Top 19 Games Similar to Kids Learn: Explore and Match

Kids Brain Trainer (Preschool) 2.9.1
Preschool brain trainer games for kids: learning game,memory,matching, puzzles
Kids Educational Game 3 4.2
12 educational and fun games for kids: numbers, animals,paint,puzzle...
Preschooler World 3.11
The application stimulates the child’s senses through sight,soundand touch.
Balloon Pop 1.0.43
Balloon Pop for kids (free) is babygamebelongs to the category games for children up to 3 years.Entertaining Game for kids or toddlers - Balloon pop!Million flying balloons! Need to have time to play Balloon Pop!Plussoap bubbles, stars and birds soaring in the blue sky!Enjoy child game balloon Pop - is a great opportunity for parentstospend some time with their child usefully, everyone willenjoyplaying with colorful pictures.Educational baby games is a very important component of themodernbaby development. Free educational games for small childrenandbaby on mobile devices become a trend in the category of gamesforkids.If you like our game please rate it and visit our web site toenjoymore free educational apps for kids on
Three Little Pigs - Fairy Tale with Games 2.0.0
This interactive story is based on Three Little Pigs fairytaleandincludes many educational games and logic tasks for kids3-5yearsold. The app was designed by a professionalchildpsychologist. Thetasks develop logic, memory and attention.Theyare also availableseparately from the story, with 4 levelsofdifficulty. Types oftasks: mazes, puzzles, memory game, putthepictures in the correctorder to show how the house was built,placethe objects correctly,find the pigs by their color and otherfuneducational games forsmall children.
Preschool Adventures-2 1.9.2
Educational game for preschoolers: numbers, counting, lettersandlogic!
Coloring pages 1.4.8
Learning to Drawing with your child
Educational Games for Kids 31
Educational app for preschool kids
Baby puzzles 1.1.9
Edujoy Games
Enjoy this fun educational puzzle game for kids.
Painting and drawing for kids 16.8.2
Free game for kids. Draw your own drawingorpaint the free coloring pages.Drawing and painting gives lots of fun and is great forthecreativity. This game is a free coloring book for toddlers andforchildren. We put many free coloring pages in the app which youcancolor and paint and share with family or friends. But formorecreativity it is also possible to draw your own drawing.-Easy to play-Share your drawing via email, Facebook, etc.-Save and load your coloring pages-Create your own drawing-Intuitive icons and navigation. Easy game play-Pro version without ads and popups availableWe designed the app for toddlers of age 3 or 4 years and up. Butwealso got many positive reactions from parents of babies and itisalso lots of fun for older children of age 5 years, 6 yearsandup.So start draw and paint now in this fun app for kids.
Vroom! Cars & Trucks for Kids 1.1.3
Yomio s.r.o.
Colorful app for 1 to 3 year old kids that love cars andtrucks.Discover various animal drivers in each car, help a garbagetruckpick up all the trash or lift a heavy box with a crane.Explorepolice car, garbage truck, mixer truck, fire engine,ambulance,crane, digger and dump truck. Children can tap what theysee in theapp and switch on the headlights, put out a fire or findout who isinside the ambulance. The app help kids improve theireye-handcoordination and it teaches them about cars and theirparts. Userinterface is tailored for toddlers and preschoolers, sothat theycan use the app on their own. Three cars are offered forfree,others are available as an in-app purchase. There are no adsin theapp. If you have any suggestions for improvement, havegeneralfeedback or just want to chat, drop us a line [email protected].
Learning Colors for Toddlers 2.0.2
Learning Colors for Toddlers is one of ourbesteducational games for kids in which your baby playfullylearnseleven colors for kids and paints coloring books. Learningcolorswith the help of baby color games is perfect for toddlersfrom 2 to5 years old.Why download our kids coloring games:1) Your kid learns 11 colors - red, yellow, blue, green,orange,purple (or violet), brown, pink, black, white and graywhileplaying the colors games;2) Learning colors for toddlers free is available in 20languagessuch as English, Spanish, Russian and many others. It’sreally coolthat your baby can learn colors name of colors fortoddlers in somany languages!3) Playing colors games for kids your preschooler getsacquaintedwith many new items and words. Learning colours games forkidsbroadens your baby’s horizon and enriches his orhervocabulary;4) Our colours games consist of 4 levels. The first stageislearning colours and remembering. The second and the thirdstagesare 2 color games to fix the received knowledge. The fourthstageis colours games for kids to apply the knowledge of colorsforbabies;5) Coloring for kids is one the most favourite occupations soweadded 10 fun pictures in color games for kids. Thesecoloringsadded to the baby colour games will be interesting forboth littleboys and girls;6) You can download coloring for toddlers free. Paint andcolorgames for kids free will save your family budgetwithoutcompromising quality. Apps with learning colors for kidsfree arean excellent way to entertain and educate your baby.Learning games for kids installed on a smartphone or a tabletarejust must-haves for modern parents. Such children learningfreeapps like baby coloring games can be recommended as:- learning games for toddlers age 2,- learning games for toddlers age 3,- educational games for 4 to 5 year kid and educational gamesforkids kindergarten.How to play our color games for toddlers for free:- Learn colors toddler free. The “Submarine” door is forcolorstudy. Upon opening it, your baby will be showed one of thecolorsfor children, along with its name being pronounced.Then,one-by-one, the learn colors games reveal 3 illustrativepicturesto match the colors for kids learn. For example, lemon,sun, andchicken illustrate the yellow paint, on of basic colors.The childwill be amused by the bright cartoonish pictures that makethe babylearning games highly entertaining.- Test knowledge of preschool colors. The “Wood” door hidesmatchingcolor games for kids. Come in the educational games forkids nurseryto check the color recognition skills of your toddler.The child hasto match colors in the color games for babies: eachof the 3 paintedwindows to the frame of similar color. It’s likeplaying with colorflashcards in the color learning games forkids.- Colors play - set all in rockets. Under the plane doorofeducational games for kindergartenersis a rocket station. There are 3 differently coloredspaceshipswaiting to be filled with passengers and launched in thecoloursgames for kids. The task of these color games for kids freeis tomatch colors flashcards and rockets.- Painting and coloring games. Under the space door is acoloringgame with 10 pictures behind illuminators. Choose anilluminator,touch the palette and start to draw your masterpiece.The paletteoffers red, blue, pink, purple, orange, yellow, brown,gray, greenand white paints. These mini games are similar to suchbabylearning apps like drawing games for kids withcoloringbooks.There are often troubles identifying and naming colors fortoddlers.These learning games for toddlers allows to teach yourpreschoolercolors and also to correlate them with differentobjects. If you arelooking for drawing games for kids andeducational games forkindergarten then download our games forkids. Games like matchingcolors will be very useful as preschoolactivities!
Masha and the Bear: Mini games 1.5.7
Educational mini games with funny cartoon characters Masha andtheBear
Toddler games for 3 year olds
Baby games: Fun learning educational activities for toddlers age2-5year old.
Educational Games 4 Kids 3.3
Educational and fun games for toddlers: puzzles, piano, paint,maze,emotions...
Alfabet & Literki dla dzieci 1.24
Alfabet dla dzieci. Nauka alfabetuzilustracjami. Literki dla dzieci, polski.Zawierający gry i zabawy literowe dla dzieci w wieku od 3 do 7latAlfabet dla dzieci to program opracowany przez jednegoznajlepszych producentów oprogramowania edukacyjnego.Wersja freeware obejmuje tylko litery od A do H. Wersjępełnąmożna zakupić w cenie 14 zł. najnowsza gra edukacyjna :Nauka godzin na zegarzedladzieci zawiera 9 gier:1. Alfabet2. Wielkie litery3. Małe litery4. Znajdź kartę5. Budowanie słów6. Litery w słowie7. Pexeso8. Jaką głoskę słyszysz na początku słowa?9. Jaką głoskę słyszysz na końcu słowa?Opis programu:1) ALFABETProsty wykaz liter alfabetu, pozwalający dziecku zapoznać sięznazwami i wyglądem liter.2) WIELKIE LITERYDziecko poznaje wielkie litery w słowach, np. O w słowie OGIEŃ, Awsłowie AUTO.Litery wyświetlane są wraz z odpowiednimi obrazkami wkolejnościlosowej.Gra zawiera w sumie 330 obrazków.3) MAŁE LITERYJest to gra podobna do przedstawionej w pkt. 2, ale dotyczymałychliter.4) ZNAJDŹ KARTĘGracz musi wskazać obrazek, który zaczyna się na daną literę.Przykładowo pojawia się litera K, a pod nią 3 obrazki –czekolada,prezent i kucharz. Program odczytuje literę i nazywailustracje, costanowi dla dziecka pewne ułatwienie. Jeżeli dzieckokliknieniewłaściwy obrazek, usłyszy „Błąd, to było C jakczekolada”. Wybórwłaściwego obrazka potwierdzany jest słowami „Kjak kucharz” i małyprzedszkolak zostaje pochwalony.5) BUDOWANIE SŁÓWW tej grze dziecko otacza fragmenty obrazka, po czym powstajesłowo.Obrazek jest ukryty za zasłoną i odkrywa się stopniowo zkażdąkolejną literą. Po zaznaczeniu wszystkich literek powstałesłowozostaje odczytane i ukazuje się cała ilustracja.6) LITERY W SŁOWIECelem gry jest znalezienie liter w słowie. Gdy na przykładwyświetlasię słowo KUCHARZ, dziecko musi znaleźć literkę R. Jeśligraczkliknie na niewłaściwą literę, zostaje ona odczytana isystemzachęca gracza do dalszych prób. Przy prawidłowym wyborzeprogrampochwali dziecko, po czym poda kolejne słowo. Wybranie zapierwszymrazem właściwego słowa nagradzane jest gwiazdką. Za 8gwiazdekgracz otrzymuje niespodziankę.7) PEXESONa podstawie leży 20 karteczek. Jest to wersja gryPexeso(„pamięciaki”), w której należy dopasować literę do obrazka(A +AUTO, C + CEBULA itd.).8. Jaką głoskę słyszysz na początku słowa?9. Jaką głoskę słyszysz na końcu słowa?Aplikacja pomaga poznawać litery dzieciom w wiekuprzedszkolnym.Wymowę opracowano tak, by odpowiadała rzeczywistejwymowie liter wsłowie – a więc na przykład słowa „jeż“ nieliterujemy (jot-e-ż),tylko (j-e-ż).Przy pracy ze słowami konieczne było wprowadzeniegłosek,odpowiadających np dwuznakom, które oczywiście samodzielnieniewystępują w alfabecie (CZ, CH, SZ itp.). Był towarunekzagwarantowania właściwego przebiegu nauki.Uwagi dotyczące programu:Prosimy przesyłać opinie na [email protected]ędziemysię starali w miarę możliwości uwzględniać Państwasugestie wkolejnych wersjach Alfabetu dla dzieci PMQ.Alphabet forchildren.Learning the alphabet with illustrations. Letters forchildren,Polish.Containing games Letter for children aged 3 to 7 years AlphabetforKids is a program developed by one of the best producersofeducational software.freeware version includes only the letters A through H.Thecomplete version can be purchased at the price of 14 zł. latest educational game: Learning hours on the clockforchildren software contains 9 games:1. Alphabet2. Capitalization3. Lowercase4. Find the card5. Building words6. The letters in the word7. Pexeso8. What kind of phone do you hear at the beginning of a word?9. What kind of phone do you hear at the end of a word?Program description:1) ALPHABETA simple list of the letters of the alphabet, enabling achildfamiliar with the names and appearance of the letters.2) CAPSThe child learns uppercase letters in words, eg. O in the wordfire,and the word AUTO.Case letters are indicated with the corresponding images inrandomorder.The game includes a total of 330 images.3) SMALL CAPSIt is a game similar to that described in point. 2, but forsmallletters.4) Locate theThe player must indicate the picture that begins with agivenletter.For example, there is the letter M, and underneath 3 pictures-chocolate, gift and cook. The program reads the letter andcalledthe illustrations, which represents the child somefacilitation. Ifthe child clicks the wrong image, hear "error, itwas C likechocolate". Choosing the right picture is confirmed by "Kas acook," and little preschooler is praised.5) BUILDING THE WORDSIn this game the child is surrounded by fragments of the image,thencreated the word. The image is hidden behind the curtain andrevealsitself gradually with each new letter. When all of thelettersformed a word is read and shows the whole picture.6) letter in the wordThe aim of the game is to find the letters in a word. Whenforexample, displays the word COOK, the child must find the letterR.If the player clicks on an incorrect letter, it shall be readandthe system encourages the player to further attempts. Withproperchoice of the program will praise your child, then give thenextword. Selecting the first time the right word is rewarded withanasterisk. For 8 star player receives a surprise.7) PexesoOn the basis of lies 20 notes. It is a version of the gamePexeso("pamięciaki"), which should match the letter to the image (A+AUTO, C + onion etc.).8. What kind of phone do you hear at the beginning ofaword?9. What kind of phone do you hear at the end of a word?The application helps children learn letterspreschool.Pronunciation has been designed to correspond to theactualpronunciation of the letters in the word - so for example theword"hedge" is not spelled (jot-e-s) only (je-f).When working with words, it was necessary to introduce sounds,forexample, corresponding digraphs, which of course alone doesnotappear in the alphabet (CZ, CH, SZ, etc.). The condition wastoensure the proper conduct of science.Notes on the program:Please post your opinions [email protected]. Wewilltry as far as possible take into account your suggestionsinsubsequent versions of the alphabet for children PMQ.
Logic, Memory & Concentration 2.4.0
Train attention, memory, and logic with these simple and fungamesfor all ages!
Baby Phone Game - Cute Animals 30.1
A classic baby phone game for kids - without any ads!
Animals Farm For Kids 7.10
Allow your child to meet the basic animals and activities inthecountry.