Top 21 Apps Similar to DataSymbol Barcode Scanner

Coupon Barcode Scanner
Scan and validate coupon QR Codes or 1D barcodes displayed onphonescreens.
Barcode Scanner Handy Shopping 11
Free Apps Dev
Your Best Choice For Barcode Scanner!"Barcode Scanner - HandyShopping" is a powerful tool thatallowsauto-scanning of multiple barcode formats by your phonecamera. (QRCode, Data Matrix, EAN 8/13, Code39, Code128, etc.)By "Barcode Scanner - HandyShopping", you can also shareyourcontacts, apps, bookmarks or specialized text via QR Code.
Vehicle Barcode Scanner Lite
Simply and accurately scan any linearVINbarcode and quickly share the VIN through email or SMS.Pixo's Vehicle Barcode Scanner is uniquely optimized toaccuratelyscan linear VIN barcodes — including through windshieldglare andin a variety of indoor/outdoor lighting situations. NOTE:This appdoes NOT provide additional information about the vehiclebeyondbasic year and make.How it works:• Launch the app. No logins or accounts are needed.• Position your smartphone camera over the barcode, so thebarcodefills the screen. There is no button to push. The appwillautomatically scan the barcode after it focuses.• For best results, wipe dust and dirt away before attemptingtoscan.• Use the Light button to illuminate the barcode ifnecessary.More tips and a how-to video are available on our websiteat's VIN barcode scanning technology is also available tolicensefor your own mobile application development. See our websitefordetails.
Fast Scanner - PDF Scan App 4.6.4
Fast Scanner : Turn your Android device into a portable scanner.
Pic2shop PRO Barcode Scanner 7.1
Vision Smarts
Build your own barcode-enabled app. Simply configure the URLofyourweb application, and use pic2shop PRO to scanbarcodes,transmit thecode to your server, and interact with theresults.The embedded webbrowser supports HTML5, CSS, cookies,javascript,https, etc. Youcan easily and inexpensively build a richbarcodescanning app foryour own or your company's use. For example,giveyour employeesaccess to a product information or an assettrackingapp on theirAndroid phone, over the internet or yourintranet.Before you buy,you can try our free app pic2shop, to makesure thebarcode scanneris what you need. Pic2shop and pic2shop PROreadEAN-13 and UPC-Abarcodes (the ones found on virtually allretailpackages and books)and QR code. Pic2shop PRO alsoreadsDataMatrix, all GS1 Databarvariants, EAN+2 (magazines),EAN+5(book prices), EAN-8, UPC/E,Code39, Code93, Code128, ITF,Std2of5,Codabar, and Telepen. WE DONOT PROVIDE THE HOSTING SERVICENOR THEWEB APPLICATION. YOU ARERESPONSIBLE FOR DEVELOPING THEWEBAPPLICATION AND HOSTING IT ONYOUR OWN SERVER. There are fourmainconfiguration settings: 1.Barcode formats: select one or moreof:EAN-13, UPC-A, EAN-8, UPC-E,EAN+2, EAN+5, ITF (Interlaced 2 of5),Std2of5, Code 39, Code 93,Code 128, Codabar (NW-7, USD-4),GS1Databar Omnidirectional, GS1Databar Expanded, GS1 DatabarLimited,QR, DataMatrix, that thescanner will try to decode. 2. HomePageURL: the url of the webpage displayed when the applaunches(optional). 3. Barcode LookupURL: the url of the web pagefetchedwhen a barcode is scanned ortyped. The url must contain thestring"CODE", which will bereplaced by the actual barcode digits,andoptionally the string"FORMAT", which will be replaced bythesymbology of the scannedbarcode. That is how thebarcodeinformation is transmitted to yourweb app, and how theinitialresponse is displayed to the user. 4.Send GPS coordinates:add a"&gps=latitude,longitude" to thelookup URL (where latitudeandlongitude are replaced by actualcoordinates). Please note thatyoucan include as many parameters asyou like in either URL, theywillbe passed as is to your server.For example, you could give toeachuser a URL with a different"&userid=NNN" parametertoautomatically identify them with theweb application. Otheroptionsare: -sound, -vibration, and -gostraight to scanner when theapplaunches. A quick and reliable toconfigure pic2shop PRO istodisplay a link to each user on a webpage. When they click thelinkafter they have installed pic2shopPRO, the app will launch andthethree parameters will be setautomatically. The link hastheform:p2spro://configure?lookup={lookupURL}&home={homeURL}&gps={True|False}whereanyspecial character in lookupURL and homeURL is replaced byits%encoding. For example, to make pic2shop PRO lookuptheUPCdatabase:p2spro://configure?lookup=http%3A// demo with source codeat Welook forward to thecreativeuses you will make of pic2shop PRO. Donot hesitate to dropus aline at the support email address to tellus about it.
Wireless Barcode Scanner, Full 3.11.2
Use your smartphone or tablet as a wireless barcode scannerforyourPC, Mac or Linux box. The scanned bar-codesareimmediatelyavailable for further processing via a Bluetooth,TCP/IPorWebSocket connection. This app is a cost-savingalternativetohandheld wireless/cordless/radio barcode scanners; itquicklyandreliably scans all common linear and 2D bar-codes.Installationanduse is very simple. Just start the app, establish aconnectionwithyour computer and scan barcodes remotely with asingle tap.EASY TOUSE Bar-codes are detected and decoded quickly.Thescannedbarcodes are stored in the history on the device. Batchmodeforbulk scanning is supported. Wireless BarcodeScannerprovidesprefix and suffix configuration and an adjustablecharacterset fordecoding barcodes. The app notifies you aboutthecurrentconnection status to the target system andshowsfailedbarcode-scans immediately. FREE DEMO This is a freedemoversion.It replaces barcode data with a demo text on anirregularbasis.All other features are identical to thefullversion(market://details?[email protected] for volume or enterpriselicensing(installationwithout Google Play). INTERFACES WirelessBarcodeScannercommunicates via Bluetooth, TCP (server and clientmode)orWebSockets with remote systems: Bluetooth: The app canbeoperatedas Bluetooth Master supporting the serial portprofile(BluetoothSPP). Once connected to the computer, the barcodedatacan bereceived via a virtual serial port (RS232 orCOM-port).TCP/IP: Youcan also configure Wireless Barcode Scanner touseTCP/IP forcommunicating with a remote system. TCP server andTCPclient modeare supported. Websocket: Finally, WirelessBarcodeScanner canoperate as a WebSocket server. A suitably createdHTML5page isable to communicate with the app easily. VOLUME LICENSEForvolumeor enterprise licensing (without the need for aGooglePlayaccount) contact [email protected]. A free demo versionisavailablein the Google Playstore(see We highly appreciate your feedback! Forquestionsorsuggestions please contact [email protected].
LoMag Barcode Scanner to Excel 1.41
A completely free barcode scanner enablingyouto save data to Excel. You can change your phone into adatacollector without any limitations to the amount of collectedcodes,completely free of charge. An application usefulforinventory-making and other logistic processes at the warehouse.Theoutput file may be quickly sent via e-mail.The barcode reader supports the following code formats:- codes on products: EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, UPC-A, UPC-E- industrial codes: Codabar, Code 128, Code 93, Code 39,ITF,RSS- 2D codes: QR Code, Data MatrixThe most important functions of the application:- Continuous scanning of successive barcodes with quantity 1- Barcode scanning and input of quantity from keybord- Barcode scanning and input of quantity and price- Scanning of barcode and serial numberSupport of many data sets, which may be named and browsed. Datasetsmay be saved in Microsoft Excel format compatible with version97and newer. The app allows you to send files via e-mail or savethemon an SD card.There is also a possibility of continuing the scanning intheselected data set.The Excel files created by LoMag barcode scanner arefullycompatible with LoMag Inventory Management.Basing on the files, you can create the following documentsinLoMag:- GRN (Goods Received Note), e.g. delivery of a given item tothewarehouse;- GIN (Goods Issued Note), e.g. sale of an item;- GRN correction (Return to supplier), e.g. return of a faultybatchof items;- GIN correction (Return from customer), e.g. return from acustomeras a result of a claim;- Stock level correction note, e.g. loss of item atthewarehouse;- Interbranch Transfer e.g. transfer of a part of a given stocktoanother building:- Discount document (Change in the item’s value), e.g. a decreaseinprices resulting in a drop in the value of a given item;- Internal GRN (Internal Goods Received Note), e.g. reception ofanitem of own production;- Internal GIN, e.g. issuance of a given item to an employee;- Inventory sheet, which forms a basis for inventory-making- Inventory of the whole warehouse- Opening Balance, i.e. the initial stock level uponthecommencement of operations with the program.Please note:To perform the scan, your device needs to be equipped with acamerawith autofocus function.Privacy: barcode scanner used in the app operates on ZXinglibrary.
Inventario - Barcode Scanner + 1
Inventario è un software dedicatoallarevisionedelle giacenze di prodotti tramite l’utilizzodibarcode.L’applicazione utilizza le risorse deldispositivo(fotocamera e/oscanner bluetooth) per leggere il codicea barredegli articoli.Dopo aver indicato quali informazioni sono necessarieperogniarticolo, l’utente può procedere al caricamentodellapropriaanagrafica manualmente o tramite file.Leggendo un barcode l’utente può verificare la giacenzaattualedelprodotto e aggiungerne un quantitativo extra oppure,sel’articolonon è presente in anagrafica, può decidere diinserirloin fase dilettura.E’ possibile modificare in qualsiasi momento la giacenzadeiprodotti(anche senza l’utilizzo del loro barcode) e vienefornitouno storicocontenente le ultime 10 operazioni che hannomodificatole quantitàdegli articoli.Una volta terminata l’operazione, il cliente potràdecidereseesportare il file in formato CSV o in TXT perpoterlovisualizzareed elaborare comodamente su PC.Installando l’app su diversi dispositivi è possibilesuddividereilproprio magazzino in parti, assegnando ad ogniperifericalapropria zona, per poi unificarli tramite lafunzione“incorporafile”.Funzionalità:• Anagrafica articoli personalizzatao Scheda prodotti con immaginio Selezionare le informazioni memorizzate in anagraficao Visualizzare solo parte delle informazioni degliarticoli(VersioneTablet)o Ricerca personalizzata• Due diverse modalità di lettura: FotocameraoscannerBluetooth• Inserimento di articoli in anagrafica durante ilprocessodilettura• Possibilità di modificare la giacenza senza eseguirescansioni(dascheda prodotto)• Log delle ultime 10 scansioni e modifiche• Importazione ed esportazione dell’anagraficaarticoliconrelativa giacenza (CSV, TXT)• Unione delle giacenze di più file (funzionalitàIncorporafile)• Utilizzo di effetti sonori per notificare ilrisultatodellascansione all’utentePer eventuali problemi consultare ladocumentazionedisponibileall’ eventuali feedback o suggerimenti utilizzare lafunzioneinviaun’email allo sviluppatoreL’app è disponibile in due versioni:• Gratuita: contiene banner pubblicitari, ma permettel’utilizzoditutte le funzionalità• A pagamento: non contiene banner pubblicitariInventory isasoftwarededicated to the review of existing stocks ofproductsthrough theuse of barcode. The application uses theresources ofthe device(camera and / or scanner bluetooth) to readthe barcodeof items.After indicating what information is needed for eachitem,theuser can proceed to the loading of your registry manuallyorviafile.Reading a barcode the user can check the current stock oftheproductand add an extra amount or, if the item is not presentintheregistry, it may decide to insert it into being read.And 'possible to modify at any time the storage ofproducts(evenwithout the use of their barcode) and comes inahistoriccontaining the last 10 operations that have changedthequantity ofthe items.Once finished, the customer can choose to export the file as aCSVorTXT to be able to view and work comfortably on your PC.By installing the app on different devices you candivideyourinventory into parts, assigning each device its own area,andthenmerge them using the "incorporates file".Functionality:• Item Master personalized    or sheet products with images    o Select the information storedinthemaster    View or only partial information oftheitems(Tablet Version)    or Search personalizzata• Two different modes of reading: CameraorScannerBluetooth• Inserting items in the registry during the processofreading• Possibility to change without giacenza scan(fromproductbrochure)• Log the last 10 scans and changes• Import and export item master with relativestorage(CSV,TXT)• Union of stocks of multiple files (functionality Embed file)• Using sound effects to notify the scan result to the userIf you have any problems, please check thedocumentationavailableat: / DownloadFiles /FAQ20Inventario.pdf%If you have any feedback or suggestions use the send an emailtothedeveloperThe app is available in two versions:• Free of charge: includes banner ads, but allows the use ofallthefeatures• A payment: does not contain banner ads
Vehicle Barcode Scanner Pro 1.5
Simply and accurately scan any linearVINbarcode and quickly share the VIN through email or SMS.Pixo's Vehicle Barcode Scanner Pro is uniquely optimizedtoaccurately scan linear VIN barcodes — including throughwindshieldglare and in a variety of indoor/outdoor lightingsituations. NOTE:This app does NOT provide additional informationabout the vehiclebeyond basic year and make.Only in the Pro version:• Access previous scans in the HISTORY feature and enter MODELorNOTES.• Share, delete, or copy MULTIPLE vehicle records.• Show the LOCATION of the scan on a MAP.How it works:• Launch the app. No logins or accounts are needed.• Position your smartphone camera over the barcode, so thebarcodefills the screen. There is no button to push. The appwillautomatically scan the barcode after it focuses.• For best results, wipe dust and dirt away before attemptingtoscan.• Use the Light button to illuminate the barcode if necessary.More tips and a how-to video are available on our websiteat's VIN barcode scanning technology is also availabletolicense, see our website for details.
Formdesk Barcode Scanner 1.3.0
Formdesk Barcode Scanner app turnsyoursmartphone into an electronic registration device idealforentrance registration on your next event!* You need a account to use this app.How it works:- Sign in using your account.- Under settings: Select the “Form”, “Check / Updateidentifier”,“Identifiers to show” and set the “Process messages”setting.- Tab the “SCAN” button and scan the barcode your guest printedout.When the barcode is damaged you can use the manual input inthe leftcorner.- The app will check the “Check / Update identifier” and showyouthe result.- When the barcode matches a record in your Formdesk results andthe“Check / Update identifier” is empty the app shows “OK” andfillsthe “Check / Update identifier” using the local date andtime.Otherwise you’ll see the date and time the barcode wasscannedbefore.
PatronTicket Barcode Scanner 28.4
This is the barcode scanning app made byPatronTechnology specifically for use with PatronManager. Use theapp toscan tickets at your door on any Android device. The screenwillflash green if the ticket is good, and red if it's bad. Nowincludessupport for the Socket Mobile CHS 8Qi and Android version7.0(Nougat).
LoMag Warehouse Management FRE 1.24
Simple, intuitive inventory management software with apowerfulbarcode scanner!
Jump Desktop (RDP & VNC)
Leave your laptop behind. Enjoy the freedomtowork from anywhere.Jump Desktop is a powerful remote desktop application that letsyoucontrol your computer from your phone or tablet. Compatiblewithboth RDP and VNC, Jump Desktop is secure, reliable and veryeasy toset up. A streamlined user interface gives you the bestpossibleremote desktop experience on any of your mobile ortabletdevices.Easy setup and reliable:Jump Desktop is very easy to configure; anyone can do it!Justvisit: on your PC or Mac andfollowstep-by-step instructions. You’ll be up and running innotime.Secure and built on open standards:Jump Desktop is a true RDP and VNC client with built-in supportforencryption. It lets you connect to your computer using anIPaddress or hostname, if you already have RDP or VNC configuredonit.Powerful features:Unleash the full power of your phone or tablet while connectedtoyour computer. Multitouch ready - pinch-to-zoom and twofingerscrolling make controlling your computer easy andproductive.Jump's multi-threaded rendering engine has been finetuned forAndroid. Jump's VNC and RDP engine is one of the fastestyou'llfind on Android.If you need help, visit or emailusat: [email protected]:✓ Multi-protocol: supports RDP and VNC✓ Multi-touch ready: Pinch-zoom, two finger scrolling,mousedragging all supported. Even three finger taps are supportedtoquickly show and hide the keyboard.✓ Easy and secure setup: Automatically configure your PC or Macforremote access using Wi-Fi and 3G without worrying about yourroutersettings. Use your Google account to setup and managecomputersautomatically (optional)✓ SSH Tunnel support (new!)✓ The best external keyboard and mouse support on Android:Supportsall external keyboard keys and shortcuts. Right mouseclickssupported too with external mice - all natural, PClike!✓ Universal application: Works on tablets and phones - buy itonlyonce and use it on all your Android devices✓ Full support for multitasking: Switch to other appswithoutdisconnecting✓ Supports large custom screen resolution✓ Full mouse support: left and right clicks, dragging,scrolling,precision pointer movementRDP features:✓ Touch redirection support for Windows 8 and Server 2012✓ Tested on: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8,Server2003, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012, SBSServer✓ Secure: 40/56/128bit RDP, TLS/SSL, FIPS and NLAauthenticationsupport✓ Supports 8, 16 and 24-bit colors and all RDPperformanceoptions✓ Multiple monitor support on Windows 7 and above✓ Console sessions✓ Audio streaming✓ RD Gateway supportVNC features:✓ Tested with Mac OS X, TightVNC, RealVNC, UltraVNC, Linux(UbuntuRemote Desktop)✓ Secure: Supports SSL encryption when used with Jump'sautomaticsetup instructions:✓ 8, 16-bit color✓ OS X Screen Sharing support✓ Multiple monitor support✓ Supported encodings: copyrect, zrle, tight, (zlib)hextile,zlib,rre, raw, desktop-resize
Generador códigos de barras 1.0
Con esta aplicación podrás generarcódigosdebarras con una gran cantidad de codificacionesposibles:- AZTEC- CODABAR- CODE 128- CODE 39- CODE 93- EAN 13- EAN 8- ITF- MAXICODE- PDF 417- QR CODE- RSS 14- RSS EXPANDED- UPC A- UPC E- UPC EAN EXTENSIONAdemás una vez los tengas generados podrás enviarlosaotrodispositivo o guardarlos en tu galería de fotos.With thisapplicationyoucan generate bar codes with a large numberofpossibleencodings:- AZTEC- Codabar- CODE 128- CODE 39- CODE 93- EAN 13- EAN 8- ITF- MAXICODE- PDF 417- QR CODE- RSS 14- RSS EXPANDED- UPC A- UPC E- UPC EAN EXTENSIONAlso once you have generated can be sent to another deviceorsavethem to your photo gallery.
LoMag Warehouse Management PRO 1.25
This is the full version of “LoMag Inventory ManagementFREE"withoutlimitations on amounts of items and documents,additionallyenablingyou to: - Import data from Excel - Clean alldata - Createbackupcopy - Restore backup copy - the purchase ofthe fullversionautomatically transfers the data from the FREEversion Themostimportant characteristics of the program: - inbuiltbarcodescanneremploying the camera of a mobile device - stocklevel as ata givendate and hour exportable to Excel - warehousedocuments:GoodsReceived Note, Goods Issued Note, Inventory -adding itemstodocuments by scanning codes or browsing the itemlist - historyofwarehouse transfers for a chosen item - browsingthroughwarehousehistory of documents and their content - editingorremoving thelast warehouse document - quick search of items bynamesor codes -editing the item list, ascribing codes with ascanner -adding ownunits of measurement and removing unused units- changingthe dateof the documents (introduction of historicaldata) - exportofdocuments’ content to Excel (including inventory)-expandedinventory-creating options, automatically supportingthefollowingfunctions: + displaying a list of items, which are notintheinventory, with a quick addition option + automaticaddingofoutstanding items to the inventory together withtheircurrentstock levels + automatic adding of items outstandingfromtheinventory with zero stock level + savingincompleteinventorieswith a possibility of finishing them at alater date +theprocedure of approving the inventory with anautomaticcorrectionof stock levels + report on differences beforeand aftertheinventory, with the items with different stock levelsmarkedincolour and a recap of differences and values + the deletionoftheinventory is possible during as well as afterconclusionandapproval of the inventory The support of prices isoptional.Youcan keep only a quantitative register of itemswithoutenteringprices onto the documents. If you work with prices,you canenterdifferent purchase prices for the same item. When anitemwithseveral purchase prices is issued, theprogramautomaticallyaverages the prices, in keeping with the FIFOrule.This means thatthe proposed price upon issue is a weightedaverageof purchaseprices for the items available in stock. There isalsoan option ofchanging the price manually when issuing items,orentering yourown selling price not related to the purchaseprice.Whenconducting an inventory the program also proposesaweightedaverage purchase price, so that the value of the itemwouldnotchange, if the stock did not change. The inventory alsoallowsyouto change the values of the items manually. The inventoryisadocument which defines amounts and values of items anew –sowhenissuing items the program analyses the item history sincethelastinventory. The incorporated barcode reader recognizesthefollowingcode formats: codes on products: EAN-13, EAN-8,ISBN,UPC-A, UPC-Eindustrial codes: Codabar, Code 128, Code 93, Code39,ITF, RSStwo-dimensional codes: QR Code, Data Matrix For thereaderto workcorrectly, the camera should be equipped withautofocus andflashfor illuminating the codes in dark rooms. Withoutthesefunctionsthe recognition of codes may be impossible, or itmayrequireplacing the code at an appropriate distance from thecamera,sothat it captures focus. You can also use an externalreader,e.g.Bluetooth operating as a keyboard entering the codes.Thebarcodemay be any string of signs, not necessarily a concretetypeofcode. The field may also be used for another purpose, e.g.asaunique index, which will facilitate finding the item.Thebarcodesin the database must be unique. The programfeaturesanincorporated user manual and the possibility ofcontactingitscreators. Privacy:
The Home Depot Pro App 2.3.3
The free Home Depot Pro app is here tohelpcontractors, painters, plumbers, roofers, and otherconstructionprofessionals save time. Stay on the job site while youcheck yourlocal store’s inventory and order all your materials. Wemake iteasy for you to buy the product you need, and we’ll haveeverythingbundled and ready for you to pick up today.With the app, you can:- Check real-time store inventory- Easily reorder the items you buy the most- Find all your items at the closest store- Review your past purchases and e-receipts- Shop 700,000+ products online
Microsoft Remote Desktop
With the Microsoft Remote Desktop app, youcanconnect to a remote PC and your work resources fromalmostanywhere. Experience the power of Windows with RemoteFX in aRemoteDesktop client designed to help you get your work donewherever youare.Getting Started+ Windows Professional and Windows Server editions are supported.Ifyou have the home edition of Windows, you need to upgrade to aProversion before you can use the app. Check out the FAQ formoreinformation on which OS editions are supported for the app andtoconnect to with theapp: Configure your PC for remote access first. Download theRDassistant to your PC and let it do the work foryou: Learn more about remote desktop appshere: Access to remote resources through your RemoteDesktopGateway+ Rich multi-touch experience with remote desktop protocol (RDP)andRemoteFX supporting Windows gestures+ Secure connection to your data and applications withbreakthroughNetwork Layer Authentication (NLA) technology+ Simple management of all remote connections from theconnectioncenter+ High quality video and sound streaming with improvedcompressionand bandwidth usage+ Support for Azure RemoteApp
Splashtop 2 Remote Desktop
Splashtop is the easiest, fastest,secureremote desktop app for accessing your Windows or Mac computerusingyour Android phone or tablet, from anywhere andatanytime!Over 15 million users are enjoying Splashtop today, and youshouldtoo!Use Splashtop for free to access your computer on the localnetworkwith best-in-class video streaming performance. Get fullaccess toALL of your applications, documents, emails, full browserwithFlash and Java support, and games. Also get full access toyourentire media library and documents. And more!Beyond that, Remote Camera feature in Splashtop also enables youtocheck on people, places and things with the live videostreamingfrom your computer’s webcam remotely.To access your computer from across the Internet, subscribetoAnywhere Access Pack via In-App Purchase.====================License:You may access up to 5 computers via your Splashtop Account.Splashtop Personal is for non-commercial use only, i.e. use ittoaccess your personal computers for non-work relatedpurposes.For commercial use in a professional environment, pleaseuseSplashtop Business which is designed for the workplaceofferingenhanced manageability, security, andcompliance( SPLASHTOP PERSONAL, YOU CAN:* Use your Android device to access all of the programs and filesonyour computer with 100% compatibility, including allPC/Macapplications* Use your full desktop browser with Flash and Java support,withall of your bookmarks and your favorite plug-ins* Enjoy the full video and music libraries that are playable onlyonyour computer, whatever formats they’re in* Play all the 3D games and all the Flash games* High resolution, real time video and audio streamingfromcomputer’s webcam====================Optional In-App Subscriptions:Get Anywhere Access Pack to access your computer from acrosstheInternet, via our global network of secure,high-performanceservers:- Access reliably across Internet over 3G/4G , frombehindfirewalls, etc.- Optimized streaming performance under varying networkconditionsover Wi-Fi and 3G- Fully secured via SSL with 256-bit AES encryption- Subscribe monthly for $1.99 or annually for $16.99Get Productivity Pack, which includes Configurable Shortcuts&Gamepad and Whiteboard:- Control your Windows and Mac apps and games easily withon-screenshortcuts mapped to your most commonly used functions. Usethebuilt-in profiles for popular apps or create your own.- Annotate over any live remote desktop screen. Greatforpresentations and classroom instruction.- Subscribe monthly for $1.99 or annually for $16.99See our Terms of Service and Privacy policyat* Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP, Mac OS X 10.6+ or Linux(Ubuntu12.04).* A computer with dual-core CPU is strongly recommended forbestperformance.* Internet connection is needed to use this app.* Productivity Pack is available for Android tablet only
Parallels Client (legacy)
This version of the app should be usedwithParallels Remote Application Server v15.0 and older. Downloadthe"Parallels Client" app for use with Parallels RemoteApplicationServer v15.5 or newer.---Parallels Client, when connected to the Parallels RemoteApplicationServer, provides secure access to businessapplications, virtualdesktops, and data from your device. Usingvirtualized applicationsand desktops on Parallels Client isintuitive, fast, andreliable.Parallels Remote Application Server and Parallels Client allowyouto:• Work on any device from anywhere• Access any Windows corporate application• Resize and optimize published applications for a native lookandfeelFEATURE HIGHLIGHTS• Seamless access to Windows applications on your device• On-screen mouse for easy, intuitive navigation• Higher level of security when you connect over SSL• Works with virtual desktops, terminal server/RD session host,andWindows PC host• Universal printing allows you to print from your device toanyprinter• Graphic acceleration using RemoteFXIf you have questions about Parallels Client, please visitoursupport page.For more information about Parallels Client, Remote Application Server is an industry-leadingsolutionfor virtual application and desktop delivery.
Microsoft Remote Desktop Beta
Would you like to test drive the newMicrosoftRemote Desktop Beta? You can connect to a remote PC andget yourwork done wherever you are.Getting Started- Configure your PC for remote access first. Download theRDassistant to your PC and let it do the work foryou: Learn more about remote desktop appshere: Access to remote resources through your RemoteDesktopGateway- Rich multi-touch experience with Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)andRemoteFX supporting Windows gestures- Secure connection to your data and applications withbreakthroughNetwork Level Authentication (NLA) technology- Simple management of all remote connections from theconnectioncenter- Seamless audio and video streaming
168tickets Barcode Scanner 1.0.5
Easy to use bar code scanner for168ticketsevents. Install the app, enter your key, select an event,and beginscanning.