micro processor.ThepfodApp functions as micro-browser and the pfodDevice isthemicro-server.The pfodApp does all of the Android stuff for you andremembersthe menu hierarchy. You only need to code your micro to beapfodDevice which responds to simple requests overBluetooth,wifi/internet or SMS and sends back simple micro-pages inresponse.The text and user choices displayed by on the Androidmobile by thepfodApp are completely controlled by what you code inyour micro.No Android coding is required. The pfodApp handles itall.See the InstallationGuide: pfodApp has intentional limitations in functionality andthesoftware will have unintentional coding errors. It must NOT beusedin any situation where there is any risk of personal injuryordamage to property.Copyright in the documents and in any implementations of pfodareowned by Forward Computing and Control Pty. Ltd. (Forward)
Arduino WiFi WebServer Router 1.0
Программа для управления нагрузкой по Wi-Fi сAndroidустройств.Принцип работы: Подключаемся с "Androidустройства" поWi-Fi кRouter. Router через Ethernet кабельподключаем к Ethernetвходу,например "ENC28J60 Module". "ENC28J60Module" подключаем кArduino.С "Android устройства" по Wi-Fiотправляем Url команды наArduino,включаем / выключаемсоответствующие Pins на Arduino. КArduinoPins можно подключитьреле, и управлять нагрузкой 220вольт.Arduino Pins, можно управлятькак из локальной сети, так и слюбойточки планеты, настроивпереадресацию на Router.Интерфейспрограммы: 1. Url команды. В окнеуправления 9 кнопок,каждаякнопка имеет 2 режима on / OFF, можноотправить 18 "Urlкоманды".По умолчанию "Url команды" записаны подмой sketch дляArduino.Есть возможность перезаписать 16 "Urlкоманды" на свои. 9кнопкойвключаем / выключаем, все Arduino Pins.Для входа врежимперезаписи "Url команд", удерживаем 2 секундыкнопку "Set",далеенажимаем 2 раза на кнопку "Menu", вводим втекстовое поле свою"Urlкоманду" например"",инажимаем на любую из 16кнопок (с 1 по 16), все "Urlкоманды"сохраняются в энергонезависимойпамяти Android устройства.2.Голосовое управление. 9 голосовыхкоманд дублируют нажатие9кнопок. По умолчанию это команды(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), нажавнакнопку "VOICE COMMAND" произнеситенапример, (1 или 8). Все9голосовые команды можно перезаписать насвои! например, (люстраилиночник). Для входа в режим перезаписи"голосовых команд"удерживаем2 секунды кнопку "Set", далее нажимаем1 раза на кнопку"Menu",вводим в текстовое поле с клавиатуры иличерезраспознаваниеголоса, кнопка "VOICE COMMAND", свою"голосовуюкоманду", инажимаем на любую из 9 кнопок. все "голосовыекоманды"сохраняютсяв энергонезависимой памяти Android устройства.Кнопка"Accel"активирует запуск распознавания голоса спомощьюАкселерометрапутём при поднятия / наклона Android устройстваснизу.Кнопка "autoSpeech", активировать Авто запускраспознаванияголоса,останавливается "Авто запуск" голосовойкомандой "99".Кнопка"RESERVE" сохранить / восстановить все свои"Url команды" и"VOICECOMMAND" в / из профиля Кнопка "Default"восстановитьнастройки поумолчанию, "Url команды" и "VOICE COMMAND".Кнопка"KEYBOARD SEND"отправка "Url команды" из текстового поля.Кнопка"Web" показать /скрыть Web страницу / сервер. я сделалнескольковидео уроков посозданию локального Web сервера на Arduinoс помощью"ENC28J60" насвоём канале youtube, все скетчи - sketch /библиотеки/инструкции, смотрите в описание под виде уроками.
WiFinder 1.6.2
Nice look WiFi scanner allows you toconnectall wifi networks: Open, WEP, WPA, WPA2.List of network contains channel, graphic level, encryption.Save/remove networks supported - Forget option.Auto Scan function.v1.6.1- Fixed connection issues on some modelsv1.6- Rebuild layout for all resolutions- Many bugs fixedv1.5- Chinese language addedv1.4- German language added
WiFi TCP/UDP Controller 1.13.2
For wireless TCP & UDP communication in your local network.
osmino: Share WiFi 1.8.04
Easy way to share WiFi. Personal Hotspot widget!
SWARM - Automatic WiFi PNM
Free Automated, hands free, no hassle,Wi-Fi.Don't miss those opportunities to cut your buffering andconnectiontimes in half! Let us handle your WiFi so that you canfocus onenjoying your better performing apps. No adds!Introducing Preferred Network Mode (PNM)! FREE withpromotioncode! Contact us at [email protected]. PNM willonlyconnect to networks in your preferred network list. Now Swarmwillonly connect to those networks in your preferred network listwhilemaintaining the benefit of Swarms automatedconnectionmanagement.Detection, selection and connection, at the right time andplace.Always be connected!Why search for available Wi-Fi on your own when SWARM can doitfor you? Why burn through your data plan when Wi-Fi isavailable?Concerned about a specific network? Just add it toSWARM's ignorelist and it's gone! Only want to connect to networksyou trust,purchase PNM and add the network to your preferrednetwork list.Discover and then avoid those pesky Captive Portalsand opt-in tothem when you want.No more sticky client. Why does your device hold onto thatoldconnection when there are better options nearer to yourdevice?Your device lacks the intelligence to disconnect from oneaccesspoint and reconnect to another, at the right time and place.Wedetect these better networks and transition you tothemautomatically. On roaming-capable networks: Better VOIP. Don'tdropthat Wi-Fi call while traversing a roaming network. Worksonsecured and open networks.Never miss the opportunity to connect. AutomaticallyutilizesWi-Fi you pass through every day by letting usautomaticallyconnect. This takes away the nuisance of manuallyconnecting toWi-Fi. We're monitoring the network options for you sothat youdon't have to worry about it. We get things connected!Never worry about leaving this app on. We will conserve powerbydynamically slowing down the foraging algorithm when the deviceisstill or if you are driving. We pick up the pace when the deviceisin motion such as when you are walking or on the bike. Throw itinyour purse at work or on the train, it will go to sleep.Never worry about connecting to networks you don't trust.Buypreferred network mode and all networks will be blocked unlessyouadd them to your preferred network list.Swarm will not connect you to a secured network withoutthecredentials configured on your device, even if you haveindicatedthat the network is preferred. Add your secured networksfirst thenthat network will be available to Swarm Wi-Fi automation;includingpreferred network lists.
VPN by Private Internet Access
Stay anonymous and secure on public WiFi.Hideyour IP address and encrypt your traffic to connect to blockedappsand websites with our unlimited VPN. Private InternetAccessunblocks content for our users and allows them to encrypttheirnetwork traffic, change their IP address, and connectanonymouslyto blocked websites and apps.Protect your privacy with Private Internet Access™, theworld’sleading VPN proxy service for Android mobile andtabletusers.DOWNLOAD the Private Internet Access VPN app and enjoy:High speed, unlimited bandwidth, 5 devicessimultaneously(smartphones, tablets, computers), no traffic logs,24/7 customersupport.PRIVATE INTERNET ACCESS FEATURES– IP Cloaking. Your IP address will be changed to a PrivateInternetAccess IP address to hide your identity and location. Hideyour IPaddress to stop data trackers, snoopers, and hackers fromtrackingyour browsing and search activity. When you change your IPaddress,you can be more anonymous and blend in with thecrowd.– Data Encryption. Get WiFi security in public hotspots,coffeeshops, cafes, hotels, and airports. If you use a WiFihotspotwithout encryption, your data can be as available as publicTV. Ourtrusted service creates several security layers which keepyouanonymous and prevent access to your data. It’s time to changeyourWiFi habits. Don’t use a public WiFi hotspot without our secureVPNproxy!– Defeat Censorship. Access blocked apps or connect tocensoredwebsites. Unlock and unblock your favorite websitesfromanywhere.WHY USE PRIVATE INTERNET ACCESS?– Low price. $3.33 per month if you purchase a yearlyaccount($39.95/year) or $6.95 on a monthly basis.– Reliable and trusted VPN provider since 2010. Proven nologpolicy. Unlimited bandwidth. Use our VPN as your proxy.– Privacy is our Policy. Here at PIA, we not only provide agreatencrypted VPN service at a low price, but we alsosupportorganizations like the Electronic FrontierFoundation,FightForTheFuture, and many others.– We respect your anonymity. Choose from many paymentoptionsincluding Bitcoin, gift cards from hundreds of retailers,andprepaid credit cards.WHAT DOES THE TECH COMMUNITY THINK?"Private Internet Access, one of Lifehacker readers' favoriteVPNservice providers, makes it easy to surf privately andsecurelyfrom anywhere." –"There have been several Editors' Choice VPN services recently,asone product tops the next, but Private Internet Accessout-performsand out-features the competition. With 4.5 stars,Private InternetAccess sets the bar high and is truly the Editors'Choice, trumpingall our previous favorites." – PC Magazine“When shopping for a VPN service, it is recommended to findaservice that does not log its customers’ traffic and preventsananonymity-unmasking issue known as IPv6 leakage. PrivateInternetAccess carries that level of security.” –“To that end we highly recommend, Private Internet Access- agreatVPN provider that we’re not only recommended before, butuseourselves.” –
Simple WiFi TCP&UDP RGB controller.Try to use with AVR, PIC, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc...Default data size is 3 bytes(RGB).If you want , you can add Alpha component andseveralmarkers.About backup・ storage location is displayed when you save.・ The data saved folder "RGB Backup" is the common foldertoBluetooth RGB Controller.※Permissions for backup: WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE※Permissions for advertising: INTERNET , ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
انترنت واي فاي ف اي مكان مجانا 2.0
تطبيق انترنت واي فاي ف اي مكان مجانايحتوي تطبيق تطبيق انترنت واي فاي ف اي مكان مجانا على شرحلعدةتطبيقات اخري و طرق تمكنك من الحصول علىالانترنت الوايرليس مجانا او فى مقابل مادي بسيطاذا سافرت الى اى مكان و محتاج انترنت قم فقط بتحميل تطبيقنا لكيتتعرفعلى طرق الحصولعلى الانترنت الواي فاي فى اي مكانكما يحتوي التطبيق على شرح طرق اختراق و كيفية حماية شبكات الوايفايبمختلف انواعهايحتوي تطبيق تطبيق انترنت واي فاي ف اي مكان مجاناعلى الموضوعات الاتية:شرح تثبيت الباك تراكشبكات WPA or WPA/2شبكات WPSشبكات WEPشبكات واي فاي اتصالات و فودافونFree Wifi Mapكل هذا و اكثر فى تطبيق تطبيق انترنت واي فاي ف اي مكان مجاناملحوظة تطبيق تطبيق انترنت واي فاي ف اي مكان مجانا هو تطبيقشروحاتفقط ولكنه لا يزودك بخدمة الواي فايملحوظة اخري جميع شروحات الاختراق و الهكر فى هذا التطبيق هيلمجردالتعليم و لكي تتعلم حماية شبكتك وليس لاستخدامها على شبكاتالاخرينTheapplication of Wi-Fi Internet in anywhere for freeApplication contains the application of Wi-Fi Internet inanywherefor free to explain to several other applications and waysyou cangetAllowaarles online for free or at a fee simpleIf you traveled to any place and in need Internet Just downloadourapplication in order to find out ways to getOnline Wi-Fi anywhereIt also contains an explanation of the application methodsofpenetration and how to protect Wi-Fi networks ofvariouskindsApplication contains the application of Wi-Fi Internet inanywherefor freeOn the following topics:Explain install PAC-Trac Networks, WPA or WPA / 2 WPS networks WEP networks Wi-Fi networks Telecom and Vodafone Free Wifi MapAll this and more in the application of the application ofWi-FiInternet in anywhere for freeApplication Application Note Wi-Fi Internet in anywhere for freeisto apply only explanations, but does not provide you withfreeWi-FiOther notable all explanations and hacker penetration inthisapplication are just for education and to learn to protectyournetwork and is not to be used on other networks