Top 22 Apps Similar to Amigo de Viagem

PackPoint travel packing list 3.14.0
A packing list app that helps you remember what to pack for a trip.
CVC Viagens 1.0.5
CVC Brasil
Book your hotel and airline ticketsfromwherever you are. There are thousands of national andinternationaldestinations for you to choose with great prices andcredit cardpayment in a secure environment, up to 10 installmentswithoutinterest.The best CVC deals of flights and accomodations you findhere,inns to luxury resorts with exclusive discounts. We haveseveraloptions for those who want to travel alone, as a couple,withfamily or friends – it’s up to you!Now your travel agency is in the palm of your hand. Youhaveaccess to the product collection of the largest tourism companyinLatin America. With over 40 years of service, hundreds ofawardswon and more than 1,000 stores across Brazil, CVC offersyouanother option to buy your trip on-line, in addition toitsofficial website.With the app you can book:• National flights• International flights• Accomodations in Brazil and worldwide• Lodges• Hotels• Luxury resortsSoon you can check out these new features on the app:• Travel packages• Exchange• CircuitsDownload for free the CVC official app and book right now yournexttrip!
Pacote de viagens baratas vôos 2.1.2
ClickViagens - O maior aplicativo doBrasilpara os seus vôos baratos, pacotes de viagens, hotéis epromoçõesde viagens baratas. Baixe o aplicativo gratuitamente!ClickViagens é o melhor aplicativo para você: Aqui vocêencontraas melhores ofertas de passagens baratas, das principaisagênciasde turismo (como HotelUrbano, CVC), com descontosincríveis!Promoções de viagens baratas são inseridas diariamente.Somente nosúltimos dias oferecemos vôos baratos para Nova York,Madri e Miami.Verifique regularmente o nosso aplicativo, pois aquivocê encontrapassagens aéreas e hotéis incríveis para o destino quevocêdeseija. E sempre com as companhias aéreas do nosso país, comoTAMou AZUL.Encontre também hotéis e pousadas ou pacotes de passeio paraasprincipais cidades do mundo. ClickViagens - o aplicativo dosseuspacotes de viagens cvc baratos!Com um design simples e bem estruturado (como doHotelUrbano),este aplicativo te auxilia na busca de hotel, vôobarato, jornada,cruzeiro e pacotes turísticos para os destinosnacionais (porexemplo pacotes promocionais para Porto Seguro,Natal, Gramado, Riode Janeiro, Salvador da Bahia, Fernando deNoronha), América doNorte (pacotes internacionais para Miami, NovaYork, Orlando) eEuropa ou então para lugares incríveis da Américado Sul (pacotesinternacionais para Santiago, Buenos Aires, Bogotá).Com uma curtadescrição das principais ofertas, você tem aoportunidade de saberum pouco sobre os lugares onde você irá passaras suas tãodesejados cruzeiros, o hotel e vôo barato, realizando ospacotes deviagens cvc dos seus sonhos.Abaixo está uma pequena demonstração das promoções deviagensbaratas e dos lugares oferecidos nos últmos dias:+ Angra dos Reis - 2 diárias para 2 pessoas no hotel com cafédamanhã pelo preço de R$ 174+ Fernando de Noronha - 3 noites no hotel e passagens aéreasbarataspara R$ 1.427+ Miami - vôo barato + hotel pelo preço de R$ 1.035+ Cruzeiro com Pacotes turísticos na costa brasileira - 4 diasparaR$ 800Você certamente conhece outras empresas de pacotes de viagemouaplicaticos onde você possa reservar um pacote de viagem(comoHotelUrbano, AzulViagens). Porém, as agências de turismosóoferecem pacotes turísticos para destinos fora do que vocêprocurapara suas férias. Muitas vezes as passagens aéreas baratasepousada barata não estão incluídos lá. O ClickViagens éumaplicativo independente e “filtra” todos os provedores eagênciasde turismo, vôo barato de e pousadas, atéencontrar asmelhores pacotes promocionais para você.Presenteie sua família ou amigos com um cruzeiro oupacotespromocionais. Uma jornada rápida é um presente ideal,afinal, nãohá nada melhor do que passeios espontâneos! Reserveainda hoje omelhor presente: um pacote de viagem CVC, passeio oupacotespromocionais!Além do feriado perfeito ou a fantástica jornada para você esuafamília, você também pode reservar passagens aéreas baratasepousada para a sua jornada de negócios (também como asprincipaiscompanhias aéreas do Brasil, como TAM, AZUL),visivelmente maisbarato do que comprar direto das agências deturismo (comoHotelUrbano).Nosso compromisso com a qualidade:- ClickViagens oferece cruzeiros, hotéis, passeio evôosbaratos.- Aqui você encontra pacotes de viagens CVC para os destinosmaisfantásticos.- Envie-nos o seu feedback. Se é por causa de vôo barato, pousadaoupromocoes de viagens baratas - Todas as dúvidasserãorespondidas.- Nós trabalhamos para tornar as promocoes de viagens baratasepassagens aéreas dos seus sonhos realidade.- Comparamos os melhores cruzeiros, pacotes promocionais,vôosbaratos, pousadas e promoções de passeios com melhores preçosparavocê.Muitos dos nossos usuários reservaram seu passeio,cruzeiro,férias ou o voo através do nosso aplicativo eficaramimpressionados os ótimos preços dos nossos promoçõesdepasseios.ClickViagens - Seus vôos baratos, pacotes de viagens cvc ehotéisvocê encontra aqui!ClickViagens - BrazilThelargest application for its cheap flights, vacationpackages,hotels and promotions cheap travel. Download the freeapplication!ClickViagens is the best app for you: Here you will find thebestdeals on cheap flights from major travel agencies (asHotelUrbano,CVC) with amazing discounts! Cheap deals are entereddaily. Only inrecent days offer cheap flights to New York, Madridand Miami.Regularly check our application because here you findairlinetickets and amazing hotels for the destination you deseija.Andalways with airlines in our country, as TAM or BLUE.Also find hotels or tour packages to major cities in theworld.ClickViagens - the application of its travel packagesCVCcheap!With a simple and well structured design (such asHotelUrbano),this app helps you in search hotel, cheap flight,journey, cruiseand tour packages to domestic destinations (egpromotional packagesto Porto Seguro, Christmas, Lawn, CaliforniaJaneiro, Salvador daBahia, Fernando de Noronha) North America(international packagesto Miami, New York, Orlando) and Europe orso to amazing places inSouth America (international packages toSantiago, Buenos Aires,Bogota). With a short description of themain offerings, you havethe opportunity to know a little about theplaces where you willspend your desired as cruise, hotel and cheapflight, carrying theCVC travel packages of their dreams.Below is a short demonstration of cheap travel deals andplacesoffered in últmos days:+ Angra dos Reis - 2 nights for 2 people in the hotel withbreakfastfor the price of R $ 174+ Fernando de Noronha - 3 nights at the hotel and cheap airticketsto R $ 1,427+ Miami - Cheap flight + hotel for the price of R $ 1,035+ Cruise Vacation Packages on the Brazilian coast - four days forR$ 800You certainly know of other travel packages companiesoraplicaticos where you can book a travel package (asHotelUrbano,AzulViagens). However, travel agencies only offer tourpackages todestinations outside what you are looking for yourvacation. Oftencheap airfares and cheap hostel are not includedthere. TheClickViagens is a standalone application and "filters"allproviders and tour operators, cheap flight andhostels,to find the best package deals for you.Treat your family or friends with a cruise orpromotionalpackages. A quick journey is an ideal gift, after all,there isnothing better than spontaneous trips! Reserve today thebest gift:a travel package CVC, ride or promotional packages!In addition to the perfect holiday or fantastic journey foryouand your family, you can also book cheap airfares and lodgingforyour business journey (as well as the major airlines inBrazil,including TAM, BLUE), clearly cheaper than buy direct fromtouristagencies (as HotelUrbano).Our commitment to quality:- ClickViagens offers cruises, hotels, tour and cheapflights.- Here travel packages CVC for more fantastic destinations.- Send us your feedback. Whether it is because of cheapflight,hotel or promotions cheap travel - All questions willbeanswered.- We work to make cheap travel promotions and airline ticketsofyour dreams come true.- Compare the best cruises, promotional packages, cheapflights,hotels and promotions tours with best prices for you.Many of our users have booked your tour, cruise, vacationorflight through our application and great prices of ourpromotionsrides were impressed.ClickViagens - Its cheap flights, CVC vacation packagesandhotels you find here!
Melhores Destinos: Viagens 2.2.3
Plan your trips, find cheap air tickets and offer packages!
Viagem de Galera 1.1.1
Em uma viagem com a galeraomotoristageralmente se dá mal na hora de dividir asdespesas.Temcombustível, pedágio, amigo que vai pagar agora, amigoquevaipagar depois, desconta minha parte disso, descontaminhapartedaquilo, fica uma confusão.Usando seu Smart Phone com o aplicativo Viagem de Galeravocêpodeprever os custos da sua viagem antes de fazê-la e dividirasdespesasdo carro com a galera de uma só vez.Saiba qual combustível está com o melhor preço,quantodinheirolevar para pagar os pedágios, a distância que vocêteráquepercorrer e o tempo de viagem. Tudo isso antes deviajar!E mais, a comparação entre combustíveis, para saber se valemaisapena usar álcool (etanol) ou gasolina pode ser usadasemconexão.On a trip with theguysthedriver usually gives bad time to share the expenses. Ithasfuel,toll, friend who will pay now, friend who will paylater,cashing mypart of it, cashing my part of it, is a mess.Using your Smart Phone with Galera Travel app you canpredictthecost of your trip before you do it and split the carexpenseswiththe guys at once.Know which fuel is at the best price, how much money totaketopay the tolls, the distance you have to travel and traveltime.Allthis before you travel!Moreover, the comparison of fuel to see if moreworthusingalcohol (ethanol) or gasoline can be usedwithoutconnection.
Inglês para viagem 10.0.9
Realtest Inc
Phrases in English travel! Free and works offline! - City & Travel Guide
***The award winning App is yourguideto discovering the best places to Play, Eat and Stay thatareperfect for you, at home or while traveling*** uses your interests, the time of day, the localweather,and your location to help you discover the bestattractions,events, restaurants and hotels:* Get recommendations whether you’re a foodie, a nightlife lover,afamily traveler or more* Get timely suggestions to grab dinner, brunch, coffee, dessertandmore based on the time & day of the week* Get ideas for things to do based on the weather for thosesunny,rainy or even cloudy days* Discover local gems and fresh places to go while at home, andseethe most popular places when visiting or exploring a newcity* Explore ideas for a weekend getaway nearby or get inspiredbyexploring one of's 60,000 destinations acrosstheglobe* Book & save on hotels recommended by the community-compare prices across Expedia,,,Priceline,Hotwire and more* Read from over +1M member reviews so you never missouton insider tips* Give back & share your experiences by creating postcards&reviews of your adventures with fun, custom photofilters* Join the community to participate in local andgloballeaderboards, show off your travel expertise, collect badges&moreTOP APP* Named “New & Noteworthy” in more than 20 countries* Winner "Best Travel Apps" - Time Magazine, Mashable, Travel&Leisure* "Your secret weapon for having fun in your hometown" -BusinessInsiderNote: Continued use of GPS running the background candramaticallydecrease battery life.
ViajaNet: voos e hotéis 4.4.0
Plan your trip from start to finish with no surprises and savetimeand money
Cheap flights and airline tickets — Jetradar
Cheap airline tickets at your fingertips.TheJetradar app compares airfare deals from hundreds ofairlinesand travel agencies, sending great deals on airlineticketsdirectly to your smartphone, tablet, or another mobiledevice.Flight booking made easy. Download the Jetradar app today tostartyour flight search!Top Trending App and TOP Developer awards byGooglePlay.---Features:---Jetradar gives you access to these incredible features,deliveringthe cheap airline tickets you deserve:• Comprehensive Search Engine: Jetradar comparesairfaredeals from 1,038 regular, charter, and low-cost airlines.Compareflight ticket prices from hundreds of travel agencies andbookingsystems, too. Great deals on air tickets and flightsawait.• Explore options with Price map: A convenient pricemapdisplays cheap plane tickets across several destinations. Pickaplace, book flights with peace of mind, and save. Low-costairlinescan take you places you’ve always wanted to see!• Price calendar with cheapest flights: Are you flexible?Flya few days before or after your chosen date and save up to 70%onyour airline tickets price! Air tickets prices can varydepending onthe day or week. Book flights knowing you’re gettingthe best deal.Airline tickets booking is finally easy.• Personal profile: Browse your flight searching,favoriteflights, alerts, passenger info — everything issynchronized acrossall devices in your personal profile. Cheapplane tickets aren'tall we’re here for; we want you to have apersonalizedexperience!Discovering cheap airfares and deals on low-cost airlines isnotenough? Jetradar offers a number of valuable additional featurestodeliver the best airline tickets booking experience:Favorites: Find cheap airfares but think they might get cheaper?Addairfare search results to your "Favorites" list — trackplanetticket price changes instantly! Jetradar sendsautomaticnotifications about airfare changes, giving you the chanceto bookairline tickets at the cheapest prices, every time.History: A comprehensive archive organizes all your previousflightsearching. With a tap of your finger, view every air ticketdealyou've scored and every plane ticket you've ever purchased.Airfaresearch history provides a detailed account of cheap airfaresacrosslow-cost airlines.Flight statistics: Check baggage allowance, delayinformation,aircraft models, and even who’s running your flight.Who knew planetickets could come with so much? We do more thanproviding deals onflight tickets, we give you the juicydetails.Flexible Filtering Options: Search for cheap airline ticketshoweveryou want, whenever you want. Narrow flight searches by anumber ofstops, total price, journey time, stopover duration, andmore.Jetradar even provides recommendations for cheap flightsbased onyour preferences! Flight tickets booking made easy.Sharing: Easily share cheap plane tickets via severalmessagingservices. Great air tickets and flights for the perfectjourneywith friends or family. You don’t have to be the only onewithawesome airplane tickets!Jetradar is designed to make flight booking easy, helpingyoucompare cheap flights with convenience. Find unbeatable dealsonairline tickets from American Airlines and AllegiantAirlines.Whether you're looking for domestic flights, internationalflights,or last minute deals on flight tickets — it doesn'tmatter.Jetradar empowers you by delivering all the cheap airlineticketsavailable, and other helpful options you need when trying tobookflights with great airfare deals. Get the best air ticketsprice,every time.*NOTE: The Jetradar app helps you find cheap flights from A to B.Wedon’t sell airplane tickets. We look for the best airfaresavailableand lead you to airline and agency websites to bookairline tickets.We’d love to hear more about your flight searchand flight bookingexperience!
Travel Interpreter Phrasebook 3.2.5
Turn your android device into a personal interpreter for up to33languages
Citymaps: Offline Map & Guides 3.7.3
Citymaps is a map made for travelers. Itisyour one travel guide and works free online and offline. Wehelpyou decide where to sleep, what to see, where to eat, and whattodo. We cover every country and city around the world. Foreachdestination you get offline maps, offline routing, and offlinecityguides. With Citymaps, you can:Plan your perfect trip, with tips from local experts andyourfriends’ favorite spots.Save all the places you love or want to go in mapcollections.Get personalized suggestions to surprise you with hidden gemstodiscover.Book attraction tickets, experiences and guided tours right fromtheapp.Share your adventures with all your friends.As featured in the New York Times, The Wall StreetJournal,TechCrunch, Fast Company, and MashableIf you have any questions, contact us at [email protected] to every email.Follow us!Facebook:
Mala de Viagem 1.0
La Familia
O aplicativo possui uma interfacesimplesefuncional de fácil entendimento. Auxiliando na organizaçãodesuamala evitando assim que você esqueça algo para trás.The applicationhasasimple and functional interface easy to understand.Helpingtoorganize your bag thus preventing youforgetsomethingbehind.
Sygic Travel Maps Offline & Trip Planner 5.16.2
Discover things to do anywhere you go andbuilda personal travel guide for your trip. Sygic Travel Mapscombinedetailed offline maps with information from Sygic Traveleditors,Wikipedia and other sources to create an ultimate app foreverytraveler.20 MILLION PLACESSights, museums, parks, cafés, restaurants, hotels,beaches,waterfalls, caves or even bird observatories. Whetheryou're atourist up to sightseeing, out on a shopping trip or aromanticweekend getaway, we've got you covered.PHOTOS & DESCRIPTIONSPopular places come with descriptions, photos, openinghours,admission fees, links and additional data written byprofessionaltravel editors or sourced from Wikipedia and otherdatabases.360° VIDEOS - NEW!Take a look around top sights in exclusive 360° videos. Over500professional videos from Prague, Barcelona, Valencia,Madrid,Granada, Seville, Marrakech, Gran Canaria, Porto, Lisbon,Athens,Istanbul, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Vienna.360°videos also support Cardboard.MAPS DESIGNED FOR TRAVELERSDetailed maps based on data adjusted forwalkingand exploring your destination. Built-in search andGPS-basedwalking directions and tight integration with the SygicGPSNavigation.WORLDWIDE OFFLINE MAPSBuy Sygic Travel Premium to use the app without anyinternetconnection, including unlimited offline maps download andwalkingnavigation.ADVANCED TRIP PLANNERBuild a complete day-to-day itinerary for your trip withaneasy-to-use trip planner. See estimated travel times andwalkingdistances and keep realistic plans. Invite your friendstocollaborate on your trips.POWERFUL SEARCH AND FILTERSFind any place by name or address. Use filters to showattractions,museums, shopping malls, restaurants, bars down to artgalleriesfeaturing Van Gogh paintings.TOURS AND ACTIVITIESFind the best sightseeing tours, cruises, or even localcuisinecooking classes. Buy skip-the-line tickets to topattractionsstraight from the app.ACCOMMODATIONFind a hotel, hostel, apartment or b&b. Add it to your tripandsee it in your daily itinerary including travel times. Bookyouraccommodation with straight from the app.FODOR'S TRAVEL GUIDESBuy Sygic Travel Premium and read insightful reviews and cityguidesfrom Fodor's and find hidden gems in your destination. Cityguidesare available (also offline) in 20 destinations includingLondon,Paris, New York City, Rome, Barcelona, San Francisco, LasVegas,...USE ON ALL DEVICESYour trips will sync automatically between all your devices andourweb planner available at https://travel.sygic.comGET IN TOUCH WITH USCheck out our online travel maps at https://travel.sygic.comFollow us on Twitter: us on Facebook: our support team: [email protected]
Quanto Custa Viajar 1.2
O Quanto Custa Viajar te ajuda acalcularosgastos de uma viagem. Com mais de 230 destinos ao redordomundo,agrega valores de passagem aérea, atraçõesturísticas,transportes,alimentação, hospedagem e, através de umacalculadorasimula todosos gastos.Para realizar o cálculo, além da quantidade de diasquepretendeficar no destino, você informa também o seu perfildeviajante:Baixo custo (mochileiro), Econômico ou Conforto.Baixe agora o aplicativo e descubra quanto custaviajarSantiago,Paris, Nova York, Londres, Orlando, etc.SOBRE O APLICATIVO/SITEO Quanto Custa Viajar é uma ferramenta que informa ospreçosdosprincipais custos de uma viagem, mas não emite reservas ouvendadepassagens/entradas. Não nos responsabilizamospelospreçosinformados, consulte sempre o site oficial dofornecedor.The How MuchTravelhelpsyou calculate the expenses of a trip. With morethan230destinations around the world, adds airfarevalues,touristattractions, transportation, food, lodging andthrough acalculatorsimulates all expenses.To perform the calculation, and the amount of days youwanttostay on the target, you also tell your traveler profile:Lowcost(backpacker), economic or comfort.Now download the application and find out how much itcoststotravel Santiago, Paris, New York, London, Orlando, etc.ON THE APPLICATION / SITEThe How Much Traveling is a tool that informs the prices ofthemajorcosts of a trip, but does not issue reservations orticketsales /ticket. We are not responsible for the reportedprices,always referto the official vendor site.
Viajando Barato Pelo Mundo 1.7
Cheap Deals Disclosure and travel tips.
Worldpackers: Travel the World 2.128.1
Travel with purpose while you volunteer and learn with ourcommunity
Nossa Viagem 1.0.2
A INCENTIVARE BRASIL EVENTOS E TURISMO é uma empresaespecializadaem logística para eventos empresariais (nacionais einternacionais)e viagens de incentivo, aliando serviçospersonalizados ediferenciados a preços competitivos. Formada poruma equipe de 55colaboradores e localizada em São Paulo com sedeprópria, aIncentivare trabalha com uma equipe de profissionais deturismo,comunicação e marketing, e atua com métodos adequados paraa buscade soluções criativas e compatíveis com o budget de cadacliente. Aequipe da Incentivare soma décadas de trabalho em viagensdeincentivo e eventos dos mais diversos tipos, realizados emvárioslocais do Brasil e do exterior. O nosso objetivo é garantiraqualidade total dos nossos serviços em um padrão deatendimentoúnico que abrange todas as necessidades do mercado.Incentivar, omelhor destino para seu evento.
Cheap Flights Booking Travel 1.3
Cheap flights from hundreds of airlinesandtravel agents globally.The Cheapflights app helps you search, compare and bookMillions of people find cheap tickets with us every year. onlastminute flights, domestic flights, international flights,cheapairline tickets and low-cost airfare, the cheapest flightsanddeals are just a download away.Our flight comparison service is simple and completely free touse.All you need to do is search, filter and book your flights. Wewillthen send you directly to the airline or travel agent to bookyourplane tickets without any hidden fees.✓ Search and compare cheap flights to your destinationforfree✓ Find the cheapest days to fly with our interactive PriceCalendarand Chart View✓ Find just what you’re looking for by searching for flights bycityor airport✓ See just the flights that fit your price range, airport,airlines,number of stops, take-off and landing times✓ Filter results by the cheapest flight, the quickest flight orahappy balance between the two✓ Save flights from your search results to compare andbooklater✓ Log in to apply your flight search criteria across allyourdevices for a seamless experience✓ Take a look at checked baggage and seat reservation fees soyou’realways prepared before booking✓ Stay up-to-date on maximum carry-on or hand-luggage sizesandweights to avoid extra baggage costs✓ See a snapshot of your selected flight dates and times so youcanreview before booking✓ When you’ve found your perfect flight tickets, we will sendyoudirectly to the airline or travel agent to bookFind cheap flight tickets to Jakarta, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur,HongKong, Bangkok and other countries around the world with ourhugeselection of cheap tickets from low-cost and full-serviceairlines:AirAsia, Jetstar, Tigerair, Lion Air, Citilink, Firefly,Nok Air,Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Cathay Pacific,GarudaIndonesia, Emirates, Thai Airways, Lufthansa, KLM, AirFrance,Etihad Airways, traveloka, nusatrip,wego, agoda, booking.comandmany more.For hotel booking, get amazing hotel deals on hand-selectedhotelsfrom cheap to 5 star luxury hotels in major destinationsincludingSingapore, Malaysia, Bangkok, Japan: Hilton, Red PlanetHotel,Ibis, Novotel, Aston, Best Western, Fragrance Hotel,Marriott,Santika, Millennium & Copthorne, etc.Fly with the best. Fly with us!Find cheap flights and hotels with us now.Search, compare and book flights with the award-winningSkyscannerflight comparison app!Search millions of flights from hundreds of airlines instantlyforfree, making it easier than ever to find the best airfare.Looking for Cheap Flights Ticket for Malaysia? Search nomore!This app provide easy access to all top airlines flightsMalaysia.Domestic and international flights bookings. Search forlow-fareand cheap tickets for your dream destination.Features:* Search and book flights directly from;-AirAsia-Malaysia Airlines (MAS)-Rayani Air-Malindo Air-Firefly*Check flight status.
Segue Viagem 4.3.0
Segue Viagem Magazine. Tourism trends collection.
Lonely girls. Travel guide 60.26.18
I am a girl. I love to travel alone, andyou?The best and funniest way for girls to get acquainted withnewplaces and gain self-confidence - is solo travel. Undoubtedly,thistrip will be a wonderful life experience for you. Yet, thisdoesnot mean that you should become reckless and do things whichyouwould never did at home. So, try to find a balance betweenthesearch for life experience and your own safety. After all, itisvery important at any trip. What could be more romantic, thantofind your ideal man on the Cote d'Azur in exotic and summermood?But, it is important to evaluate your new friend, if he hasgoodintentions, because a girl traveling alone, may become a targetforlocal gigolo.When you travel to a new country or city, you should get asmuchinformation, about it, as possible, from all available sources.Forexample, when planning a trip to romantic Paris, you havetheoption to find someone who will be able to share with youtheexperience in on-line chat, and in the video chat to talkaboutinteresting and outstanding places of this city. Maybe, luckwillbe on your side and you will be able to agree on a tour!When I was traveling alone, I received the necessary experiencethatI want to share with you! With this APP, I want to save youfrom themistakes that I made. Here, I will tell you how to protectyourselffrom thieves, what to pack in your suitcase, where shouldyou go?These and many other tips are waiting for you in thison-line guidefor independent solo women.Each person gets his own experience in a variety of travel.But,this does not mean, that they will make the right conclusionsfromthese situations. And so, it is better, to talk in video chatanddiscuss all the details of your trip, and it is desirabletocomment my advice, refine them, based on your ownexperience.People may ask, are you lonely or alone? How you reallyfeel whenyou travel solo? I can just answer, that female travellingalonecan get much more fun then if she is travelling withfriends.Download the app, read my advices and talk with me in videochat. Iam doing it for you!The license for all photos used in app is obtainedfromshutterstock
Travel Interpreter Select 3.1.4
"Travel Interpreter Select" is a talking,illustratedphrasebookwhich translates 270 of the most commonEnglish words andphrasesinto 33 languages. The app givesyou theunique abilitytocommunicate abroad without any special languageskills, as itcansimply speak the translated phrase for you. Simpletounderstandillustrations help make communication eveneasier.Advancedversions of the phrasebooks, with more than2,200illustrated wordsand phrases, are available from directlywithinthe app. You alsocan purchase a set containing all 33targetlanguages. This optionwill save you money if you need morethan onetarget language. Anadvanced version of “Travel Interpreter”withall 33 languages andmore than 2,200 illustrated words andphrasesis also available onGoogle Play. With Travel InterpreterSelect youget: • 270illustrated words and phrases with audio tracksfrom theBasicscategory per language, free of charge. • Up to 33targetlanguages:German, French, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (LatinAmerica),Italian,Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil),Danish, Dutch,Finnish,Swedish, Norwegian, Polish, Czech, Slovak,Russian,Bulgarian,Greek, Hungarian, Romanian, Turkish, Chinese,Japanese,Korean,Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, Hindi, Vietnamese, Farsi,Catalan,Romanian,Croatian and Ukrainian. • Includes phoneticspelling forthefollowing languages: German, French, Spanish(Spain),Spanish(Latin America), Italian, Portuguese(Portugal),Portuguese(Brazil), Danish, Polish, Czech, Hungarian,Chinese,Japanese,Korean, Russian, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi,Farsi andThai. •All phrases are spoken by native speakers. • Fastfull textsearchfunction, including partial word search. • Favoritescategoryforsaving words and phrases in to your own list andtosynchronizebetween different devices using lexi24 service.•Exercise based onthe flashcard drill concept, so that you canlearnwords andphrases from your favorites list. • All contentstored onthedevice, no internet connection required for use. Youonly needtodownload the requiredl anguages once. • Each entryisillustrated,making communication even easier. • Very simple tousefor allages.
Voopter: voos p/ suas viagens
Savings to travel in 2022? Receive price alerts for airlinetickets.