Top 2 Apps Similar to Number 2 Number

Bases 1.1
Diego Corsi
Base converter for (non-integer) binary, octal, decimalandhexadecimal numbers.
HexCalc Programmers Calculator 1.3
HexCalc is a fully featured numberbase/radixconversion calculator for programmers and embeddedsoftwareengineers.Features:Simultaneous display of Decimal, Hex, Octal and Binary.8, 16 and 32 bit modes for easy fixed width calculations.Signed and Unsigned in all three bit modes, includingNegatefunction.Delete function to delete last digit entered.Photo realistic display and keypad.Copy to and from Clipboard:To use, tap the number on the display you want to copy from, orthetarget display slot to paste to.The dialog will appear and show the current contents oftheClipboard (if any)You can then tap Copy to copy from the calculator to theclipboard,or Paste to paste into the intended slot.If the number is too big for the current bit mode it willbetruncated.If the number is invalid, for example you try to paste a Hexnumberinto the decimal slot, the screen will show "Error"Press AC to clear.On screen display of:Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal and Binary.Current mode (Dec, Hex, Oct, Bin)Current bit mode (8, 16, 32)Signed/Unsigned setting (Sg/Us)Memory Contents (M)Current operator (+, -, /, *, OR, NOR, AND, NAND, XOR,XNOR,MOD)Shift Setting (S)Operators:Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Modulo.Bitwise operators:OR/NOR - AND/NAND - XOR/XNOR - NOT.Left Shift - Right Shift by one binary digit.Memory functions:MIN/M+ - MR/MC